Dear Dr. Sansone: We are grateful that you have brought us the sad news of Dr. francis Boyle's death. Every time a hero dies, it is as though a Sequoia has fallen in the wilderness. Dr. Boyle's courage in the face of the tsunami of pressure on professionals and citizens alike when COVID was brought into the world is an example and inspiration to us all. He leaves us with his words, his actions and his examples of how to speak truth to power. God bless him ~Ginger Breggin

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Yes, he truly is a hero and an inspiration.

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My words exactly. Heaven opens to receive a true warrior for humanity.

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did he die from natural cause or ? 74 is not old...2nd doctor who died that i had contact with..the other Dr. Michael Roth died from a clot in the leg

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As far as I know. I don't know what he died of, but the obituary said he died in hospital.

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That could be a problem. Hospitals are deadly these days

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I don’t believe in coincidences here either. No cause of death was given. Very sad day. He was a hero for sure. RIP

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So sad. May his soul rest in peace.

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This is such horrible news. I had tried to get a hold of him but got no response. I was afraid something was wrong because he ALWAYS responded to my emails right away. What a loss to the world. He was a great man and selflessly gave of himself to fight for the salvation of humanity.

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Fully agreed. Any news on cause? Any reason to have suspicions? He would have been my first choice to be lead prosecutor in Nuremberg 2.

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When cause of death not released, then be concerned

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Indeed so! Immediately suspicious.

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America has lost another courageous hero. I am grateful for Dr. Boyle’s work and his tenacity in defending human rights and humanity. Thank you for sharing Dr. Boyle’s passing Joe.

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I was very sad to hear about this.

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And shocked!

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He confirmed my intuition that it was all a bioweapon (and psyop) game from the very start. I remember telling my (supposedly very intelligent, MDs / PhDs) friends on a very early zoom call that "covid" was a bioweapon campaign and referencing Francis Boyle's video. They laughed at me and ridiculed the idea. That video I saw was one of the first casualties of the globalists' censorship campaign. The die was cast for me from that call.

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Oh my. We lost a courageous truth-teller. I was in awe of his certainty among cowards.

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I hate this agenda.

RIP brave warrior Boyle.

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I’m too suspicious when a younger 70 passes. 🙏🙏🌷

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I'd like to see the cause of death. Dr Rashid Butar was another selfless freedom fighter, they killed him several years ago. That shit pisses me off beyond belief. They are true heroes. We shouldn't forget them or all they did. Peace, love and freedom!

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A very “interesting “ presentation by a well known forward thinking neurologist (and brain surgeon) who has met with RFK Jnr to discuss decentralized medicine….

His bit on what’s going on with the SV40 causing turbo cancer is horrifying ….(read the many comments below this video)

Be warned about F bombs every now and then….but He is VERY “piffed” 🙈off , as many are…


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I agree. I was shocked over /Dr. Butar,and I think they may have killed this man too I hope someone will get to the bottom of it


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My sentiments as well!

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My feelings too, also the plane crashes

Cannot trust anyone

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Except our TRUTH community!

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Bless him, he was a good man. I hope & pray it was natural causes, & not murder like so many other truth-tellers.

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It's not like they had not tried to kill us, especially the elderly, prior to '21. Failed, fake cancer 'treatments', statins, SSRIs, bp medicine, PPIs, the list is endless.

Glyphosate in the food supply, microwave radiation in the air together with pathologically low amounts of CO2, geoengineering, etc. etc.

Lethal lifestyle advice, such as stay out of the sun, use only polyunsaturated fatty acids, cut out cholesterol, etc. etc.

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And don’t forget the water ….

fluoride to kill your pineal gland in your brain and reasoning abilities.

In effect the goal is to create zombies.

And then there’s the HUGE GMO food production and SOY production that destroys men’s testosterone and makes them more effeminate and less defensive…

No wonder testosterone levels have dramatically declined since they PUSH soy into EVERYTHING you eat these days.

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Don't forget antibiotics, they cause glaucoma, cataracts and other eye ailments. From Dr. Bryan Ardis

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What poison is in BP medicine?. Not that I think its great......But is there a specific extra poison in it?

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There is poison in every drug. Read the ingredient list that the pharmacy provides. Every drug usually has more than one side effect; even a simple aspirin. It contributes to macular degeneration and bleeding in the intestines. People would not need drugs, if they knew how to eat the right foods; lived a healthy lifestyle; and avoided environmental toxins. Most doctors have not done personal nutrition research; and it is not promoted in med school. When 95% of illness is CAUSED by what is going into the mouth, this subject should have been required for every doctor to study. Doctors today treat symptoms. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine taught doctors: Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. He also advised a healthy lifestyle. His advice brought about CURES. Dare say that the Medical Industry is not looking for cures.

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Please share this video and it says exactly what you have just said: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6qRB43cdcg&pp=ygUNcGF1bCBzYWxhZGlubw%3D%3D Title of the video: Doctor Reveals Why Medical Professionals Can’t Cure Your Disease

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Skupe: For 64 years I have been into nutrition research...and have experimented with many different "expert's " info over the years with detrimental results. Dr. Paul Mendenino (spelling?) is on the track, but he is not an expert. There are few who really are, because there is no place to study nutrition. The food Industry provides its food (products) research to nutrition schools.. I have been reading books related to health and nutrition, since 1961...and it is difficult to recommend most books.. Dr. N W. Walker wrote 10 books on the subject...and he had a track record...He lived well over 100 healthy years. Yet, what worked for him, may not work for you. Everybody is unique. What foods did your ancestors eat for eons of time? Where did they come from? Believe it or not you inherited genes from your ancestors that adapted to specific foods. If you were from a Northern European country you will not handle oranges well. An internal reaction could be happening, when you eat them...and you would not even be aware, if they are not for your body. The wrong "good" food can damage your organs internally. In addition, most Americans have broken down their organs from eating the wrong foods (primarily processed). This will cause serious problems, because it will make it difficult for them to assimilate the foods they eat. Who has this information? The One who created the human body! The 90-10-10 Diet by Dr. Doug Graaham has a great deal of valid information. The best book on the subject of foods....Quality Longevity by Mark Lovendale. I did nutritional consultations fro 30 years...and learned a great deal about biochemical individuality. No two people, even in the same family...should eat the same foods. We are all different. .

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OK, but what I was really trying to point out was that food will help much more than drugs and shots ever will! It just happens that Paul Saladino is into grass fed meat. raw dairy, fruit and honey and no veg or carbs! You can live your whole life without drugs and shots and be very, very healthy!

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That’s an intriguing point! That out lineage would have profound impact on what we could eat, I.e. oranges. I’ll definitely research Dr. Walker. My dear mother in law and her daughter who’s 64 have both suffered severe food allergies for near 20 years now. Even the allergist refuse to believe them in when they attempt to explain what makes them ill! They’re both so “ gun shy” as to refuse to try ANYTHING I may suggest, such as querciten. I can’t blame them however, when they don’t know what could cause them to go into anaphylactic shock! They’re both on antihistamines 24/7 to survive and eat, and we know that’s linked to dementia! I see some of that in both of them now! 😪 They’ve both had those ancestry tests…..maybe they’d be willing to look further into that aspect. Thank you for putting that out there! 🙏🏻

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abortions: 1 billion over a period of a century, at present ca. 50 million fetuses per year and climbing even more after c19 bioweapon.

constant stress: ugly music and art, bs on radio tv, in movies, ads telling you what's missing in your life, conflicts, calamities, seeing most everyday them "lough" at us with chemtrails, reading Dr. Ana's postings daily (just kidding)...

"pathologically low amounts of CO2" ??? - gasses auto-equalise their distribution in the atmosphere via pressure differences

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Thank you, you said what I had planned. What a legacy he’s left, importantly of being a man of truth, integrity, morals, and ethics that all should aspire to! I’m praying this wasn’t an attack and he left in comfort and peace. All my thoughts and prayers to those who love him. 🙏🏻

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I watched Dr. Boyle on Infowars in early 2020 warn that covid was a bioweapon.

He also called the covid shots Frankenshots.

Dr. Boyle saved so many lives with his warnings. I listened to him.

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I saw his first appearance on Info Wars in 2020 as well. He was emphatic from the get go they were bioweapons. Yes, many were saved by him.

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So did I and it all made sense from there. I often think of that episode and how less people would have fallen for it all if they had seen this so early on - in Jan or Feb 2020.

Even Dr Campbell took at least a year of more to wake up by which time he had at least 3 vaxx. And Dr Chris Martenson analysed it all over years before he fully realised what he was dealing with. I watched them and several others during those years to keep me sane but their view points would have been different knowing it all came from DARPA.

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I was in the military and we learned about NBC warfare (nuclear, biological, chemical). Early on, I had said that covid was a bioweapon and people looked at me like I was a nutter. Tried to explain it this way. We have our own bioweapons lab at Ft. Detrick, MD. If a new weird disease broke out two miles down the road, all the locals would be asking what have those idiots at Detrick done now.

Tried to explain to people to think about the distance between the actual lab in Wuhan and the wet market. Pretty sure it was just a couple of miles.

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Rest in Peace, good soul, Rest in Peace.

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Thanks, Joe, for letting us know about Dr. Boyle. So sad! He was a hero for the health freedom movement and had no fear of controversy. We have lost a vital ally in our fight against medical tyranny. Let us be grateful for all he has contributed.

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The jerks seem to live forever…. So many doctors and scientists who spoke up about Covid, PCR tests and the injections are gone… I do not believe in repetitive co-incidences, but what do I know?

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I knew Dr. Boyle from a small list we were on. He called himself FAB (Francis Anthony Boyle) on this list. His input was invaluable. Just from my remote association with him on this list, he advised my son in the military on strategy to avoid the jab. He was generous even when fully occupied with his work. His name belongs boldface in the annals of fighters for freedom. He is a great loss to us all. --Robert Johnson


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Loosing a person of tremendous mental capacity and a loving heart, is not only a great loss to his family and friends, but also to the many thousands whose life he touched, and will continue to influence in his absence.

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Tremendous loss. Sympathies to those who had the privilege of knowing him personally.

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Thank you for sharing this news, although it is very sad. I greatly admire Dr. Boyles' work and his resistance to the propaganda advocating mass injections with these bioweapons.

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His legacy is he, as a renown expert has gone on RECORD stating these shots ARE BIO WEAPONS.

He would know.

He died having done the right thing before he stands before His Creator.

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