Sick psychopaths run the world. Rape us of all our money then kill us.

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/4NWnqxRjgM

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How are we able to say NO! I do not consent to you putting anything in my body

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This is critical information, and I am so glad that Dr. Ana understands it so that she can explain it to those of us who are still able to understand it.

I recently heard that the reason some people are not waking up is because they have been programmed not to wake up. So, no amount of trying to educate them is working, which I think we have all experienced to some degree in trying to help others to understand.

It is just beyond unbelievable...it is wicked, that is what it is!

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I am starting to think you might be on to something here as I have heard the same. I have some family and friends that aren’t only asleep but are in a coma.

Really makes me wonder !!!

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Dr Michael Nehls talks about the physiological reasons for this in his book, 'The Indoctrinated Brain'. He also has done some good interviews talking about it, with Dr Ana or Naomi Wolf and others.

The shedding/vaxxes bind with neurons in the brain and make people submissive and unwilling to fight for their own survival.

Or even open to the Possibility to what is happening, they are much more likely to simply shut down and deny everything about it, no matter how much evidence or proof you show them.

Which begins to go away when people take EDTA and Vitamin C or other things that help and cross the blood brain barrier.

My wife and I found this with the magnetism-like phenomenon too, which Also sheds from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed.

Sometimes you can have several people who find out they are able to stick coins or keys or metal or plastic objects to their forehead and collarbone and sternum and there will be someone else right there Witnessing it, that Knows its not fake or a trick...

yet they will Not Dare to try it themselves. "I dont Want to know"... We saw that Multiple Times.

Well to each their own but I am not an ostrich and I want to know everything I possibly can, the good, the bad and the ugly.

And I am not going to shy away from or deny Any Fact because it gives me bad feelz.

Of course I have been trying to fix this since June of 2021, and have taken Ounces of EDTA in total for 18 months-ish, so perhaps I do not have all the same brain binding as many.

I wish more people would wake up though... God knows I have tried.

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I heard James Grundvig say in this interview with Dr. Carrie Madej that these people are literally PROGRAMMED to not wake up. This is, I think, different that being affected by the nanotechnology from shedding, geoengineering, etc. This is deliberate programming. No amount of detox, etc. will be able to deprogram them. Just like when MKUltra people are programmed. That is how I understand it.

Hence, why I questioned if some people are more prone to the brainwashing, not just from the affects of the technology itself, which we know everyone has inside them at this point.

Since we all have this technology inside us now, it would not explain why some cannot wake up while others can see what is happening. I.e. We who can see are not programmed not to wake up.

Here is the interview if you want to listen. He doesn't go into depth about the how and why, only that it is what he has heard. Most of the other info, you probably already know.

"Dr Carrie Madej: Neural Dust Transhuman - Unrestricted Warfare with James Grundvig"


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Thanks for your reply and the added information.

I and my wife have been following along for the past five years and have found that there is so much to learn and be aware of.

We would rather be aware of the train coming down the track and have a chance of getting off the track before being hit than not.

Unfortunately most people don’t even want to turn around to see the train.

Thanks again for your help. Working together to find the best solutions has been a God send.

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I heard James Grundvig say it in this interview with Dr. Carrie Madej. Here is the interview if you want to listen:

"Dr Carrie Madej: Neural Dust Transhuman - Unrestricted Warfare with James Grundvig"


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Thank you Kim for your reply and link. I will give it a listen.

Thanks again for your concern, advice and help.

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See the comment I just made to Bee Gee. I think that there is a difference between literally being programmed and just having the effects of the technology that is inside everyone now. Since we all have it, that would not explain why some people are not waking up and others like us can see what is going on. I.e. We are not programmed to not wake up.

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Yes, my wife and I speak about this often.

Why do Some lifelong friends and family and acquaintances, even some who took the vaxx, accept or even acknowledge what is actually going on and why do some Not?

I agree, it is not only physical though, and not totally related to the jabs or shedding.

Perhaps they all use iphones, which flash the IR blip into your retinas every 5 seconds.

Or maybe they already had a lot of metal in their body, like if they drink from aluminum cans full of nanoparticle juice all day every day.

Or perhaps they were already 'programmed' to Be programmable, by years of TDS propaganda which lead into the covid mass formation psychosis.

It Does seem all the Truth Denialists in our sphere all absolutely Hate Trump... and Totally believe Any mainstream propaganda that comes out, no matter What it is.

But what about...


Couldnt Be.... Fullstop.

The debate part hasnt even started yet and Discussion Over.

Its Bizarre... I never had any real high hopes for most people but my wife cant get over it.

How could these people who have known her her whole life just Flip like that and not even be willing to discuss it?

I dunno, but its weird and I dont think totally attributable to the vaxx or shedding.

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I feel your pain and frustration.

My wife and I have experienced exactly what you described with our family and friends.

I believe it is a combination of many factors that we have been learning about.

Having close family members that have completely changed has been especially hard on my wife. Once having two sisters that were very close who now can’t even have a conversation without them yelling at her for trying to inform them of the dangers we all face is beyond the pale.

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.

We may never know why, but we did our part to warn and try to inform them the best we knew how with documented evidence.

Maybe one day they will wake up and thank us, but I’m not holding my breath.

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I listened to the link provided. It reaffirmed some of the things I knew and gave me some perspective on some things I have been pondering and learning more about.

There are many variables that come into play. I personally think they all have some effect on what we are seeing. Some have more influence and impact than others but all are steering us towards the globalist end goal.

I believe this great experiment they are performing on us is and has been adjusted over time making it harder to see the big picture clearly.

Thanks again for your help as we continue to learn and understand how to avoid this disaster coming towards us all.

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Thank you so much! It is like I have a question then Dr Ana answers, very timely. The two of you are part of The Dream Team!

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It's so true!

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I am just curious. I wonder if Dr. Ana can tell us if she believes that some people are more prone to this technology than others. Maybe some people are more "suggestible" than others? Kind of like when some people can easily be hypnotized while others cannot. Maybe Dr. Sansone would be the one who better understands this aspect of human nature.

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I think it is possible some people Could be more prone to it, but there is no one group of people that I Know Of that doesnt have it now, so I think the biggest factor is the amount of shedding from the infected they have been exposed to.

Or in the case of the vaxxed, they are producing these things in their own body.

And there seems to be a body burden build-up effect, so the Amount of shedding matters too.

Going to an airport and flying somewhere on a plane and going through the Other airport leads a massive amount of shedding exposure, because you are around thousands of people who are shedding on you.

For example, my wife and I had both gotten rid of the magnetism like phenomenon somehow, but then I had to fly to Seattle and I had it again IMMEDIATELY after I got off the plane and into the parking garage at Seatac. It went away again after about a month after I got home and did not cross shed to my wife.

Then She had to fly somewhere 2 months later, and the same thing happened. It did not shed back to me and it went away for her again after a month or two.

Of course we were taking many many things so I dont know for sure what got rid of it but we also started reducing all unnecessary exposure to the vaxxed/infected.

And if there is any group of people that doesnt have the shedding, like in the ethnic genotype studies for sars-cov2, I dont know about them... Its definitely possible though.

It is also a hornets nest to admit, ala RFK and the ethnic genotypes, just stating that such a thing is Real is enough to get people to call you racist.

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maybe it has something to do with EMF exposure. Remember the videos of vaxxed people collapsing at places like an electric car charging station and other places like subway stations?

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Some people are just thick lol

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hahha! That is a nice way of putting it.

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Me and My biologiske twins Neuro Rights and Human Rights In Denmark Now

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Thank you for information 🌺🥹😥

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Thanks very much for this episode a in-depth look at the Technologies of the mind of Satan I've been passing this episode out all over the place sending it everywhere I can to get it out there thanks again

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Tell your Tesla to stop looking at me.

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Maybe this was not the "first"


It is absolutely from Satan, the prince of the world who is already defeated. He knows his time is short on planet earth. The brain computer chip is just the mark of the beast of Revelations 13, which is designed to keep mankind from being redeemable and having a resurrected body. In Yeshua, the Messiah we are already eternal even after our body dies and we will be resurrected one day. It's very important to keep this straight so we are not deceived by the father of lies, Satan.

I do believe God will put limits on this technology and in Yeshua we are born again spiritually that means we are spiritually alive and our spirit cannot die. Also I do not believe we have to have a spirit of fear, because as the Bible says greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the world. We cannot escape this stuff even if we go to an Island.

It's important to be aware and to try to help people who are deceived. We are definitely in a spiritual war. I really encourage everyone to read the Bible so that you know the end of the story. We are living in the end of the story, but remember we serve a good and loving God, who sent Yeshua ( God's salvation) to come to earth and redeem us in full. That is our only real solution to all of this. The seals of Daniel are being opened in our day and we are seeing what the prophets told us would happen, play out in real time.

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Amen ! Allelujah 🙏

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Well, this is a lot to take in.

Almost seems to be a psy-op in and of itself. I'll need time to process.

I'm aware of certain advances in technology as most are not, but this is extremely advanced.

On the other hand, I'll not discount this information, nor would I put it past the evil psychopaths of this world to do such things.

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