From the moment I saw mRNA attached to the word “vaccine” I began screaming- “It’s a genetic Bioweapon !!!” What has shocked me from the start, is the fact that an 8th grade biology class was literally all that was needed to prompt critical thinkers to stand back from the shots and at the very least begin to do some actual research. We who refused to roll over and roll up our sleeves have been vilified and attacked by mutton minded loved ones and total strangers alike. It has been a long journey through the grieving process to accept that the vast majority of my entire bloodline WILLINGLY have signed their own death warrants. Now I am left devoid of emotion towards those I share a genetic lineage with yet can no longer call “family”.

{ Blood makes you related-

Loyalty makes you family }

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...and their genetics have been altered, irreversibly, forever.

Most all of us have experienced both family members and dear friends either willingly or under coercion ('no jab no job, etc) accepting the bioweapons. Witnessing this is both heartbreaking and indescribably frustrating. To be attacked by loved ones for refusing to also be genetically-modified, who refuse to even consider the evidence we try to share is... i have no adequate words.

Yet, our beloved friends and family were all subjected to a military-grade psychological operation designed to gain compliance. Even blind obedience.

Though we may need to distance ourselves a little, for self-preservation, this time in history may be a good time to remember that "We are all cousins", as astronomer Carl Sagan said. Every human being, even the genetically modified, even those carrying nano-tech inside them, are still members of the family of man-kind.

The words 'man' and 'men' come from the Latin 'manus' for 'hand'- not another body part. Depending on the context, those words refer to all people. Just as all drakes are ducks, but not all duck are drakes.

With the development of inhalable self-spreading "vaccines" designed to spread like a virus... we will soon have no choice, and will all be subjects of the experiment.


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" From the moment I saw mRNA attached to the word “vaccine” I began screaming- “It’s a genetic Bioweapon !!!” "

Yes, and the synthetic modified mRNA in the lipid nano-particle is also technology designed to genetically modify the recipient.

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I have publicly been stating it is a bioweapon since Spring 2021, and then I am shushed by health freedom people and a family member. Here is one such instance I call it a bioweapon: https://rumble.com/v2ethq2-monique-lukens-speaks-to-a-school-board.html Currently I am seeking a religious accommodation to continue working remotely, so I can stay away from the obviously "unGodly" contents through Shedders-Deaders. Thank YOU for calling it out for what it is, Dr. Joseph Sansone.

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Dr. David Martin complied the evidence that the SARS CoV2 'virus' said to cause the syndrome named COVID-19 was not "novel' (new) - and it and the "countermeasures" fraudulently labeled and marketed as "COVID-19 Vaccine" are bioweapons in the 'Fauci / COVID-19 Dossier'. Dr. Martin provided copies of the documented evidence of multiple violations of law, including laws against "gain of function" research, and development of, or stockpiling of bioweapons to the Attorney General of the U.S. and every U.S. Senator in 2021.

The dossier is available and free for anyone to download here:


The evidence is referenced, including U.S. patents, research grants, and records of proceedings of international meetings on the science. It was prepared to stand up in any court of law.

Note that the labels always capitalize the word "Vaccine", as though it is a name, and not simply a type of medical product.

More telling is that the non-vaccines are officially designated "countermeasures" - a military term. "Lockdown" and "curfew" are also terms used in a military or prison setting. none of these words have anything to do with public health.

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I received a digital copy of Dr. Martin's Dossier in early 2021. I am aware it went to all the Senators, yet they act like it was never received. I had a school friendship with one of the Warp Speed BARDA people commended by President Trump. For 2 1/2 years I emailed their HHS email address with facts, injuries, fatalities, crying people, etc. told them to please stop. Never one word from the person, and then BARDA put out millions for the Bird Flu vaccine. Thanks for the reminder.

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Thank you for all your good efforts! What those you supplied information to id with it is on them, not you,of course.

'No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.'

In these times, it is vitally important that each of us do our part. Deep appreciation to you for doing what you could to help stop the madness.

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Thank You love Dr. David Martin.

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Monique- I hope you are successful in exerting your right to an accommodation for your religious exemption under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

You are probably aware, but we are not to 'ask' for a religious exemption; that is our right. Instead, we simply have to inform our employer that there is a conflict between our religious belief and practice (how we live our lives) and a requirement of employment. The employer then has a legal obligation to provide "a reasonable accommodation" for an employee's religious exemption UNLESS it would be a significant burden to do so, more than "de minimus".

The employer does not have the right to grill any employee about their religious beliefs, nor doubt their sincerity. The employee only has to make clear what the conflict is, so the employer can offer a reasonable accommodation.

The word "personal" should be avoided! Yet the beliefs must be sincere and may be unique to the individual. One does NOT have to belong to an organization with a certain set of religious beliefs, nor have a religious leader that objects to the same thing for our right to a religious exemption to be valid.

Sincerely held beliefs of a spiritual nature that guide how we live our lives fulfills the definition of "religious" beliefs under this law.

More info at:


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I think you're right. What it accomplishes is the movement of the overton window. And each move gives cover for the next move. Many strategies need to be in the hopper. And to get mass refusal of the already contracts for human bird flu vaccines the more press we get the better. It's race to save lives. What's the win number of awake we need to have? The law is a poor substitute for morality. They game it to their advantage. Once morality is awakened its a rod, and there won't be enough judges for the justice we will have. God bless you dear friend for all your work. Will share a few of your stacks tonight.

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Thanks. They want to move on and pretend this crime did not occur. Governor DeSantis is talking about prosecuting Fauci for mandates while I am suing him to get shots off the market.

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Again, Dr. Sansone, thank you for your stubbornness and especially for denouncing those cowards in the so called Health Freedom movement who systematically refuse to take the definite stand to declare the mRNA injections illegal bio-weapons.

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In some instances, some members of the health freedom movement may be choosing their words strategically.

Whether or not this is true of any particular person, let's remember we are all on the same side. Let's not allow ourselves to be 'divided against ourselves'. 'Divide & conquer' - along with twisting truth - these are the oldest tricks in the Book.

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The mRNA technology is sheddable. A no-mandates campaign would be fine and wonderful, even, but only if preceded by the outlawing of mRNA "therapy" and terming it a bioweapon.

If it hasn't been already, the mRNA undisclosed "stuff" will soon be put in grocery store air, poisoning people, produce, and packaging. It will be put into most buildings and perhaps fogged in neighborhoods late at night. Shot-up people at the bus stop or symphony will infect others. Who would send their child to school, once they realized the tech spreads? It's critical the tech gets shot down and not just mandates.

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Yes- and it's worse than that. In addition to inhalable versions that are being or have been developed specifically to 'overcome noncompliance' - what is being called "prophylaxis" that spread like a virus have also been developed.


None of us can self-righteously call ourselves "purebloods" anymore.

Along with who-knows-what chemicals and nano-tech, it seems likely that fogging of neighborhoods and large gatherings is being planned if not already conducted.

An attorney for ICAN shares documents from government & the military obtained under FOIA on geoengineering, and low-level spraying of residential areas with a variety of chemicals (but not near bald eagle nests!) - and preparations to do the same with "vaccines":


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How is it "overcoming non-compliance" by sneakily subjecting people to that which they choose not to take and believe is a poison? Is this felonious assault with intent to kill or an admission that we're under martial law and there are, indeed, government imposed no-exception mandates?

I knew not to get jabbed, and then my husband shed on me, causing serious cardiac and vascular problems. But, it's OK, he said, b/c everyone took it.

Praying and despairing is not enough for the world. But greenhouses in back, sealed storm windows, and fans blowing outward toward exterior doors might help. Perhaps also terranaut suits when going to market.

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So sorry you experienced the harmful effects of exposure via contact with someone who received the "COVID-19 Vaccine". As I recall, Pfizer warned it's employee that contact with someone who got their product was an "exposure", and could be dangerous especially to pregnant women and those planing to conceive.

No doubt you are aware that your husband is wrong- "everyone" did not accept the injection of the product fraudulently labeled as a "COVID-10 Vaccine". The government over-reported the numbers of those "vaccinated" to make people think "everyone else too it".

It seems more likely that about 1/3rd of the population welcomed the jabs, believing the lies that they were "safe & effective". Approximately another third gave in under peer pressure or 'the jab or your job'. Roughly another third has not willingly accepted the product - but they may have been shed on: not just the pathogenic spikes, but the lipid nano-particles that contain the synthetic modified mRNA- 2nd hand "vaccination".

Yes, we must all do what we can!

On practical matters,

-How big a greenhouse would be required to generate enough oxygen to supply the needs of the average household? Or just two people? Can the average household afford to install one? And heat it in the winter?

Most older homes are not air-tight, even if vents are blocked & storm windows sealed. Foams sold to 'fix' this problem outgas toxic chemicals. The 'tighter' the house, the more we are breathing the toxins from foam carpet padding, upholstery cushions, particleboard cabinets, vinyl flooring... and PFAS chemical stain, wrinkle & flame retardant treatments on carpets, upholstery, drapes, and clothing... household cleaning products... paints & finishes... etc. (There are natural, truly non-toxic alternatives to all these- but most everyone is living in homes constructed, furnished & full of consumer products made of, with and giving off toxic chemical compounds.)

-Do you know where we can get containment 'terrasuits'? Or the air canisters for them? How can we know whether the air in the canisters is pure? How can we effectively de-contaminate such suits after going to the store in them? Will people be able to wear those to work?

-Do you or Dr. Sansone know where we can get filters that will bloc nano-size particles?

Inaction and despair is not the answer.

'Knowledge is power.'

Along with every practical step I can think of - I will also pray.

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That's a pretty comprehensive lists of obstacles, maybe let's say "challenges," instead.

I can't truly build on this property, but my husband won't move and my life savings were stolen. Not looking for sympathy, just explaining that I design in my head for all of those factors and more.

The terrasuit is a bit tongue in cheek, but I've actually considered mocking something up. Testing for the purity of air and water would be tough, as the credibility of product and corporations is low, these dim days. The perfect place would have an in-home lab with all of the accoutrement.

As for nanotech filtration, I've posted a couple of times on blogsites with a like-minded audience as this one has, but have gotten no responses. Will try a local university and maybe a contact whose company does innovative engineering. I've preliminary thoughts about the filters.

Have also suggested that all of the interested folk on these blogs could get together and form a community lab for honest testing of all sorts of product, starting with water and air, then pharma and food, and more, for a modest buy-in and per test charge. But not a peep. Liability insurance would be a big issue, tho'.

Most of us do live in toxic homes that emit gases, accumulate microplastics, and which are swaddled in EMF-producing wiring. Scarier, all new homes have Smart meters, which isn't smart, at all.

My designs would have to be built where there is no building code! Of course, greenhouses and grow rooms would be incorporated into the house, but you have a good question as to oxygen generation. You know what they're doing, they're forcing the aware ones to redesign their lives as is we're living on Mars.

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That is the problem with those pretend allies: they are just saboteurs.

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Should we each exercise a little discernment?

It sees to me that anyone who is calling for an end to vaccine mandates is truly taking a stand for Health Freedom - whether or not they are using the term "bioweapon".

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To Nicholas Cox, the Florida Statewide Prosecutor in charge of the 22nd Statewide Grand Jury and members of the Grand Jury -- who found nothing that happened over the last 4+ years violated a single...statute...across...the...𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒓𝒆...Florida code -- "It's a bioweapon, stupid!"

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After getting Dr. Boyle's and others affidavits the Grand Jury did not even look at Fla. Stat. 790.166 according to their report. Bogus!

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An absolute disgrace...and as many have suggested, bought-and-paid-for. Governor DeSantis even pointed the Grand Jury to a handful of statutes and they lacked the courtesy to even mention them.

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Grand Jury was a scam to begin with to give cover for DeSantis. DeSantis argued to keep mRNA bioweapon injections on the market in my last case. He is guilty.

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Dr. Sansone, you are a man for these insane and existential times, both stout-hearted (despite the by-pass surgery!) and insightful (inciteful, too, with your reasoned calls to ban the killer technology in our courts.) You and a cadre of truthful and courageous men and women are giants.

Not too long ago, I read a blogger who was making the "no mandates/ personal choice" argument, after saying the shots were toxic, a move on this person's part which I took as subterfuge, with a .5mL dose of cognitive dissonance. First, if the shots are poison, why would this writer be OK if people who are scared by publicly-funded propaganda ads, etc. are allowed to inject the officially undisclosed toxins, much less be permitted to give them to their children and Alzheimer's parents who'd have no say in the matter? Further, the shots appear not to prevent illness but, instead, make a lot of people sick, diseased, disabled, or dead.

Second, the shedding phenomenon is well-known and even mentioned in the Pfizer lit, which this blogger has mentioned before, but "forgot" the transmissibility of the shots problem when it came to their "free choice" is good for us argument. Or, perhaps this person believes we decliners will uproot our lives and set up shot-free concertina-wired camps and canteens in the countryside, while the mRNA tech carriers and spreaders take over the cities. Or, at the very least, divorce our clot-shotted spouses.

Third, there is no emergency for the continuing PREP Act and this blogger knows it. The C-19 virus is a cartoon drawing. People wouldn't fall so ill if they'd stop poisoning us to induce us take more poison by syringe. The no mandates/ personal choice advocates would keep the lie alive that COVID and other Pandemic Pathogens(tm) to come are real and that the PCR test with a swab that punctures the blood-brain barrier (nothing suspicious there) can actually detect live infection (not).

Thank you for all you do on this warfront and for making many of us mindful that we need to do our part in the fight.

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I forgot to add that what you're doing in stressing that the mRNA tech needs to be declared a bioweapon and illegal is super important, because the medical-military industry is telling us they're going to use it to treat every malady under the sun and with constant boosters. We're told they're going to put it in our food and drink, and in the air we breathe, if it's not, already. It's as if we're living in a dystopian movie with a cheesy but deadly director.

[Edit] While my opinion that "Covid" as a particular pathogen wasn't what was making people sick, I have read that lipid nanoparticles (LPNs) contained in the shots may carry payloads of more poison concocted to appear like scary specific diseases and which can be triggered to open with specific frequencies. Who knows, but when we start seeing hemorrhagic bleeding, in person, not print or TV, we'll know the script calls for escalating the war using real blood.

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Excellent article and points made.

If you have all the facts and evidence and you don’t speak the whole truth, it makes me wonder whose side are you really on ???

BIG bribe, blackmail or money.

I may be wrong, but that’s my answer of a good place to start.

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Our laws are just not enforced and then they gaslight all of us.

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Bioweapon to depopulate

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'Autonomous' alleged "vaccines" engineered to spread like viruses, are already in development. They are designed to be inhaled.

The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) published an article on this a year ago on their website at: icandecide.org

"A new class of “encrypted RNA” vaccines are being developed where the (synthetic modified) RNA would piggyback onto an existing wild virus and spread from person to person without any person’s knowledge or consent. Although this may sound like science fiction, it is far from it. Two companies involved in this research have received millions of dollars from the federal government. A study using this technology on hamsters and the SARS-Cov-2 virus has already been completed and a Phase I trial on humans is in the works.

ICAN’s attorneys have already sent legal demands to all government agencies involved."


"This so-called “therapy” uses a technology called TIPs (Therapeutic Interfering Particles), which are described as “engineered molecular parasites” that piggyback on a wild virus. If you get the virus, you also get these parasites. Once inside an infected person, the TIPs are supposed to rapidly multiply, hijacking the resources the wild virus needs to multiply and therefore stopping the virus.

(NOTE: This is essentially an artificial virus.)

Supporters of this technology claim it will “solve” several problems with traditional vaccine delivery, including “behavior barriers” like noncompliance. Meaning everyone gets vaccinated—whether they like it or not."

Quoting another article within the ICAN article:

"This next-generation RNA, which we aim to advance at Autonomous Therapeutics Inc., is designed to encode an artificial immune system that can detect and eliminate every variant of a viral family. We have developed encrypted RNA candidates with potential variant-proof efficacy against a wide range of pathogens, from coronaviruses to influenza and RSV. These can be made inhalable and shielded from human immune systems to enable safe and long-term prophylaxis. "

Read that last sentence again.


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Thank you, Dr. Sansone, for pointing out the critical necessity of effectively working to ban bi-weapons being fraudulently labeled and marketed as "vaccines". Not just "COVID-19 Vaccines", but now also the 'bird flu' vaccines which have already been stockpiled.

The CDC had just issued a bulletin requiring hospitals to test for 'bird flu' (H5N1) so they can 'find' human cases, apparently to justify beginning the rollout of the mRNA bird flu vaccines.

From the Substack of Dr. Meryl Nass, MD:

"Was this the idea of Gerald Parker, DVM, former Fort Detrick, "One Health" proponent, just appointed to head the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy?"

Fort Detrick was one of the sites where biological warfare agents and "countermeasures' were /are studied. "One Health" is the program under which the governments of the world are to take control of farming, especially animal agriculture, and other aspects of our lives in the name of 'pubic health' and 'climate'.

WHY did Trump appoint Gerald Parker, DVM get to head the Office of Pandemic Preparedness & Response Policy??? This is like appointing the fox to guard the henhouse.


Dr. Meryl Nass, MD reports on the ~1.5 million healthy chickens, ducks & turkeys needlessly killed because 'bird flu' was allegedly found at Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)- industrialized poultry facilities via the fraudulent use of the PCR technique, aka NAAT (nucleic acid amplification "test" ):


Additional info graphics:


Not humanely harvested and used for food- in spite of zero evidence of anyone getting 'bird flu' from consuming animal products, which the CDC claims have contained the alleged causative virus. Not even with a warning label, which GMO / gene-edited crops and food contaminated with chemicals are not even required to have.

Instead, millions of healthy birds have been cruelly killed, by heat stress or suffocation, etc. under the pretense of fighting 'bird flu'.

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The wholesale slaughter of livestock and wild animals is sickening. Further, all animals and pollinating insects are being toxified from the air, food and water to spread the Black Magic ingredients throughout the food chain and land.

Of course, what's happening to people, children and the unborn on account of the new demon technology is horrifying. The trans-humanizing of our species is beyond words.

The cauldron brew of mRNA, foreign DNA, nanotech, toxic metals, polymers, and plastics isn't only served in syringes but is also raining down on us from the Smart Dust and other poisons in chemtrails.

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An attorney for ICAN shares documents obtained from the federal government and the military proving that various substances are being introduced by them and by corporations into the high atmosphere under the excuse of "geoengineering" and "solar radiation mitigation" - and at low levels under who knows what excuse? Mosquito control has been a popular excuse since the days of "DDT is good for you and me!"


Documentation of the development of self-spreading vaccines that function like artificial viruses, at the link below. 'What could possibly go wrong?'


The release of GMO mosquitos, subjecting everyone in the region to experimentation without fully informed consent:


No doubt you are aware, but just in case some readers are not- or if the documentation provided at the links ma help someone to wake someone else up - or assist in defense of our UNalienable rights.

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Thanks for the terrific links. They'll certainly help a lot of readers and those they share with, including me, just not the rest of the household.

To counter the sixties, too many of us must have been brainwashed in school to believe the Man and everyone over 30, to trust the Government and in cahoots Corporations, and never to question the Military, Doctors, The (official) Science, or Authority!

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Thank you, Miss Parker - and appreciation to you and other readers who also share information and links we can use to inform our actions, and to help wake up those who are still sleepwalking.

And Dr. Sansone for his excellent articles!

Educating ourselves and others is an important first step.

Hope you find allies, if not in your own household. You do have allies here.

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God bless you Joseph.

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A reminder to those that have forgotten that the US government has a long history of secretly releasing deadly biologics and secretly experimenting on the American Public. It's a Long History. And that doesn't included things it's done in other countries.

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Hosea 4:6 "My people perish from lack of knowledge...because you have rejected (my) knowledge, I will also reject you." People have paid fortunes to those who have no knowledge about health. Health is simple...Hippocrates, the Father of medicine, 2500 years ago knew more than all the educated doctors do today. Hippocrates gave these prescriptions : "Let food be your medicine; and medicine be your food." He also taught people and future doctors about living a healthy lifestyle. The last thing Hippocrates would prescribe would be putting toxic drugs into the bloodstream, which would destroy the organs and cells. Injecting poison into the bloodstream is akin to murder! The human body needs nutrients to function...not poison! The entire Medical Industry is BOGUS! Everything it offers are WMD.

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Except for treating traumatic injuries, like shattered bones, sadly the 'art of medicine' has become the Medical Industrial Complex.

Yet many physicians and nurses, etc did intend to help people, to become part of 'the caring professions'. During their training, they are 'indoctrinated', trained to follow orders.

For-profit corporations have hijacked medical care. Most physicians work for corporations, and are not really free to practice medicine according to the best of their knowledge, in accordance with the patient's wishes. instead, they must 'check to boxes' and follow 'protocols'.

Insurance companies, along with the federal government, through requirements for receipt of payments including Medicare / Medicaid - have added significantly to the costs of medical providers- from the family GP to specialists & hospitals AND has exerted significant control over what care patients have access to, based on what they will pay for- and how much.

The American Association of Physicians & Surgeons has supported the 'doctor-patient' relationship, and independent doctors since 1943. The provide information resources for patients - including COVID info - and a list of independent physicians who accept cash. Cash fees are often much lower than the amounts providers must charge to cover costs when being paid by 3rd parties.


Let's all support the independent physicians - and farmers! - in our areas as much as we can, while we still have the option.

Crowd Health provides an affordable alternative to corporate or government insurance.


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As someone of 90 who has experienced what the medical industry has to offer..It would be better if it were out of existence. It did not provide me with any information, which would be of value, except for setting bones a couple of times. Doctors know absolutely nothing about prevention. The age of mortality for doctors was 72 years and dropping.. Many of my relatives lived closer to 100. They were into keeping their weight down and eating to the best of their knowledge. They all kept mentally alert and active. If our government promoted honest nutrition research... and followed people who are into soil regeneration.. our soils would provide foods with nutrients. Pesticides wipe out the organisms in the soil which provide nutrients to the crops. In addition, there are 80,000 (?) foods sitting on grocery store shelves with absolutely no nutritional value, except calories to fatten people. No nutrients for the bodies or minds of most people. Wonder why America is in 47th place in world health?

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Yes, the U.S.spends far more per person than any other country on "health care" - with the worst outcomes and the sickest population among all 'developed' nations.

The manufactured food-like substances crowding supermarket shelves not only lack nutritional content- they contain GMOs, chemical dyes, preservatives, and additives banned in most other countries. And they are contaminated with startling levels of pesticides, chemicals - needlessly - used to grow crops in the U.S.

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Yes, it doesn't appear that the left wanted to win, and as a friend had told me, since the JFK shadow government murder, presidents are selected, not elected at all truly. Even the fall and then rise agian of Trump all mapped out by evil forces ruling this reborn "Roman empire ", with Roman architecture all over D.C. and our representative government modeled after ancient Rome. Even mystery Babylon, the city that falls and is destroyed in one hour totally fits the description of New York and no other in the world.

It's amazing that Jesus came as the sufferer to do that without anger or vengeance, to save and teach us to be patient in all things, during the Roman empire, and his prophecy of one generation, biblically 80 years, would not pass, as that generation saw the rebirth miraculously, of Israel, and would see the return of him with his army in a very different and powerful way this time (1948 - 2028).

The ones in much of today's lost christian churches have lost clear vision of where we are now, in the last 3.5 years, because they are so full of the ancient knowledge of good and evil, our original downfall, rather than being guided by our inner silent light. Silent within, not silent when shared.

The orange man has been selected by the ruler of this world to set up the long-awaited technocratic AND mRNA mark control and slow genocide dna altering, perverting what Jesus will awesomely set up here, finally the liberation of Earth from the once bright and shining spirit Lucifer, who choose to insanely rebel from the love of God and took many angels with him. All turned to great good for those who love or want to love God!

Lots of proof that "orange man" is the beast, who "appeared" to receive a mortal head wound, because it was all staged by the same shadow government. No 2 centimeter wound, no blood dripping, no scar, no stitches after only two weeks. They have played the right for the suckers most of them have become, from hating and being annoyed at the left, being drummed up daily by millionaire blowhard right wing talk show hosts, who never really talk about these truths and help us to become free, at least spiritually, from all the anger and insanity, and return to love, and love is honest, not dismissive of any leaders horrible actions. It loves right above ANY personality, right or left.

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Someone pointed out to me that 'TDS' goes both ways. The idolizing of Trump is... dangerous.

It may be helpful to recall that God allowed an ass to speak for His purpose. And used ravens to feed his prophet during a great famine.

Except the lobe, an ear typically does not have enough pliable skin to stitch. The wound was allegedly a graze or nick. That said, it is wise to QUESTION EVERYTHING.

Trump's cozy relationship with globalist technocrats is a major concern. Including a leading proponent of "trans-humanism", combining technology with human biology - Elon Musk.

On the topic of health, as Dr. Meryl Nass, MD said, "WHY did Trump appoint Gerald Parker, DVM get to head the Office of Pandemic Preparedness & Response Policy?"


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In 2021-2022, emails and reports were distributed to thousands of leaders across various sectors, including government, media, airlines, unions, universities, schools, and the medical industry worldwide, with the following 15 GB of information documenting concerns related to the pandemic and the associated vaccines.

15 GB Shared Mega folder for download - They knew the truth






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