Trump is using tech oligarchs to invade our anatomy for MRNA BS. “mRNA cancer vaccines” oh really! They gave us the cancer and I see ONE BIG COVERUP. It’s bullshit and I see right through it. Once again, government playing around with our lives. I didn’t see a qualified doctor at this news conference. Did you? Hell, I didn’t see any doctors at the news conference.

No different than when gov teamed up with corporate oligarchs to invade our bodies and cull us.

Where is Kennedy? Why wasn’t he in the conference? I hope he’s pissed like a mofo but if he’s not we are screwed.

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It should be pointed out to Trump ,quite clearly ,and maybe by Kennedy ,that his(Trump’s) OWS ‘vaccines” (better called gene altering shots), CAUSED a huge increase in bizarre cancers in fetuses until old age that is being hidden from the sheep-le. It is SO obvious to the awake among the population that the perpetrators now are positioning themselves for massive profits from cancer diagnosis and treatments for cancer that they caused by pushing and forcing vaccines and mRNA gene products on the people .Is all that AI which will use so much power ,energy and water really available for this purpose .?Surely humans need it for our existence .Stop all vaccines and mRNA NOW .They are all designed to harm and all contain nanotech for their Evelin transhuman agenda

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Like you say, like every expert out there says “it’s not a vaccine“. That alone should be enough to stop this madness. He has lost his damn mind “cancer vaccines” and needs to be put under scrutiny. He knows and wants you to accept whatever he says and that’s that! I didn’t sign up for future vaccines…did he? I don’t think so, he just wants to sell the BS and thinks you’re dumb enough to buy it. Some will because they have no grit! They can’t see what just happened to them so they will meet their demise.

He doesn’t want to acknowledge the truth about your baby that died because of his incompetence and that needs to be thrown at him in front of millions of people. He doesn’t say anything nice about Fauci so he makes no bones about it either! Can’t have it both ways TRUMP.

Let him tour around the country. Let’s see if someone or some people are brave enough to back him in a corner with facts. I just want to read his face and see it later on social media.

I love his pen power but I’m not giving him a pass on this one, so glorifiers…save it!

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Erm... Stated alternately: "Tech oligarchs are using Trump to invade our anatomy --- "

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Concur completely...From the moment of hearing and seeing that clip with the Billionaire Bros. AI Hounds. TRUMP was aware of the dangers inherent to the Bio-Nanotechweapon Injections towards Bio-Convergence...HE KNEW and that's the reason he never addressed the 'Warp Speed Nonsense' during the campaign.

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Kennedy is still waiting to be confirmed through Congress for his position.

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"As Dr. Michael Palmer and the book’s other contributors (Drs. Sucharit Bhakdi, David Rasnick, and Brian Hooker as well as Margot DesBois, BA) make abundantly clear, the harms caused by Covid shots are inherent in the mRNA technology—which means that any and all future mRNA “vaccines” will be equally toxic and unsafe."

mRNA Vaccine Toxicity by Doctors for COVID Ethics with Afterword by Catherine Austin Fitts

By Catherine Austin Fitts


Who needs CBDCs to control you?

Trump joins tech oligarchs Larry Ellison and Sam Altman to launch ‘Stargate,’ featuring AI control grid and mRNA ‘vaccines’ for countless diseases

Trump wasted no time giving us the long-awaited follow-up to Operation 'Warp Speed' during his first term.


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Dr . Sucharit Bhakdi said

“Auto Immune Self Attack by T Killer Lymphocytes”



of the

mRNA vaccines

are the

Cytotoxic CD8+ T Killer Cell Lymphocytes

This was proven in Dr Prof Arne Burkhardt

Histopathological case studies of the vaccinated

He showed us under a


The presence of LYMPHOCYTES where there was spike

“Lymphocyte Amok”

T Killer Cells Kill Cells

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T killer cells are also what kills cancer cells.

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Thank you for sharing this info.

Remember though Trump was fooled and tricked🙄.

Looking forward to the round two excuse list to start soon.

Peter Thiel’s puppet JD Vance is invested in mrna.

Thiel is Vance’s money bag.

17 Jul 2024

These are the companies JD Vance invested in as a VC (and beyond) - Fast Company


16 Apr 2024

AmplifyBio and RNAV8 Bio Announce Strategic Partnership to Support mRNA Therapeutic Developers from Sequence Design to GMP Manufacture | AmplifyBio


AmplifyBio Latest News | AmplifyBio


RNAV8 website is VERY sparse in info about the company.

RNAV8 | mRNA Engineering Redefined Our Mission To reduce human suffering at scale, we aim to radically expand the use of mRNA to treat disease by enabling 1000+ new therapies


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Trump may not be the apex technocrat but he is no boy scout either. Roy Cohn was his mentor.

Thiel's fingerprints are all over it.

Their censorship is leaky. They tolerate that because they still need credibility so they have to admit some truth. People need to open up that space for the truth.

With a crowbar.

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All vaccines are now going the mRNA direction. All of them. Including animals. So no more vaccines period for anyone.

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I voted for Trump; this is not the SAME TRUMP INAUGURATED in 2016.

PRAY FOR DISCERNMENT: TRUMP IS STILL praising himself for OPeration Warp Speed -- that is JUST WARPED!!! IT'S QUITE EVIL. A man who claims to be against Abortion yet hundreds and thousands of miscarriages and stillborn deaths (my own cousin lost her infant, heartbreaking) - is ABORTION AND MURDER BY DESIGN. READ "America's soul Under Siege by Lawrence A Cohen --- chapter 2 really explains what in this world is going on ! we never had a choice of who to pick for "President" it was already decided and the agenda set. Yes. Trump did do a thousand wonderful things so far. But IS NOT BUDGING ON THE MRNA BIOWEAPON. WHY??? WHY ???? THINK OUT OF THE BOX.


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If Trump is not just parading out this project to shine a bright light on its nefarious intent—as some commentators suggest he is apt to do—then we are all in real serious trouble.

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DeSantis and Ladapo should remove mRNA injections from the State of Florida WITHOUT declaring a public health emergency.

Removal should be based upon the fact that the injections are neither safe nor effective. They should make all the data available as addenda to their declaration of removal. And, one hopes, watch as other states follow suit.

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That is obvious. I am simply pointing out a clear path to do it where it could not be stopped. And where Ladapo would have the power to do it on his own.

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I agree Kathleen. The declaration of emergencies has become a tool/means by which authoritarian office holders perpetrate otherwise illegal and immoral policies against their populations. It represents a serious flaw in constitutional governance.

The CV19 injections should be banned. Those still in existence should be recalled and submitted to forensic analysis by multiple independent researchers. After 4 years and millions of deaths world-wide, the precise contents have never been publicly disclosed, and it is illegal to analyze them. That alone is evidence of an intent to harm (cause disease and death).

The fundamental underlying problem is that those who are sworn to protect the public are derelict in their duty to do so, which is gravely immoral. There is no longer any excuse for not banning these injections and for ridding the world of any so-called mRNA injectable products. If those currently in charge, are unwilling/unable to do so, they should resign.

Dr Sansone has made courageous and outstanding efforts to eliminate CV19 injections (incorrectly termed vaccines) in the state of Florida. I greatly admire him. If the office holders currently in place are unwilling to protect their people, they have lost moral authority to govern and should be replaced. How that can best be achieved is the challenge.

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So they used public health emergency for lockdowns and Trump is going to do it for his AI nRNA nightmare but we should not use their own law against them? This is political Aikido...

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I agree Dr Sansone. We are at a huge disadvantage and we must use any and every technique available to us.

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Thank you for this outstanding commentary, aka JShannon.

I have the same concerns about the abuse of emergency declarations and the temptations inherent in granting oneself virtually unlimited emergency powers.

I also strongly support your recommendations and the reasoning behind them.

(Referencing your profile, I am also a Traditional Catholic.)

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Thanks. You might enjoy reading some of the posts I have made on related subjects. Take a look at them, if you like.

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I had planned to! Looking forward to it.

In fact I had restacked our earlier exchange on my home page for greater visibility. That's something I rarely do.

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Thank you.

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Hello aka J Shannon. You stated: "The fundamental underlying problem is that those who are sworn to protect the public are derelict in their duty to do so, which is gravely immoral. There is no longer any excuse for not banning these injections and for ridding the world of any so-called mRNA injectable products. If those currently in charge, are unwilling/unable to do so, they should resign." [End quote]

Persons entrusted to protect the public and *uphold the Law* are more than just derelict in their duties, they are now Accessories to Genocide and Murder in the first Degree. Both are *Criminal* acts.

Writs of Quo Warranto should be filed against all identified perpetrators as well as ALL Legislative, Judicial, and Executive authority. Observe complete text here: https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/quo_warranto

And this carefully *laundered* artifact from Wikipedia.


Articles defining Quo Warranto process and authority have been systematically removed from the internet these last five years. Gee! I wonder why...

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Thank you for directing my attention to "Writs of Quo Warranto."

One of my concerns is: what can the people do if virtually all branches of government have been coopted/captured and thus do not serve them? I think an excellent case can be made that such is the case in the US.

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Hence the reason Surgeon General Ladapo should declare a public health emergency and prohibit mRNA injections in the State of Florida.

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I am very much in agreement, aka J Shannon.

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Yep! Hal is being created! Omnipotent!

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What the human race sounds like as it sings it’s last song: >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8N72t7aScY

Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do

I'm half crazy all for the love of you

It won't be a stylish marriage

I can't afford a carriage

But you'll look sweet upon the seat

Of a bicycle built for two…

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We need Dave to come and pull the plug on Stargate, and fast or we will be singing a song.

It might even be Symphony of Destruction by Megadeath

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Ask yourself, why is AI all of a sudden omnipotent?

Couldn't they have foreseen that back in the days when digital switches were made with vacuum tubes?

But no, they only realized it now?

The truth is that AI will never be conscious like a human. And the reason they're trying to fool us now with that is because its all a banking crisis that was years in the making, that comes from their greed.

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shock and awe

because they know they still need compliance

trying to get the people to cower before them

but their shock and awe will not stop the backlash

bankers are not AI experts and they know it

"So, has anyone challenged this analysis of locating COVID policies within a framework that emphasises underlying economic determinants? In mainstream discourse, it has been ignored. That’s not too surprising because it would put the final nail in the coffin of the dominant COVID narrative."


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Stargate is Asshoolery

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Good vs EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Incredible that trump would do that! Is he really on the side of depopulation/ control

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Stargate is straight out scary, as rMNA is a biological weapon that should instead be forbidden. How actually come Elon could not divert this? Elon and Bobby? Or, trick to get the biotechs together? This idea goes so much against the rest of the President`s initiatives, that one may wonder about its motive. Financial? There are always the Saudis in this domain.

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Great writing Dr. Joe, great logic.

I tried to take the poll, but it won't let me, says I'm not subscribed but I am subscribed.

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Maybe a browser issue? I can let free subscribers but I have no way to let non subsccribers participate.

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I am subscribed to your Substack, and the record shows that, but for today's poll, it does not recognize that. No big deal. Ladapo is a great man, but he is timid.

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Well...not exactly. See...cuz...the 22nd Statewide Grand Jury just told us and the world that no crimes sufficient for indictment took place during the entire COVID operation.

So. How does the Governor now turn around and declare a public emergency over bioweapons? This Grand Jury seemed incapable of even recognizing fraud. Plain ol' simple fraud, which of course to anyone really paying attention was part and parcel of the entire operation.

This vaunted Grand Jury? Whose charge under the Petition included these words of the Governor's under Section 27:

(b) other criminal activity or wrongdoing that the statewide grand jury uncovers during the course of the investigation if it determines that pursuing the criminal activity is in the best interests of the investigation

Or here under Section 29 of the Petition:

(a) Any crime involving, or resulting in, fraud or deceit upon any person;

(b) Chapter 499;

(c) Chapter 895 (Florida RICO)

(d) Any attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to commit any violation of the crimes specifically enumerated above

The Governor swung the door wide open -- and pointed to Florida statute. Yet this Grand Jury whose evidence includes the submission by our friends at the National American Renaissance Movement detailing the evidence for bioweapons' violations just said nope -- all clear.

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Grand jury petition does not matter. They list the laws they looked at and F.S. 790.166 was not one of them. At no point did I say they need to declare a public health emergency due to bioweapons. I said the opposite. A public health emergency can be declared because the mrna shots are harming people in mass. Read again....

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We have no evidence that the Grand Jury looked at the statutes set before them by the DeSantis Petition -- or any other, including F.S. 790.166. In fact, in my reading of all of its reports, the Grand Jury made it a point not to. They declared in the First Interim Report their intention to make "safe and effective" the focus of their "work."

That is explicitly NOT what DeSantis asked for. Thus, they deliberately defied the Governor or displayed a stunning inability to read. This also reveals the incompetence (?) of the assigned legal advisors to the Grand Jury.

I made reference to bioweapons since NARM made them the focus of the document it submitted to the Grand Jury. I brought it up since NARM provided evidence of crimes in addition to what DeSantis pointed out.

If you've read the three reports -- as excruciating an effort if there ever were one -- you know the Grand Jury went completely off the rails. An alleged review of "the science" vs. a review of the law and its many violations.

The point is that the Grand Jury found no actionable evidence for anything -- including harms. This egregious, insulting result undermines efforts to rid ourselves of this junk and to pursue accountability. How does Dr. Ladapo now declare a public health emergency?

Of course, Dr. Ladapo can still do it. I'm just pointing out the Grand Jury "result" -- IMO -- weakens the basis for doing so.

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I don't think they looked at anything but they did list certain laws. F.F. 790.166 was not one of them. NARM sent a Grand Jury petition to the Governor, AG, 20 State Attorneys, and 67 County Sheriffs.

I also sent the evidence in my writ of mandamus along with expert affidavits to the Statewide Grand Jury and they were ignored.

The Statewide Prosecutor appears to have been shielding evidence from the Grand Jury. I don' think anybody is defying the govetnor or I would not be suing him a second time. The Governor and AG argued to keep mrna on the market in my last case.

I am trying to get the Sugeon General to defy the Governor and take them off the market. Or drag hin along....

But you did frame your comment as if the Governor could not declare a public health emergency over bioweapons. Look at your question. So I responded that was not cortect.

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I meant that as a practical question -- How does the Governor or Dr. Ladapo declare a public health emergency given the Grand Jury's reports?

Paraphrasing some of the commentary, "As best we can tell, yeah, they were safe and effective." "Yeah, as best we can tell, the "vaccines" may have killed some people, but that's to be expected given how many millions of doses were administered." "Could Pfizer, Moderna, been more forthcoming. Sure, and we think there should be legislation that would force such a thing."

And on and on. Pages and pages of utter bullshit. Completely irrelevant to what the Petition demanded.

Of course, they gave themselves a whole paragraph to tell the world how wonderful they were for volunteering. Some may have even passed up promotions at work for the sake of "the science" and their service to the truth.

Uh, huh.

It could very well be that the entire Grand Jury formation was nothing more than a ruse -- the outcome foreseen, planned. I dislike thinking that, but damn. Given the criminality we've seen? The fraud?

I know I'm being very snide here, but this Grand Jury conclusion is, IMO, a crime per se. It has infuriated me -- as you can probably tell.

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Easy. The Flirida Department of Health has already said they are not safe for humans, a threat to the human genome, and called for a halt to their use. That is the official position of the State of Florida. How do you not declare a public heslt emergency when you say it is unsafe for humans and a treat to the human genome?

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I'm with you 100%, Joe, but this is politics.

Have you read all three reports?

If the Grand Jury had done its job, had looked across the entire Florida code, had asked for testimony from Dr. Ladapo (Did they? We'll never know.), for example, or Francis Boyle or David Martin or Dr. Mike Yeadon (who said he would testify via Zoom), they would have uncovered substantial evidence for what you and I know to be true. Pointing to violations of Florida code for indictable offenses with that evidence would have been easy.

Instead, they invited vested interests to swing by for a little convo...and acted shocked that those vested interests were less than forthcoming.

Yes, the Florida Department of Health has announced the obvious -- except the Statewide Grand Jury now disputes that -- and it's in the public record. The entire Florida code offers nothing -- evidently -- that makes any part of the COVID operation a violation -- of anything. Or the injectable garbage a threat to the human genome, according to this vaunted group.

The impact and import of this unmitigated disaster cannot be overstated.

Summing up their whitewash, they made it clear to all of us: "Our work is done."

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Hello SheThinksLiberty. This particular Grand Jury (Kabuki) proceeding was no different than many other theatrical processes based on alleged Grand Jury pre-qualifiers.

Here’s an example of how ‘case law’ is used to dictate the roles of various court processes and/or limit the functions of Grand Jury proceedings.

Sorry folks. The entire judicial process has been overrun by repetitive ‘legal’ discourse that dissociates discretionary justice from Lawful order. >>> United States v. Williams (90-1972), 504 U.S. 36 (1992). >>> No. 90-1972 >>> [May 4, 1992]

It is instructive to read the entire text: https://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/90-1972.ZD.html Thank you for commenting.

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This is truly tragic to hear

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You have to believe that RFKJR is going to be asked about this initiative at his hearings. I can’t believe he is going to say good things- how could he? Did President Trump do this so that he won’t be confirmed? Don’t you think it’s weird that Starfate was announced within like 30 hours of the inauguration and RFKJR confirmation hearing is so much later than the others? Something stinks here.

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It’s a global crisis that no one is talking about except for Dr James Thorpe and Naomi Wolf. Easily should be a cause for removing the mRNA shot .Studies on placental tissue and uterine endometrium need to be done to show up special staining for spike protein . DR Ryan Cole and DR Thorpe have the green light to go ahead with studies but Dr THorpe needs funding of 1/4mill $$ to be able to do this .Thorpe,Cole ,McCullough etc have lost their income ,reputation,sometimes licences ,homes,everything and are giving their time FREE .Dr Thorps and Naomi Wolf’s interview was on Substack .I heard it las nite.Its shocking . I single and 1 twin pregnancies were lost in one week in the same hospital lost at 24/40 weeks gestation even after the usual Rxs for prem babies were given. The little hearts were found to be failing by ultrasound and they had to be delivered by c/section as emergencies . These babies were less than 1/2 Kg .They should be double or more Shrivelled up placentas ,little or no amniotic fluid . Babies died .I twin died but had to stay inside so the still living fetus might survive . 24/40 week fetuses/babies normally survive after 24/40These mothers were healthy but took the evil shot 1-2 years earlier but the spike and anti syncitin factor in the shots linger on for unknown periods . These Moms knew it is the shots causing this.Proper poster mortem need to be done and staining for spike protein which shows up brown in the histological specimens as per Dr Arne Burhardt . How are they hiding so many dead fetuses and babies -they get taken quickly to the incinerator or local crematoria straight from the hospital very quickly and funeral are bypassed .No doctors working for the ‘system’ will talk about what is happening says Dr Thorpe who has a book ‘Sacrifice ‘ due our early Feb I think.He is the only OBGYN who speaks out and looks after these Moms and babes. Nurses come to hime and tell him he is right about the shots causing this carnage . The female flight surgeon of the US military has made a statement which confirms pregnancy loss of 80% or so .I think I heard that On Stew Peter’s show

What will the doctors in trining be thinking of all this very bizarre scenario. Who will care for thses moms . Who will STOP the mRNAshots . Retired MD

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The truth will set us free. All vaccines inject toxic substances into the human body. The only thing that belongs in the bloodstream are nutrients from wholesome foods. They create energy and health. Too simple...no money to be made with this information. What do human beings really need to prevent. DIS-EASE? Stop putting processed nutrient-poor foods in the mouth only natural healthy foods. In addition, learn how the body works! The mouth was created for food only; not grain alcohol, drugs or tobacco. Good health is simple...it has been made complex so the Medical Industry can provide expensive solutions to simple problems and accumulate massive wealth. .

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About his MRNA cancer shots. HOW many people in the last century or so have come forward with safer cancer treatments than radiation, chemo and now MRNA? LOTS of people. What happened to them? The answer is they were harassed. Trump is saying NO to the safer cancer treatments but wants MRNA shots that over the last four years have proven very dangerous to our health. WTF?????? Oh but Trump got us out of WHO. However is Trump still cutting checks to Bill Gates on the side?

While Trump says yes to his precious warp speed MRNA death shots to treat cancer, here is what Trump is saying no to: ( Because in life if you say yes to something, a lot of times you are saying no to something else.) Will there finally be true placebo controlled double blinded studies to see the effectiveness of these treatments versus other treatments? I won't hold my breath. Cancer treatments that in my opinion should be better studied.

-Rife https://rumble.com/v6ce2lv-theyve-had-a-cure-since-at-least-1934...-a-must-watch.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Canadian%20Citizens%20Journal

-Ivermetin, Fenbendazole (Because a lot of times cancer is just the person has parasites as people too can get parasites)

-Vitamin therpy ( A lot of times cancer can be from lack of vitamins, Vitamin D, C and B-17)

-NUrse Rene Caisse with her herbal tea

-Brzynski Pepties/antineoplastons


-William Lane

-Max Gerson

-Dr. Simoncini

-Dr. Akbar Khan (DCA)

-Dr. William Makis

-Dr. Angus Dalgleish

and many more

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Gavi the new WHO & it's been done before. Very expensive dinner @ Mar a Lago with that creature. People soon forget.


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