Great discussion and no beating around the bush. Sorry for what I am about to say.
I don't think it is exaggerated to say that they are introducing this «self amplifying mRNA bio weapon» to accelerate the death toll and sadly, to further prevent an already sick population from revolting. Cowardice and fear will do the rest. It is difficult to imagine what our world will look like by the end of this year but there will certainly be immense waves of sadness and suffering
Injecting POISON into the human body ...used to be classified as is thought of, as a beneficial Act in order to lower the world population! The Moneyed world leaders have eliminated The Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule and any belief in the Creator who made all life. The Power-filled Ones have set themselves up as the gods of the planet ruling over life and death. Humpty-Dumpty sat on wall! Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall! What ever goes up will come down!
Great discussion and no beating around the bush. Sorry for what I am about to say.
I don't think it is exaggerated to say that they are introducing this «self amplifying mRNA bio weapon» to accelerate the death toll and sadly, to further prevent an already sick population from revolting. Cowardice and fear will do the rest. It is difficult to imagine what our world will look like by the end of this year but there will certainly be immense waves of sadness and suffering
Absolutely on spot.
Injecting POISON into the human body ...used to be classified as is thought of, as a beneficial Act in order to lower the world population! The Moneyed world leaders have eliminated The Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule and any belief in the Creator who made all life. The Power-filled Ones have set themselves up as the gods of the planet ruling over life and death. Humpty-Dumpty sat on wall! Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall! What ever goes up will come down!
💥target kids and pregnant women…. Disgusting 🤮
My favorite parts of Covid:
It Is Time To Re-Frame
“Unexpected Deaths”
“Expected Deaths”
For the Vaccinated.
Who Are Dying “As Expected”.