Thanks for covering this information. Many still don't recognize the danger of unseen radiation surrounding us today. I have nothing in my bedroom that is electronic. I use a landline; no cell phone. I don't watch TV. We bought a copper unit to protect the whole house from radiation. The only electronic device I am near is my laptop..and I use a Defense Pendant to protect me. People have no idea that cell phones can cause brain tumors...and I am appalled, when I see people letting their children use cell phones.
Thanks for this, Joe. I feel the effects (tinnitus) of the cell towers everyday and it is very difficult to get away from it. God bless this woman and her work. We need to support people like her because tackling this problem requires all of us.
Beating dead horses. >>> Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: Thirty years of research >>> Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety: Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: Thirty years of research (
Quote: “The preponderance of peer-reviewed research published since 1990 has found significant adverse effects from exposure to radio frequency radiation and extremely low frequency and static electromagnetic fields.” [End quote] See page links to download each set of abstracts
Ms Wilkins does an excellent job of presenting this (not very recent) information. I've been aware of the dangers of wireless radiation for over 35 years, and spent many, many hours attempting to educate others. I also posted comment on numerous anti-EMF web sites for over a decade, and disclosed pertinent electromagnetic research studies and Abstracts ad nauseam. Yet nothing but crickets chirping from nearly all efforts... I finally just gave up.
Pro-communications conglomerates represent over $2 Trillion dollars in business profits per annum, making sure Governmental regulators such as the FCC and Environmental Protection Agencies remain completely bought and paid for. Nothing *new* at all...
Electromagnetic pollution's are devastating life all over the planet. The civilian public obviously don't give a damn... More data: >>> The Effects of Pulsed Microwaves And Extra Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves on Human Brains? Governments Routinely “Classify Information” Pertaining to the Manipulation of the Human Nervous System
Thanks for covering this information. Many still don't recognize the danger of unseen radiation surrounding us today. I have nothing in my bedroom that is electronic. I use a landline; no cell phone. I don't watch TV. We bought a copper unit to protect the whole house from radiation. The only electronic device I am near is my laptop..and I use a Defense Pendant to protect me. People have no idea that cell phones can cause brain tumors...and I am appalled, when I see people letting their children use cell phones.
Thanks for this, Joe. I feel the effects (tinnitus) of the cell towers everyday and it is very difficult to get away from it. God bless this woman and her work. We need to support people like her because tackling this problem requires all of us.
Beating dead horses. >>> Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: Thirty years of research >>> Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety: Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: Thirty years of research (
Quote: “The preponderance of peer-reviewed research published since 1990 has found significant adverse effects from exposure to radio frequency radiation and extremely low frequency and static electromagnetic fields.” [End quote] See page links to download each set of abstracts
Ms Wilkins does an excellent job of presenting this (not very recent) information. I've been aware of the dangers of wireless radiation for over 35 years, and spent many, many hours attempting to educate others. I also posted comment on numerous anti-EMF web sites for over a decade, and disclosed pertinent electromagnetic research studies and Abstracts ad nauseam. Yet nothing but crickets chirping from nearly all efforts... I finally just gave up.
Pro-communications conglomerates represent over $2 Trillion dollars in business profits per annum, making sure Governmental regulators such as the FCC and Environmental Protection Agencies remain completely bought and paid for. Nothing *new* at all...
Electromagnetic pollution's are devastating life all over the planet. The civilian public obviously don't give a damn... More data: >>> The Effects of Pulsed Microwaves And Extra Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves on Human Brains? Governments Routinely “Classify Information” Pertaining to the Manipulation of the Human Nervous System
By Mojmir Babacek >>> October 4, 2024 >>>