ER doctor, Daniel Nagase, M.D., stopped by Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph to discuss the dangers of the mRNA bioweapon injections and the potential threat they pose to the human genome and future generations. Dr. Nagase also discussed the new Replicon injection that was released recently in Japan. Dr. Nagase explains how the weapon will eventually spread across the globe because it is self replicating. Dr. Nagase points out that a good bioweapon is not too deadly or it will not spread. It needs time to spread before symptoms show up. Dr. Nagase states that it could be 10-15 years for some people before they see symptoms from the current mRNA injections and the Replicon injections.
Dr. Nagase was one of the early doctors to speak out against the mRNA bioweapon injections. He shared about his persecution in Canada and how he lost his license for saving peoples lives with Ivermectin.
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This is a genocidal path for Japan and eventually other nations.
Thank you Dr Sansone for hosting Dr Nagase who is wonderfully clear for the general public to understand.
How can we stop this when it is being engineered by our own DOD ?
This is a totally satanic plan to destroy humanity.
💯% on 🎯 M Henry
Dr Nagase is a good man and has a good heart. I always apply the basic cost gain to any of the names and Daniel has sacrificed a hell of a lot for his beliefs for zero gain
of course there is some gain however that does not always stack against the censorship and other agenda insanity going on so stay safe with that and spread the accurate information where and when practical, and be well people
Seriously, what gain?
He's lost his ability to practice medicine.
He's lost his family.
He's practically on the run.
tremendous effort to have this guest on your Substack….
Joe, Great show. A few months ago I had a colonoscopy and I had to diet for two days . The last day with nothing . No water the second day neither except to take my Blood pressure meds. I must be honest. I felt great for several weeks without getting sick. Joe, Have you ever heard of Dr Bryan Ardis?? He is saying the spike protein is a combination of twenty deadly snake venoms and snail venoms. He said they are pouring synthetic snake venoms into or water systems. And he said he can prove it. I am following one of his protocols to keep healthy and it works very very well. So what really nis the spike protein???
"So what really nis the spike protein???" what are you on about with that and it is INSANITY CLOWN WORLD lunacy with some of that so stay safe and be careful people
Wierd how these heathens on the pic, point too there arms like they took the bioweopens injection 💉
And a proven totally staged murderous assassination attempt ...
Maybe a little yolo. But more of - people not being informed. Absolutely criminal. Dr. Nagase and you Dr Sansone must begin speaking out everywhere, like McCullough did 4-5 years ago, about this crime.
I can’t imagine anyone dumb enough to take this Replicon “vaccine”, especially after all the problems with the other MRna experimental" vaccines”!
Think the problem is that everyone eventually gets it if it is self replicating.
Red alert from Naomi Wolf
I think this must be very important
Please note the MOST IMPORTANT instruction is to "re register as a Democrat" to save yourself on the government's hit list of the "quarantined."
I believe Dr Naomi Wolf's substack was hacked because she is the one who published the Pfizer Documents
for all to read. Just think of this. If everyone changes their registration and the election is stolen ( electronically very easy to do), they can point to ALL the newly registered Democrats !
Most importantly this video conflicts with the very well explained audio Dr Sansone made by interviewing Dr Nagasi
My own PCP told me that it appears they want to wipe out the Japanese because the nation is 80% elderly.
However ,as Dr Nagasi explains, the Replicon injection passes to others who are nOT injected and destroys the immune system, especially all the cancer fighting cells in the human body, thus keeping you alive for a while till you succumb naturally.
In the meantime, people will be paying for all their new technologies for curing cancers. has been publishing the pfizer raw documents all along. You just have to dig through them. I would not registrr as a Dem. I would work the precinct strategy.
No worries I heard the real intent of this alert.
I know about the Pfizer Docs having been invited to peruse them by a friend who did for Naomi .
Actually I was informed about the how ineffective this vaccine would be in a private home in Merchantville , NJ by a leading retrovirologist from Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia. way back in the early 1990 's.
His purpose was to warn the older young men in a priest's Youth Group because he , "......was worried about the youth and AIDS".
He lectured on the origin of HIV made in a lab and used to inoculate homosexual men in NYC under the guise of Hep B. also distributed in Japan among the leather workers ,who were considered a lower class . Also they inoculated some particular group in S America . He said that there will never be a vaccine because these viruses keep making variants. He also told me and a Physicians wife, that he would never say all this in public because he would lose any ability to receive Grants.
Interestingly. I read a paper an anonymously sent document five years earlier that was allegedly written by A Dr William C Douglass Campbell that contained exactly the same information that the Retrovirologist , who now works in a S Carolina Leb, told us.
What was MOST interesting was was a reference in the article to an "OMNI Scientific Magazine" advert, allegedly posted by the 'WHO' , requesting a laboratory to contact them willing to work on a cold virus that would be lethal to humans !
Dr Douglass saw what was being planned and alarmed he traveled the world looking in other countries at ancient natural remedies that people used to destroy viruses.
I recommend Dr Jason Fung's ( also a Canadian Doc) books on water fasting since they help to give support and encouragement to the individual who does not have a network of people who are also water fasting. Dr Pradip Jamnadas, Cardiologist based in Orlando, has wonderful you tube videos also on the incredible benefits of fasting along with some hacks to help you along.
hi daniel concerning the who pandemic treaty be aware the who are meeting on november 4th thay plan on having the pandemic treaty finalised by november 11th for confirmation concerning this check out the most recent posts on the james roguski substack
It should be clearly distinguished, a NATURAL VIRUS vs. GOF VIRUS (released, engineered, lab-made, DOD-made, etc.) REPLICON DEPOP in full swing!;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1730160231/RO=10/
Good to know!
This is all great of course, but where is the antidote and when will you all start voicing this, because "the dogs bark, but the caravan moves on" and you are unable to stop the corrupt faggots from the Pentagon (DOD).
I don't know of an antidote. I have heard of protocols that help. Dr. Mihalcea list them in her new book TransHuman. There are other protocols too. I have been trying to litigate the issues. There needs to be a ton of cases to put enough pressure to win. Unfortunately, people don't seem to want to take action.
Thank you very much for your activity, despite the low activity of people, never give up. People simply do not expect delayed deaths, they all think that they are immortal, until the stage of critical accumulation of "errors" in cells. The protocols presented on the network are complete nonsense. For example, you charged three hosts carriers, for the production by ribosomes of each component from the one toxin separately and when these breathing or decomposing bodies meet in one room, you get a full-fledged toxin itself. That is, you cannot do without unithiol and other inhibitors of metalloproteinases, but this is not certain, but only hypothetical.
What is unithiol and where can we find it?
Restoring Health & Hope for Humanity