Being made liable is only a start .For example if someone empties a machine gun at a person ten feet away ,it is murder .The one doing the shooting knows it will kill the person ,and he should be convicted of murder ,followed by capital punishment .The same should apply to someone like BIG PHARMA, After the second world war, many of those who mass murdered where executed .We know that Big Pharma and their collaborators commit mass murder as we write or speak .For mass murder there should be mass executions .Need evidence look at the dead .My brother was one of them .
Injecting toxic matter into the veins of another human being is murder! This has been going on since Edward Jenner started his experiments using disease matter from a girl's smallpox sore and transferring it via an inoculation into another person. The Internet...The WHO, the CDC, encyclopedias, etc. does not disclose much about the downside of these injections. When they were mandated in England, in the 1890s, 90% of the town of Leicester in England was decimated, before the mandate was ended. .
Bayer Bayer lobbying like crazy after buying Monsanto and all the court cases to get the same no liability like the jibby jab's. Definitely one to watch and stop before we end up in the same situation as now.
They are liable with the C19 injections. Texas is suing Pfizer.
Being made liable is only a start .For example if someone empties a machine gun at a person ten feet away ,it is murder .The one doing the shooting knows it will kill the person ,and he should be convicted of murder ,followed by capital punishment .The same should apply to someone like BIG PHARMA, After the second world war, many of those who mass murdered where executed .We know that Big Pharma and their collaborators commit mass murder as we write or speak .For mass murder there should be mass executions .Need evidence look at the dead .My brother was one of them .
Injecting toxic matter into the veins of another human being is murder! This has been going on since Edward Jenner started his experiments using disease matter from a girl's smallpox sore and transferring it via an inoculation into another person. The Internet...The WHO, the CDC, encyclopedias, etc. does not disclose much about the downside of these injections. When they were mandated in England, in the 1890s, 90% of the town of Leicester in England was decimated, before the mandate was ended. .
Bayer Bayer lobbying like crazy after buying Monsanto and all the court cases to get the same no liability like the jibby jab's. Definitely one to watch and stop before we end up in the same situation as now.