My son had a prescription for daily flouride drops with no health issues. He ended up with white spots all over his baby teeth & epilepsy as an adolescent & adult! He had no other health issues.

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Thank you for bringing up this issue. Fluoride is known to cause brain damage, dementia, AD, , etc. and it was used in the so called vaccines, which were required for children to enter public school. Thanks to the government for putting the industry. before the health of Americans.

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Thank you Dr. Sansone for always writing about what really matters, whether it is the deadly bioweaponzed c19 vaxx or fluoride and all of its negative health effects in great detail.

Moronic city and county planners, gotta be the money, paid off handsomely, always follow the money to see where it ends up, including this ultra hazardous waste added to our water supply as unfair, across the board unasked for, medication of the poor.

Dumbass politicians all think none of the fluoridation or pfizer vaxxes affect them, because they don't drink city water and were EXEMPT from taking a vaxx - but little do they know, dumb morons, that fluoride is added to so many more products and the c19 deadly vaxx sheds like crazy.

How's all that working out for you politicians?

By the way Dr. Sansone, I really like your oft repeated catchy phrase:

"Dr. Joseph Sansone is a psychotherapist but opposed to psychopathic authoritarianism."

Spot on!

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Thanks! But there is no 'but' in that tagline. Let's keep it streamlined.

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Hi, Joe:) This is great news to start the day. I plan on sharing this ❤️👍

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Fluoride is an untreated industrial waste. This is not pharmaceutical grade. Do these industries sell this stuff directly to municipal water supplies? From what I've read, they drip feed it directly into public reservoirs?

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Fluoride toothpaste has a warning to go to a poison control center if more than a pearl-size drop is ingested. That much and more is ingested through the pores in the mouth. It necrotizes a specific area of the brain that controls volition.

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sodium fluoride is also a hazardous waste by-product of the alluminum manufacturing process. Can't burn it =air pollution. Can't boil it=multiplies fluoride. No containers can hold it= will eat through concrete or steel. IT'S BEEN A DISPOSAL ISSUE THIS ENTIRE TIME. USA WAS #1 ALLUMINUM manufacturer for decades. We ingested by-product waste to help them profit billions, at our health expense.

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Excellent. Way to go Bob Valenta!

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Trump should invite Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo to be the US Surgeon General.

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1000000000% agree....

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