"Statistically it's impossible that no politician is willing to come out and call the clot shots a biological/technological weapon when 30% of the population they represent are in no doubt about this fact."

My guess is that the politicians understand the consequences of saying that. Some have been Epsteined, and some fear they will be pitch forked by "We The People" if they come out and say that, so instead they doubble down by shutting up.

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Apr 17Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

It's corruption. DeSantis was allowed and did what he had to do given the political sensibilities of his constituents in Florida. He will only take stronger action if forced to do so by Floridians and even then he will fall short of the remedies these crimes require. We the people are the only ones who can save us....starting with overturning the unconstitutional medical emergency powers the legislature and DeSantis signed into law a few years ago.

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Apr 17Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

I do declare Dr J. Sansone! I see your growth since you first started on this bioweapons journey. Great video and God bless💥

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Apr 18Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Laws need changing All Vaccine Companies need to be made liable for all vaccine induced deaths and injuries

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I have a question for anyone who can give me a correct answer. Recently on Mind Matters and Everythin Else @Karen Kingston (I believe it was) said "Genetically altered letuc is no longer letuce."

With that in mind, what about the billions of genetically modified humans? By her logic they are no longer human beings.

I know that fenbendazol and Ivermectin can prevent lots of all causes deaths if it were easily available in every country on earth.

Now for the $64.000 question: Is there a way to reverse the genetic modification these people have gone through?

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Agreed. No politics as usual. The Congressional Staffers are shutting us down 100% and refusing to allow us to communicate with our elected representatives, and/or the appropriate staffer. And if you are fighting a science-based issue - and lightening strikes and you do get to a staffer - is a person with a political science degree. So they don't understand a thing you tell them, and can't explain it to the congressmember they won't let you talk too. You have to train them on the basic scientific principles first, and then the 15 minutes they deigned to give you is gone. (Rubio's office 2015).

I just called Senator Thom Tillis's office. I REALLY tried because I've already gone through the obvious hoops to connect with his office. I started by asking the staffer if the congress controlled the funding for everything the government does. He said yes. Then I asked him if he knew about 5G, the Space Fence, and the C19 injection's deadly bio-synthetic nanotech, and Elon Musk - to make the point that he is personally far more ignorant than me on the issues of the day. He did know who Elon Musk was... The rest? Zip.

He declined to send an e-mail to Tillis's scheduling office - even after I told him that they have never responded to multiple e-mail requests for a meeting in Hendersonville, NC. I really pressed., and all he could do was try to end the call repeatedly, and then tell me he had to go into a meeting at 3:00pm. I had to spell my name for him and practically demand that he take my e-mail too. Bottom line, I asked to have the staffer with the science portfolio e-mail me back so I could send them the relevant documents. He never took my e-mail and probably didn't write my name down either.

Senator Ron Wright is just another "lone stranger" tactic - for the C19 injection. [Rep. Tom Emmer is the lone stranger on CBDC]. Senator Wright actually told Dr. Meryl Nass to tell her base to contact their congresspeople directly and bypass the congressional staff because they are known to filter taxpayer comments.

That was utterly ludicrous. We blogged it to hell and back. Dr. Nass has been a physician for the last few decades - not an "in the trenches" activist working multiple issues. She didn't know what he suggested was utter bullshit and he said it at a special Congressional Breakfast that he staged for her benefit. Mr. Smoke and Mirrors.

A friend of mine was in Senator Thom Tillis's office waiting for a meeting. She watched the congressional staffer tell caller after caller that she would pass the taxpayer's message on to the Senator.... but she never wrote anything down or enter anything into a call log on the computer. She just sat there and LIED to the taxpayers over and over and over for HOURS.

Senator Ted Budd turned into Tillis Mini-Me. He's never seen a genocide he didn't want to support. His staffers keep a for and against tally on issues and present the score on Fridays. Any substantive information from the taxpayers is GONE with the wind... and it really shows because Ted Budd hasn't done a damn thing to stop the shots or help the vax injured...

We can't re-call these worthless, venal, wilfully ignorant sub-humans. We can't get rid of the Congressional Staffers that stop our communication. I have tried calling the Sargeant at Arms for both houses. They are utterly clueless too.

All we can do is mount disgust campaigns, send "we despise you" mail, and let them know that we want them to resign RFN. It's a 2/3rds majority to expel a congressmember - so it's rare. Some other congressmember is always blackmailed into preventing the ejection of the corrupt congressmembers. Their convictions for illegal behavior are illustrative.

At least we're getting rid of NC Rep Patrick McHenry next November - if he sticks to his statement that he won't run again. The disgust communication got so high for Tillis that he put it out that he won't run again - but we're stuck with him until 01/2026. Budd's worse. We've got to live through five more years of his ineptitude and failure to stop the C19 injections and murder of taxpayers by the US DoD/DARPA.

I was running the numbers through my head of how many people we're up against:

______ Presidential Administration

535 Congresscritters

40,000 Congressional Staffers

_______ E-Level and Appointees for 241 Federal Agencies

_______ State Legislators

15,000 County Commissioners

_______ Town / City Councils

_______ State & Ivy League University Executives

12,000 County Sheriff's (although these folks do seem to be waking up faster than the others thanks to Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officer Association - CSPOA.org)

_______ Corporate Lobbyists - Federal

_______ Corporate Lobbyists - State

_______ Trade & Professional Association Executives & their Publication Staffs

_______ Industrial Medical Corporation Executives

_______ Global NGO Structure - Medical

_______ Global NGO Structure - Non-Medical

_______ Corporate Executives for the 20,000 US corporations w/$100 million/yr gross revenue (last data avail 2007!!)

_______ County & State Executive Level Un-elected Officials

_______ The US Dept of Defense - Trauma-Based Mind Kontrolled (TMK) Top Officials [Council on Foreign Relations (a year long!) Fellowship alumni]

_______ The US Dept of Defense - TMK Officer Class

_______ The $2 Trillion Intelligence Complex built after 9/11 (Now mostly private corp contractors).

_______ Global Militaries / NATO

_______ Billionaires & their Philanthropic Organizations

_______ Legacy Media Sock Puppets

_______ Organized Crime & Gangs

_______ Scientists Responsible for the NIGHTMARE we are in

_______ More?

But even with all of these sub-populations, and the ones I can't think of, THERE ARE 8 BILLION OF US!! 10% of the 330 million US population is what?, 3.3 million give or take. That is enough to overwhelm every level of government.

Do we have 3.3 million people in this country who will fight back with everything they have, on every level they can, and take over their local governments and STOP THIS SHIT at the local level??

Or how about double that number to 6.6 Million, and all they have to do is refuse to comply and ANYTHING these idiots in congress try to foist off on us will be nullified. Examples of Nullification: Prohibition, Prostitution, Drug, Human and Child Trafficking, Marijuana, Immigration, and much more (TenthAmendmentCenter.org).

All these immigrants who will work for nothing and allow Congress to continue to degrade our US Minimum Wage? They left governmental nightmares behind - and now they are walking straight back into a bigger and just as deadly one. They can help nullify unjust governmental actions by not complying too.

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Whose behind the mandated murders that are occurring? Why aren't our representatives doing something to stop this? Congress should be moving on this! . Mass murder is occurring and Congress is doing nothing to stop it. It's business as usual, sending more American tax dollars to other countries; and this includes foreign interests like the UN. When the majority in Congress ignore this horrendous scenario going on, why aren't Americans hollering and demanding that it is stopped. America needs help...and Congress is focused on Ukraine!!!

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In the war against humanity ,the shooting is not done with guns .The shooting is with needles ,and just as effective .

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Anarcho tyranny.

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The fascists are on the march again, not much of a respite from the days of WW11. Israel and US as always are leading the charge with the shots acting as the old/new arsenal.

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De Santis is coming out dubious - maybe a rally by lots of Floridians to shame him would help? Lovely conversation and love to read about actions over here in Europe!

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