O glorious Archangel St. Michael, Prince of the heavenly host, defend us in battle, and in the struggle which is ours against the principalities and Powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against spirits of evil in high places (Eph 6:12).
I had been struggling with a bug or upper respiratory infection since February that had not cleared. Basically, I had a tickle in my throat and a slight cough that would not clear, as well as a high degree of fatigue. Also, a little wheezing on my exhales. Finally, I called in for a Z pack on March 27th. On the 28th I gave a speech to the Lake County GOP and on the 30th I spoke to the Charlotte County GOP. Honestly, my speech in Charlotte was pretty poor. At the time, I did not realize it, but I was in full blown congestive heart failure.
A few days later on the early AM of April first, I went into the ER because I could not breathe, and sure enough, I was in congestive heart failure. After a catheter on the following Monday, it was revealed that all my arteries were clogged and I would need heart bypass surgery. I was told that the surgery would be done by Friday the 7th at the earliest. Scheduling concerns and of course my stabilization had to be considered.
No Blood No Surgery
There are many issues to discuss and many disclosures to sign prior to surgery. One of them is regarding the potential need for a blood transfusion. Turns out that for this surgery having two units of blood on standby is the typical protocol. Unfortunately, hospitals don’t have unvaccinated blood on hand. Thus, the race began. I had to get my own unvaccinated blood by Friday. The surgeon signed off on a form on Tuesday that would allow donors to dedicate blood specifically for me in the event of an infusion. While most people would be in the hospital bargaining with God fearing death, I spent the better part of a week hustling for unvaccinated blood from my hospital room. This was a bit more difficult because I did not want my condition to be public knowledge until after I was out of the hospital. I simply did not want political enemies to know what was going on till after the fact.
Fortunately, friends and family did come through and I ended up with at least six units of blood. Although, it takes time to process the blood. By Thursday night there were two units on hand, however, I wanted all six on hand. Basically, I told the nurse no blood no surgery. Due to the processing the surgery ended up being moved to Monday the tenth of April.
Although the hospital and staff were accommodating, the logistics were difficult because the collection centers are not at the hospital, and the blood needs to be matched and screened. Plus, most people don’t know their blood type. In addition, it is very rare for somebody to request their own blood donations for this type of surgery.
A side note on the fear of death. I address this in my article, You Are Going to Die, Get Over It. Compared to suffocating in your own fluid, sneaking out under anesthesia seems a cake walk….plus it is the painful recovery process that is the challenge.
Hannibal’s Tactics
History credits the Carthaginian general, Hannibal, as being one of the greatest generals of all time. During the Second Punic War, Hannibal had his way with Rome and Italy for 18 years or so, until Scipio Africanus, arguably Rome’s greatest general, mastered Hannibal’s tactics, and then eventually mastered Hannibal. Hannibal was an unorthodox out of the box thinker that toyed with the predictable Roman legions.
What does Hannibal have to do with anything?
Take it easy, I’ll tell you. During this presurgery hospitalization week besides searching for unvaccinated blood, I was also working to not lose too much momentum on the ban the jab movement.
Wednesday evening, I was on my regular bimonthly conference call for a relatively new organization that I sit on the board. Dr. Francis Boyle, is an advisor to the group. As you may or may not know, Dr. Boyle is arguably the world’s leading legal authority on biological weapons. Dr. Boyle has written international treaties on biological weapons, and drafted the 1989 bioweapons and antiterrorism act that passed both houses of congress unanimously, and was signed into law by George H.W. Bush.
A few things were going on locally. Based on observation and multiple reports, our local county chair and vice chair appear to have been working behind the scenes to undermine the ban the jab effort. Even worse, it appears that from the top down the Republican Party of Florida is working to slow this movement down. The talking point was that these injections were not biological weapons, that the language of the resolution was improper, and that it was taking away someone’s rights by banning the bioweapon.
Dr. Boyle had already nodded support for the ban the jab resolution, but I explained my situation on the call, as well as the political situation, and asked for an official public endorsement. This endorsement of course had nothing to do with the organization, and was Dr. Boyle’s personal endorsement. This he did promptly with this written endorsement of the ban the jab resolution. I then pitched for Dr. Boyle to go back on Stew Peters on Monday April 10. At the same time that my chest cavity was ripped open, my heart was on a pump, and I was intubated, Dr. Boyle was being interviewed on Stew Peters show speaking about his endorsement of the ban the jab resolution and giving background on how Covid and Covid shots are biological weapons.
I figured I would hit them pretty hard from the netherworld….if I died I thought it would be a good parting shot. If I lived, I viewed it as a tactic that Hannibal would have used turning a weakness into a strength. Plus if you can tag them when you are literally in pieces what do you think you are capable of when in one piece?
I am no Hannibal and certainly no Scipio. There are multiple reasons for sharing this story. For starters, it explains why I have been writing and posting less this month. I was in the hospital from April 1 through April 16. Then I was back in from the 20th through the 23rd dealing with a minor complication.
More importantly, I think it demonstrates what is needed to win. The enemies of the human race have all the force. They have the force of government, control of currencies, media, corporations, academia, and an increasing top down control over all major institutions. They understand force. They do not understand power. They are spiritually weak.
Asymmetrical warfare requires asymmetrical resistance. There needs to be total commitment, unorthodox, fearless resistance. The existence of the human race lies in the balance.
Well, I did not flatline so there won’t be any best selling books here. My impressions are too abstract to convey anyway. We know that the crazy transhumanists are under demonic control. It appears that those opposing our efforts and looking the other way are under demonic influence as well. All I can say is that when we eventually go into battle, the Archangel Michael will be leading the charge, and the legions of hell will yield before us.
May healing forces be with you for a full and speedy recovery. Thank you for the depth of commitment you show us. They may have force but not the power of love, or strength of a human heart-both should never be underestimated. As you demonstrate.
I’m so glad you are ok and God blessed the surgery!