May 30·edited May 30Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Dr. David Martin represents the death knell for the Covid and death shot conspirators. Why he isn't the LEAD investigator at the highest levels is a crime in itself. This guy and our good Doc Sansone are humanities heroes.


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About six months ago I read a leaked e-mail from someone at the CDC saying "I have had to use my private gmail account because I kept getting FOIAed all the time, and now my gmail account has been hacked. It's probably those gain-of-function assholes."

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I thought SUBSTACK was about WRITING...this talking should go to youtube or rumble

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Substack started podcasts months ago. I do a weekly podcast on Wednesdays and also post some of my interviews as well in addition to articles. I posted an article Monday and an article last Friday.

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Writing IS talking. Are you new professor? Substack has been one of the only current news and information forums thats uncensored & relevant. The last 4 years I have researched Covid virus and fake shots here. It has been a firehose to the face in information that has been verified & truthful. Most writers cite their info. and back what they say with all sources. FOIA is cited often, as is current laws, Acts, etc.

There are trolls here, just like other open response gatherings. Some are literally paid to attack writers & try to sway readers away from the credible information. The majority of readers here are aware & not coerced by these shenanigans. If anything, it raises more awareness to the importance of this information platform & achieves the exact opposite. The majority of writers I follow are attacked frequently in the responses. You know why?

They are over the TARGET. That’s where you want to read. Heads up, professor. 🤔 You’re welcome.

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“It's official and going out to the emails of the JAG, MPs, MPPs Et al. And many many more (ie us senators etc)....


👉 https://tgpeacetreaty.com/

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Removed (Banned)May 30·edited May 30
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FYI This interview had nothing to do with the election. We were talking about NIH scientist using private email server to circumvent the law to high info from FOI requests ad my appellate brief.

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May 30Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

I admire your work try looking up a substack called Jules on the Beach- he’s a brilliant retired jurist running a case in Australia based on the fact that there’s proof Pfizer and anodyne are both GMO’s and never got GMO Regulators because dy for rollout. They been to Supreme Court and a was told the general practitioner who handed out hundreds of these vaccines had no iron in the fire. It turns out Justice rife had previously f represented Pfizer in 5 cases before her promotion to the bench, now watcher are rerunning it due. To call fly of interest and all heal is about to break loose among the court and in public. He has also crated criminal case and forwarded it to the attorney general- no response yet. The important part of this is GMO legislation in the UK eu Australia and in your case more importantly the USA IS ALMOST word for word identical. He’s already got interest in this case in Europe. Regards.

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RemovedMay 30
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No I am not. If you read the original mandamus I am trying to get all nanoparticle mRNA injections prohibited because they are biological and technological weapons. When most people were falling into the trap of talking about mandates I was getting resolutions passed declaring the shots biological and technological weapons. I have been playing offense the whole time. My purpose is to cause the whole thing to unravel.

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RemovedMay 31
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I am actually doing something to try and stop it. Get lost troll.

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