Hello, this is Mind Matters and Everything Else. I'm Dr. Joseph Sansone. I'm a psychotherapist opposed to psychopathic authoritarianism. And once again, I just want to thank all our paid subscribers for making these interviews possible. And today I have with us Dr. Andrew Zivzitz. My Substack, by the way, is josephsansone.substack.com. And Dr. Zivzitz, his website is zivzitzandporter.com, zivzitzandporter.com.
Jivjitz and Porter.com. I will list it below so you don't have to try to sound that out. And also on Twitter or X, he is, what are you? At Andrew Jivjitz, MD. There you go. So today, before we get any issues, Dr. Jivjitz is a medical doctor and internist and he's a pediatrician as well.
Why don't you just give us your brief bio? Because I know I'm going to mess it up.

Dr. Andrew Zywiec on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, Ep 33

Do Viruses exist? mRNA nanoparticle bioweapon injections, new research, gender mutilation, and more...

Dr. Andrew Zywiec, M.D., stopped by Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone to discuss viruses, Covid 19 and mRNA nanoparticle bioweapon injections. Dr. Zywiec discussed the controversial topic on whether viruses exist as well as new research regarding mRNA bioweapon injections. Dr. Zywiec also discussed his fight against gender mutilation of children. Dr. Zywiec mentioned that he will be speaking at a medical freedom event in SW Florida on July 29th.

Dr. Zywiec can be found on X.com @AndrewZywiecmd

Dr. Zywiec does provide telehealth via his private practice website is ZywiecandPorter.com

This video is also available on Rumble and Clouthub.

Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.


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WHEN in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. 🇺🇸 💪 🙏

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Legalman, "The Quash," is indispensable for the cause, such as his last piece on SCOTUS immunity, https://the-quash.captivate.fm/episode/scotus-invents-prez-immunity. Also, from 1908, Lilian Scott Troy's book, "Pilgrim Partners," corroborates this 'device' in play, the 1st of 24 points being eer-increasing executive power, the net of IT a11 being that checks and balances are a fassad. Water oughta.

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We do declare…

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Jul 11
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So happy that awvful gender mutilation of childre n is brought to the table!

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Andrew is a breath of fresh air. Always great to hear from someone "in the trenches" speak the truth. The level of willful malfeasance during the early days of this debacle was off the charts. Still going on today. The gender mutilation butchers have lost their freakin' minds! Scumbags of the lowest order.

“The falsification of history has done more to impede human development than any one thing known to mankind.” - JJ Rousseau

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If they can mutilate ,they also can exterminate .The two go hand in hand and they are dong it to this day . The extermination protocols in hospitals are still in force . In Canada ending ones life with an injection is available ,if you ask for it ,after your doctor recommends it . It depends how old one is and in what condition you are in health wise . If you cost the government a lot of money to keep you alive ,they make it easy for you to move on to your after life .

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They are Exterminating with the JABS

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They have many different ways of doing it

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Dr. Ladapo Event with Dr. Zyweic as an additional guest speaker is:

July 29 at 5-8 pm in Bonita Springs Florida

Link for event is here:


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Very informative, technically understandable interview. Thank you Dr. Sansone and Dr. Zywiec.

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Yes, Dr. Zywiec used a lot of big words on me... lol

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Fascinating discussion. Thank you for sharing. It seems to me that viruses do exist but not in a form easily identifiable Such as bacteria or other microscopic organisms. They definitely can and do, in some instances, cause harm to the humans and other animals. Rather than being some type of recognizable and specifically identifiable critter, they are fractured pieces of DNA and RNA, present in blood and tissue, capable of duplicating some functions of a unique organism.

Thank you Dr. Zywiec for your courage under fire for truthfully describing the grave harm done to children by gender dysphoria treatments and your efforts to stop that madness. I wish you great success in the establishment of your new clinic.

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"The Good Doctor," abolutely.

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The two different personalities of the doctors made interaction a great dynamic discussion. Very alive and I got a lot out of it. I understood a kind of larger scope. Thanks so so much. Maybe you’ll work together again.

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Fascinating interview here with Dr. Andrew Zywiec. But whether or not viruses exist in the form we've been told they do seems rather irrelevant at this point. We must NEVER forget what's been done here.

Never before in the history of mankind has such a globally organized crime against humanity been plotted and successfully carried out. These are NOT 'vaccines' and to call them 'jabs' is whimsical and misleading as to suggest they have some redeemable, beneficial medical purpose. They do NOT! These lethal injections are BIOWEAPONS... plain and simple! 

Because the makers of these products have been knowingly and purposely pursuing a satanic, world-wide depopulation agenda they MUST be hunted down, arrested, tried, sentenced and EXECUTED as the laws of all our civilized societies deem necessary for the benefit and preservation of mankind.  

This is what THE GREAT TRIBULATION looks like and we're now in it. 

WAKE UP sleeping Christians!  

William Raymond: pastor & ambassador at Law for the Christ 

MartinTaylorRickenbacker@gmail.com - THE GREAT TRIBULATION REPORT ONLINE (blog) WilliamRaymond@thechurchatSalem.info (personal email) 

www.thechurchatSalem.info (website)

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The "claim' that viruses exist and cause sickness is the lynchpin that underlies all vaccines and medical tyranny. An airborne contagian which Dr Zywiec claims COVID is has NEVER been proven to exist, nor has a spike protein been proven to exist anywhere but on a computer screen. His valiant opposition to child sex changes is a great and necessary cause, we need more like him.

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Amen…Praying daily for the Light to Awaken those in the Dark 🙏

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Yes! Prayers of faith are our highest honor and privilege as true believers.

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The Grand Unified Theory of CLASSICAL Physics, zero errors, 85 zeros, no nihilism, vis a vis a proper analysis of an electron where hbar [magnetism, Poynting] = h [gravity] / 2pi X-ACTly, means there is no such thing as a SINGULARITY. Follow the Great Circle [h] for crowdsourcing purposes. For example, all of WEBB's distant galaxies are from a former iteration of spacetime. First principles only, Occam's Razor, Keep It Simple, Stupid.

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Meanwhile … Where Is The Proof

( Papers, Research , Lab Studies, Etc. )

That Gain Of Function Research

Creating An Aerosolized Self- Replicating Pathogen

Has Ever Been Successfully Accomplished ?

Or Did Someone Just Tell Them All That ?

And They Believed It. It’s A Serious Question.

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How does the common flu virus spread?

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Bill Cooper was courageous; I lived in AZ when he was gunned down. Most of what he’s claimed has come true, what hasn’t come true just hasn’t happened yet.

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