hi i'm dr joseph santone i'm a psychotherapist opposed to psychopathic authoritarianism this is mind matters and everything else and uh today we have with us uh a friend uh i'd call an unsung hero in our little fight against these uh globalist totalitarians uh nick cataruno he uh
organized that event on the 15th and the one before with the vaccine victims uh with a lot of speakers there uh he's working uh helping the folks with the geneva project which we'll talk a little bit about that and uh he's uh i'm gonna throw nick come on in what's uh what's going on uh tell us your social tell us your social media where people can reach it
Hey, Joe. Thanks for having me on. I think my tag is ordinary guy in strange times. That's kind of how I feel. I don't feel like I'm anything. We're just average people that got thrown into this. And some of us care and some of us don't. Um, so you can find me at Twitter, ordinary guys, strange times.

Nick Caturano @NickCaturano on X.com

Nick Caturano stopped by Mind Matters And Everything Else With Dr. Joseph Sansone. Nick has been a health freedom activist and advocate for the victims of the COVID 19 injections. Nick stopped by to discuss the plight of COVID 19 injection victims and the ongoing struggle against the psychopathic authoritarians. Nick also discussed TheGenevaProject.org which is an event this coming June in Geneva Switzerland, which he is helping organize. Nick organized two two recent events in the Villages in Florida with Dr. Villa. The events included victims of the biological and technological weapon injections. We also discuss moving forward. Warning we may vent a little....

This interview is also available on Clouthub.com and Rumble.com

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Discussion about this video

"Statistically it's impossible that no politician is willing to come out and call the clot shots a biological/technological weapon when 30% of the population they represent are in no doubt about this fact."

My guess is that the politicians understand the consequences of saying that. Some have been Epsteined, and some fear they will be pitch forked by "We The People" if they come out and say that, so instead they doubble down by shutting up.

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It's corruption. DeSantis was allowed and did what he had to do given the political sensibilities of his constituents in Florida. He will only take stronger action if forced to do so by Floridians and even then he will fall short of the remedies these crimes require. We the people are the only ones who can save us....starting with overturning the unconstitutional medical emergency powers the legislature and DeSantis signed into law a few years ago.

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More people need to do things like what I am doing to make it happen.

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This unconstitutional medical emergency power should have been rescinded. Desantis is not responding to the needs of Floridians. People Pressure needs to be put on Desantis to get this law ended in Florida. Bombard Desantis with calls and emails..ask why he hasn't rescinded it? How many more have to die, because it's a law giving control to unethical 'authorities?'

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I do declare Dr J. Sansone! I see your growth since you first started on this bioweapons journey. Great video and God bless💥

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I have a question for anyone who can give me a correct answer. Recently on Mind Matters and Everythin Else @Karen Kingston (I believe it was) said "Genetically altered letuc is no longer letuce."

With that in mind, what about the billions of genetically modified humans? By her logic they are no longer human beings.

I know that fenbendazol and Ivermectin can prevent lots of all causes deaths if it were easily available in every country on earth.

Now for the $64.000 question: Is there a way to reverse the genetic modification these people have gone through?

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Karen said she still believes they are human but is concerned about the future. Good question...

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"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience." Pierre Chardin

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I think I have the answer to my $64.000 question in the form of yet two more questions. "Reverse it to what? How many people have mapped out their genomic sequence.

...., or put another way: No, it's impossible to do that.

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Whose behind the mandated murders that are occurring? Why aren't our representatives doing something to stop this? Congress should be moving on this! . Mass murder is occurring and Congress is doing nothing to stop it. It's business as usual, sending more American tax dollars to other countries; and this includes foreign interests like the UN. When the majority in Congress ignore this horrendous scenario going on, why aren't Americans hollering and demanding that it is stopped. America needs help...and Congress is focused on Ukraine!!!

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In the war against humanity ,the shooting is not done with guns .The shooting is with needles ,and just as effective .

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Anarcho tyranny.

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The fascists are on the march again, not much of a respite from the days of WW11. Israel and US as always are leading the charge with the shots acting as the old/new arsenal.

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De Santis is coming out dubious - maybe a rally by lots of Floridians to shame him would help? Lovely conversation and love to read about actions over here in Europe!

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Apr 17
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They are liable with the C19 injections. Texas is suing Pfizer.

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Being made liable is only a start .For example if someone empties a machine gun at a person ten feet away ,it is murder .The one doing the shooting knows it will kill the person ,and he should be convicted of murder ,followed by capital punishment .The same should apply to someone like BIG PHARMA, After the second world war, many of those who mass murdered where executed .We know that Big Pharma and their collaborators commit mass murder as we write or speak .For mass murder there should be mass executions .Need evidence look at the dead .My brother was one of them .

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Injecting toxic matter into the veins of another human being is murder! This has been going on since Edward Jenner started his experiments using disease matter from a girl's smallpox sore and transferring it via an inoculation into another person. The Internet...The WHO, the CDC, encyclopedias, etc. does not disclose much about the downside of these injections. When they were mandated in England, in the 1890s, 90% of the town of Leicester in England was decimated, before the mandate was ended. .

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Bayer Bayer lobbying like crazy after buying Monsanto and all the court cases to get the same no liability like the jibby jab's. Definitely one to watch and stop before we end up in the same situation as now.

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