What a great analogy! Love it. The wine bottle has already been broken. Indeed it has. Thank you for drawing this analogy from great literature. So apropos.

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Speed seems to be the strategy, like Warp speed, this government overhaul is going so fast there is no time for people to ask questions or get the fine details about what it means to them. The damage will be done, the data gone and the government functions handed over to private industry. There will be no ability to do FOIA requests. When the damage is already done, people will look back and say ( as with Covid bioweapon shots) maybe we should have slowed that down, asked a few more questions etc.) In the age of internet people are conditioned to process soundbites, so they are cheering about the savings and the cancellation of woke programs etc. Of course those things should never have been there in the first place. The problem is that transparency is not being restored, and Congress should have been doing their jobs all along. There seems to be a fundamental change in the system with a one man wrecking crew coming in to eliminate jobs and waste etc. Transparency will not be restored. .. It will be eliminated. Every time I have to talk to a computer to fix my internet or some other service, I am reminded that the big corporations may be saving time and money but they are using my time, giving me worse service and dehumanizing me as their customer. Imagine when all of life is like this and you have to call your insurance company or your pharmacy or doctor and a computer will give you a laundry list of options and if your situation doesn't apply, they will hang up on you. Imagine for people on Social Security Disability what that experience will be like. This unfortunately is the world we are moving into and it will get worse. You cannot govern people with a chainsaw. Transhumanists love to tell us about a time when humans will no longer be needed, but they do not talk about the quality of life so the question is whether we want to live in a human world or an inhuman world.

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Plus, government won't actually shrink......

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And police and military will double to deal with us "domestic terrorists" until such time as the algorithm ghetto is established.

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And then those domestic t peps expand to anything ai deems not in line with tech.

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Wonderful comment. It’s very difficult to discern the crux of the problem with so many elements at work operating to muddy the waters. Your insights have been very helpful. Thank you.

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I've got some black pills, if you'd like one.

We, or I suppose more you Americans, let it get this far. Easily distracted, I guess.

It seems what you're saying is that DJT and his team are going to let this continue, while pretending they aren't. Really; how long are the American People going to stand by before they decide enough is enough? And you've got the much-vaunted 2nd A.

Asking for the World.

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Ad a lot of Corporations & others shall still be making a lot of money

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I believe they ignore the signs because they are drunk on their pursuit of absolute power. But the signs are there that all of this is nearing its end. And we must help as much as we can each in our capacity to protect Life. Thanks for this, Dr. Sansone

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Yes, wine/blood will be shed. When and how much is the question. Yes, the reduction in the population has started with reduced pregnancies and increased mortality, but the question is what is the slope of the curve. We are living in the most interesting time in human history. I am glad I am old.

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and never endign stress, STRESS triggers auto immune illnesses

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Thanks Dr. Sansone for this thought provoking essay.

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Great post Dr. Joe , patience is a virtue.

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I am glad Trump's followers are not 100% brainwashed...So he is promoting billionaires and the stargate nonsense for more mRNA and merging machine with humans. We wrote this song about it (from an Dr Ana's email "Humanity First"...https://youtu.be/WjJLAi4yVho?si=xvxN5azbjT84iM2O

Dr. Joseph, I am going to put a new song related to your legal cases and the legal system...we have one for our legal case in North Florida --> https://youtu.be/G4cuFjsEX18?si=LE5Ot58feaPLYUhh

We released yesterday Coffee chat with Dr. Jane - Synthesized Souls https://youtu.be/wyYLi5CsxXo?si=0Aru4ebGBdxKcDa6

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What is your case about in North Florida?

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In March of last year, the county issued a resolution for the development of a 139-site RV park and Campground. Unfortunately, the decision went unnoticed until later on, when more than 50 individuals raised concerns. By the time the issue was brought to our attention, it was too late to file for a certiorari review or appeal within the 30-day window.

After conducting thorough research, I discovered that the newspaper being referenced is not sold or easily accessible. I have taken legal steps by issuing a subpoena and compelling the production of documents. Unfortunately, no documents have been provided by the newspaper despite these efforts. Defendants and non-party are silenced...

I have a scheduled hearing this week for some pending motions. It appears that these judges require a hearing in order to review and act on the motions, which I was not aware of. I find this process to be quite impractical and frustrating. It certainly raises questions about the efficiency and fairness of the justice system.

The county has been found in violation of multiple laws, including an ordinance that specifically prohibits the type of development that was pursued. This raises concerns about their adherence to their duty to rectify their errors. Instead of addressing these issues promptly, they are choosing to allocate taxpayer funds towards defending themselves in court. Despite my initiation of a second lawsuit in December, the county has not taken any steps to address the matter. While they have filed a motion for an extension, no progress has been made in producing any relevant documentation.

I am currently conducting research for a potential federal case involving a violation of due process and property rights, as well as numerous other causes of action. Before filing, I am taking the necessary time to thoroughly investigate the matter.

It appears that in your situation, actions are being taken prematurely. It is evident that there was a directive to quickly close your case.

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Good for you doing this. I use to live in a CA area that would not notify residents while pushing through things via “commissions” By the time it got to where residents would be aware residents would be told to late you should have spoken at commission meetings that did not give full public notice, only agendas within refined areas under the cities doors.

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That's what happening here. But I have 2 lawsuits against them and they are quiet. The question is...what dirty tactic or loophole they have planned now? They violated the law and they are not above the law. The US constitution is the law of the land and these people were caught. The issue is for many pro-se, they don't know the laws or how to play the judicial system game. It was written for lawyers by lawyers not for the regular layman.

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From my observation who did speaking up the powers that be” are not the most ethical and do not care about what the objectors have to say. Even saw it with a fairly prominent businessman in the area who was brushed off at a public meeting.

Seems some of the loopholes are based on Agenda 21 stuff passed a few decades ago.

Seems the “powers that be” have grown to rely on the plebs being to busy or dumbed down to pay attention, know what to do or even care. It works well to push through the globalist agendas.

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Exactly! Too much flouride and chemtrails. Add the GMO food and fake virus so people inject even more poisons and what do you have left? NPCs... hence, my song about NPCs...https://youtu.be/vu6bekuTuUU?feature=shared

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Trump is a great populist except when he isn't.

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Kudos to the black Republicans for being brave and voicing their displeasure at Bourla. Glad I'm not alone in thinking this government reduction is a segway to introducing govt by AI.

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I REALLY don't want you to be right about this, Joe...

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Very good article. So many questions crop up about this administration as we end up being the subjects of someone’s futuristic dream.

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Yes, the wine bottle is broken. Great post.

The following explains a lot about what the doge-bag Elon Musk and his handlers, who are also Trump's handlers, are up to.

Here is the circus theme for the Technocratic clown car, which is smoking and sputtering:


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Good posts Peter Duke has been putting up about that.

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Timely post thanks.

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Listen mate... if you can't spell Dickens, what credibility do you have?

Anyone could work out that "they" will smack you in court.

What a fool's errand you took us on.

I say you are not remotely near the true reality of what has occurred.

You don't come close to addressing the core of this depopulation slow motion event.

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It is called a typo. If you have not noticed I am currently wearing an eye patch.

My credibility comes from my actions. I can not predict what the court will do, but I posted the email where Dr. Francis Boyle said that it was a very fine piece of legal work. And if you read my recent posts a case came out of the 1DCA last week stating that you can't dismiss a case before notice is served.

That is exactly what happened in my case. My appeal is in front of the 1DCA.

I did not take anybody on a fools errand. I am just doing the right thing. And I will continue to do so.

The court system should be flooded with cases. How is your case going? Maybe direct your hostility toward all the people not doing anything....

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I apologise and I see you are a valuable asset to us.

I'm sure you know who they are and how dangerous they are.

Where they are from is a bit uncertain and how long they've been full tilt could be argued as 1913. Read Henry Ford's book, is my first bit of advice to you.

When you understand that it is a long-planned event and in its primary guise is 'robbery" firstly and then de-pop in a sustainable slo-mo manner.

They and theirs are unstoppable which is why I think you should stop litigating as it is a waste of time. Try and stop the dental jabs is a better strategy and can help the gullible clients of that industry. Wholly owned by "them" of course.

It is infuriating to see that many dentists know what they are doing yet they all keep on.

They are looking to be the single most disgusting players in this entire sordid episode.

I am resigned to the inevitable outcome. It maybe I will survive, to see what becomes of planet earth. Hard going for me who had 30 dental jabs and got many serious ailments.

My wife had 11 jabs and developed a tumour over the site of 2 of the jabs. She just survived.

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I have been awake since 1991. I was a chair in one of Pat Buchanan's presidentail campaigns. He was the first major figure to call out the New World Order and globalism. I know what is going on more than most.

I knew Bush 1 and 2 were globalists. To use a pun on one of Pat's books I was right from the beginning. I never worked ir volunteered for Bush or other globalists like some of these people.

My case is actually targeting all mrna. Between my case and the ban the jab redolutions they have moved the needle.

You are looking at it the wrong way. I should not stop litigating. Other people should be litigating too until the courtsare flooded with cases. Division of labor.

And litigation is only one tool. Assymetrical warfare requires assymetrical resistance. The system should get overwelmed and attacked from different angles.

I understand the frustration. Consider all the writers and podasters. How many are putting their neck on the


It is not that I am hitting the wrong place. It is that we should be a swarm hitting all over.

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As I think about it, if you did want to do something useful... JOIN LUNDSTROM THE DENTIST'S CAUSE. Every single dentist on the planet is injecting a turbo cancer starter kit with every jab. People like you should be all over that but instead, you mostly talk schitt.

Today's post is as far away from the action as it would be possible to be.

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I have talked about dental anesthetics. You are complaining because I write an article on substack, which is for writers, and because I have not won my case that is on appeal....Tell me about your actions? Your case?

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okay. my bad.

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The vaxx is not where you should be.

Dental jabs, DEW targeting of individuals who speak out.

DEW fire attacks such as Hawaii and Hollywood Hills.

Catherine Austin Fitts is your ally.

She will tell you it as all a gigantic land grab/robbery.

Geo-Engineering is the biggest threat to us all and they have ramped it up.

Dane Wiggington should be on your speed dial.

Interesting... Mel Gibson the dissenter gets burned to the ground but Tom Hanks the team player stays home without a care.

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These are all issues I an aware have and have spoken about or written about. I did mention a couple of these issies in this article. I am one person I can't litigate every issue. These issues are all connected too. Becausr I am litigation one issue does not mean I am unaware of the other issues. I could do no litigation and have more time to talk and write about other issues but then I am not doing anything. I am not aware of any litigation from these people. I was suppised to interview her a while ago but her schedule did not work out.

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Thought provoking , and for those of us still not deciples of Lord Trump , a better insight into why our instincts are saying " hold up "....!🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤔

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Lyrics by Grok 3, inspired by Dr. Joseph Sanson's:

A Marie Antionette Moment

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