A true hero in Canada. Thank you Dr. Joseph and Dr. Paul for everything you do.

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Fauci lied and people died! Sounds like a good campaign motto...

I bet eugenicists were also involved in the depopulation action.

I've been reading the posts of both gentlemen; this time I could listen to them.

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I will never understand why Trump to this day still pushes the jabs and thinks he doesn't get enough credit for getting "warp speed" off the ground. People are pissed because by now, 4 years in, he knows but he says the opposite of the truth. I fear if he gets back in and theres another fake pandemic, he'll do the same thing again with jabs and lockdowns, how do we know he won't.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Solid interview, and respect to the both of you for fearlessly fighting against C19 techno health fascism!

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Mar 20Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

This is my video about the situation in case anyone is interested. I decided to be more strident: https://rumble.com/v4kh59b-the-unnecessary-downfall-of-the-man-named-trump.html

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Mar 20Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Looking forward to hearing this tonight!

Thank you both and God bless you for doing each what you can.

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We have "non"confidence motion tomorrow, 45 days is May 6 election.. we need Independant Candidates in all ridings.. wipe out the both wings of the Elite Criminals Cabal..

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20

Joe and I both understand the family systems dynamic of trying to extend as much patience and understanding as possible to a family member or spouse so as to avoid having to accept hard truths about a dysfunctional person. This Trump dynamic appears to be that relationship dynamic. Joe tried to nudge Mr. Alexander (who I saw speak back at the US Trucker's rally by the way) to use his influence to demand that Trump disavow what he has done with OWS and the poisons to date, even if that means he makes the minimal gesture of admitting people lied to him and now he knows better and will take corrective action to stop the poisons and reverse course completely. Mr. Alexander played a political game, which is not like him, even though he has been much bolder on his Substack. Political people around him appear to have influenced him.

Trump isn't going to do anything differently. He loves the shots and he loves Operation Warp Speed. Trump sees himself as a hero for having saved the world. Trump IS the lying spouse who cannot be reformed. He is a narcissist and not very bright. He never admits he made a mistake, could have been manipulated, or could ever have been wrong about this or anything else. Why do we continue to believe he can be reformed? He cannot be. He loves the MRNA poison and under him we would get a lot more of it. He is with the enemy.

Compare Trump with Ron Paul whom Joe referenced. We heard Paul with Tucker yesterday. Whom would you trust to do the right things?

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Well, there is certainly Dr Bobby Kennedy who is surely against vaccines, thus also the very harmful covid injection!

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I’m not hearing yet, about the global agenda at play. The WEF, WHO, global govts., corporations are all on the same page!!! Oh and the lively media, can’t say enough about them! Where do you both stand on the global agenda the great reset , and our digital currency ( programmable), surveillance, tracking and the UN ( by the way has been working towards this forever)!!!!!! What say you?

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