Marvellous news, Maricopa County and Dr. Sansone!

I live 2 hours South of Maricopa County and am fervently hoping for the spread of this LIFE SAVING contagion!

Now, with this kind of advocacy developing, let's move it up to the global scale at the same time. Visit https://PreventGenocide2030.org and take the Actions there to demand that your Congress/wo/men cosponsor and pass the Disengage Entirely From the UN Debacle Act (HR 6645/S3428) to get out of the UN, WHO, IHR and all the other bits and pieces of the global death machine.

We need millions of people to make that demand. Step right up! Your place in that freedom line is waiting for you.

#PreventGenocide2030, #ExitTheWHO #ExitTheUN

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Just a personal note to you dr. Laibow

You helped open my eyes years ago.

Blessings to you.

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Me too, thanks to Alex Jones

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Finally positive moves to ban the jab by Arizona. Medicare has also started giving out death statistics from these deliberate population-lowering jabs, too. The question should have been raised years ago, before Big Pharma got a stranglehod on the minds of so many: How could injecting toxic matter into the blood stream stengthen the immune system? Didn't doctors question the composition of vaccines? Didn't doctors know vaccines contained aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, fluoride, etc. which were very toxic. Fluoride, Merrcury and aluminum were known for creating brain damage. Formaldehyde was used in embalming corpses. it should really make people question the education that doctors are receiving in med school . It makes one wonder if it is true that doctors receive all their drug and vaccine education from drug reps working for Big Pharma.

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Hello Barbara Charis: You questioned: 'it should really make people question the education that doctors are receiving in med school.' Yes. It should.

These incompetent morons were trained in American Medical Association educational systems. The AMA was created via Rockefeller Institute financial support, and licencing has been regulated by the same financial interests as the Food and Drug Administration and the USDA. ALL of these agencies employ operatives who are guilty of mass genocide and crimes against humanity. There are few doctors who even understand proper nutrition, nor the extent of food adulteration with poisons. Incompetence hardly covers the extent of their idiocy...

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I don’t believe it’s what is taught in med schools as much as WHO FUNDS THIS EDUCATION. I personally know of 3 young people who had their entire university education fully funded by a pharmaceutical company! Disgusting but true, way more often than we can comprehend. The drug company even fully funded one of these young graduate entire cost of setting up his office with all equipment needed. Hard not to be brainwashed when you are young, eager and need money!!

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Yes. Educational systems are corrupt, but education is an individual choice. These young people had the choice to educate themselves beyond the sweet mush and pablum of medical schools. I am self-educated in electronics design and other fields, because I had an interest, and paid my own way with my own sweat and blood...

“If is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it” - Upton Sinclair - (September 20, 1878 – November 25, 1968)

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Yes indeed. This statement is so true!

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The American Academy of Pediatrics needs to be a target of dismantlement

They started this insanity with the pediatric vaccine schedule and continue to inject and poison babies and children in the name of ‘better health’ … and what we have is the sickest generation of children in the history of humanity.

The AAP continues to add vaccines to the pediatric schedule which just means it’s NEVER been trialed on a child. The vaccines are trialed in isolation… never in its entirety… which they’d find has major toxic consequences!

Not to mention the AAP is backing the mutilation and gender transition of children… and threatening MDs who stand up for the safety of children

Listen to this. FBI intimidation for speaking out for the safety of children

The AAP should be dismantled … they are key players in pushing vaccine ideology and other harmful practices on children


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Stop the MONETARY INCENTIVES for physicians/hospitals and watch how fast it stops!

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Right. It’s always about money.

And rarely about…. HEALTH!

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If you can medicalize a child… you have a customer and user of the healthcare system for their entire lifetime … there’s big money in that! That’s the incentive.

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Been happening in earnest for 60 years. And here we are today with major hospitals mutilating children.....for the MONEY!

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And I wonder how this lunacy was allowed to take hold and I remember that the man who developed the lobotomy was given a Nobel Prize… so we shouldn’t be surprised we landed here

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There's a great 11-part series called Cult of the Medics. It's available online and very well done...it will give you an eye-opening look into the fact that allopathic medicine was captured long ago.

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Jan 16, 2024
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Indeed! Yikes. You dodged a large bullet. Congrats Soldier.

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It's simply criminal ,to insinuate that babies are all very sick when born and need dozens of venom injections to make them healthy .Policies like that are not even formulated in crazy houses .There must be sections in med .decision making institutions that come strait out of hell ,run by the likes of Gates ,Schwab and Tetros .

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The whole system is built on a false dichotomy.

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Hello Truthseeker: Yes. The origin of the American Academy of Pediatrics can be traced to a fateful gathering on July 19, 1929 during the American Medical Association (AMA) Section on Diseases of Children meeting in Portland, OR at the home of James W. Rosenfeld, MD. >>> Funny how these little social gatherings *happen* to take place between *friends* during the crash of 1929. See Nice house? >>> https://www.historypin.org/en/explore/geo/37.77493,-122.419416,12/bounds/37.681112,-122.49735,37.868629,-122.341482/paging/1/pin/1103160

Erm... >>> AMA? Can you say: Rockefeller Institute? Can you say: Racketeering?

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Of course they knew. It was obvious even to a lay person reading the package inserts. I can’t believe people trust them at all. The whole purpose of Rockefeller medicine is to maim and kill.

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I saw this… that vaccine inserts were BLANK

And stamped ‘intentionally blank’ …


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and make lots of money in the process of maiming and killing.

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Yes.! The docs DO get their "education" from the drug reps who load their closets up with the free drug samples they then take home to load up their home closets with as well. Drs are notoriously cheap so they Love anything FREE! The reps also wine and dine them as well of course, like lobbyists.

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There's a great 11-part series called Cult of the Medics. It's available online and very well done...it will give you an eye-opening look into the fact that allopathic medicine was captured long ago.

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I think most people go into medicine for the right reason… thinking they’re gonna help people…

(Of course there are those that are going into it for the starting salary and upside financial gain also …)

But then they get into this warped system and they’re indoctrinated, and essentially hazed and exhausted… like a cult would do… so many are too tired to think critically… and then they’re totally mired in $100’s of thousands of dollars in debt… most of them… so they can’t even leave if they wanted to… they’re captured and trapped like a spider in a web. So they toe the line and just put their head down and stop thinking altogether … just like they’re in a cult. Good analogy.

The system is designed today to weed out anyone who is a critical independent thinker- quite specifically

My daughter started college pre-med. she’d have been a great MD. But in the end, she left that major… not because she couldn’t do the work… but because she saw what it was and was smart enough to get out before she was trapped. It’s a sad state of affairs!

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According to doctors, 4 hours is the amount of time spent learning about vaccines in medical schools. (1/2 day) For the obvious reason: Trey would rather doctors remain ignorant on the subject of vaccines so fewer will question the big pharma recommendations

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The majority of doctors get their drug/vaccine info from drug reps sent by Big Pharma; along with info on how much in bonuses they will receive; when they get everyone in their practice using vaccines. Many doctors will turn patients away, if they won't use vaccines. They need over 90% to receive bonuses. Doctors are forced to use chemo which Big Pharma provides. It is toxic and breaks down the Immune System. The AMA was set up by J.D. Rockefellerin 1910 (approx). to promote J.D.s patented petroleum-derived drugs. He gave medical schools large sums of money to put people on college boards to help in making decisions; getting rid of any modality, which contributed to health.

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Amazing new Dr. Sansone! The momentum is building!!

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Praying for everything to come to light.

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Amen! If you have faith you should be praying every day for the evil to be exposed. One downfall now is that most people under 50 are glued to their phones and devices and have no clue about what's going on around the world. It's criminal what is being done to humans and it follows into the veterinary practices. I believed my precious dogs needed all those vaccines to stay healthy. Now my eldest has Cushings which holistic vets say they have never seen in unvaccinated dogs. Same story- big pharma rules main stream medicine.

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Great News hopefully it will spread all across the US and the whole world. Should be Nuremberg 2.0 and hold those who had any part of these crimes against humanity accountable.

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Well that's precisely my question. Yesterday I gathered that the "MSM" in the "USA" didn't even cover South Africa's presentation of case; just the Israeli's refutation. Oh ! Well then what else? Could this crazy Floridian move also escape notice? I dumped my TV somewhere in the late 90s.

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✝️✝️✝️Thank you God/Creator.

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Alright! Now, time to stake FrankenFauci to the nearest ant hill and pour some honey on his head. Peacefully , of course

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Similar to the research Fauci funded whereby innocent live beagle puppies had their heads trapped in receptacles filled with sand flies, so that they would eat their snouts. These poor puppies were unable to escape these contraptions. He also had their vocal chords cut so that no one would be disturbed by their anguished cries. This is the same monster who was in charge of the covid response. I wish for him the same fate.

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Same monster in charge of the sake AIDS epidemic as well. The toxic drugs killed those poor people. Purposely

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There's an example of the horrors this psychopath delivered....for the sheer thrill of torturing innocent lives.

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So do I.

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I’m sure he will pay when he meets his maker

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Oooooh! The hugest sports arena And let the bees deliver it

And charge admission!

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I'm in!

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The VA knew there were problems with the shots. May 2021 a VA doctor notified the CDC about heart problems after the 1st Pfizer shot.

6 months after the shot roll out...safety signals were triggered...think about that...

VA never told veterans about the harm.

VA forced the VA employees to take the shot because of federal mandate.

VA still pushing the covid shots on veterans today.


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Its about time something got done about this.

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It will take years before the real damage these bioweapons caused will be known ..... sterilization? birth deformities? shortened lives? Already Dr Thorp OB GYN analyses the death and injury toll to be 585 million worldwide!

Ref: Dr Thorp interview with @jimferguson on X.com

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540 million now or in the future.

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I'll believe it when I see it....just another distraction to make people think aomething is being done. Nobody will be held responsible, as usual. It's just coincidism...lol.

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585 million death and injured toll from shots! Apologies for inaccurate comment . I have corrected it.

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Wow!!! If you have a link please share.

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This is a different interview but about the same topic.

If you go to X and search @jimferguson the interview with Dr Throp is about 4 tweets down.

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We were on the same forum Saturday that I posted. Ferguson not Thorp.

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I find it hard to believe the vax is not going to cause mass infertility 20 years down the line when:

(1) artificial wombs are being touted as a new 'wonder product' (the 21st century equivalent of the dishwasher)

(2) there is such a concerted effort to erase gendered terms from language, culture and the legal system (including brith certificates now)

(3) the youth are being pressured to take cross sex hormones, remove their sexual organs

and adopt a 'non binary' or 'gender queer' identity - and to view traditional male and female as outdated concepts (much like how feminists were urged to view motherhood, pair bonding and a nuclear family as outdated concepts 50 years ago).

I heard Naomi Wolf say that some scientists are warning those born to vaxxed mothers today may not even be able to reach full sexual maturity and become fully fledged adults. Again, it feels like society is being engineered to accommodate them.

I keep thinking of the caste system in Brave New World. The 'Alphas' would be the unvaxxed elite, who would be the only people who still reproduce naturally. The lower castes would be the fully vaxxed and boosted....

"you'll own nothing and be happy".

FWIW I think this agenda will ultimately fail and spark a new renaissance. But it's going to get very weird for the next couple of decades...

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Well... One functional county, and about 3243 counties to go...

Though this is good news, it will never redeem the murder of millions. Criminal charges must be levied against ALL Principal parties employed within the Food and Drug Administration, Health and Human Services, Department of Defense, and Department of Justice... They are all criminal operatives, period.

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Thanks for the great news! For a darkly amusing look at the history of the plandemic and shots, see the film Shots: Eugenics to Pandemics (2022).

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We win this thing with words. Check out my new word, coincidist, describing people who blame medical harm on coincidence. Coincidism is a filthy thing that goes right along with fascism and communism. We counter coincidism with creativity, humor and love.


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It's good news but these lizards are working on a treaty behind pp's back --Dangerous Accord: U.S. Autonomy At Risk With WHO Pandemic Agreement. Note - This is a lengthy report but every American needs to know what they are about to be put under. Read and then reread what is about to happen as our government prepares to sign this agreement June 1st. https://www.prophecynewswatch.com/article.cfm?recent_news_id=6614

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I interviewed James last week. They are not going to meet the Jan 27 deadline for the ammendments.

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That's good for now. They won't stop at it. You know this. We need to get out of the WHO. Also-are you aware of this? "WHY was the US Congress involved in creating a bill called the “Disease X Act” back in June of 2023?? Nothing To See Here: The US Congress Introduced the ‘Disease X Act’ in June of 2023

"You better believe this is PRE-PLANNED, and they are working on bringing this SICK plan to fruition. " - https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/nothing-to-see-here-the-us-congress?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Yes. I have been aware of the New World order agenda since 1992.

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Relatedly-- with my profound thanks:

Dr. Richard Schroeder, M.D.: Open Message to Governor Ron DeSantis, 'Ban the Jab'!

Dr. Joseph Sansone, December 11, 2023



TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This is one of several videos made by citizens urging Florida Governor Rick DeSantis to ban the covid jabs in the state of Florida. For more about the campaign, see https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/open-message-to-governor-ron-desantis

DR. RICHARD SCHROEDER: Governor DeSantis, I'm asking that you remove all COVID-19 vaccines from the shelves in the state of Florida. This is Dr Richard Schroeder in Naples, Florida. And from what I'm seeing down here in testimony from many patients that we've just seen on the Children's Health Defense Bus* and from people who have come to me even as a retired obstetrician asking for help and advice that I'm almost powerless to give, we really need to do something at this point. The evidence is becoming overwhelming that the COVID-19 vaccines are harming people and they're even killing people.

We've had testimony on the bus from doctors, nurses, surviving relatives of loved ones who were killed. And I've been so impressed by the Pfizer documents** that were released from Pfizer against their will that showed all these harms to pregnant women and nursing mothers. And that particularly struck a chord with me because I'm a retired obstetrician gynecologist.

You know, of the 270 women that they followed in the trial, Pfizer only followed 32 of these and 28 of them lost their babies for an 87% death rate. Breastfeeding mothers had partial paralysis and migraines, discolored milk, and the babies had vomiting, fever, rash, and allergies to the vaccine. And yet Pfizer, the CDC, Health and Human Services, and numerous medical societies didn't do anything. They just recommended continuing vaccinating in pregnant women, which should have been an absolute no-no.

So I'm requesting that these be removed from the shelves. I know you've got a grand jury out there that should have this evidence available to back you up. I know you're a courageous man. It, it really needs to be done. You have the power to do it. So please help. Please don't ignore the calls for help from the citizens of your state. They're becoming quite numerous, quite vociferous, and, and it's going to be inevitable sooner or later. Stop it before anyone else gets hurt.

Thank you very much.



#   #   #


* From https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/bus/

"We are excited to announce that the CHD bus is heading to a community near you. The 42-foot bus will travel across the continental U.S. over the next year. The #CHDBUS tour aims to gather stories from people injured or who have died as a result of vaccinations, including but not limited to COVID-19 shots or hospital protocols. At tour locations, those who were harmed (injured or survivors of loved ones who died) by vaccines will have a platform to share their stories and sign their name on the bus. This is your opportunity to be a participant in The People’s Study and connect with like-minded people in your local community."

** Pfizer documents, which Pfizer wanted to withhold for 75 years, and the story of how a US court ordered their release under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, can be viewed at this link:


Of note is the Pfizer 5.3.6 document which title is: Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-Feb-2021


On p. 7, table 1, you will see the report of 1,223 deaths.

On p. 30 Adverse Events of Special Interest.

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DeSantis needs to do his job as Governor.

He needs to ban the shots in his state. It would be a shot heard around the world.

Who is actually running the state while he is running for President?

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