It has been reported that there are several state legislative initiatives seeking to bran mRNA injections and or products. These reports were a bit of an over estimation. Some of these states actually have Bills, while others do not. While I applaud efforts to prohibit mRNA injection. It must be pointed out that mRNA injections are already illegal in every state.
The mRNA injections violate the federal bioweapons law 18 USC 175 CH 10 BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS. The mRNA nanoparticle injections also violate mirror state bioweapons or weapons of mass destruction laws. In Florida it is Fla. Stat. 790.166 Weapons of Mass destruction.
This is a salient point because unless proposed state legislation is designating mRNA as a substance in violation of state and federal bioweapons laws, which typically cover biological agents, chemical agents, and devices, then such legislation is likely counterproductive.
On a side note, I’d like to point out that I am in no way writing a hit piece on epidemiologist Nicholas Hulscher who has written about these legislative initiatives. Nicholas clearly agrees that the mRNA shots are bioweapons.
When I wrote the first Ban the Jab resolution that was passed by the Lee County GOP on February 21, 2023, and eventually was passed in 10 Florida Republican County Parties, the Idaho and Arizona Republican Parties, and County Parties in other states, it clearly designated the COVID injections as biological and technological weapons in violation of state and federal law. The resolution called on the Governor to prohibit, and the Attorney General to confiscate the vials and conduct a forensic analysis.
Literally these local and state political parties represented millions of registered voters….
The resolution also called on the legislature to act to prohibit the mRNA injections as well. While this short resolution did not go into more detail, the inclusion of a call on the legislature to act was there in case the legislature was more willing to do the right thing than a given Governor or Attorey General.
The intention was not to create new unneeded legislation, it was to get the legislature to simply define mRNA as a substance in violation of the state Weapons of Mass destruction law or Bioweapons law. Any legislative effort to prohibit the mRNA injections that does not designate it as a bioweapon or weapon of mass destruction is counterproductive.
In the case of Florida, the State Party put pressure on County Chairs and Boards to not allow the Ban the Jab resolutions to come up. Even so, the Florida Department of Health did eventually join the call for a ban. While Surgeon General Ladapo did not explicitly state that the mRNA injections were bioweapons, he did call them the Anti Christ of drugs. Once I realized that the resolutions were being completely blocked from being placed on the agenda, I filed my first case against Governor DeSantis. I eventually lost in appeal. The court did not hear evidence. I field the new case on December 1, 2024, and recently filed an Appellate Brief on February 6, 2025. This case is still to be determined.
The biggest objection to the Ban the Jab resolution was that the COVID/mRNA injections were being labeled a biological and technological weapon. The resistance to this was incredible. The reason for that is very simple. Labeling the mRNA injections as biological weapons is the only way to win. It wipes out the whole platform and removes all fake claims to a liability shield. There is no liability shield when fraud and criminal acts are involved.
Why are very few in the so called Health Freedom movement willing to state that the mRNA injections are in fact weapons of mass destruction?
Along the way there were many people trying to derail this effort. There are many still trying to do it. There were these phony ‘choice’ arguments. This was generated by the same people that think seat belt laws and the like are good. These people had no interest in liberty. Trust me, they wore the masks and followed the little lines on the floor.
I was forced to engage in countless arguments with people saying that if I would only be willing to remove the part about it being a biological weapon, etc., then it would be placed on the agenda. I refused to budge on this and asked people not to put it on the agenda if they were going to pervert the resolution.
As such, there was a concerted effort to keep ignoring the fact that the mRNA injections were weapons, and the discussion would go back to a ‘choice’ argument. The so called Health Freedom movement kept ignoring that the shots are weapons and reverted to the mandates debate. My belief is that this argument was being fueled by paid opposition and was unwittingly adopted by honest people. It was a slight of hand operation that is still occurring.
Once the charge that mRNA injections are bioweapons is made, all other debate goes out the window and the only legitimate debate that can occur is about whether the mRNA injections and products are in fact weapons or not? Mandates etc., are BS arguments at that point.
While I was actively getting local political parties to vote to declare the COVID injections biological weapons and call for their prohibition, others started petitions calling for their halt, but refused to say the mRNA injections are bioweapons. This was counter productive and still is. Many still refuse to do so. This is in fact the essence of the problem.
This is cowardice and counterproductive and must end. The fact that the mRNA injections are weapons must be repeated nonstop. The mRNA weapons platform is already illegal. Accepting this is the only path toward victory and the only way to get justice for the injured and the dead. This erases all liability shields and protections.
In April of 2023, while I was in the hospital awaiting triple bypass heart surgery, at my request, the late Dr. Francis Boyle endorsed my Ban the Jab resolution and clearly stated that the injections were offensive biowarfare weapons. Dr. Francis Boyle is the law professor that wrote the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, which was reported to have passed both houses of Congress unanimously. Later, when I requested, Dr. Boyle provided an affidavit in my first lawsuit to prohibit mRNA injections that was also used in my current case, which includes other expert affidavits. In addition to Francis Boyle, J.D., PhD; affidavits were provided by Karen Kingston; Ana Mihalcea, M.D., PhD; Rima Laibow, M.D.; Andrew Zywiec, M.D.; Marivic Villa, M.D., and Avery Brinkley, M.D.. Dr. Ben Marble, M.D., and Dr. Paul Alexander, PhD., all affirming that the mRNA injections cause harm directly and or through shedding. These courageous legal, medical, scientific, and pharmaceutical experts, provided affidavits under penalty of perjury, stating in various ways, that these mRNA injections are bioweapons.
It is now unacceptable for those in the so called Health Freedom movement to dodge this issue. It is simply cowardice. I call chicken!
We are well past resolutions. Now I am actively encouraging people to initiate litigation all over the place to get the shots off the market. Come on in, the water is fine…
If you would like to support my effort visit GiveSendGo.
Dr. Joseph Sansone is a psychotherapist opposed to psychopathic authoritarianism.
Mind Matters and Everything Else is 100% independent. If you appreciate my writing and advocacy and would like to support it, please consider upgrading to a paid subscription or making a donation of any amount. Donations may be sent c/o Joseph Sansone, 27499 Riverview Center Boulevard, Bonita Springs, Florida 34134, United States, or make an online donation on Ko-Fi here.
From the moment I saw mRNA attached to the word “vaccine” I began screaming- “It’s a genetic Bioweapon !!!” What has shocked me from the start, is the fact that an 8th grade biology class was literally all that was needed to prompt critical thinkers to stand back from the shots and at the very least begin to do some actual research. We who refused to roll over and roll up our sleeves have been vilified and attacked by mutton minded loved ones and total strangers alike. It has been a long journey through the grieving process to accept that the vast majority of my entire bloodline WILLINGLY have signed their own death warrants. Now I am left devoid of emotion towards those I share a genetic lineage with yet can no longer call “family”.
{ Blood makes you related-
Loyalty makes you family }
I have publicly been stating it is a bioweapon since Spring 2021, and then I am shushed by health freedom people and a family member. Here is one such instance I call it a bioweapon: Currently I am seeking a religious accommodation to continue working remotely, so I can stay away from the obviously "unGodly" contents through Shedders-Deaders. Thank YOU for calling it out for what it is, Dr. Joseph Sansone.