(not I am not an M.D. It should have said M.S., PhD under my name.)
In this interview I update on the latest on my appeal in my writ of mandamus case to compel DeSantis to stop the distribution of mRNA biological and technological weapons in the Sate of Florida. It also seek to compel Attorney General Moody to confiscate the vials.
Among other things, it appears that Governor DeSantis and Attorney General Moody are arguing that the Executive Branch of Government does not have to answer to the Judicial Branch regarding the enforcement of laws, including Weapons of Mass Destruction Laws. At least, that is my interpretation.
You can read the Appellees Answer Brief here.
You can read my Appellate Brief here.
I am working on my Reply Brief.
Mind Matters and Everything Else is 100% independent. If you appreciate my writing and advocacy and would like to support it, please consider upgrading to a paid subscription or making a donation of any amount. Donations may be sent c/o Joseph Sansone, 27499 Riverview Center Boulevard, Bonita Springs, Florida 34134, United States, or make an online donation on Ko-Fi here or Give Send Go here.
Thank you for airing this ! DeSantis has mixed his action/ speech by encouraging Publix to give the death shot! Dr. Sansone may God bless you and your family always, for speaking truth🙏🏼 Too many people i know are very sick or dead. And their relatives refuse to even think of this bioweapon!!!
Mr. Ryan Cole is only stating the obvious. Here's another of dozens of Abstracts specifying the damage done. >>> A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after covid-19 vaccination >>> Forensic Science International >>> Available online 21 June 2024 >>> https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073824001968
Forensic Science International is hardly a questionable source. These injections are bio-weapons, period. Thank you to Joseph Sansone for your many efforts.
Working on my reply brief. Unless they want to make an argument that F.S. 790.166 is unconstitutional, this argument that the Executive Branch can arbitrarily pick and choose which laws to enforce is a usurpation of the other two branches.
Hello Joseph. I had suggested back in April that you consider the term "Intra vires" when formulating your legal brief. Intra vires are often overlooked by courts legally and Constitutionally obligated and authorized to exercise and enforce the term. It is strange. Intra vires is a legal term that indicates that something is within the legal power of a specific entity or jurisdiction.
Quote: “When used in a law enforcement setting, intra vires indicates, firstly, that the agency has jurisdiction over the crime or suspect. It also indicates that the agency is legally allowed to take the action it is taking. For example, if a law enforcement agency is allowed to question a suspect, such questioning is intra vires. If the agency cannot question the suspect, perhaps because he is a minor and the law requires that a parent be present for questioning, any questioning would be ultra vires.” [End quote]
Complete text: https://www.mylawquestions.com/what-does-intra-vires-mean.htm#:~:text=Intra%20vires%20is%20a%20legal%20term,of%20a%20specific%20entity%20or%20jurisdiction.&text=Intra%20vires%20is%20a,specific%20entity%20or%20jurisdiction.&text=is%20a%20legal%20term,of%20a%20specific%20entity
Wasn’t Cole recommending the sauce in 2021? Isn’t he a turncoat?
Yes he is & was publicly corrected by Dr Astrid Stucklburger as to his statement being incorrect that there was no nano-particles ever found. I would never trust anything coming out of his mouth!
It’s a very similar, if not identical, situation with Peter MacCullough… Unfortunately, yet millions trust his pharma controlled wellness company…
That's right, and so many people think he is also a savior, I guess they have bad memories or ??
Hello Alina. I generally haven't followed many of these persons, as it seemed obvious from the start that illegal and criminal acts were taking place. "Mandates" (which are not Laws) and social distancing were two factors that tipped me off. I believe the civilian public needs to focus attention on the illegalities of the situation, rather than medical diplomacy and incompetence.
Great work, Dr Joseph! Good-looking interviewer too! Watch out! All that shines are not real emeralds! :-)
Maybe what you do, Joseph, is more important than any other diversions. I first tipped the police in Sweden and then reported it as a poisoning, in order for them to be able to confiscate all the bioweapons in Sweden.
I presume they don't because of child raping satanism. It is probably a parallel pyramid of satanists infiltrating politics, media and legal system all over the planet. So. What is the solution?
I guess the solution is new truthful media, new political parties forming rainbow collations, pushing the satanists out, installing a legal system of the people, by the people, through the people!
The people must enlighten one another, in order to be able to sleep well on those pillows being sold! Moral philosophy is getting more important than ever. A clear conscience is the best pillow.
You’re right about a truthful media. Truth, in itself is a powerful elixir. It is mostly absent in today’s society. A turn toward truth is a turn towards God. We are exposed to lies so frequently, and in so many ways, that we become habituated to its presence and often fail to recognize the evil it represents.
They probably used AI when planning the democide ...
ChatGPT describes how an artificial superintelligence could destroy humanity using synthetic biology. @33:14 https://www.thegreatsimplification.com/episode/132-daniel-schmachtenberger Someone, aiming for eternal hell, obviously is using AI to kill us. Let me guess who!
And Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea is trying to help us remove the bioweapons inside of us...
... with a lovely smile, because she knows she has saved her soul, and that is why she is shining with that beautiful energy, just like you are with your cartoons, Dee Dee.
The Fantastic Sabrina https://rumble.com/user/nonvaxer420 has a lot of good info about the technology itself. I love you all!
Thanks for insisting, some day soon the veil will fall from the ignorants' eyes...
Praying for that!
You do impressive work for humanity and you do NOT get the credit you deserve! This should be on every news outlet in the nation but criminals and accomplices are in power at this moment. They know they are bioweapons…too many death stats have come out and the cancer is explosive. Yet, here we are 🍌 republic!
Yeah, how can they sleep at night🙄especially images of beautiful babies and children 😢 Demonic behavior and when they die…they only take what they gave and good luck trying to explain that one to our almighty creator🙏 God!
Dr Sansone, you have truly taken on a monumental task. The money trail related to your objective comprises multiple billions of dollars. That alone would raise the ire of the participants.
Lies and censorship along with deliberate destruction of protesting individuals, also complicate your efforts. Unfortunately, many of the participants may have acted in good faith because the truth of the alleged vaccine, now known to be a bioweapon, was hidden from most of the public.
Thank you Lord for inspiring Dr Sansone to carry this burden for all of us. You are a winner just being in the race. Having spent a large portion of my life in law enforcement, I can tell you much of what is required would not be possible without officer discretion.
That discretion however, has limitations. It usually is based upon the severity of the crime and the probability that additional harm would occur without taking action to remove the threat. It also involves the proper attention be given to all the elements of the crime, and the gathering of evidence to support your arrest.
Common sense plays a significant role in the whole process. Law enforcement utilizes written guides to assist in the proper performance of the officer’s duties. Those written guides include, in the state of Florida, Florida revised statutes, SOPs, standard operating procedures, the state of Florida Constitution and the United States Constitution, to name the most salient ones.
In the case of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, they are also limited by the separation of powers in the performance of their duties. I only know the two persons by a personal opinion, but I believe both are concerned with the health and welfare of all our citizens of Florida.
I’ve gone on too long to tell you that you are not spinning your wheels but are making headway not only with those two individuals but also everyone else who are encouraged and enlightened by reading your posts on your substack. May God continue to bless your work.
Duhsantis is in bed with the insurance companies and the insurance companies are making lots and lots of money off of these toxic shots (so are doctors w/their bonus structures) so therefore that is why he is fighting this tooth and nail. FOLLOW THE MONEY. We need a new governor.
I totally agree i know of 2 of these doctors and one died of a sudden heart attack, god bless him🤮
We can argue that Mr DeSantis is in bed with insurance companies, etc. all day long, but those arguments will not resolve the issues at hand. Mr DeSantis is Aiding and Abetting Criminal Fraud and acting as an Accessory After the Fact. Another tour de force by Katherine Watt.
Intentional infliction of harm is not a legitimate government purpose; enabling it is not a permissible legislative object. >>> KATHERINE WATT >>> JUN 27, 2024
Obviously it’s an important topic b/c he can’t screw their business up nor do anything against his Jew paymasters! 🕎🕍✡️❌
Sorry bizarre healthcare massive malpractice!
I got gangrene at 9 years old georgia baptist hospital! Then i had the cervical voodoo ablations for my cervical problem caused by the unaddressed problem of the femur fx suffered then. At 50 my neck fell apart from chronic pain!! Then they gave me nucynta which caused such confusion and lethargic passing out. My pain was never addressed or the depression caused by this shit!! I also have been a healthcare professional and worked to keep my patients safe in spite of this bizzare
Btw, didnt the Surgeon General Ladapo of Florida publicly state that these jabs ARE bioweapons & should not be used on humans under any circumstances.
Dr. Sansone, you keep saying that you're not pushing for indictments or prosecutions or anything like that... well maybe it's time you do. You have stated that they have obviously violated the law by continuing with this 'agenda' now knowing that they are hurting/killing people. Go all out! Do a huge class action law suit or something. Hell, prosecute them for murder or at least conspiracy to commit murder. Sue the criminals. You've got an army behind you now!
Well, I am going all out. I do not have the power to prosecute. They have prosecutorial discretion. The court can't make them prosecute. First step is to prohibit because they are weapons. I am pro se so I can't do a class action. Plus that does not get these off the market.
I recently signed a petition call THE HOPE ACCORD written by and for medical professionals. Some of the language may be pertinent to a response. They said, “This new technology [mRNA shots] was granted emergency use authorization to address a situation that no longer exists. Going forward, the burden of proof falls on those still advocating for these products to compellingly demonstrate that they aren’t resulting in net harm. Until such evidence is presented, regulators should suspend their use as a matter of standard medical precaution.” This is close to what Dr. Ladapo has said as well. Could the Governor work through Florida regulators to insure that suspension is invoked in a timely manner in our state?
The Mandamus is just trying to accomplish this precautionary end, not to dictate to the Governor exactly how to accomplish it.
Why isn't Ladapo coming out stronger against this & confiscate them himself based on his position as Florida Surgeon Gen.?
The truth is everywhere, you are just hiding from it.