The idea of providing identification to participate in everyday life is totalitarian. What about the state issued birth certificate? Protection of children begins with at home birth and continues with home schooling. The state has failed. Time to forge a new path away from the New World Order that has all but taken over the country.

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The path away from totalitarian regime is quite straight forward. > Quoted from Cornell Law School library: quo warranto

"Quo warranto is Latin for "by what warrant” (or authority). A writ of quo warranto is a common law remedy which is used to challenge a person's right to hold a public or corporate office. A state may also use a quo warranto action to revoke a corporation's charter. When bringing a petition for writ of quo warranto, individual members of the public have standing as citizens and taxpayers.

In one case from Alabama, the court noted that the writ of quo warranto is “utilized to test whether person may lawfully hold office and the purpose of writ of quo warranto is to ascertain whether office holder is constitutionally and legally authorized to perform any act in, or exercise any functions of, office to which he or she lays claim”

Complete section: https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/quo_warranto

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Dear Dr. Sansone:

Up here in Woke "British California" we just had an election. I wrote about it here: “There’s no Underestimating the Intelligence of the Voting Public.” (https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/theres-no-underestimating-the-intelligence) The New Democratic government should have been tossed out on their ear. In the event, we had a cliff-hanger election and it will be days before a clear victor is declared.

Meanwhile you write about this "Real ID" which will soon be the Law of the Land across the West. It will be an on-line hacker's dream, and most of humanity are so stupid they won't see it, can't be made to see it.

Best, Capt. Roy Harkness

PS And it doesn't matter on one level I suppose: I'll never get on an airliner again: Too many pilots croaking at the controls with heart attacks or asymptomatic, "idiopathic" myocarditis...

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You said it a hackers dream! All of this digital stuff is a haven for fraud. The new prosperity is fraud! Fraud is the new innovation.

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Hopefully The Banksters and The Globalists have only opened Pandora's Box for themselves. Hopefully The Iron Law of Unanticipated Consequences is going to bite them like it's never bitten anyone before.

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Luv you bringing The law of unanticipated consequences. Something needs to poisonous as we;;. Luv your engagement.

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Oct 21Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

I will never fly but you can see where this is heading. Next you will need all 27 mRNA injections to fly or access any government service. Get injected and get dead.

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Oct 21Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Thank you for the essay. Non-lawyers seem to grasp these subjects far better than attorneys. Dr Kheriaty and Dr. Bhattacharya could teach law students about the First Amendment - as well as some SCOTUS justices. I remember those who sounded the alarm when the Patriot Act was enacted. I sensed something was wrong but didn't do a deep dive at the time. When Covid hit, and the same mechanism occurred, I waited for attorneys to rally together to oppose. Instead opinion pieces by legal professors and organizations such as the ACLU on why the mandates were legal, I knew we had taken a very bad path and one that was a long time in the making. That Cheney supports Harris is so chilling, and the die-hard ideologues refuse to see what is right in front of them with chants that Trump will be a dictator. We are operating under an authoritarian philosophy that seems much influenced by German philosopher Hegel, who believed the highest order of humans would come from the state. Thus, subjects existed for the state and not the inverse. In an old interview about Hegel on BBC, Peter Singer confessed that if one goes right with the philosopher Hegel, you got Hitler, and if you go left, you get Stalin.

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'Legal' classes are trained in 'legal' colleges sanctioned by the International BAR Association. All other BAR Association memberships are sanctioned by the above. No BAR Association membership = no licence to practice. The entire 'legal' system is a fucking joke. The joke is on anyone believing that justice will ever be served via 'legal' actions.

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I take issue with Mr. Singer that Hitler was on the right. He was a national socialist. Obviously not a true communist like Stalin, but he was for complete control of many aspects of society, including the Church.

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The bulk of governments are autocratic! We in the U.S.A is a growing rarity. ALL OF what we witnessed across the board has been implementing this in U.S.A since 2001. Autocracy is the majority. We here in U.S.A must wake up to that fact

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In Germany, Hegel was not liked. Adolf Hitler believed that the highest order amongst humans were born with godly principles needing to be nourished and cared for by loving parents in a healthy home environment, taught and guided in a righteous way as he/she grew into adulthood and to be part of the people ( kinsmen ) the land, striving to lead by good example and stand for "DEM WAHREN, DEM SCHOENEN, DEM GUTEN' ( Truth, Beauty, Goodness ). Every home owned. a Family Bible. The state had no right to dictate above the decisions of a parent or individual. And there is much more the western world since May 8th, 1945 would never be taught, 'cause the criminals responsible for the utter destruction of Germany and her people are the very same that spread communism and Marxism around the world since then. The 'UNITED STATES OF AMERICA' turned into 'THE UNITED STATES OF CORPORATE AMERICA' which finally took a hold of this country after the Civil War in 1871/73 with the installment of the Central Bank, followed by the 1913/16 Federal Reserve Act that gave this country the unconstitutional income tax.

Those who compare what has and is happening in this country with 'The Third Reich' needs to pause and look outside mainstream media and our Marxist controlled indoctrination institutions, which has turned the minds of young Americans into believing that this country is no good. Totalitarian tyranny is when you feel the boot crushing down on your face. As the iron fist hidden under a velvet glove is closing, this country still has time to turn the tide and take this country back out of the clutches of the dreaded international money lenders and their global criminal thugs.

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I think you’d like this lecture. I listened to it yesterday. What history that people are unaware of! 👏


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Vrilforce makes some interesting points. I find it rather quixotic when I read that our Marxist controlled institutions have turned young minds that this country is no good. If peruse deeply we find that our last 100 years have been spent fine tuning our penchants regarding imperialism. How many nations have "we" castrated? How many overthrows? How many assassinations funded by unseeing American taxpayers? Of course, "we" refers to the controlling factions and not the man in the street just trying to stay solvent. Who is/was behind those nefarious deeds of parasitizing so many other nations? Business moguls, globalists, psychopaths, bankers......US has fostered many horrendous transgressions and the big secret is keeping the population dumbed down enough by floating a palette of lies and propagandistic verbiage regarding our "special affinities toward peace, prosperity and honesty. I live near a major university and going back to before the spring semester students for peace in Palestine kicked up their heels only to be rebuffed in manifold ways by a Zionist sponsored program to decry these protesters as traitors subject to several forms of control and threats. The university bit off more than it could chew, students for Palestine have made gains without resorting to violence. Now the university is scratching to find "accord".......I look for seeing the university with egg on its face.

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Oct 21Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

From what I understand, some states will not allow you to opt out. I believe Florida is one of those states, Joe.

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Europe is demanding fingerprints and iris scanning to every one who travels there. They are also imposing a green pass vaccine passport to the entire EU. This is what happens when a handful of people own the majority of all resources on earth. To consolidate their power and prevent any dissent especially regarding the degrading standard of living of everyone else they need total power and control. It’s also.a whole lot of fun to use their new technologies to play games with human lives

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Yes, they are also injecting/spraying/mosquito breeding/nano dot-technology that is self assembling and will react to signals from the 5G towers. This will be another way to control human beings.

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The UNITED States of America may become a rapidly SPLINTERING States of America if this article's assertions have some truth.

The ultimate sanction that individual states have is to leave the Union.

If the Federal Government tries to prevent that democratic choice, then every single Federal Official should be given 24hrs to leave the state or else. All Federal Monies would of course have to be returned and the state concerned would have to be financially self-reliant.

I can see 20+ States seeking to leave the Union if this ridiculous authoritarianism is attempted to be enforced.

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The 'UNITED STATES OF AMERICA' was founded upon a 'Constitutional Republic' and not a democracy. America is not a democracy as the Marxist/Communists in our public indoctrination institutions want us to believe.

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glad to see somebody say this. Not a democracy!!!! Thank you. This is so much verbiage alteration that alters reality by changing definitions also.

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It truly is a tragedy how dumbed down the average citizen has become. Yet, I'm not surprised . Benjamin Franklin warned, that this time would come, because the average citizens would in time be side tracked and bamboozled by not paying attention to what is important, neglect to teach their children what this country was founded up on, believing what individuals with no good intentions in oval offices would parrot publicly, etc. etc.

Americans allowed to be betrayed and used by not questioning everything. It aches my heart and soul to see this country deteriorate because of ignorance and convenience. The approaching chaos and collapse will be grave. Stay strong and vigilant. Blessings.

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I have stated in my writings that Ignorance is the biggest business on the planet. Convenience and comfort has folks so drugged out that they can't see anything at all. Bamboozled is the best word. Thanks for the engagement

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Oct 21·edited Oct 21

Hope you're right. I don't think those 20 states will have the nerve to do it though. Maybe as a group of states. But I don't see it individually. Hope I'm wrong. By leaving the Union, they'd forfeit any Social Security payouts & any Medicare or Medicaid and other Government assistance programs. Never thought I'd live to see this. I hope renegade Senators like Rand Paul & Ron Johnson lead the fight against 'Real ID' ? Not much time though. Gotta get on it right away.

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Rand is a real disappointment, his dad was the real deal.

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Do you think Rand Paul & Ron Johnson are fighting? Only enough to get our fringe vote. Maybe Rep. Massie, from No. Kentucky is the only one. Not to sure now, after the mysterious death of his wife maybe by the cabal. This ethnic/"religious"/political cabal must be stopped.

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Ron Paul and Rep. Massie are not the only ones. There are many true Americans throughout the country who are on stand by. One must not give away all to the enemy of the state.

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Were there is a will, there is a way! It begins at home and local community and from there moves forward.

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The real ID could be a tool to start this civil breakdown from the constitutional level? hmm....

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Hope youre right.

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"...at every fork in the road, the decision is to move away from liberty and human dignity and to move toward authoritarian control"


Who Ordered the Maleficence?

Technology as an servant of society, not as its undertaker


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Statists everywhere do this and the real surprise is that the US as the world's leading communist superpower where the state is worshipped like a deity didn't do it earlier.

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If people would just get UNITED against this & boycott the airlines, it wouldnt take long to reverse all this hogwash. The airlines would have a meltdown because of the $$ they'd be losing & things might improve. The power is with the People if only they knew it!

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I wonder why all illegals aren’t tracked or surveilled in any way? All the trafficked children and women…?

Nobody knows where they are?

They just arrive, get their benefits and go about their lives unbothered (and unprosecuted) by the federal government.

Yet there is a “standard” for Americans set by the unelected bureaucrats in unconstitutional agencies?

Why didn’t anyone oppose the overreach years ago?

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Because many Americans are utterly conditioned, believing national news on BoobTube, Hollyweird green screen, never ending entertainment ala 'panem et circenses'. They won't even know when the rug is being pulled from under their feet, thinking that tyrannical authority will be on their side, looking out for them. Every illegal that has been deliberately brought into this country ( same in Canada, Europe, Australia; ) is being used to carry out the pre warfare against American citizens, to thin the herd and pave the way for the armed foreign insurgence who already have been deposited around the country. Your neglect, ignored ,forgotten, local, homeless vet will be important, again.

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In response to your last question: No one stood opposed because they were too busy watching football games, swilling chemically laden beer, and stuffing their faces with lousy taco chips...

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Thats the question, why didnt WE oppose this overeach a long time ago.

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I was a teenager during the post 9/11 years. I couldn’t do anything then, but I can definitely do something now!

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Oh, you mean like the Real ID that the Illegals have to present on November 5th in order to Vote? What a Joke this Country is becoming, one big Ponzi scheme that is blowing up. two more Constitutional Amendments that the DemScum and RepubTurds are fighting like Hell to do away with and we will have no more Country! 1A and 2A! Stay Tuned in 2025!!

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Elon and the boys also like this plan. Gonna make billions, so gotta go with it! Now what? These people are diabolical on both sides.

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Peter Thiel"s Palantir will fit right into place. With his discovery and edification of Vance, options for this upcoming selection are worse and worser.

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Any references to show that Musk approves of Real ID ? I would have thought he'd be against it ?

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Musk is a defacto government agent. he runs with them. The question is when will people realize what we are under is one big charade? I do not know when will people say no more.

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Interviews with Musk have shown he is a paper tiger, a construct, of the CIA. Just like Bezos and Zuckerberg. All of a sudden these rich guys show up, unbeknownst to the rank and file American. With magical powers and abilities never seen before. Facebook was stolen from the developer, Leader Technologies. Stolen. Zuckerberg was installed as this conquering hero and beatified. Boy genius, cooked up Facebook in a couple weekends at Harvard. Yeah, sure.

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I was not aware of Facebook stole the tech. where could I find that? many thanks for the engagement and noticing my comment.

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Its always all about the $$$. Everything.

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Correct. +100 likes. Elon Musk is a complete asshole.

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Amen Denise: Did you see the video of Musk & Netenyahu at the Tesla factory in Austin TX when Netenyahu was visiting the USA? There was nothing in the Austin newspapers about this.

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Ugh! Everyone thinks Elon is a genius, a golden boy, I call BS on that, I think hes a faker in all of it, a manufactured person, if you will.

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Hit the nail on the head regarding Musk. He's thick with the people that really run this country. Untrustable, sooner or later his true colors will show.

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No, but although rather shocking, doesn't surprise me. Netanyahu is another psychopath/sociopath, so what does this say about those who run with him? He often stays at the Kushner home when he visits. They're all in this together folks. Both sides.

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I stopped using airlines after the last trip wherein TSA options were going through the lowest bidder xray scanner or public humiliation and molestation. I decided while walled behind clear plexi-glass screen that I'd never comply again. If I can't drive, then I'm not going. So much for liberty. We're knights on a nine square chessboard.

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Oh yes……the march towards the New World Order is snowballing. These are Biblical prophecies. The CBDC will ultimately result in taking the “mark of the beast”. There will be no purchasing or selling unless you take it.

Rev 13:17 “so that no one can buy or sell unless they have the mark, that is, the name of the beast, or the number of its name”

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The current system is Satanic to the core. A central bank, fractional reserve fiat currency backed by debt is the antithesis of biblical teaching. It is theft by force and fraud. It is debt slavery and an abomination to the biblical God. One cannot buy or sell now without taking the mark of the beast.

The gospel informs us that we do not actually live in a world of Satanic created scarcity, but a world of abundance where acquiring money or wealth isn't necessary. When the WEF says you will own nothing and be happy, he's referring to a Satanic parody of the gospel message.

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Fully and completely.

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Actions steps please ? May 2025 is not that far away. What to do ? How to galvanize the US citizenry ?

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One world government takeover and with that UN pact for the future that was signed it will become even more tyrannical

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How does groping someone's genitalia make their ID more 'real'? Is this to be imposed on muslums as well? What's the diff between a not 'Real ID' and a normally legitimate one? Our lousy, stinking tyrannical government gets weirder and weirder every day; showing themselves as the perverts they really are - from the top, all the way down.

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