Oct 14Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

I read Judyth's book. It offered some fascinating insights into what Lee Oswald was like as a person and the events that preceeded JFK's assassination. The book, Dr Mary's Monkey by Ed Haslam, coincides with what Judyth wrote in her book.

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Zack Paine from RedPill78 has had her on his show more than once over the last few years. She is a very bright woman and has great stories to share!

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Talk about a difficult interview…complex situations just can’t be reduced to a few words. Joseph Sansone had his hands full trying to keep Judyth Baker on track within a limited timeframe. He did an excellent job of that.

My mind keeps fixating on the dangerous web of deceit that is woven by evil doers, when the premise is so fully based upon lies.

Here it is, almost sixty two years after President Kennedy’s assassination, and we are still searching for the hidden truths underlying that dreadful day on November 22, 1963. The bigger the lie, the greater the time frame needed to unravel the maze of deceit that clouds the underlying truth.

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55:48 It was Gordon McHugh [military aide] not Dr. Adm. Burkley who usually rode up front in the middle. And, he was specifically put into another trailing car for Dallas so that the Z220 throat shot [which was supposed to be in the forehead for later alteration by John Liggett] would be easier to make from the back of a postal truck in the post office west partking lot. The assassination was supposed to be a back shot to make JFK flinch up, and then the Z220 shot into JFK's head. All the subsequent big blaster shots happened only because Umbrella Man didn't realize JFK was down with the Z250 shot to the back of the head [which is why he is comatose and starts dropping his hands and arms at Z251]. So Umbrella Man signalled for more shots when he didn't have to. If JFK had only received the small bullets and been hustled through Trauma Room #1 to neurosurgery then intensive care, John Ligget could have turned the forehead shot into a "shot from the rear" with his plastic surgery, then fed a dummied JFK corpse to Earl Rose. Who sincerely would have believed all the shots came from the rear, because he was recruited from outside Dallas in June 1963. Like Oswald was installed in Oct. 1963 in the book depository. JFK was sent to Bethesda for the autopsy only because the final big blaster shots made the JFK skull too messy for John Liggett to clean it up for Earl Rose to be fooled. And the contingency planners knew Humes had a big collection of pickled human brains available to dummy up to tell any story desired.

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If you look at Zapruder frame Z349 you will see Clint Hill's hands are hitting the trunk about a foot ahead of the handhold he is leaping for. This is because Greer kept pumping the brakes to slow the limousine down and help the shooters with their aim. [He did the same thing up the hill 'behind" the Stemmons sign in Zapruder, which is why it was falsely enlarged to cover up Greer's treason. See Willis Photo #5 to see the true smaller size of the Stemmons freeway sign.] So Greer slowed the car down as Hill was leaping and threw his aim off. Clint Hill says in one of his interviews he had to jump twice to get onboard, and you see two leaps in the Nix and Muchmore films. But Zapruder has been dummied to show only one Clint Hill leap. Also, you don't see any of the multiple Greer slowdowns in Zapruder because frames have been removed to falsely speed the limousine up. See also Douglas Horne in "Altered History." It's worth the six hours. Also the John Costella nine part series about Zapruder film editing fakery, using computer analyses.

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55:53 To make sure Greer was in the driver's seat in Dealey Plaza [Greer = native born Irish Protestant who hated Catholics] the Secret Service killed their own Agent = Kennedy loyalist Thomas Shipman on Oct. 14, 1963. He was poisoned at lunch and found dead in his cabin by Clint Hill later in the day. Adm. Burkley told the widow to not have an autopsy and to bury him quick. Burkley is also the guy who ordered Humes at the JFK autopsy to do this and not that under blackmail. Burkley is the guy who made sure to lose the Harper Fragment and the right shoulder bullet after it fell out on the autopsy x-ray table of Jerrol Custer at Bethesda. Burkley is the guy who forged a fake affidavit and claimed the body of JFK as it appeared at his upstairs autopsy was unchanged from its condition leaving Parkland. After Burkley etc. had forced Humes to tamper with the corpse downstairs to enlarge 6 bullet holes [using saws and pliers] into one big head hole explainable by one bullet. Thomas Shipman was just one sucker in the way that had to be eliminated to put Greer into his driver's seat for The Big Day.

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--------------- List of At Least 37 Bullets Fired in Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22, 1963 ----------------

01- Z143 to pavement in front of Phil Willis, commence fire shot

02- Z155 to pavement at left rear of limousine, commence fire confirmation shot with colored sparks

03- Z206 to JFK right shoulder, in 1.25 inches, fell out on Jerrol Custer x-ray exam table, underpowered

04- Z220 to JFK throat via windshield from southern grassy knoll, intended for head, underpowered

05- Z250 to area of external occipital protuberance, ended right of vomer bone, underpowered

06- Z286 to upper right forehead from storm sewer drain, exit visible on quality Moorman photo at cowlick

07- Z313 Harry Weatherford shot from Central Records, in back of head out as right temple flap wound

08- Z342 In at right temple, out at site of Z313 exit obliterating it. Trick shot leaving one hole from 2 shooters

Zapruder frame 413 (Costella, low) and Z475- distraction con men at fence line making smoke and noise

--------- prior shots in time sequence, following shots at unclear exact times ---------------

09- hit windshield rim above and left of Kellerman's head. CE399 is fake substitute for Sam Kinney bullet

10- found by Jesse Curry slightly south of south curb in grass, angle suggests another commence fire shot

11, 12- into Connally from third man on sixth floor, from west end of TSBD. There was no lone sniper

13- Harry Weatherford shot from Central Records to concrete pad near manhole cover south of grassy knoll

14- bullet stolen by Deputy Buddy Walthers for his own personal curiosity

15- Jean Hill bullet hitting grass at her feet, as related to her by Secret Service

16- another colored pyrotechnic signal shot, this time for cease-fire at grassy knoll, but largely ignored

17, 18, 19- and maybe more past heads of Jean Hill and Mary Moorman, standing near yellow curb mark

20,21- and probably more past head of Malcolm Summers as he dove for the grass

22- ricochet off curb into right cheek of James Tague

23- found in limousine night of Nov. 22 by Mills & Martinelli of the James Young crew, denied by Gerald Ford

24, 25, 26- shell casing found later on roof of Central Records Building under A/C, bullets on several roofs

27, 28, 29, 30- impacts heard by Malcolm Summers and Roy Kellerman (WCR 2:66) slamming inside limo

31- gouge into sidewalk west of book depository covered by police car Nov. 22, Penn Jones, Robt Groden

32- embedded in bubble top arch = holder in front of Connallys, Arlo Childers at Hess and Eisenhart repairs

33- stretcher bullet as JFK entered Parkland halfway between earlobe and shoulder, nurse Phyllis J. Hall

xx- fake = Paul Landis claimed loose bullet on seatback top. If true would require second hole in JFK shirt

34= Barbee specimen, rooftop near Stemmons

35= Haythorne specimen, roof of Massey building

36= Lester specimen

37= Dal-Tex specimen, brass shell with crimped edges, from roof. Likely a custom sabot preparation.

The Walder and Belmont bullets have disappeared.

CE399 was a fake substitute for the bullet Sam Kinney found in the limo when LBJ's henchmen had him washing away blood evidence outside Parkland Hospital. The true original was copper FMJ full metal jacket except the pointy tip was lead. When it was noticed the CE399 fake had six grooves and lands, while Mannlicher-Carcano rifles only create four lands and grooves, yet another fake was switched in with the "correct" four lands and grooves. It also was magically 0.125 inches shorter.

The dent in the windshield edging, above Kellerman's head and to the left, was due to a ricocheted bullet spinning clockwise as seen from above. Airport photos from the day before show it wasn't present then. This may have been a seventh contact bullet that bounced off the top of JFK's head and flattened on its side when hitting the windshield edging. cf #9 for identity and cf bullet #32 from list above for trajectory type.

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33:55 There are a couple of reasons why Oswald was picked for the patsy role in the JFK assassination. One was that he had an excellent doppelganger match, useful for framing him. The Oswald killed by Jack Ruby, the Oswald Baker is talking about, was born in Hungary in 1939 like the real Oswald was born in New Orleans in 1939. The Hungarian was spotted among refugees in 1945 in postwar Europe by a couple of the Murrets, OSS agents, who recognized the match and got the kid into Allen Dulles's OSS twins program. Once he showed he could learn English and pass for an American kid, they planted him on July 7, 1947 at 101 San Saba in Benbrook TX, four blocks from the real LHO. He and his fake Marguerite "mother" from there started learning how to be imitation Oswalds. Wherever one moved, the other moved. Wherever one went to school, the other went to school. When one joined the Marines and was sent to southern California, the other entered the Marines and went to a nearby Marine base in southern California. The Hungarian went to Russia to fake his way with the KGB but bombed out, so he came back to the US as a recognized incompetent, useful for cannon fodder. When the CIA needed a patsy, he was gold because his twin was available to run around talking about killng JFK, when the patsy Hungarian thought it was going to be a sham assassination [like practiced with Gen. Walker] and if he could get JFK mad enough to invade Cuba, he the Hungarian would redeem himself with his CIA heroes. In reality, Hungarian Oswald had no clue.

The other reason Hungarian Oswald was selected as patsy was he was also working with the FBI to spy on the Cuban exile training camps of Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, and Guy Banister. This was because JFK had promised Khrushchev he would stop the CIA invasion activities of Cuban exiles, to settle the Cuban missile crisis. So RFK and his US Marshals and the FBI were closing down the exile training camps. This is why RFK said he had heard of Oswald previous to Nov 22, because Oswald was one of RFK's doublecross operatives. Shaw, Ferrie, and Banister noticed any time Oswald visited an exile training camp, it would be raided shortly after by US Marshals and/or the FBI. So for the JFK hit project, Oswald as a traitor to the CIA was selected for Special High Intensity Training. Being a dummy, he had no clue.

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There are numerous pictures of Lee Harvey Oswald in Minsk with Marina. There are zero pictures of Oswald with this clown anywhere anytime. She simply crossed paths with him at the coffee company and tried to make some bucks off that story, highly inflated. She claims she and LHO were going off on a wildly romantic Cancun holiday in a luxury hotel after Nov 22. Problem is, the hotels weren't built there until 1970. Oops. The other problem is Oswald never had two nickels to his name to go partying anywhere. And he didn't head for the Texas Theater to have any rendezvous with anybody other than his anticipated CIA escape driver for a trip to the Dallas Redbird Airport and his expected CIA escape pilot. Which is why he had two torn halves of different dollar bills in his wallet, to recognize them. Oswald thought the whole deal would be a sham assassination [like practiced on Gen. Walker] that would goose JFK into invading Cuba, and that would make Oswald into a hero in the eyes of the CIA. With the CIA supporting him for the rest of his life, he thought, it was safe to leave $135 behind at the Paine's house for Marina the morning of Nov 22.

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