From one obstetrician to another , a sincere thank you Dr. Thorp .πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ€—πŸ™

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This courageous doctor is admirable. So much irreversible harm has been done already. May his book be read by as many as possible. Listening to him just makes one even more angry at those degenerate elitists who devised this plan and went ahead implementing all out planetary genocide so they could finally own everything

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Dr Thorp was one of the few medical professionals that warned us early and consistantly of the dangers of the shots. No doubt he has taken a financial and probably social hits for standing his ground. One thing I have been curious about Dr Thorp is if he is related to Jim Thorp the first Native American to have received a gold medal in the Olympics. Jim Thorp was born May 28, 1887 in Oklahoma and I believe Dr Thorp is in Texas not too far away. Maybe I should buy the book and find out more about Dr Thorp.

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Thanks added what I did not have.

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James Thorp MD is Dorman on Substack with no activity since one year ago. Look forward to his content here if he chooses to join us. Therefore, I hope message will reach him that Substack and X Twitter are the new wild West of free speech on the Internet while most platforms engage in leftist woke Karen censorship of free speech that is not left or far left.

Platforms are highly censorship behavior regarding bodily autonomy, vaccine, hesitancy, and discussion of medical issues. Free speech worst offenders are.

Facebook Instagram meta-TikTok next-door, YouTube LinkedIn

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Thank you Dr. Sansone, for this excellent interview. I am Dr. Thorp's co-author, and very grateful to you. One thing about "Sacrificeβ€”" I chose the title from a dialogue in a Tarkovsky film in which "evil" is defined as all that is NOT necessary.

It's mind boggling that Dr. Thorp is almost alone among the nation's OM/GYN community to stand up and tell the truth. I hope others come out of the closet now. Thank you again.

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Let's start from the assumption that all vaccines are harmful. Your greater survival will never depend on any vaccine or mRNA injections. We have been targeted since the days of the polio vaccines.

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At approximately 19:15 into the presentation Mr Sansone asks: "How do you explain this psychotic behavior?" Billions of persons are asking this same question. In my opinion, there are no singular reasons for these behavioral dissociation's, but.

The *synergy* of poisoned food, poisoned water, poisoned air, poisoned medicine, and poisoned propaganda, are now combined with multiple interference affects of electromagnetic broadcast. These electromagnetic fields *disturb* and interrupt biological and neurological signaling functions on a MOLECULAR level. <<< Read the preceding sentence again.

Interference effects include blocking communications between repair mechanisms and autoimmune signals within the human and environmental body. This is an illness. A spiritual death. A *hijacking* of communication with the myriad systems which created all life on Earth. Thus; people have become dissociated from the Spiritual construct of life itself...

This is not the work of some alleged Satan. These mental illnesses are the chaff of poorly understood - *faulty* technological decisions. The work of Satan is not "science". The work is faulty belief...

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I normally restrain my typical level of abstraction, but I think it is okay here as I know you will understand. I think it is true that there is a constellation of influences that contribute to the psychotic behavior. I also think there is always another explanation. Also, it is what it is. Our descriptive metaphors are always at a minimum once removed from reality. So, in an abstract sense, the story is never true and is an approximation of truth.

Science has its limitations. Prior to COVID, scientism was typically used to describe essentially the blind faith in materialism. A secular religion that ignores science that is applied outside of a materialistic mechanistic model. Science is an effective tool, but it is still just a tool. I would not say that demonic entities or influences are not scientific per se, as some have explored these areas scientifically as far as can be done, such as NDEs etc.

An atom was described a couple thousand years before being discovered and then it was mostly empty space...

Sometimes people can be speaking about the same thing just using different descriptive metaphors. A demonic influence could be described as a negative energy field of probabilities, etc.

On another level, if the nuts doing this do actually worship Satan or Lucifer, the first typically associated with base behavior, the later power, then it doesn't matter if it is real or not...lol

Of course, I reserve the right to be wrong about everything... :)

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Well said Joseph. This comment is quite germane: "A demonic influence could be described as a negative energy field of probabilities, etc." <<< Yes to that.

Early Egyptian beliefs considered that Djinn's (as genies) were responsible for many human illnesses. Djinn's are invisible creatures, rather like toxic virus or bacterial forms.

As you know, quite a lot of mental illness is metabolic/autoimmune, or preconditioned by physical distress. Man's current paradigm is one of manic dissociation... It ain't good.

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True, and β€˜stress’ often is linked to physical illness, so it is likely bidirectional…

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Science created to control the masses.

"Now time grows short. History will not allow the people of Shem additional centuries, or even decades, to come to their senses and realize what is going on. Just as they have been victims of massacres and genocides for centuries, the people of Shem now face the determination of the Canaanites to exterminate them utterly and finally. a goal they hope to achieve by the end of the millenium."

The Curse of Canaan

Eustace Mullins 1987

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Thank you for having Dr. Thorp as a guest and thanks to Dr. Thorp for writing his book.

The doctors who pushed these vaccines because they were told since medical school that all vaccines were safe and effective. To ask what was in the vaccines would get that medical student kicked out.

Our western medical schools and licensing boards turned doctors in white coats into nodding donkeys: how high shall I jump?

They were trained instead to ask:

How many vaccines are needed to make their patients healthy?

Not realizing these vaccines have never been properly tested for safety or efficacy: See 'Turtles All the Way Down' and Margaret Humphries 'Dissolving Illusions'

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"Now time grows short. History will not allow the people of Shem additional centuries, or even decades, to come to their senses and realize what is going on. Just as they have been victims of massacres and genocides for centuries, the people of Shem now face the determination of the Canaanites to exterminate them utterly and finally. a goal they hope to achieve by the end of the millenium."

The Curse of Canaan

Eustace Mullins 1987

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What happened to your eye? Temporary or permanent?

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AGREED 100%! The CV-19 VAX was the deadliest...the results were apparent for the world to see with massive deaths planet-wise, since they were administered in the last 4 years. Those who promoted the injection of extremely toxic matter into human bloodstreams have to be psychopaths. They should not be free to inflict more harm on those who are left. The profound ignorance of the Medical Industry is beyond belief! For 70 years it has been injecting toxic matter like mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, fluoride, animal cells, animal viruses, etc., into the bloodstreams of the children of America...The Industry had no comprehension that the only thing that belonged in the human bloodstream are nutrients from wholesome, natural unprocessed, pesticide-free food! Nutrients feed the cells and organs to keep the body well.

Anything else is POISON! Humanity survived for eons of time with out the Meddling Mercenary Monsters in the Medical Industry.

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My favorite parts of Covid:



Is just one press conference away

From the vaccinated becoming

Psychologically gutted.


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