Sitemap - 2024 - Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone

Texas Case Against Pfizer Dismissed

Dr. Joseph Sansone on Infowars The American Journal with Harrison Smith, 12-30-2024

New Appellate Case Number Assigned in Case Seeking to Prohibit mRNA injections Because They Are Bioweapons

NOT Safe And NOT Effective

Merry Christmas!

FL - Notice of Appeal Filed in Lawsuit Seeking to Prohibit mRNA Injections Because they Are Bioweapons.


Court Issues Order Denying Motion for Rehearing

Dr. Joseph Sansone on the Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson 12-18-24

Dr. Joseph Sansone on Agenda 21 Radio 12-18-2024.

Michael Yon On Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 51

UPDATE: Motion for a Hearing on Amended Motion for Rehearing

UPDATE: Motion for Rehearing Filed in Case Seeking Injunction to Prohibit mRNA Nanoparticle Injections Because they are Bioweapons

The Drone Wars: You Are Not Prepared

Drone Wars

The Fake Alien Invasion of 2024

Breaking News: New Analysis By University Of Colorado Boulder Of Dental Anesthetic Septocaine Shows Graphene Oxide And Albite (Zeolite) Nanoparticles

James Roguski on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 50

Transparent Brain-Computer Interface Uses AI and Nanotech - Novel brain-computer interface combines AI machine learning and Graphene. Chance Of AI Exterminating Humans Now At 95%

Circuit Court Dismissed Case Seeking Injunction to Prohibit mRNA Nanoparticle Injections Because they are Bioweapons

Neurohacking and Artificial Intelligence - How Easy Is It For AI To Hack Humans Without Their Knowledge? It Is Happening Now

COVID “Vaccines” Hit By New Bombshell | Media Blackout

A new paper confirms presence of DNA in COVID-19 shot vials, settles issues pertaining to DNA quantification methods, shows spike persistence and exosomal shuttling (shedding)

Breaking: Former Trump Administration HHS Senior Advisor Provides Affidavit: "mRNA nanoparticle injections, are in fact biological and technological weapons of mass destruction"

‘An Extraordinary Step’: White House Mulls 'Preemptive’ Pardon for Fauci • Children's Health Defense

The Actual Complaint Seeking Injunction to Prohibit mRNA Nanoparticle Injections Because They Are Bioweapons

Dr. Joseph Sansone on the Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson 12-4-2024

Breaking: Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Provides Affidavit: “All covid 19 vaccine mRNA gene therapies are BIOWEAPONS which means they are POISON”

Dr. Joseph Sansone on Stew Peters Discussing New Lawsuit to Prohibit mRNA Shots

Funds Needed for Litigation

BREAKING: Florida Lawsuit Seeks Injunction to Prohibit mRNA Nanoparticle Injections Because They Are Bioweapons

Florida Republican Lawmaker Introduces Legislation to BAN Weather Engineering Amid Rising Concerns Over Climate Manipulation

Happy Thanksgiving!

Odette Wilkens on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP, 49

Trump Surrounding Himself with Operation Warp Speed Accomplices

Transhuman Trap: Dr. Mihalcea Discusses Transhumanism with Jame's Grundvig on Unrestricted Truths

Hrvoje Moric On Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 48

Let's Not Blow Up the World Today

We Won The Election, Right?

Dr. James Thorp on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 47

Mandamus Final Update: 1DCA Issued Order Denying My Motions

Trump Appoints Bobby Kennedy as HHS Secretary, Dr. McCullough Says Covid Vax is a Bioweapon!

Breaking: Nano/Microbot Self Assembly Of Rubbery Clot Filmed In C19 Unvaxxed - Same as Vaxxed and Deceased Clots. Clot Develops Despite Being On Blood Thinners In Patient With Strokes & Heart Attack

Trump’s Presidency, Endless War and Police State, or America First and Freedom?

Dr. Joseph Sansone on The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson 11-12-2024

BREAKING - New Peer-Reviewed Study Calls for Immediate Global Moratorium on COVID-19 'Vaccines'

Mandamus Update: Filed Recent Study as a Supplemental Authority

Submit our Nominees For the Trump Administration

COVID Vaccines Pose 112,000% Greater Risk of Brain Clots, Strokes Than Flu Shots

Entire climate narrative shown up as a sham by Science Mag (AAAS--the biggest scientist organization in the US) and the WaPo. How long till everyone finds out?

Federal Agencies Still Targeting Trump Supporters

Trump is said to have told Netanyahu to end his war on Gaza by the inauguration. An arms embargo could end it and save face for Netanyahu.

Ret. Major Thomas Haviland On Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 46

CloutHub Election Night Event

Biden-Harris, Pfizer & Moderna SUED for Depopulation Crimes - Media Blackout

Case Against Bill Gates and Albert Bourla Moves Forward

Netherlands Case Against Bill Gates and Albert Bourla etc.

Interview On Truth Be Told With Todd Callender. Esq - TransHuman

Mises Institute in Fort Myers Florida

I Voted For Trump, Here’s Why

Update: Info On Florida Vaccine Grand Jury

Maria Zeee On Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 45

Info On Florida 'Vaccine' Grand Jury

Are Intelligence Agencies Planning to Make Voters Obsolete?

Mandamus Update: Reply to Appellees Objections Dated 10-25-2024

Daniel Nagase, M.D., on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph, EP 44

Bill Gates Must Face Vaccine-Injured in Netherlands Court

Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Dr. Joseph Sansone on Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 186 | "Transhuman Dystopia" with host James Grundvig

Mandamus Update- Appellees Objection to My Motions for Written Decision, Etc.

Stop Using the Word Gender

Dr. Joseph Sansone on Agenda 21 Radio with Paul Preston

TransHuman Author, Dr. Ana Mihalcea, M.D., PhD, on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 43

Scientist Clifford Carnicom and the National ARM Sign Landmark Intellectual Property Contract

TransHuman - The Real COVID19 Agenda Vol 1 and TransHuman - Overcoming The Depopulation Agenda Vol 2 Available Now!

The Real ID, Is A Real Problem

Petition for Writ of Mandamus with the U.S. Supreme Court

Elsa Shieder on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 42

Mandamus - Motion for a Written Decision, etc.

Judyth Vary Baker On Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 41

Mandamus Update: 1DCA Denied Appeal

Mandamus Update - Court Denied Motion for Clarification of ORDERS Denying Oral Argument Dr. Joseph Sansone

Replicon Started in Tokyo October 08, 2024

BREAKING NEWS: My wife has filed a Criminal Complaint with Edmonton Police against College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (threats & extortion) - 2500+ pages delivered to Police today!

Weather Warfare, Domestic Military Force, and Marburg

Todd Callender, Esq., on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 40

Lawyer Lisa (Miron) On Mind Matters and Everything Else With Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 39

Appalachia: Murder always happens for a reason

Dr. Rima Laibow, On Mind Matters and Everything Else With Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 38

Mandamus Update - Filed Motion for Clarification of ORDERS Denying Oral Argument

Japans Self Amplifying mRNA Vaccine - Is It Really The First Self Replicating RNA (Bio Nano) Machines Deployed On Humanity? How Dangerous Are Self Replicating Nano Machines To Life On Earth?

Mandamus Update - Court Denies Motion to Reconsider Oral Arguments

Interview On Absolute Truth With Emerald Robinson - Nanotechnology Treatments Update

Mandamus Update: Florida Department of Health's Bulletin Dated 9-12-2024 Filed as a Supplemental Authority

Dr. Joseph Sansone on The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson 9-11-2024

Breaking News: Calcium Disodium EDTA +Vitamin C Deactivates Nano/Microrobots And Dissolves All Microchips In Pfizer COVID19 "Vaccine"- Darkfield Microscopy

Mandamus - Motion to Reconsider Oral Argument

Mandamus - FL- 1DCA Denies Oral Arguments

Appellees Objection to Oral Arguments

Mandamus Update: Motion To Expedite Oral Arguments

Taking a little time off

Medical Freedom vs. Medical Tyranny Forum Michelle Utter 7-29-2024

Paid Subscriber Call with Hrvoje Moric

Attorney David Meiswinkle on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 37

Perplexity AI's Take on my Writ of Mandamus Appeal

Political Circus in an Age of Authoritarianism and Global War

Paid Subscriber Call with Hrvoje Moric

Vaccine by Cop

FBI & CISA Warn American Voters: You Won't Get 2024 Election Results!

Lawyer Lisa Miron on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 36

Breaking News: Graphene Confirmed In Dental Anesthetics By University Of Colorado

Medical Freedom vs. Medical Tyranny: Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Dr. Marivic Villa, Dr. Andrew Zywiec

BREAKING: Dr. Sansone's Reply Brief to Governor DeSantis and Attorney General Moody

Dr. Joseph Sansone on the Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson - 7-23-2024

Dr. Marivic Villa on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 35

COVID19 Bioweapons and Geoengineering Link Is Being Confirmed By People's Voice Media Reports

Mandamus Update: Court Order

Michelle Utter on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 34

Mandamus Update: Governor DeSantis and AG Moody File Answer Brief

Trump's Courageous Response to Shadow Government’s Attempted Assassination

Update on Writ of Mandamus: I Filed an Objection to a Requested 30 Day Extension

Dr. Andrew Zywiec on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, Ep 33

Why's Reid Hoffman Funding Smartmatic Lawsuits?

Update: Writ of Mandamus Appeal Status

FL - Election Integrity Revolution: Candidates Running in 11 Counties in Supervisor of Elections Primary Races, Run as a Slate to Restore the Republic!

Dr. Len Ber on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP32

The Domestic World War

9/11 discussion with Michael Roberts and AnCap Radio

Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 31

Declaration on the Principle of State Sovereignty and its Incompatibility with the Negotiating Text of the WHO “Pandemic Agreement” & “Amendments to the IHR” (7 pages signed by 16 lawyers)

Breaking: Russia warns the U.S. to brace for retaliation after Kremlin blamed Washington for missile attack that killed four in Crimea; The Kremlin has accused the U.S. of 'killing Russian children'

It's Alive! Growing Brain Matter for AI

Kansas Versus Pfizer: Good, But Not Good Enough

National American Renaissance Movement - Meeting of the Minds. Truth, Science and Spirit: Episode 25

The Devils Workshop: Globalism the True Nature of Evil - United Nations, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization by David Meiswinkle, Esq

Interview with Dr. Joseph Sansone Who is a Psychotherapist Opposed to Psychopathic Authoritarianism - Ban the C19 Jab Resolution! (Ep#31)

Dr. Joseph Sansone on the Tom Roten Show

Zombie Republic

Substack Has Gone Woke

Dr. Boyle's Transcript Filed with Affidavit: COVID 19 Injections are Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction

Dr. Joseph Sansone on The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson

National ARM Declares UN, WHO, and WEF, Terrorist Organizations

Hrvoje Moric on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 30

The Guarantees - Article Written By Attorney Michael Diamond, Fellow Board Member of National American Renaissance Movement


9th Circuit Court Rules COVID-19 mRNA Injections Are NOT Legally Vaccines

James Roguski and Dr. Joseph Sansone on Unrestricted Warfare with James Grundvig, EP 112

Maybe We Need a New Government Surveillance Program...

Dr. Joseph Sansone on Lou Dobbs Tonight

Breaking: Law Professor that Wrote 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act Provides Affidavit that COVID 19 mRNA nanoparticle injections are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction

National ARM's Grand Jury Petition 'Vaccine' Crime Evidence Being Sent to Louisiana and West Virginia Governor and Attorneys General

Dr. Ana Mihalcea on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 29

National ARM's Grand Jury Petition 'Vaccine' Crime Evidence Being Sent to Missouri Governor and Attorney General

The Amendments to the IHR have been adopted

FL- Lee County Republican Assembly Passed Resolution Calling UN, WHO, and WEF Terrorist Organizations.

FL - Anti Human Trafficking and Medical Freedom Seminar

Dr. Joseph Sansone on The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson

Dr. Murray Sabrin on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 28

In Memory of the Dead and the Dying: Appellate Brief Filed

Interview: Dr. Joseph Sansone

Remembering the Holocaust on Memorial Day

Melissa McAtee on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 27

Is What We Were Told about Gain-of-Function Viruses and COVID Real?

Republican Party of Florida Launches Jihad to Purge Activist Christians and Jews from the Party

Genocide in Gaza, Holocaust Survivors Speak, and College Protests Designed to Take Away Your Rights

Response to National ARM Grand Jury Petition in WA Is An Outrage - Claiming C19 Bioweapons Are Safe & Effective. EPA Response To Inquiry In NJ Denies Chemtrails And Plays Dumb

National ARM's Grand Jury Petition 'Vaccine' Crime Evidence Being Sent to Hawaii, Kentucky, and Massachusetts Governor and Attorneys General

Slovakian Prime Minister Critical of the WHO, Pharma, and C19 Shots, Shot and In Hospital

Karen Kingston on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 26

Are Programmable Nanotechnology Biosensing Mesogen "Computer Chip" Devices Being Self Assembled In C19 Uninjected Blood ? How Dangerous Is Self Spreading Nanotechnology?

Dr. Joseph Sansone On Truth Be told With Todd Callender, Esq.

Florida Bar's Maoist War on Free Speech Continues

Dr. Peter McCullough On Mind Matters and Everything Else With Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 25

James Roguski On Mind Matters and Everything Else With Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 24

Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 90 | "Nanobot Infested Blood" with Dr. Ana Mihalcea and Dr. Joseph Sansone

Learned Helplessness in The Liberty Movement

SHOCKING: Washington State Attorney General's Office Claims COVID-19 Shots 'safe and remain effective'

Dr. Joseph Sansone on The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson

Dan Schultz On Mind Matters and Everything Else With Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 23

National ARM's Grand Jury Petition 'Vaccine' Crime Evidence Being Sent to New York Governor and Attorney General

Darkfield Live Blood Microscopy Of A Discoid Mesogen Self Assembly Nanotechnology Device In C19 Unvaccinated Blood

BREAKING: Arizona Republican Party Declares Covid-19 Injections Biological and Technological Weapons, Passed Ban the Jab Resolution!

The Sacred Fire

National ARM's Grand Jury Petition 'Vaccine' Crime Evidence Being Sent to Virginia Governor and Attorney General

NC Appellate Court Betrays U.S. Constitution, Supports Forced Vaccination of Children Under Prep Act

Ann Vandersteel on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 22

Writ of Mandamus - Filed Notice of Appeal

Writ of Mandamus - Circuit Court Denies Motion for Rehearing...

Writ of Mandamus - Filed a Motion for Rehearing

Lawyer Lisa (Miron) on Mind Matters and Everything Else With Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 21

National American Renaissance Movement Letter to New Jersey Environmental Protection Agency Regarding Geoengineering Operations

Catalytic Conversation with Karen Kingston and Joe Sansone - You Do NOT Want to Miss!

Breaking News Interview: Warfare Against Humanity - Conversation With Weapons Expert Mark Steele - Truth, Science And Spirit, Episode 16

National ARM's Grand Jury Petition 'Vaccine' Crime Evidence Being Sent to Oregon and South Dakota Governors and Attorney Generals

Nick Caturano On Mind Matters And Everything Else With Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 20

Motion for Reconsideration Denied.

Filed a Motion to Reconsider Motion to Dismiss Writ of Mandamus

NC - Hoke County Republican Party Passed Ban the Jab Resolution

Circuit Court Dismissed Writ of Mandamus

David Meiswinkle on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 19

Hannibal’s Tactics and My Journey to The Underworld

SC- Lexington County Republican Party Passed 'Ban the Jab' resolution!

The Inmates Are Running the American Foreign Policy Asylum

Joseph Sansone & Karen Kingston: Covid War to Usher in Authoritarian Governance & Biorevolution

Funds Needed for Writ of Mandamus Litigation

Dr. Rima Laibow on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 18

Arizona Republican Party to Vote to Declare Covid 19 Injections Biological and Technological Weapons

The Absolute Truth With Emerald Robinson Interviews Dr. Joseph Sansone About Writ of Mandamus Seeking to Compel DeSantis to Ban the Jab

Karen Kingston and Dr. Joseph Sansone on Maria Zeee

Biden’s Blasphemy

BOMBSHELL: U.S. Government Report Confirms China Used COVID-19 to Exert Power and Acquire Millions of Americans' DNA

Dr. Andrew Zywiec on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 17

UPDATE: Writ of Mandamus Transferred to the Circuit Court of the Second Judicial Circuit, in and for Leon County, Florida

Governor DeSantis and AG Moody Have Been Served

Three Simple Steps States Can Do to Fight the Illegal Alien Invasion

Health Ranger Mike Adams Interviews Dr. Joseph Sansone on Writ of Mandamus Seeking to Compel DeSantis to Prohibit C19 Injections

Making Sense of the Madness, Jason Bermas Interviews Dr. Joseph Sansone

National ARM's Grand Jury Petition 'Vaccine' Crime Evidence Being Sent to Washington State and Nevada Governors and Attorney Generals

David Knight Show Interview Dr. Joseph Sansone on Writ of Mandamus Filed in FL Supreme Court to Compel DeSantis to Ban the Jab

Dr. Paul Alexander on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 16

Did House Republicans and Democrats Commit Treason, Again?

The Sentinel Report on Lindell TV interviewed Michelle Utter and Dr. Joseph Sansone on efforts to ban the bioweapon injections in Florida.

Covid Shot Injuries: A Crises Hidden in Plain Sight

OANN: In Focus with Alison Steinberg Interview Dr. Joseph Sansone on Writ of Mandamus Seeking to Compel Governor DeSantis to Ban the Jab.

Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 56 | "Florida Ban the Jab" with Karen Kingston, Dr. Joseph Sansone

Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 15

INFOWARS: WARROOM with Owen Shroyer - Dr. Joseph Sansone Files Writ Of Mandamus To Compel DeSantis To Prohibit Covid 19 Shots

Joseph Sansone, Miriam Shaw, and Steve Ringelstein on Mondays with Michael LIVE

Diamond and Silk: Dr. Ana Mihalcea, M.D., PhD, Karen Kingston, and Dr. Joseph Sansone discuss the Writ of Mandamus Filed in Florida Supreme Court to Ban the Jab

Everything Is at Stake


March 15th Tickets Available! Covid Shot Injuries, A Crises in Plain Sight

Is POTUS Trump being guided by handlers trying to destroy his re-election? I think so because this what Chudov says here showing this post by Trump is incredibly stunning! Trump is wrong, Biden is

Dr. Joseph Sansone on Brannon Howse Show

Dr. Joseph Sansone on The Absolute TRUTH with Emerald Robinson

Dr. Ben Marble on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 14

Stop The Damn Shots

BREAKING: Writ of Mandamus Filed in Florida Supreme Court, Seeks to Compel Governor DeSantis, and Attorney General Ashley Moody, to Ban the Jab!

Live Stream: March 15 Covid Shot Victim Townhall

Top Judge Assigned: New Stop The Shots For EXPERIMENTATION With No Informed Consent Case Is In Process To Halt COVID-19 Non "Vaccines" In Costa Rica, Nuremberg Code Experimentation Not Allowed!

Damning New Research Study Finds Self Assembly Plastic Polymer Nanoparticles In Every Placenta

My Interview with Maria Zeee On Infowars: Why Are People Glowing?

BAM! National ARM's Grand Jury Petition 'Vaccine' Crime Evidence Being Sent to Indiana Governor and Attorney General

Lawyer Lisa (Lisa Miron) on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 13

World's Leading Legal Authority on Biological Weapons Endorses Florida GOP Counties' Ban The Jab Resolution


Dr Joe Sansone Is One of My Favorite People. Listen to His interview on My Podcast. He'll Be One of Yours, Too!

Senator Ted Cruz Illustrates What is Wrong with the GOP

My Interview with Alison Steinberg On OANN News On The Fluorescent Faces In C19 Injected And Hydrogel Brain Computer Interface

Evidence Shows Biological ID System Has Already Been Deployed

James Roguski on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 12


Fluorescent Orange Face Tattoo Under UV Light In C19 Vaccinated And Eye Of Horus Phenomenon - Are Humans Limbic Systems Being Altered For Behavior Modification?

Mark the date! Covid Injection Injured Live Stream March 15th

Is Florida Under Chemtrail Attack?

Truth Be Told Symposium: Unraveling the Great Lie: The Truth About Vaxx Injury & Death - This Friday 2-16-24, 12PM EST, 9 AM PST

Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 43 | "Exposing the Covid Bioweapon Genocide"

Interest of Justice Team on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 11

National ARM's Grand Jury Petition 'Vaccine' Crime Evidence Being Sent to Georgia Governor and Attorney General

Operation Chaos Update, Prepare for Deep State Terrorism Attacks

TUCKER: The Last American Journalist and a War to Break America

Breaking News: Embalmer Richard Hirschman Confirms Rubbery Polymer Clots Grow Outside Of The Body And Were Found In a 12 Year Old Deceased Child. Truth, Science And Spirit Ep 7 - Must watch & Share

Maria Zeee Uncensored: Dr. Joseph Sansone joins Maria Zeee, COVID injections both biological and technological weapons!

Demand Letters Sent to Governor DeSantis and AG Moody

Karen Kingston on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 10

AT LAST! American Voters' Alliance and DailyClout -- with Phill Kline and Me as Authors -- Launch a Dream Clean Elections Model Bill! Just in Time for 2024

Does WEF’s Professor Harari Have a Right to Live?

Dr. Peter Breggin, MD w/ Dr. Joseph Sansone, PhD & Grace Asagra, RN- LOVE, Public Health, and Grand Jury

My Interview With Silk On Diamond And Silk Show: Spider Polymers, Geoengineering, Transhumanism And Surveillance Under The Skin And Contemplation Thereof

Major Thomas Haviland on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone EP 9

Quick ‘Ban the Jab’ Update: Arizona GOP Drops the Ball

Quantum Nurse Grace Asanga interviews Dr. Joseph Sansone and David Meiswinkle, Esq-- The Case for Action: Ban the Jab and Launch a Grand Jury Investigation

Join Us Today and Tonight Live!!!

Texas Should Nullify Supreme Court Decision

Dr. Peter Breggin on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone EP 8

Arizona Grand Jury Petition 'Vaccine' Crime Evidence Being Sent to Governor and Attorney General

Highly Recommended Information: "Reality Of The Targeting Program" Symposium This Friday January 26th, 2024 12-3pm EST

Call to Action: Contact Arizona Republican Party to Demand they Support the 'Ban the Jab' Resolution passed by Maricopa County

BREAKING! WHO Calls for Global Police to Arrest Journalists Who Speak out Against Pandemic Policies: Alex Jones

Arizona GOP Resolution Committee Goes Pro-Genocide

Idaho's County Commissioners Advise Against Gene Therapy Shots

Arizona Republican Party to Vote on 'Ban the Jab' resolution, January 27th! Maricopa County GOP Passed it with 87.4% of The Vote

UNLOCKED: Spike Proteins and Lipid Nanoparticles are HIGHLY TOXIC per Systemic Review of Scientific Literature

Join Hearing Today on Important Free Speech Case - 1:30 PM Eastern

Dr. Rima Laibow, M.D., on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone EP 7

Dr. Joseph Sansone on Renewed Efforts to Ban the Pentagon Juice, Transhumanism, WW3, & More!

COVID-19 Vaccines May Cause Harm Five Years after Injection

Breaking: AZ- Maricopa County GOP Passed 'Ban the Jab' resolution!!!

Don’t Say The ‘M’ Word

Draft 'Ban the Jab' County or City Ordinance


Support Exit UN & WHO: Two Bills Before The US Congress, HR 6645/S 3428, Which Would Withdraw US From UN, WHO, IHR, And All UN Programs!

Breaking: Potential Voter Registration Data Breach and Election Fraud in the ‘Free State of Florida’

Dr. Ana Mihalcea, M.D., PhD on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone - EP 6

James Roguski on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone - EP 5

DOD ran Warp Speed from its inception, sidelining the FDA and drug companies

Transhumanism, Nanotechnology, and the Right to Remain Human

Ban The Jabs! Open Message To Governor Jay Inslee And Every Governor In Every State

50% discount for the Economics of Healthcare course

The Impact of Surgeon General Ladapo’s Call to ‘Ban the Jab’

Truth, Science and Spirit Show With Dr Ana Mihalcea - My New Channel On Clouthub - Live Streams Thursdays 3pm Pacific Time - Starts Today

Dr. Murray Sabrin on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone - EP 4

Florida State Surgeon General Calls for Halt in the Use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

TN Citizens for State Sovereignty - Tennessee Putting Teeth in the Tenth