World's Leading Legal Authority on Biological Weapons Endorses Florida GOP Counties' Ban The Jab Resolution
NOTE: Update Ten Florida Republican County parties passed identical ban the jab resolutions that I authored. These resolutions declare Covid 19 injections biological and technological weapons, call for their confiscation, and forensic audits of their contents.
It is an honor that this resolution has been endorsed by Dr. Francis Boyle. Dr. Boyles support for the language of this resolution is a game changer.
Dear Friends:
I write in strongest support of this Resolution. These Nazi Covid Frankenshots are part of an offensive biological warfare weapons system that is existentially dangerous to the lives, health, and well-being of the People of Florida. They must be terminated immediately!
Yours very truly,
Francis A. Boyle
Professor of Law
Author of the United States domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention of 1972 known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 that was passed unanimously by both Houses of the United States Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush with the approval of the United States Department of Justice
Parents trust their doctors...thinking they know everything about health. I was the same; and nearly lost my first child from the shots, bad dietary information and tranquilizers. As a young ignorant mother, I thought his pediatrician knew everything. In 1979, after 23 years of raising four children I wrote about all my experiences in a 300 page manuscript entitled How to Raise an Organic Baby. A NYC publisher was interested. After almost three months he came back to me. He said that he would like to publish it, but the AMA would not approve, becasuse I did not have a Doctorate. I learned about the AMA...44 years ago. I am sure they would not have approved of what I had to say. For 62 years I have been involved in nutrition research and for 30 years did nutritional consultations. Recently, I started a free substack entitled Journey to Wellness: barbaracharis.substack.com
I learned how deadly these injections were - after I started meeting other young mothers who had experienced the sae thing I had experienced. I was very blessed, when a good friend handed me some nutriton and health books in 1961 and told me to start reading. I was so shocked afte I opened the first book that I never stopped reading.
WOW! Strong statement! Love it!