Hi, I'm Dr. Joseph Sansone. This is Mind Matters and Everything Else. I'm a psychotherapist opposed to psychopathic authoritarianism. My Substack's josephsansone.substack.com. I want to thank all our paid subscribers that bring these interviews to you. So today I have with us Michelle Utter. She is a... Injured person from the bioweapon injection shots. Last time I looked,
I think it was in November, the CDC excess data numbers on those 65 and older since the rollout of the shots was 1.1 million. So just think about that. I think it was like a third of that, 400 and something thousand people died in World War II.
um 600 and something thousand died in the civil war but uh so that's basically a world war the numbers we're looking at and you know unfortunately it's gonna increase over time so um today we have with with us uh michelle utter she is a um

Michelle Utter on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 34

Michelle Discusses Cody's Law and The Plight That She and other Bioweapon Injection Victims Endure

Michelle Utter stopped by Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone to discuss Cody’s Law. Michelle shares how her life has been going from an active fit athletic person to struggling with multiple injuries from COVID 19 bioweapon injections. She also discusses the financial devastation that she and others are experiencing. Michelle talks about the plight of herself as well as the countless victims of the mRNA nanoparticle biological and technological weapon injections.

Michelle Utter can be followed on X.com @Michell87463246

Although I have friends that have been promoting it, I am not too familiar with Cody’s Law and have not read it yet. It is designed to stream line disability to the more severe COVID injection victims. Cody was a young healthy man going to college, but his college coerced him to take the shot to stay in school. To learn more about Cody’s Law visit codyslaw.org

Video Also Available on CloutHub and Rumble

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Discussion about this video

She was a medical professional that was sacrificed as well here. The major question I will keep bringing up is why are these shots still in the market place? Why do these shots get special treatment? Why do these shots get preferential treatment? Why are all these stories people being discounted by media, by the pharmacati, by politicians? What has been shown by this covid apparatus is that it has created sickness then the pharmacati then provides a solution for something they created. The big big picture with the election coming why isn't any presidential candidate not dialing into these people nationwide? If this not brought up now the next four years will be ten times worse.

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I to am a victim of the shadow gov & their mischievous ways of using wonderful US citizens as Guinea pigs & surveilling us, torturing us & list goes on. Stay strong, for the record u are still absolutely beautiful! God bless u & thank u I learned a lot from ur sharing♥️.

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Sindroid. Thats the name of the med she started taking. They are laughing at us, hard.

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Thank you and Michelle for exposing what the government and Big Pharma bastards did to citizens, doc!!

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so sick of PAYING the $$$$$ bill for these MORONS

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why do WE have to PAY FOR THESE IDIOTS??? They didn't have a brain cell to tell them DONT TAKE INJECTIONS MADE BY FELONIOUS CRIMINALS WITH NO LIABILITY??? THEY LINED UP FOR THIS SHIT...let 'em crash

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