An Absolute Warrior for Team Humanity! šŸ™

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Thank you for sharing this great news, Dr. Sansone! Bravo for the Lee County Commissioners! šŸ˜

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Doctor,from one psychotherapist to another, I salute you!

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Anthony Fauci killed Freddie Mercury QUEEN Vocalist singer of Bohemian Rhapsody 1984

1984 VIDEO Anthony Fauci exclaimed with glee his intent to insert AIDS, SV40 etc pathogens covertly into hepatitis B vaccines given to

GAY men in SF, LA CA and NYC NY

330,000 gay men killed by AZT 1989-2019

1984 Anthony Fauci caught on tape exclaiming with glee intent to deliver AIDS HIV to gay men w Hep B vaccines in SF LA NYC USA Robert Gallo UCSF book

Emerging viruses AIDS Ebola nature Accident or Intentional

Dr Leonard Horowitz Tetrahedron publishers

1996 ISBN: 0-923550-12-7


Ecosia.org honest search engine

covers Merck Pharma Zaire Congo Mobutu

20,000 acres Africa leased by Merck to develop

AIDS bovine virus inside synthetic sphere shell

Congress orders funds for Retrovirus injection to Gay Men of SF LA NYC in Hep B Vaccine

US Congressional Record specifically stated intent to develop retro virus to take out certain populations

Project MKnaomi Anthony Fauci 1984 cheers w Glee his plan to spread AIDS to gay men says

You take an infectious agent and you introduce it into the population then itā€™s just epidemiology

Target Blacks Hispanics Homosexuals


You take it and then a year goes by and everybody's fine. And then you say,

"okay, that's good, let's give it to 500 people" And then a year goes by and everyone's fine.

So then you say.

"well now then let's give it to thousands of people" And then you find out that it takes 12 years for all hell to break loose.

And then, what have you done.

-Anthony Fauci on the AIDS Vaccine, 1999


Tritorch.com substack


Anthony Fauci injected AIDS + SV40 in HepB vax into Gay men 1984 SF LA CA NYC NY USA

Killing 330,000 w AZT


I would question the origins of AIDS.

all have 1 thing in common ANTHONY FAUCI worked w both illnesses Wuhan lab USAID funding





illuminatibot @iluminatibot

I don't understand how Fauci isn't serving life in prison



Anthony Fauci Milled the gay bath house at

1015 Folsom SF

Anthony Fauci murdered 330,000 gay men in USA 1980s 1990s

Anthony Fauci Mortally Wounded Gay movement

Anthony Fauci almost Killed the EndUp SF

The Endup 6:30

Short documentary on the Endup, produced for CurrentTv


Friday 1ā€“7ā€ÆAM

Saturday 12ā€“7ā€ÆAM

Sunday 3ā€“9ā€ÆPM

After Hours Club indoor outdoor Back Patio Terraces Benches Booths DJs inside Lovely Fountain Garden Chill space Outside

Most common default goto when Bars close at 2am after other Clubs Parties.

401 6th St, San Francisco, CA 94103

The Endup almost closed several times 1980 s 1990 s due to AIDS epidemic fear depression and devastation


X.com Twitter 273 characters version:

Anthony Fauci killed Freddie Mercury QUEEN Vocalist singer of Bohemian Rhapsody 1984

1984 VIDEO Anthony Fauci exclaimed with glee his intent to insert AIDS, SV40 etc pathogens covertly hepB vaccines to

GAY men in SF, LA CA and NYC NY

330,000 gay men killed by AZT 1989-2019

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Dr. Horowitz did a video presentation of his findings on this topic. Thanks for posting this, more awareness needs to be raised on his findings. The video was him giving a lecture, seemed like it was the late 80s or early 90s from how the audience appeared.

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Dr Leonard G Horowitz




Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz on Substack


Dr. Leonard G. Horowitzā€™s Substack ā€œHealthy World News." | Substack

By the grace of God, I share the worldā€™s best (generally censored) newsā€”revelations for Divine protection, better health, peace, freedom, prosperity and sustainability. Click


528 Revolution 528Revolution.com - 528 Revolution

528Revolution.com is the pioneering website developed by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz providing central intelligence on the 528 frequency of sound (Hz) and light (nm) exploding

www.528revolution.com ā€ŗ dr-leonard-horowitz

Dr. Leonard Horowitz - 528 Revolution

Sherri wrote the foreword to Dr. Horowitzā€™s music-industry-transforming book, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of Love, and co-produced and is co-starring in Dr. Horowitzā€™s controversial docu-comedy PHARMAWHORES: The

https://tetrahedron.org ā€ŗ about-us

About us - tetrahedron.org

Co-founded by Speaker, Author, Educator and Health Researcher Dr. Leonard G. Horowitzā€¦ Tetrahedron, LLC was established in 1978 by co-founder and company

https://bioquantum.ca ā€ŗ dr-leonard-horowitz

Dr. Leonard Horowitz ā€“ Bio Quantum Academy

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz is a riveting world-class speaker, multi-award-winning best-selling author and filmmaker, consumer health activist, energy medicine expert, ā€œelectroceuticalsā€ pioneer, and founding father of the


Dr Leonard G Horowitz author book Aids and ebola nature nurture or accident published by tetrahedron dot org expired website viewable on archive.org demonstrated that aids is a bovine virus inside synthetic shell created by Merck pharmaceutical

As demanded by Congress


to develop a retrovirus to target certain human populations.

on 20,000 acres of land leased by Mobutu of Zaire Congo Africa

50 miles from concocted cover up location of

Michael Crichton book Hot Zone

AIDS was then given to gay men in NYC NY and SF CA in the form of a hepatitis B vaccine.

AIDS then killed 60,000 men 1980s

100,000 men 1990s and more

The late author and radio host claimed to have top secret documents that revealed a global conspiracy to enslave humanity. His book became a bestseller and a source of

Bill Cooper also warned us about a future agenda of school shootings by Patsy kids and mind control programs on SSRIā€™s like Prozac who would shoot up schools to further MWO agenda of disarming the American republic

Whereas an armed republic would be able to resist govt Tyranny

Disarmined public would be slaves

French rivers are so full of Merde shit

Olympic Swimmers risk bronchial infections sepsis diseases G.I. tract infection, general fecal exposure malaise pink eye too.

Thanks to millions of Angela Merkel and GeorgeSoros immigrants who by the way, will all become doctors and lawyers who poured across EU borders

Please people do not goto Funker530.com I made the mistake of going here before March 22 2022 when it was just videos of cops and vets and real footage real bad stuff

OK so then I lost my life

To abusive pedophile sadist gaslight landlord

lot of footage Ukraine, Russia

Olympics Paris, France, 2024 satanic ritual, Luciferian Sabatean sacrifice themed sacrilegious anti-human nihilistic Pedophile, antichrist, anti-human spirit, darken human flame like Dark CERN Ritual Predictive extinguishing of humanity Olympic Deathwish

Itā€™s not woke. Itā€™s WEF WHO NWO BillGatesSoros destroying human values.

Nighttime with Spotlight illumination, death rode in on a pale horse, coming forward towards the cameras with the Eiffel tower at night behind it in a carefully choreographed omen of doom, reminiscent of the CERN portal opening ceremony in Switzerland, summoning satanic demons Paris, France, 2024 Olympic opening nihilistic intro to the hunger games

must see FB profile of video of death riding in to Paris, France Olympics, 2024 on pale horse, and this is a different death than was in the steel photo with the flags behind it


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Thanks for sharing šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

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Fluoride in the water is the greatest health hazard in the world!

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I have his book. He is strong and determined but his voice and manner are comforting.

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The United States is finla

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