Pfizer whisle bliwer Melissa McAtee stopped by Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone to discuss dangers of COVID-19 shots and mRNA technology. Melissa shared her perspective and shared photos of glowing C19 shots. Melissa also reported that the flue shots now contain mRNA technology.
Melissa McAtee 1 hour sworn testimony of evidence
Powerpoint for people to download
She is an American Hero as are you! God Bless You All & Your Efforts 🙏
THE PROBLEM with prosecuting the media which they really should be is how to hold accountable as some just following orders and maybe are acting out of ignorance while some are true psychopaths.... both hands bloody yet should one be held more or less accountable than another....
Terrific interview, and many thanks to you both for airing information re serious problems of sourcing, manufacturing, adverse effects, and undisclosed ingredients of the C19 vaccines!
But, this current narrative I do not understand: if we're going to point the finger at big bad ambitious China for giving a deadly virus and shoddy shot to us, what does that say about us and other western countries? Our countries went fascist re testing, masking, lockdowns, and jabs. All day, all week, all year, for several years, we watched fear porn from officials and white coats on TV re how Covid was going to get us unless we submitted to their insane protocols. Do we really think there was any sincere concern for us in this "live exercise" coming on the heels of the Coronavirus Pandemic Simulation with the Gates Foundation, Johns Hopkins, and the WHO just a couple of months before?
We were subjected tp fraudulent PCR testing to determine live (and asymptomatic!) infection from a made-up virus. When the jab concoctions were trotted out, we all celebrated how they were formulated and barely tested in record time. Those of us who had concerns were basically told to shut up, because the jabs were safe and effective and would save Grandma from dying and everybody from getting Covid and being hospitalized and dying.
The vast majority of doctors and officials refused to recognize the shots' serious adverse effects to keep the lie of "safe and effective" going. Covid payments to hospitals incentivized attributing as many deaths as possible to "dying with or from Covid." Grossly exaggerated fatalities from what used to be called flu and pneumonia scared too many of us into standing in line for jabs and boosters of what we now know is a toxic and transfecting technology.
The "whole of government" was in on Operation Warp Speed (OWS), and there were similar fascist mobilizations in other countries. Our three branches of government supported the unconstitutional approach to saving us from the coronavirus plague, to include our health and intelligence agencies working in concert with global corporations, academia, and mass and online media. Emergency declarations superseded all rights and common sense, leaving us feeling powerless and unsure of even bodily autonomy.
Our military was in charge of the so-called vaccines and has a demonstrated, papered history and interest in these unconscionable nanotech "devices." During lockdowns, eyewitness accounts told of 5G being installed in schools in major cities. The military has told us through various documents that the nanotech with sensors is stimulated to self-assemble and become transceivers within Wide Area Body Networks via 5G and 6G, (thus far.) Meanwhile, our alleged health agencies put children on the schedule to get C19 jabs and other updated shots using m-RNA nanotech and hydrogel.
Further, our country, for years, has been doing either biological gain of function (if one subscribes to virus theory) or synthetic biology R and D in other countries, including China. The psy-ops coming out of Wuhan was theatrical and by the numbers. Upper levels of government, Deep State operatives, and UN, WHO, WEF, Masons, and banking interests around the world followed similar scripts given to each country. This global consortium effectively censored and shut down any questions, independent observations, and objections to the shot plot and framed dissenters as unpatriotic and inhumane morons and troublemakers who don't "believe in Science."
Sounds as if, now, the pre-US election script calls for suspicions to be cast upon China as a nefarious enemy who poisoned us with the virus and shots. Of course, the media is still in lock-step with the safe and effective mantra, and one candidate still talks about his "big and beautiful vaccine," but those of us who know better than our ignorant media and politicians can now blame China for the terrible virus (which doesn't exist, or at least as a pandemic-level pathogen.)
Current well-timed leaks and Congressional testimony re China's role in creating Covid and sloppy shots are being used to deflect any moral indictment of the Whole of Government and to gin up war talk in the run up to the election. We are to now believe our civilian and medical leaders and top brass were hoodwinked by that country (and Pfizer) and couldn't possibly be the architects of this atrocity. No doubt, we'll have casus belli and experience patriotic righteousness when the "surprise" disclosures are finished.
The far more likely scenario is that China has been assigned the role of leader of East Asia and we of Oceania, and we're partnering on pandemic and science scams and on the toxification and culling of our populations. At some point, we'll be partnering on going to war. No doubt the Chinese government and our leaders share a good laugh over the cognitive dissonance they've conjured, while shooting us up. Our government effectively turned Walgreens and CVSs into tainted opium dens across America, and has given China the go-ahead to broker much of the New World Order over our televised "objections."
You don't have to convince me I'm in litigation trying to get them off the market because they are a
You're been a warrior, Dr. Sansone, and on top of everything that's going on!
Made my point too long, but, as we know, we own this bioweapon and its ongoing consequences. Sometimes I see on line, and now the news, that we should put China in the crosshairs over Covid. Few nations are innocent of perpetuating the Big Lie and poisoning their people and lands over the last several years. No doubt super manufacturer China provided a lot of questionable personal safety equipment, nose swabs, and syn-biologicals for the secret war against peoples around the world, but they likely were manufactured per spec from their clients. As the pandemic planners would boast, the wool was only pulled over the sheep's eyes, not the wolves'.
Our global leaders and militaries knew what they were doing to us and are still using metrics to gauge the bioweapon's effectiveness and psychology to not only deflect blame but to declare a new pandemic and new and improved shots, soon. After a false flag or gigantic hoax toward the end of this year or beginning of next, we can expect a war-footing, as well. A fear and distraction strategy could be from Sun Tzu or an American alphabet agency, attribution not needed, I suppose, but it's disturbingly effective.
Oops, but I only hit the Post button once. Could I bother you to remove one these redundant replies? Thank you!
I only see one reply.
Thanks. Two identical comments showed on my screen, but one went away upon the second refresh. Thought you disappeared it!
Clearly, this PC is experiencing bouts of double vision.
If You Are Reading This
You Are A Holocaust Survivor.
So Far.
This whole business of injecting any matter into the human body shows total ignorance of how the bloodstream works. It is appalling that so much time effort and money has been wasted, because of lack of knowledge on the part of the Medical Industry! The bloodstream was designed by our Creator to nourish every cell in the human body. The mouth was designed to take in food and the intestinal track was a food processing unit to break down the food, so nutrients from the food would enter the bloodstream. The bloodstream would deliver these nutrients to all the organs and this would help them to function and create energy. This would keep all the organs healthy and functioning. The skin is composed of 5 layers to protect the bloodstream from contamination. Injecting a needle , which pierces the protective layers and puts toxic items into the bloodstream contaminates the bloodstream. it does not strengthen it. What kind of medical education do doctors get, when they don't know the function of the bloodstream? It requires nutrients from nourishing food to keep people well.