May you hear back soon Dr. Joe . 🙏🤗

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Jun 13Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Like I wrote several times before ,don't count on the people around you to be on the side of the few who fight who are telling us we are being exterminated .Dr Sansone is one of those ,but how many are following his advise ?? I write this because in the last four years ,left and right and in front of me there where enforcers of our enslavement and death . Our neighbors ,most owners of establishments ,medical personel ,relatives . In stores I was threatened with violence if I did not wear the mask to their liking or keep ''social '' distance . Relatives did not want me to visit at all ,even if I would wear a mask and was injected .I did neither and will not see them again . No my friends there was no one on my side fighting and there will not be anyone in the ongoing and next one .The fight I put up cost me most of my remaining .savings and 8 month in and out of court .I did win but minus my savings . I feel very negative of humanity in general ,minus the few who comment here or someone like Dr Sansone . On top of it they murdered my brother in a hospital in six days ,when he went there with a flu . Now I;m 88 cook all my meals from scratch ,that keeps me healthy ,no Pharma magic in my life . By the way as a nine year old I was on a train in a box car for ten days going west at the end of W.W 2 .The memory of that and more could fill a book if I had the talent .

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Thank you for sharing these very important topics. I appreciate your humanity and wish for the rest who are lost to catch on. I’m glad you don’t have that “magic” and keep well! May you be blessed to carry on in freedom, health and happiness.

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If anyone is interested to know ,why I was in and out of court for 8 month ,i would explain in detail why and what it was all about . Of course the invented virus was the center piece of that drama .

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Jun 13Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

A Bio-Weapon IS a MURDER-WEAPON period! The UN, the WHO, the WEF Davis Secret meetings have been PLANNING GENOCIDE of the WORLDS POPULATION for over 70 years that's SEVENTY YEARS!



This is not the author's opinion, this was written in their 'white papers' decades ago, carved in stone on the Georgia Guide Stones written about in the public for years!!!. These SATANISTS Power Hungry PSYCHOPATHS HAVE ALL THE WEALTH YHEY STOLE FROM HUMANITY & NOW WANT A "MANAGEABLE HERD" OF HALF A BILLION WHILE THEY CONTINUE THEIR LIFE OF LUXURY.



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Jun 13Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Now we're getting somewhere...

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Jun 13Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Mr DeSantis is not acting because DoD, HHS, and all culpable assigns are operating under the auspices of the Department of Commerce. Excerpted from Wikipedia (and repeated elsewhere):

"Since its creation, the Commerce Department has seen various agencies and administrative offices shift in and out of its organizational structure. The United States Patent and Trademark Office was transferred from the Interior Department into the Commerce Department in 1925.

The Federal Employment Stabilization Office existed within the department from 1931 to 1939. In 1940, the Weather Bureau (now the National Weather Service) was transferred from the Agriculture Department, and the Civil Aeronautics Authority was also merged into the Commerce Department. In 1949, the Public Roads Administration was added to the department after the Federal Works Agency was dismantled." [End quote]

Erm.. .United States Patent and Trademark Office? National Weather Service? Anyone notice the dates involved?Coincidence? >>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Department_of_Commerce

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Still his job to act.

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Jun 13Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Yes, true. Mr DeSantis seems to be hiding in his basement... It's very disappointing...

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

What an excellent interview this is!! Everybody need to see and understand the information presented here. In my opinion, nobody is using the resources they have to fight these God-damned (literally speaking) deep state/beast state LETHAL INJECTIONS more than Joseph Sansone. Certainly, Karen Kingston, Stew Peters and a handful of other are thoroughly in the battle, but nobody has held these bastards feet to the fire like Joe! As for DeSantis and his ilk, the blood of millions is on their hands. And so, it's already too late for them to escape their judgment, now, here in this life for what they've done... now, here in this life! They MUST reap what they have sown.

Unless they repent (turn around) from this unspeakable evil they've embraced, their damnable judgment will carry over into the next life where the consequences for what they have done will be beyond what any human mind can process. Whether you like it or not; whether you believe it or not; these are the fixed and irrevocable laws of the Creator's universes.

Hey... don't shoot me! I'm just the messenger.

William Raymond: pastor & ambassador at Law for the Christ



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Well, Karen provided the evidence used in the mandamus and Dr. Mihalcea' s research is in there too. Both of them provided affidavits in addition to Dr. Boyle's affidavit. We just need more cases popping up.

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You are everywhere and consistent. Folks will eventually have to hear you! #warriorstatus

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We Didn’t Need To Find The Cure For Cancer.

We Found The Cause.


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Jun 14Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Thank you Dr Sansone for your relentless efforts to stop the bioweapon. You are a hero!

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Jun 14Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

That was a great conversation which I hope gets heard- loudly, in public court! Your words express the deep passion for our very lives. I thank you profoundly! No matter what, they can’t keep our spirits. May good news prevail from these hearings and health restore our people!

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Where did it come from? (Rhetorical question) Part of the overall plan. Read Blood Money by Peter Schweizer.

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I just bought that book.

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For me , I suspect governor de Santis would be waiting for a possible T rump call before he would do anything like that. BUT IT IS CERTAINLY TAKING LONG, ALAS.

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If that were the case, then the governor would be committing a crime...

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I would not be surprised to see Bibi DeSantis fire Dr. Lapado. By continuing to support the status quo, DeSantis shows his true colors.

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Not only De Santis ,99.9 % have shown their true colors .

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Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, Karen Kingston, Check Stew Peters first interview w Karen. Luciferase enzyme is Bill Gates' undeclared ingredient in vaks, for tracking and reading all bodily functions remotely. comusav dot org documentary in Spanish w English subtitles shows people now emitting their own Internet MAC address; not coming from their phones or other devices, but from their bodies! Patents by Gates and Google are for the purpose of monitoring all bodily functions. This is why they are pushing always harder for 5G and beyond. They keep the air electrified to use as a medium for montoring, control.

Reject 5G, set your devices to 2G. Turn off your WIFI at night, or unplug. Do not sleep with phone ner you; leave at least 3 to 4 feet away. Try not to sit between your router and your devices, as doing so will cause microwaves to be streaming through you.

Ultimate goal is for all devices, all humans, all life to be connecteed to the Internet of Things (IoT). Smart meters on your house/ apartment are part of this, scanning your entire house with microwaves up to 50,000 times per day. Many health issues due to this. Check your state's Smart Meter opposition group for info. Jerry Day Productions, informative and entertaining.

Geoengineeringwatch dot. org. Much info, docu. The Dimming. Certain branches of military and certain wealthy individuals responsible for daily spraying aluminum nanoparticles, barium, strontium, bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds. (There are removal procedures now acting to deal with those who have betrayed their Office and their country.) Look at tree trunks; all are covered w green, or white, or red, etc molds/fungus. Trees dying massively as aluminum is dessicant; dries out plants/trees; they die. All life affected. Aluminum causes rage in humans and animals, and destroys memory, plus much more. (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Dementia at all time highs). Rage results in fighting, increased killings, domestic fights, arguments, depression, wars, and that's the intended outcome to be used as an excuse to pass legislation to remove weapons from people. That has historically proved to be a very bad idea for populations worldwide; 40 million killed in USSR bringing in Communism, 50 million killed in China w intro of Communism, Cuba 60 thousand killed, many put in prison. This is what is intended for US.

Chemtrails and vaks making many sick and killing many; population replacement now occurring as Administration is complicit in China invasion and intended takeover as part of its 50, 100, and 1,000 year plans. They are telling the 27,000 + monthly border crossing young Chinese men that North and South America belong to China, because everyone is a descendent of Chinese ancestry, even the Native Americans, and they aim to take it. See Epoch TV, Int'l Reporters Roundtable, and Michael Yon's Substack.

These multi-pronged attacks have all been planned for a very long time as part of the One World Gov, Global Reset, aka New World Order.

Awareness and holding government officials accountable are the solutions, plus detoxing your body daily. Americans have intentionally been kept distracted, as this is an unconventional psyop war following the princials of Sun Tsu. Some of those involved in betraying their country are wealthy Americans, some of Chinese origin and some not. Those people in Public Office who are in direct violation of the oath they swore upon taking office, are traitors. They need to immediately resign or be removed per the US Penal Code for violations such as Aiding and Abetting the now proven enemies of The U.S.

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At the very least, Governor Ron DeSantis should make a public statement about why he believes the elements included in the jab should remain unfettered and available in the state of Florida.

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At the very least the governor should be enforcing our bioweapons laws.

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Jun 14Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

He absolutely should. What is he afraid of? Many of us in health care profession understand that there were people in leadership and high political office that would not have known what we were dealing with. What should AG Ashley Moody’s role in this effort be?

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