Breaking: Justin Trudeau Seizes Control of Canadian Government, Becomes Dictator

Lisa Miron on Mind Matters and Everything Else With Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 53

Lisa Miron (Lawyer Lisa) stopped by Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone to blow the whistle on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s seizing control of the Canadian government. Liss explains that while government/corporate controlled media are reporting that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has stated his intent to resign, instead he has seized control of the Canadian government. The Governor General ( a Trudeau appointee) approved the Prime Minister's request to prorogue Parliament.

This effectively canceled parliament blocking an election to replace Trudeau. Parliament may not return till late January with possible extensions through March, and this could be extended until May. With no legislature, Canada’s bureaucratic state has been implementing unpopular laws that have not passed parliament, such as a 67% capital gains tax. It is possible that Trudeau may implement other unpopular laws that have not passed recently, such as an anti free speech bill that would allow him to arrest political opposition.

In addition to whatever whims Trudeau may seek to implement there is great concern that Dictator Trudeau will declare a public health emergency to maintain power indefinitely and further globalist goals.

Lawyer Lisa has written an open letter to the governor general speaking out against the newly created dictatorship.

Please watch and share this video. Canada is in trouble.

Dr. Joseph Sansone is a psychotherapist opposed to psychopathic authoritarianism.

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