33:55 There are a couple of reasons why Oswald was picked for the patsy role in the JFK assassination. One was that he had an excellent doppelganger match, useful for framing him. The Oswald killed by Jack Ruby, the Oswald Baker is talking about, was born in Hungary in 1939 like the real Oswald was born in New Orleans in 1939. The Hungar…
33:55 There are a couple of reasons why Oswald was picked for the patsy role in the JFK assassination. One was that he had an excellent doppelganger match, useful for framing him. The Oswald killed by Jack Ruby, the Oswald Baker is talking about, was born in Hungary in 1939 like the real Oswald was born in New Orleans in 1939. The Hungarian was spotted among refugees in 1945 in postwar Europe by a couple of the Murrets, OSS agents, who recognized the match and got the kid into Allen Dulles's OSS twins program. Once he showed he could learn English and pass for an American kid, they planted him on July 7, 1947 at 101 San Saba in Benbrook TX, four blocks from the real LHO. He and his fake Marguerite "mother" from there started learning how to be imitation Oswalds. Wherever one moved, the other moved. Wherever one went to school, the other went to school. When one joined the Marines and was sent to southern California, the other entered the Marines and went to a nearby Marine base in southern California. The Hungarian went to Russia to fake his way with the KGB but bombed out, so he came back to the US as a recognized incompetent, useful for cannon fodder. When the CIA needed a patsy, he was gold because his twin was available to run around talking about killng JFK, when the patsy Hungarian thought it was going to be a sham assassination [like practiced with Gen. Walker] and if he could get JFK mad enough to invade Cuba, he the Hungarian would redeem himself with his CIA heroes. In reality, Hungarian Oswald had no clue.
The other reason Hungarian Oswald was selected as patsy was he was also working with the FBI to spy on the Cuban exile training camps of Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, and Guy Banister. This was because JFK had promised Khrushchev he would stop the CIA invasion activities of Cuban exiles, to settle the Cuban missile crisis. So RFK and his US Marshals and the FBI were closing down the exile training camps. This is why RFK said he had heard of Oswald previous to Nov 22, because Oswald was one of RFK's doublecross operatives. Shaw, Ferrie, and Banister noticed any time Oswald visited an exile training camp, it would be raided shortly after by US Marshals and/or the FBI. So for the JFK hit project, Oswald as a traitor to the CIA was selected for Special High Intensity Training. Being a dummy, he had no clue.
33:55 There are a couple of reasons why Oswald was picked for the patsy role in the JFK assassination. One was that he had an excellent doppelganger match, useful for framing him. The Oswald killed by Jack Ruby, the Oswald Baker is talking about, was born in Hungary in 1939 like the real Oswald was born in New Orleans in 1939. The Hungarian was spotted among refugees in 1945 in postwar Europe by a couple of the Murrets, OSS agents, who recognized the match and got the kid into Allen Dulles's OSS twins program. Once he showed he could learn English and pass for an American kid, they planted him on July 7, 1947 at 101 San Saba in Benbrook TX, four blocks from the real LHO. He and his fake Marguerite "mother" from there started learning how to be imitation Oswalds. Wherever one moved, the other moved. Wherever one went to school, the other went to school. When one joined the Marines and was sent to southern California, the other entered the Marines and went to a nearby Marine base in southern California. The Hungarian went to Russia to fake his way with the KGB but bombed out, so he came back to the US as a recognized incompetent, useful for cannon fodder. When the CIA needed a patsy, he was gold because his twin was available to run around talking about killng JFK, when the patsy Hungarian thought it was going to be a sham assassination [like practiced with Gen. Walker] and if he could get JFK mad enough to invade Cuba, he the Hungarian would redeem himself with his CIA heroes. In reality, Hungarian Oswald had no clue.
The other reason Hungarian Oswald was selected as patsy was he was also working with the FBI to spy on the Cuban exile training camps of Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, and Guy Banister. This was because JFK had promised Khrushchev he would stop the CIA invasion activities of Cuban exiles, to settle the Cuban missile crisis. So RFK and his US Marshals and the FBI were closing down the exile training camps. This is why RFK said he had heard of Oswald previous to Nov 22, because Oswald was one of RFK's doublecross operatives. Shaw, Ferrie, and Banister noticed any time Oswald visited an exile training camp, it would be raided shortly after by US Marshals and/or the FBI. So for the JFK hit project, Oswald as a traitor to the CIA was selected for Special High Intensity Training. Being a dummy, he had no clue.