Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Hello Amy Harlib. Your comment: "Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!" [End quote] Damn straight.
The devices you refer to introduce electromagnetic hash (white noise) into cellular and molecular signaling processes. This "noise" interrupts, intercepts, and assaults both cellular and cognitive processes. The effects of these devices are not unknown quantities...
Hello David Westerlund. Yes. The correct spelling appears to be "Barcelo". A quick search of her name yielded quite a number of results. Ms Barcelo's critique(s) of ultrasound applied during pregnancy are correct. Many in the anti-electromagnetic community have known about this issue for well over 25 years. The 'medical' profession remains ignorant...
I was once quite active in the anti-EMF community, but retired from my endeavors due to the fact that the majority of the human populace wishes to remain willfully blind and suicidal. Thank you for your efforts.
Hello E.C. Protective devices can be perused or purchased at Less EMF.com >>> https://lessemf.com/ and a number of other sites. Many sites list products such as Y-Shield wall paint, which is about the only reliable anti-EMF product offered. It is expensive. Here's another supplier of quality products. >>> Safe Living Technologies >>> https://safelivingtechnologies.com/
There used to be a number of anti-EMF product suppliers, but many have fallen through the cracks these last two years. Best regards.
Paul: There is a Swedish doctor (MD?) that interviewed with Dr. MD Ana Mihalcea on the internet. He seemed to be #1 on EMF radiation in the world.
My quest in the last 35 years (I’m 90) has been the joo lies of gas chambers by the 3rd Reich. It’s chemically & explosively impossible the 3rd Reich used gas chambers. Recently we’ve even gotten the Swiss Red Cross report of Nov. 1944, but the joo media controls.
Yes. I believe the gentleman may have been Olle Johansson. Mr Johansson has widely published his analyses on the internet. Mr Johansson was formerly affiliated with the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. Unfortunately; the Karolinska Institutet has *reduced* interest in EMF research these last 10 or 12 years. Best regards.
We are living in a sea of radiation , which effects our energy fields. unbalancing the human brain and body. .My father explained something to me, when I was seven, which I still remember. He said that if you looked at the skin on your arm under a high powered microscope - you would see a cushion of air around every cell. He said that our bodies were not solid and that we were energy fields. He talked to me about teleportation as a child in the early 1940s; years before Star Trek. When I was 15, I was thrown from a galloping horse and landed head first on a huge boulder; I saw stars, but forced myself to stand up - while thinking I am totally alright, there is nothing wrong with me. I totally believed in the Creator who manifested life...and put myself at-one-with the Energy. It was. miracle! I was alright. I had a big bump on my head, but nothing else. I don't have a cell phone and try to avoid electrical gadgets. No microwave oven, either. . I use my laptop, but wear a Defense Pendant for protection. We also have a copper device to protect the whole house from radiation. At 90 my brain is still functioning and I am healthy.
Hello Barbara Charis. Yes. It is interesting that many mystics in traditional folklore "wake up" after falling from a horse. We are immersed within an infinite quantum field of energy and matter. Your aversions to electromagnetic devices are based on essential self preservation of your energy field... Best regards.
Long story but I looked up Mind Control during the Cho shooting at Virginia Tech back when there was a Senate hearing investigating whether 8 US attorneys were fired during the Bush administration. At that time, close to 20 years ago now, DARPA had on their website, unclassified that they were planning to manipulate the DNA of soldiers to make better fighters out of them. Cho had no history of mental illness and no history of violence when he killed "33" people including himself. His sister worked in a high level secretive defense firm.
Needless to say, the news cycle changed immediately and all attention was taken off our Attorney General Gonzales at the time and the fired 8 attorneys , and put on this horrific shooting. One of them out in San Diego had a grand jury investigation in which a contractor who had worked for Dick Cheney was testifying against someone else to reduce his own sentence. The investigation included head of CIA at the time, Porter Goss who attended poker games with prostitutes etc.
Many good reasons to change the news cycle and distract all of us.
During Covid, Charles Leiber who did brain machine interface for Harvard was over in the Wuhan lab. So the question is what is a scientist who studies brain machine interface doing in a level 4 biological weapons laboratory?
Immediately following WWII, when Dulles recruited Nazis for our CIA and NASA, our government was caught doing LSD experiments on unwitting subjects. They got caught and supposedly ceased doing these type of experiments. Are we to believe there was no more experimentation after this?
Psychiatry is nothing but one big field of experimentation complete with electric shock treatment which is still being used, supposedly in a more compassionate ways although Dr. Peter Breggin would argue that point.
There are no more ethics in medicine, mental health, etc. just mass experimentation on human beings as if we are lab rats. The spirit of Mengele is alive and well.
Because Dr. Mengele did gross experimentation, with clearly no informed consent. Under Operation Paperclip, Alan Dulles brought Nazi scientists to the US to fill our CIA and NASA. Their identities were changed but their philosophy did not. See "the Devil's Chessboard" by David Talbott for more information about all of this.
"Nazi" is a Jew derogatory slang word for National Socialist. I had the same idea of WWII until teasing a 3rd Reich paratrooper that had been at Stalingrad 1942. He told me "Dave, there's another side to the story." I did, and the other side has to be correct according to chemistry, physics, logic, media control of the truth. Dr. Mengele's was an altruistic M.D.. There were NO homicidal gas chambers at any of the 3rd Reich work camps. We "hTruthers" are jailed in many European countries for showing proof of no atrocities, in the USA we are only silenced by Jews that control media/gov't/much of industry.
There are many books on the TRUTHS of WWII. The most famous writer is David Irving who wrote books titled "Hitlers War", "Churchill's War" and about 80 more. David NEVER copied information from other authors, his books were written by reading documents and interviewing people that were there. I've met David many times, he's still living in England at about 90, a true gentleman. David used to travel the USA, selling his books at meetings. There's Dr. Robert Faurisson, a Frenchman who got his Doctors Degree in chemistry on a book about the lies of the homicidal gas chambers. He died about 5 years ago at the age of 92. Also, Germar Rudolf living in Pennsylvania, but I think he's presently in jail now, just for his writings. There are internet sites such as "Rumble", that have GR8 (great) URL's of Hitler's speechs on attempting to negotiate before and during WWII, but Churchill would not. Youtube has nothing. They banned me for 4 years for my comments on WWII, but have now lifted the ban. I did get a warning about a month ago.
My email address is turbotechwest@kalama.com Send me your address, a P.O. box okay and I will mail you more info. I was a joo sympathizer my 1st 45. at 90 I'm a National Socialist. 88&8s,Dave Westerlund
Thank you David. There has been so much mind-control on this issue regarding Hitler portrayed as evil. Many Jewish humans say they were in concentration camps, etcetera etcetera. I do know that Bush helped to finnace Hitler, and that the Globalists funded both sides of the war. Details saying the death "showers" never existed. Maybe these things were real, maybe not.. 7 catalonia court, saint augustine, fl 32086. We have been lied to about everything. Thanks for trying to inform us. Take care and stay well.
Documents, speech's, that the USA sealed after WWII. Over 200 interviews I've personally had with people that were there, reading David Irving, Mark Weber, Fred Leuchter's reports, Germar Rudolf and speaking with those 4. Probably met Irving 10 times. Watching how the other side that now controls us puts us in jail for speaking the truth.
Enjoy the cavalier - slick delivery of this *Chief* of the Neuroethics Studies Program from Georgetown University. >>> James Giordano: The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future >>> October 29, 2018 >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N02SK9yd60s
This event was hosted by the Modern War Institute at West Point. Neuroethics??? History repeats every day...
Every plane trip I take, going through "security", I look at the GR8 (great) waste of money/lazy people thinking they are helping security, and inconvenience to air travelers. IF I told them the truth, I'd be locked up.
The short article I linked to claims that the so-called incident was nothing but media lies and staged photos with no one harmed at all. You mention a number of violent events in which people were supposedly killed or injured, implying or outright stating that they actually happened. Almost all of those events have been exposed as theater by Miles Mathis, who has exposed many historical events as staged. The analysis of the Trump assassination attempt is a good example. https://mileswmathis.com/crooks.pdf
Dr. Rima Laibow figured that one out without any help from Miles.
I know you are very busy and may not have time to read his articles. Some of the most fascinating ones are about insurance fraud: the Titanic, the Hindenburg, and amazingly, the Battle at Little Big Horn. All the presidential assassinations were faked as well as most mass shooting and serial killers. Saying the government likely did the events, without pointing out the fraud still promotes unfounded fears, which seems to
I will check them out. Even if they were hoaxes the government was still behind it. People died on 911 and the other events I mentioned. Some of these theories are plausible, but that doesn't mean they are facts. People seem to make those leaps. I can look at something and say it is 70% chance it could be this but still recognize a 30% chance it could be that, for example.
It may be that as much as 70 plus percent of school shootings involved the influence of anti depressants by younger people that affected depressive and suicidal tendencies and led to the recommendation that the use of same be restricted by those under 21 .
Well written. There is a Youtuber called the Why Files. He goes into many "conspiracy theories" such as MK Ultra, Operation Paper Clip, The Electric Universe, Tesla and the Pyramids and hundreds of others. I am old enough to know some are true.
We do have someone ruling over everything that’s happened in the WORLD, it’s not a shadow government, it’s the Swiss Bank Authority in Switzerland. All the presidents for years have been puppets, the gov doesn’t work for us. We have no say in anything, even locally here in Colorado, Lawfare doesn’t work.
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Bless and thank you for doing what you do!
Hello Amy Harlib. Your comment: "Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!" [End quote] Damn straight.
The devices you refer to introduce electromagnetic hash (white noise) into cellular and molecular signaling processes. This "noise" interrupts, intercepts, and assaults both cellular and cognitive processes. The effects of these devices are not unknown quantities...
Paul & Amy: Jeanice Barcello has a GR8 book out on EMF radiation. I may have too many l's in her last name.
Hello David Westerlund. Yes. The correct spelling appears to be "Barcelo". A quick search of her name yielded quite a number of results. Ms Barcelo's critique(s) of ultrasound applied during pregnancy are correct. Many in the anti-electromagnetic community have known about this issue for well over 25 years. The 'medical' profession remains ignorant...
I was once quite active in the anti-EMF community, but retired from my endeavors due to the fact that the majority of the human populace wishes to remain willfully blind and suicidal. Thank you for your efforts.
Where can we find protection besides dropping the phone? Thank you.
I got some at www.defendershield.com
, but there are other sites.
Hello E.C. Protective devices can be perused or purchased at Less EMF.com >>> https://lessemf.com/ and a number of other sites. Many sites list products such as Y-Shield wall paint, which is about the only reliable anti-EMF product offered. It is expensive. Here's another supplier of quality products. >>> Safe Living Technologies >>> https://safelivingtechnologies.com/
There used to be a number of anti-EMF product suppliers, but many have fallen through the cracks these last two years. Best regards.
Paul: There is a Swedish doctor (MD?) that interviewed with Dr. MD Ana Mihalcea on the internet. He seemed to be #1 on EMF radiation in the world.
My quest in the last 35 years (I’m 90) has been the joo lies of gas chambers by the 3rd Reich. It’s chemically & explosively impossible the 3rd Reich used gas chambers. Recently we’ve even gotten the Swiss Red Cross report of Nov. 1944, but the joo media controls.
Yes. I believe the gentleman may have been Olle Johansson. Mr Johansson has widely published his analyses on the internet. Mr Johansson was formerly affiliated with the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. Unfortunately; the Karolinska Institutet has *reduced* interest in EMF research these last 10 or 12 years. Best regards.
I suppose fully occupied with handing out the Nobel prizes to correct thinkers like Mr Bernanke and so on!
name of t his Swedish doctor please?
Anita: Read what Paul wrote me. Olle Johansson
We are living in a sea of radiation , which effects our energy fields. unbalancing the human brain and body. .My father explained something to me, when I was seven, which I still remember. He said that if you looked at the skin on your arm under a high powered microscope - you would see a cushion of air around every cell. He said that our bodies were not solid and that we were energy fields. He talked to me about teleportation as a child in the early 1940s; years before Star Trek. When I was 15, I was thrown from a galloping horse and landed head first on a huge boulder; I saw stars, but forced myself to stand up - while thinking I am totally alright, there is nothing wrong with me. I totally believed in the Creator who manifested life...and put myself at-one-with the Energy. It was. miracle! I was alright. I had a big bump on my head, but nothing else. I don't have a cell phone and try to avoid electrical gadgets. No microwave oven, either. . I use my laptop, but wear a Defense Pendant for protection. We also have a copper device to protect the whole house from radiation. At 90 my brain is still functioning and I am healthy.
Hello Barbara Charis. Yes. It is interesting that many mystics in traditional folklore "wake up" after falling from a horse. We are immersed within an infinite quantum field of energy and matter. Your aversions to electromagnetic devices are based on essential self preservation of your energy field... Best regards.
Long story but I looked up Mind Control during the Cho shooting at Virginia Tech back when there was a Senate hearing investigating whether 8 US attorneys were fired during the Bush administration. At that time, close to 20 years ago now, DARPA had on their website, unclassified that they were planning to manipulate the DNA of soldiers to make better fighters out of them. Cho had no history of mental illness and no history of violence when he killed "33" people including himself. His sister worked in a high level secretive defense firm.
Needless to say, the news cycle changed immediately and all attention was taken off our Attorney General Gonzales at the time and the fired 8 attorneys , and put on this horrific shooting. One of them out in San Diego had a grand jury investigation in which a contractor who had worked for Dick Cheney was testifying against someone else to reduce his own sentence. The investigation included head of CIA at the time, Porter Goss who attended poker games with prostitutes etc.
Many good reasons to change the news cycle and distract all of us.
During Covid, Charles Leiber who did brain machine interface for Harvard was over in the Wuhan lab. So the question is what is a scientist who studies brain machine interface doing in a level 4 biological weapons laboratory?
Immediately following WWII, when Dulles recruited Nazis for our CIA and NASA, our government was caught doing LSD experiments on unwitting subjects. They got caught and supposedly ceased doing these type of experiments. Are we to believe there was no more experimentation after this?
Psychiatry is nothing but one big field of experimentation complete with electric shock treatment which is still being used, supposedly in a more compassionate ways although Dr. Peter Breggin would argue that point.
There are no more ethics in medicine, mental health, etc. just mass experimentation on human beings as if we are lab rats. The spirit of Mengele is alive and well.
Yes they did bring back. It is called electro convulsiv therapy. ECT That makes it better...lol
Not at all lol
Why are you bringing "Nazis" into this discussion?
Because Dr. Mengele did gross experimentation, with clearly no informed consent. Under Operation Paperclip, Alan Dulles brought Nazi scientists to the US to fill our CIA and NASA. Their identities were changed but their philosophy did not. See "the Devil's Chessboard" by David Talbott for more information about all of this.
"Nazi" is a Jew derogatory slang word for National Socialist. I had the same idea of WWII until teasing a 3rd Reich paratrooper that had been at Stalingrad 1942. He told me "Dave, there's another side to the story." I did, and the other side has to be correct according to chemistry, physics, logic, media control of the truth. Dr. Mengele's was an altruistic M.D.. There were NO homicidal gas chambers at any of the 3rd Reich work camps. We "hTruthers" are jailed in many European countries for showing proof of no atrocities, in the USA we are only silenced by Jews that control media/gov't/much of industry.
I have heard this elsewhere. Also that the estimates for those killed
are overstated. I do not know what exactly is true, but I do believe
there was some deception by the elitists. I do know that there were
sadly millions of females raped, especially when the allies came into
europe to "liberate". We have heard such propaganda stories about what truly happened during WW2 , we need more info.
There are many books on the TRUTHS of WWII. The most famous writer is David Irving who wrote books titled "Hitlers War", "Churchill's War" and about 80 more. David NEVER copied information from other authors, his books were written by reading documents and interviewing people that were there. I've met David many times, he's still living in England at about 90, a true gentleman. David used to travel the USA, selling his books at meetings. There's Dr. Robert Faurisson, a Frenchman who got his Doctors Degree in chemistry on a book about the lies of the homicidal gas chambers. He died about 5 years ago at the age of 92. Also, Germar Rudolf living in Pennsylvania, but I think he's presently in jail now, just for his writings. There are internet sites such as "Rumble", that have GR8 (great) URL's of Hitler's speechs on attempting to negotiate before and during WWII, but Churchill would not. Youtube has nothing. They banned me for 4 years for my comments on WWII, but have now lifted the ban. I did get a warning about a month ago.
My email address is turbotechwest@kalama.com Send me your address, a P.O. box okay and I will mail you more info. I was a joo sympathizer my 1st 45. at 90 I'm a National Socialist. 88&8s,Dave Westerlund
Thank you David. There has been so much mind-control on this issue regarding Hitler portrayed as evil. Many Jewish humans say they were in concentration camps, etcetera etcetera. I do know that Bush helped to finnace Hitler, and that the Globalists funded both sides of the war. Details saying the death "showers" never existed. Maybe these things were real, maybe not.. 7 catalonia court, saint augustine, fl 32086. We have been lied to about everything. Thanks for trying to inform us. Take care and stay well.
What did you read to convince you of this ?
Documents, speech's, that the USA sealed after WWII. Over 200 interviews I've personally had with people that were there, reading David Irving, Mark Weber, Fred Leuchter's reports, Germar Rudolf and speaking with those 4. Probably met Irving 10 times. Watching how the other side that now controls us puts us in jail for speaking the truth.
MKUltra is a well-known technique, also may be mixed with psychotropic drugs.
All mass shooters appear to be programmed.
Good summary, Joe.
Enjoy the cavalier - slick delivery of this *Chief* of the Neuroethics Studies Program from Georgetown University. >>> James Giordano: The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future >>> October 29, 2018 >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N02SK9yd60s
This event was hosted by the Modern War Institute at West Point. Neuroethics??? History repeats every day...
Thanks for making me feel sane 🙏
If you ignored the MSM, which I always do, it was quite calm and peaceful.
We hear you Dr Joe. Thanks.
Keep going Dr Sansone 💪
Every plane trip I take, going through "security", I look at the GR8 (great) waste of money/lazy people thinking they are helping security, and inconvenience to air travelers. IF I told them the truth, I'd be locked up.
No bang, big fizzle. Please don't spread the fear porn: https://mileswmathis.com/akter.pdf
I am doing the opposite of spreading fear porn. I am saying the govt. likely did it....
Yes. And thank you for your candid honesty...
The short article I linked to claims that the so-called incident was nothing but media lies and staged photos with no one harmed at all. You mention a number of violent events in which people were supposedly killed or injured, implying or outright stating that they actually happened. Almost all of those events have been exposed as theater by Miles Mathis, who has exposed many historical events as staged. The analysis of the Trump assassination attempt is a good example. https://mileswmathis.com/crooks.pdf
Dr. Rima Laibow figured that one out without any help from Miles.
I know you are very busy and may not have time to read his articles. Some of the most fascinating ones are about insurance fraud: the Titanic, the Hindenburg, and amazingly, the Battle at Little Big Horn. All the presidential assassinations were faked as well as most mass shooting and serial killers. Saying the government likely did the events, without pointing out the fraud still promotes unfounded fears, which seems to
I will check them out. Even if they were hoaxes the government was still behind it. People died on 911 and the other events I mentioned. Some of these theories are plausible, but that doesn't mean they are facts. People seem to make those leaps. I can look at something and say it is 70% chance it could be this but still recognize a 30% chance it could be that, for example.
Thank you for reading and responding. I try to keep an open mind as well.
Thank you again for knowing the playbook that is used.
David Icke refers to "Problem, reaction, solution", a constant playbook
theme by the shadow evil one's. FEAR is always the motivation, as humans
are weakened and submit to a lack of choices and authority when in fear.
Also, MKUltra mind control is used to program human behaviors. Mass shooters
are known to be on psycholtropic drugs, and also can be programmed.
Yes, terrorism and foriegn soldiers on our soil are evident. We do not have to
submit and accept victimization. We have power. PRAY everyday for the health
of our Country and new President and his family and cabinet. PRAY everyday over
all multiple terrorism and violent events. PRAY over Europe and any planned
terrorism there. We can have authority over these saboteurs who care not about their
life nor ours'. They have nothing to share but to create evil and destruction. Watch
--Last Days Brandon--on youtube, who shares his watchman knowledge of what has
been planned. God bless.
It may be that as much as 70 plus percent of school shootings involved the influence of anti depressants by younger people that affected depressive and suicidal tendencies and led to the recommendation that the use of same be restricted by those under 21 .
Psychotropic drugs. The pharma industry deperately hides this fact.
However they were also mind-controlled as well.
Have you talked to Lissa? Very beautiful woman, indeed. Good-looking too.
Well written. There is a Youtuber called the Why Files. He goes into many "conspiracy theories" such as MK Ultra, Operation Paper Clip, The Electric Universe, Tesla and the Pyramids and hundreds of others. I am old enough to know some are true.
We do have someone ruling over everything that’s happened in the WORLD, it’s not a shadow government, it’s the Swiss Bank Authority in Switzerland. All the presidents for years have been puppets, the gov doesn’t work for us. We have no say in anything, even locally here in Colorado, Lawfare doesn’t work.