Dickens’ classic A tale of Two Cities was ultimately a story of unrequited love, hate, and revenge, and much more, all set against the backdrop of the French Revolution. This horrible bloody Communist style revolution in the late 18th century was a preview to the 20th Century horrors that Communism and Socialism would reap on its own citizens in the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, and elsewhere around the world.
Early in the story there is a scene where the wine bottle breaks on the street pavement. This was a literary device to foreshadow the bloodshed to come.
Recently, President Trump was hosting an event at the White House for black Republicans. Trump introduced Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla. In usual fashion Trump began promoting and pumping Bourla to the Audience. Instead of the typical applause on cue, Trump and Bourla were met with loud boos from these patriots. Trump tried to talk over the boos, but that did not work. The boos were directed toward Bourla, yet Trump’s awkward smile indicated that he knew that at least on this issue, he was getting booed too, even if indirectly.
The people in that audience knew that mRNA is a weapons platform. Many Republicans do know this. Since February of 2023, ten Florida County GOPs, county parties in other states, and the Idaho and Arizona Republican State Parties passed my Ban the Jab resolution declaring COVID/mRNA injections biological and technological weapons of mass destruction. While not admitting the mRNA is a weapons platform, in January of 2024, Florida Department of Health in calling for a ban of mRNA stated that the shots were unsafe for humans and a threat to the human genome.
Recently, Franklin County Washington passed a resolution calling for a halt to the mRNA injections. This resolution watered down in the sense that it did not state that the mRNA injections are biological and technological weapons. I would not have supported it. When pushing the Ban the Jab resolutions I would not bend on stating that it was a bioweapon weapon. In fairness, it is Washington State. Still if you are going to make a bold move, may as well go all the way.
This is a similar issue with legislative initiatives. As I have already written, the mRNA injections are already illegal and violate state and federal bioweapons laws. The only legislation coming forward should state that the mRNA injections are covered under existing bioweapons laws.
This Marie Antoinette Moment is a foreshadowing of what is to come. The disconnect between politicians and the public is widening. This is especially true regarding the federal government. Issues such as prohibiting the mRNA weapons platform, geo engineering and weather warfare, election integrity, all are being driven at the state level.
While more efforts pop up to protect life and liberty at the state level, the federal government’s police state continues to march on. John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute recently pointed out:
“Free speech is still being undermined - The government’s police powers are still being weaponized - Government whistleblowers are still being persecuted - Americans are still being treated as suspects- We’re still unofficially under martial law - We’re still being flagged based on our viewpoints, activities and associations-Police shootings of unarmed citizens will continue-We still have an imperial president-“
“Rather than reducing the actual size of the government, it appears that the groundwork is being laid by Trump’s administration to replace large swaths of the federal workforce with artificial intelligence-powered systems. In other words, instead of reducing government overreach, Trump's administration is replacing human oversight with artificial intelligence—expanding automation rather than shrinking bureaucracy.”
It appears the intention is not to reduce the size and scope of government and restore liberty, instead it seems designed to make the oppression more efficient. This is one of the dangers of so called AI that I recently wrote about. AI is a probabilistic response calculator or computer that allows a small group of people to leverage control over larger groups of people more efficiently. The AI is capable of following advanced algorithms or protocols based on probabilities mimicking a decision making process. I wrote:
“Imagine this leveraged tool of control when applied toward a Chinese style social credit score system, Smart Cities and their control mechanisms, CDBC and its control mechanisms, drones, and a robotic police force, to name a few applications. The ability for a few people to control a large population with an advanced compuer that we are calling AI, is clear. The sophistication is such that the AI control mechanism can be capable of adapting to a myriad of situations using a probabilistic response.”
AI is already used to steal web content and repackage it in search results as its own while censoring and steering content. AI has already become the most powerful behavioral modification tool and that is simply from internet search. Running whole branches of government with AI is a clear pathway to more oppressive tyranny.
On day two of his administration President Trump unveiled Stargate, a massive AI infrastructure/surveillance program complete with mRNA weapons platform integration. By the way, hijacking medicine with AI makes Obamacare look like a small government proposal..
There is a reason why American Patriot Edward Snowden has not been pardoned…
We are seeing A Tale of Two Cities in America and much of the world. The tax slaves increasingly are realizing that their rights have been stolen from them. Increasingly they are realizing that most people they know will see shortened lifespans due to chronic illness developing from the mRNA weapons platform. Increasingly they are seeing that government is a front for an international criminal class bent on depopulation, control, and transhumanism.
While this is happening, government, and government controlled media, keep pretending things are normal. Unfortunately for them, one needs simply visit a grocery store and pay the bill to see that nothing is normal.
The boos that Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla received when Trump introduced him was the equivalent of the wine bottle being broken on the street in A Tale of Two Cities. There may or may not be bloody revolution in the future, but there will be violent social upheaval. This may or may not happen during Trump’s term, but it will happen.
The wine bottle has already been broken whether they know it or not…
Dr. Joseph Sansone is a psychotherapist opposed to psychopathic authoritarianism.
Mind Matters and Everything Else is 100% independent. If you appreciate my writing and advocacy and would like to support it, please consider upgrading to a paid subscription or making a donation of any amount. Donations may be sent c/o Joseph Sansone, 27499 Riverview Center Boulevard, Bonita Springs, Florida 34134, United States, or make an online donation on Ko-Fi here or GiveSendGo.
What a great analogy! Love it. The wine bottle has already been broken. Indeed it has. Thank you for drawing this analogy from great literature. So apropos.
Speed seems to be the strategy, like Warp speed, this government overhaul is going so fast there is no time for people to ask questions or get the fine details about what it means to them. The damage will be done, the data gone and the government functions handed over to private industry. There will be no ability to do FOIA requests. When the damage is already done, people will look back and say ( as with Covid bioweapon shots) maybe we should have slowed that down, asked a few more questions etc.) In the age of internet people are conditioned to process soundbites, so they are cheering about the savings and the cancellation of woke programs etc. Of course those things should never have been there in the first place. The problem is that transparency is not being restored, and Congress should have been doing their jobs all along. There seems to be a fundamental change in the system with a one man wrecking crew coming in to eliminate jobs and waste etc. Transparency will not be restored. .. It will be eliminated. Every time I have to talk to a computer to fix my internet or some other service, I am reminded that the big corporations may be saving time and money but they are using my time, giving me worse service and dehumanizing me as their customer. Imagine when all of life is like this and you have to call your insurance company or your pharmacy or doctor and a computer will give you a laundry list of options and if your situation doesn't apply, they will hang up on you. Imagine for people on Social Security Disability what that experience will be like. This unfortunately is the world we are moving into and it will get worse. You cannot govern people with a chainsaw. Transhumanists love to tell us about a time when humans will no longer be needed, but they do not talk about the quality of life so the question is whether we want to live in a human world or an inhuman world.