I was on The Absolute Truth yesterday with Emerald Robinson to discuss the Writ of Mandamus that is now in the Circuit Court of Leon County Florida. The Writ of Mandamus seeks to compel Governor Ron DeSantis to prohibit the distribution of Covid 19 bioweapon injections and for Attorney General Ashley Moody to confiscate the vials and conduct a forensic analysis of their contents. We discuss the threat of shedding and why it is important that these injections come off the market immediately.
Please CALL and EMAIL Governor DeSantis and Attorney General Ashley Moody as well as your state legislature and demand they “Ban The Jab Immediately” in pursuit of saving human lives. The life you save may be yours, so make the call and email!
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis @ (850) 717-9337
Attorney General Ashley Moody @ 850-414-3300
Hmmm forcing the research that should have been done before roll-out....what a novel concept.
Somewhat old news....ideally we'd be buying all of our food from the Amish
DeSantis will be forced to do that and a lot more.
So why is there silence and nothing happening .? It seems moving officials like De Santis is like moving a mountain .Undertaking to move any other Gov .officials is not even considered ,it is hopeless .It seems all on the top who could make a difference are in agreement that exterminating most of the world population is the right thing to do .
Something is happening. It is in the circuit court. We'll see what happens.
Thank you Dr. Sansone .If your action in Florida is a WINNER ,than there is hope it will spread from there .Sorry Dr. that all I can do is thank you .
It seems like nothing if you only read/watch the legacy media, and that's by design.
Well Tommy, it's wonderful that at least one state is doing the right thing ,and I'm aware of that .What about all the other states ? Should we be happy that one state got it right and forget about the rest ? I will be celebrating when most or all states and most of the world is doing the right thing .One win is a bone with not much meat on it .And Tommy I was well informed about the propaganda M.S.M. and the alternate media . I'm also a student of history and a student of life ,long before you where born .
Doc., I truly value your efforts in this regards. When you succeed, the dominos will fall from one state to the next! God bless you!
Thank you Dr Sansone for your daily efforts to keep putting out the truth.. Those who continue to promote these vile injections have to be brain dead. The day of reckoning is coming. May they get the worst punishment devisable for their callous disregard of the suffering of their fellow beings.
Thank you Joe. I’m grateful for your hard work and dedication. I’m praying for you and this entire issue. My God is able to do the impossible! He specializes in miracles ❤️ I’m a nurse who is injured by this bio weapon. I can’t work now and doctors can’t give me any straight diagnosis. I’m so glad I discovered this platform. As many of my videos on TikTok were banned. Take care of yourself and many blessings to you!
Seek out a functional medicine doctor. They still practice medicine.
Will try, many thanks 🙏
Is he waiting for the big question or what? A final decision on this matter would support his nomination, one would think. But then again one is not in the Republican caucus.
I'm reposting the video all day. This news has got to go out in all the platforms folks.
You may already have the ability built in to your browser, or use Xbox capture feature.
I used a "stream recorder" for windows, a free extinction must have on the browser to copy it. There are many to choose from. I saw demonstrations on youtube.
My Ruble account is not that big but I put it on there too if that is easier to share.
Me too. Keep a hopeful feeling it gets shared.
You are unfortunately correct webe1, the Evil ones have been geo engineering, our atmosphere with the same poison self assembly nano technology for approximately 30 years or so maybe longer documented as Morgen’s disease!
Hello Viking: No need for nano-technology, even though there is evidence of its use... https://educate-yourself.org/cn/Nano-Chemtrails-19Nov2011-William-Thomas.pdf
Articles provided on the page below are further evidence. https://geoengineering.news/
Please refer proper name for Morgellon disease.
Morgellons - Probable origins: I will limit links to three: >
Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM Connection? | Global Research
Filament formation associated with spirochetal infection: a comparative approach to Morgellons disease
Fiberopathy Lecture by Alan B. MacDonald >>> March 30, 2014 >>>
It is important to watch the Dr. MacDonald's entire lecture, as he introduces the model transfer of Morgellons syndrome, and its relationship to genetically altered agrobacterium’s produced for BT cotton production. < A Monsanto invention. Dr. MacDonald is a retired forensic pathologist. His video presentations are well worth exploring...
From the beginning, shedding has been the real threat. Pfizer's own documents which were openly available for anyone to see and many shared these documents online to almost completely deaf ears.
Instead we saw plenty of people who refused to get vaccinated puffed up and reveling in the misery of those who did, never realizing that they were also just as liable to succumb to the very same spike proteins shed from the vaccinated. What goes around, comes around.
The powers that should not be knew that they only had to vaccinate 30% of the population in order to infect the rest of the herd through shedding. They were able to vaccinate over double that so unless you're a hermit, you're probably going to be having health issues in the future.
The horses are out of the barn. There's no way anyone is going to get them back in, and while others are trying, they're just going to hit us all with a financial collapse.
Nah, we can easily deal with foreign proteins if they are not injected directly into the bloodstream. At least anyone with a half-working innate immune system.
The foreign substances are now in many products used by both the ji bj a b bed and the unj a bed (i.e. dental anesthetics, eye drops, meds, saline, blood, etc) and there appears to be no end in sight. Couple that with a huge portion of the population incapable of critical thinking, and we’ve got a recipe for utter disaster.
Most people don't have a half decent working immune system, and even those which are working have to work harder. Mixing with a population that is constantly emitting spike protein like a gas will eventually overwhelm an immune system that isn't taking prophylactic measures. Those would be the same prophylactic measures which were discovered by the very same people who released these spike proteins into the general population.
Have already called both the Governor & Attorney General…they do NOT CARE! Traitors to the people! Declaration 2.0 or move out of the Country?
I love this Man Joe. He is a great hero and a very brave person. I will call him Saint Joe Sansone. Because he truly is as great as any of the Saints. Even more . We are all up against the world elites known as the globalist. They control almost every nation. on earth at this time. Joe , we are all up against pure evil Satan himself. I do not believe you will get anywhere with DeSantos nor Trump nor Biden, Nor any of the courts as they part of the new ones world government. The famous Pathologist form Pennsylvania testified a few years ago that the upper elites threatened to murdere his family if he spoke out against the covid injections. He chose to remain silent to protect his family. The same goes for every one else Joe. Any person who goes up against the Globalist. will be killed.
Thanks, but I am not a saint, just a man. If I can do it anyone can. Fear is a disease and an addiction.
You are truly a very brave man and a great hero. May God always be with you.
Shedding is a thing. However very few unjabbed in my circle have any significant illnesses and no sudden deaths. Those are only happening in the jabbed.