The police are not really there to serve and protect us, they are there to serve and protect their employers and though you pay them you are not their boss.
What good is a gun if we can't use it to shoot dictators with it like Trudeau ? There is a great difference ,of just owning a gun ,and owning a gun and also using it . The police and army is armed to the teeth with weapons of mass destruction ,they can use against us .Our six shooter in the closet has no chance to make a difference or winning anything .
Well... My suggestion is to disarm our police and military. A guy would think all these wondrous "security" enhancements would yield a world full of peace and lawful order... Heh...
There are people working on that very problem already.
Pray as if your life depended on it. Because it does. Please share this information until it becomes viral in Canada. The Monarchy is dead but Justin is in denial and wants to keep power at everyone else's expense.
Thanks for the info. Trudeau was said to be resigning...and now he seizes control of the government. I'm sure that if the prayers of many were answered...this pathological narcissist would be gone! ..
Nine years ago ,when Trudeau managed to get to be crime minister ,I said the sheeple will regret making that school yard punk our ''leader '' .At that time every woman or girl voted for prince charming ,hoping he will come on a white horse and make her his princess .
Lisa speaks of the communists wanting to eliminate 'meat agriculture.'
The people who emigrated to North America in the 1900's had experienced farming under repressive Socialist regimes. There are ranchers who experienced farming in Denmark and found that trying to farm under Danish socialism was almost as bad as farming under naziism. They got so tired of farming with beaurocrats coming to the door, telling them what to do they emigrated to a free country. Many of them have found that the socialism they shed in Europe is catching up to them in America. As as one rancher said, "The environmentalist/communist is putting the pressure on. He won't be satisfied until man is gone."
Thinking about historical precedents... in 1917, some very rich and powerful people ensured the Bolsheviks got in power in Russia , and kept them there. In Germany, astonishing though it may be for some people, Hitler won the popular vote and for awhile, created a miracle. Justin Castreau on the other hand, has an approval rating at the moment of 16%... But like the Bolseviks I suppose, he has the support of monsters like Klaus Schwab and George Soros...😱
Holy shit. I should have known that sleazy little fucker was up to something. 😱 About our only hope at this point will be for Donald to make Canada into the 51st state!
As much I agree some days, USA has major issues as well.. Look at their last 3 election circus.. Dems stole 2020.. cities were burning... south border more of a vacuum, than a barrier.. No so simple.. WEF has to go.. Ottawa has to reset.. fed gov has to be cut by 70 % ..trudope increased it by 40%.. PP is not our savior, as he too flip flops a bit too much and he and his wife, plus other UCP made huge financial gains during convid.. its basically a shit show for the next few years, all over the world..
Indeed. Corruption enough to gag an army of maggots. Pierre is also a graduate of Satan Klaus' "Young Global Leaders School" so when he gets in, it will just be a different driver at the wheel of the schoolbus to Hell..
Last time I looked L.A. was on fire and thousands of people were without food and water...with nowhere to sleep. I can't believe this is happening. This is what used to be happening in Laos or Viet Nam or Ethiopia....I understand these homes that were destroyed had their insurance policies cancelled a few months ago...
How did the insurance companies KNOW this was going to happen that they would have to pay out many hundreds of millions in benefits?
In the words of Justin Trudeau: “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them. “ -Trudeau jr., when asked to comment on his Open Borders immigration.
Time to put aside restrained language in favour of something like:
"That moronic, sleazy little fucktard of a douchebag".
White, Western CHRISTIAN civilization is hands down, the culmination of human achievement. We simply have not done better than this. And creatures like Justin Castreau and his demonic handlers want to destroy it.
Asha Logos brings home in no uncertain terms, the reality of what imbeciles like Castreau are trying to destroy: "A Short Journey Through Time - The Western Aesthetic" -
"Occasionally the tree of Liberty must be watered with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson
If what's claimed to have transpired is true, then Justine has thrown the gauntlet on behalf of his WEF handlers and Canada's government is now illegitimate. A coup is in order. I mean, what now do you have left to lose?
OMG. Thank you both of you for getting this info out to us. This really is 1984. Everything on the mainstream mind-control mockingbird media is exactly 180 degrees opposite what the truth is. Buckle your seatbelts everyone, and try to awaken those media-bots around you still in 'comas'.
Too bad for pathetic little schmucks like me with my worthless music performance degree and supporting a wife and vaccine-injured stepdaughter on a security guard's wages.. IOW about 95% of the country!
Trudeau is the ultimate asshat.
NO respectable public servant would comply.
World citizens need prayer and guns.
Correction: World citizens need guns...
Absolutely Everyone needs a gun for self protection.
Simple: call the RCPM have him arrested for treason
The police are not really there to serve and protect us, they are there to serve and protect their employers and though you pay them you are not their boss.
RCMP…however that has already tarted in an apropriate manner, as I understand the situation.
Is there really anyone who thought the Elite Banking families would simply give up and surrender their powers without a fight?
This was why Jesus turned over their tables in the Synagogue!
Very meaningful and erudite comment and contribution, Paul. 🤔🤦🏼♂️🐑🐑🐑🐑
What good is a gun if we can't use it to shoot dictators with it like Trudeau ? There is a great difference ,of just owning a gun ,and owning a gun and also using it . The police and army is armed to the teeth with weapons of mass destruction ,they can use against us .Our six shooter in the closet has no chance to make a difference or winning anything .
Well... My suggestion is to disarm our police and military. A guy would think all these wondrous "security" enhancements would yield a world full of peace and lawful order... Heh...
Ask our police to arrest him pick a scandal and and we stifle him
Yes lets disarm hem ,then send these arms to Ukraine including Trudeau as a bonus .
Yeah! We have seen their greatness in Afghanistan . And if they want to use nukes on their own territory . Go ahead . Do it !
As the preacher said " Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition! "
There are people working on that very problem already.
Pray as if your life depended on it. Because it does. Please share this information until it becomes viral in Canada. The Monarchy is dead but Justin is in denial and wants to keep power at everyone else's expense.
Just a prayer that your gun is properly oiled and works fine is more than enough ...
Thanks for the info. Trudeau was said to be resigning...and now he seizes control of the government. I'm sure that if the prayers of many were answered...this pathological narcissist would be gone! ..
Nine years ago ,when Trudeau managed to get to be crime minister ,I said the sheeple will regret making that school yard punk our ''leader '' .At that time every woman or girl voted for prince charming ,hoping he will come on a white horse and make her his princess .
The white horse turned out to be a turd and instead of making them his princess he offers government's assistance for suicide.
Obviously, something has gone haywire ...🤔🤔🤔
Most probably it's because of the penetration of cabinets ...
Since Trudeau said he may pack it in ,the logical solution is ,to make Klaus Schwab Canada crime minister ,the mentor of Trudeau
Lisa speaks of the communists wanting to eliminate 'meat agriculture.'
The people who emigrated to North America in the 1900's had experienced farming under repressive Socialist regimes. There are ranchers who experienced farming in Denmark and found that trying to farm under Danish socialism was almost as bad as farming under naziism. They got so tired of farming with beaurocrats coming to the door, telling them what to do they emigrated to a free country. Many of them have found that the socialism they shed in Europe is catching up to them in America. As as one rancher said, "The environmentalist/communist is putting the pressure on. He won't be satisfied until man is gone."
Thinking about historical precedents... in 1917, some very rich and powerful people ensured the Bolsheviks got in power in Russia , and kept them there. In Germany, astonishing though it may be for some people, Hitler won the popular vote and for awhile, created a miracle. Justin Castreau on the other hand, has an approval rating at the moment of 16%... But like the Bolseviks I suppose, he has the support of monsters like Klaus Schwab and George Soros...😱
Freeland wrote a bio on soros and another titled PLUTOCRATS...check her books out on Amazon.....have fun...
Something tells me if Justin chickenshit trys to lock down the country again, this time the truckers will run his ass over, no mercy
Holy shit. I should have known that sleazy little fucker was up to something. 😱 About our only hope at this point will be for Donald to make Canada into the 51st state!
As much I agree some days, USA has major issues as well.. Look at their last 3 election circus.. Dems stole 2020.. cities were burning... south border more of a vacuum, than a barrier.. No so simple.. WEF has to go.. Ottawa has to reset.. fed gov has to be cut by 70 % ..trudope increased it by 40%.. PP is not our savior, as he too flip flops a bit too much and he and his wife, plus other UCP made huge financial gains during convid.. its basically a shit show for the next few years, all over the world..
Indeed. Corruption enough to gag an army of maggots. Pierre is also a graduate of Satan Klaus' "Young Global Leaders School" so when he gets in, it will just be a different driver at the wheel of the schoolbus to Hell..
Last time I looked L.A. was on fire and thousands of people were without food and water...with nowhere to sleep. I can't believe this is happening. This is what used to be happening in Laos or Viet Nam or Ethiopia....I understand these homes that were destroyed had their insurance policies cancelled a few months ago...
How did the insurance companies KNOW this was going to happen that they would have to pay out many hundreds of millions in benefits?
unless they are the perps.
This is simply terrifying.
Insider knowledge means they have globalist ties.
This is when the enemy is inside the gates .
And the gloves are off in an unfair fight in which the responsible opposition can be arrested and incarcerated.
Color this a darker shade of January 6 with more shading to come to the Americas and western Europe.
In the words of Justin Trudeau: “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them. “ -Trudeau jr., when asked to comment on his Open Borders immigration.
Time to put aside restrained language in favour of something like:
"That moronic, sleazy little fucktard of a douchebag".
White, Western CHRISTIAN civilization is hands down, the culmination of human achievement. We simply have not done better than this. And creatures like Justin Castreau and his demonic handlers want to destroy it.
Asha Logos brings home in no uncertain terms, the reality of what imbeciles like Castreau are trying to destroy: "A Short Journey Through Time - The Western Aesthetic" -
100%.. political correctness was the start of our downfall...
call it as it is, deal with it.. move on..
I gather Trotsky was very fond of the term -- and its maniacal implementation -- from 1917 till 1924 when Stalin chased him out of the country...
Trotsky, aka Bronstein.
What appalls me is how anyone to this day could think this filth was some kind of hero or martyr. Stalin's agent gave him the death he richly deserved
beautiful piece by Asha Logos...thanks for this gem!
OMG! Canada is so screwed! I thought we had it bad...
We will. Just wait.
"Occasionally the tree of Liberty must be watered with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson
If what's claimed to have transpired is true, then Justine has thrown the gauntlet on behalf of his WEF handlers and Canada's government is now illegitimate. A coup is in order. I mean, what now do you have left to lose?
He’s a POS and an evil narcissist to boot
Wow!! Did not know this!!
OMG. Thank you both of you for getting this info out to us. This really is 1984. Everything on the mainstream mind-control mockingbird media is exactly 180 degrees opposite what the truth is. Buckle your seatbelts everyone, and try to awaken those media-bots around you still in 'comas'.
Quick video explaining Bill C-293 - wake up Canada!!!
Here is my letter to the Governor General
I just hope for your sake LawyerLisa, you've arranged surreptitious means of getting the Hell out of Dodge... 🙄
I know what you're saying
Wish I had something like Lucy's wardrobe so I could hightail it into Narnia! 🙄
I should get dual citizenship
Too bad for pathetic little schmucks like me with my worthless music performance degree and supporting a wife and vaccine-injured stepdaughter on a security guard's wages.. IOW about 95% of the country!
If it's the U.S. you will need all the vaccines, unless Trump changes that.