Bankrupt the S.O.B.

*And* put him on trial for murder.

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Shouldn’t gates be on trial by now ? For crimes against humanity & racketeering, bribes and corruption let alone health hazards

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He's very close to his Uncle Sam.

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Gates needs to be exposed, legally tried, prosecuted, decades of tax evasion paid, his crimes brought to light and his person and assets to justice.

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Brilliant. Good luck!

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Bill and the fundation

never pay taxes

In Puerto Rico he has

a debt here of 29 blllions and "Zuckerberg" Facebook

came as his rescue partner and argumented that he didn't like the way the IRS conduct this case. Can you imagine?

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Bill Gates' plan to destroy the atmosphere and store CO2 underground moves forward in Canada

December 25, 2024

Translated from Newstarget by TierraPura

Bill Gates funds Canadian startup "Deep Sky" to remove CO2 from the atmosphere.

The project aims to "store carbon underground and sell carbon credits"

Critics question Gates' motives, seeing it as a step toward controlling the planet.

Direct air capture technology is expensive, energy-intensive and unproven on a large scale.

Gates' involvement raises concerns about population control and global manipulation.

"Bill Gates has a plan to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere and destroy the planet"

Bill Gates has always been a man with a plan, or rather, a man with many plans. But his latest venture, the Deep Sky project, takes his ambitions to a new level of "creepy dystopia." It's not just about saving the planet, but controlling it. Gates, the billionaire tech mogul turned self-proclaimed climate savior, is now funding a Canadian startup to suck carbon dioxide straight out of the atmosphere. “Sounds noble, right? No. This is the first step in what appears to be “an unhinged plan to manipulate the Earth’s atmosphere and, by extension, control the population.”

“Deep Sky, a Montreal-based company, has landed a $40 million grant from Gates’ Breakthrough Energy Catalyst to build a facility in Alberta in the spring of 2025.” The company plans to store the captured CO2 two kilometers underground in a deep saline aquifer, a process known as “direct air capture (DAC). DAC involves using huge fans or vacuums to suck in air, which is then filtered to isolate the CO2. The energy demands of these systems are astronomical, and the industry is already grappling with a “renewable energy problem.” It’s not just about reducing emissions; It's about creating a system "in which carbon is commodified, controlled and monetized"

Who benefits most from this? Not the planet, and certainly not people, but Gates and his cronies.

"The global elite seeks total control over the Earth's atmosphere"

But the most disturbing aspect of this project is the broader narrative it fuels. Gates has long been criticized for his overreach in global health, education and now "climate engineering." His involvement in initiatives like this raises serious questions about his ultimate goals. Is he trying to save the planet, or is he trying to control it, or perhaps destroy it entirely? By manipulating the atmosphere, Gates could be effectively terraforming the Earth, creating conditions that suit his or other groups' vision of the future: "a future in which a global elite holds the keys to the planet's survival."

“Gates has been vocal about the need to reduce global population growth, often in terms of climate change. But when you combine that with his push for atmospheric engineering, it starts to look like something much more sinister.” Is this about saving the planet, or creating a world where a select few, like Gates, call the shots?

The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has called for billions of tons of CO2 to be removed by 2050 in order to stabilise the climate. But who decides how this is done? Gates, it seems. His Breakthrough Energy Catalyst is funding cutting-edge climate technology projects, which are shaping the future of the planet. “This is not democracy” – it is an oligarchy of mad scientists and climate engineers – and it will inevitably have “catastrophic consequences for all”.

The Deep Sky project is just the beginning. Over the next decade, the company plans to invest more than $100 million in carbon capture initiatives. Gates’ footprint is everywhere, and it’s hard not to see it as part of a broader plan to dominate the global climate agenda. Bill Gates’ Deep Sky project is not a climate solution, “it’s a power play, a recipe for complete planetary annihilation.”

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3.4 billion tax payer dollars went to Gates initiative under the first "Cares Act", that's 10 bucks out of the mouth of every man, woman, and child in the US.

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My favorite parts of Covid:


All I see are people that gave up on themselves and forfeited their minds.


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hi folks from the uk..check out a petition at citizengo.org...deal a fatal blow to the pandemic reaty tell trump exit the WHO now..beaware itsa worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours it currently has 85,154, signatures

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Hey Joe. I knew you would not like his answer about regular citizens taking action on legal matters! Nice response on your part though.

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Mike Adams the Health Ranger has found that Chinese AI bots are more reliable than the woke AI bots in the US.

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A couple of lawyers tried this against the Clinton Foundation. It got as far as a Senate hearing, and I heard nothing further after that. Charles Ortel had all the documentation necessary to prove the case listed on his web site.

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Fix the system.

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I apologize but definitely take issue with encouraging every layperson (non-legal expert) to attempt lawsuits in the very system set up to serve the wealthy. I would, however, appreciate your ability to encourage people to go outside of the system using Notices of Liability through the InPower Movement. There is a great learning to be had through this group and one of its founders, Cal Washington has been featured on Reinette's substack regarding Geo engineering but they also have NOLs for vaccines and smart meters/5G. Here is a brief video of introduction. Perhaps you would consider asking him to appear on one of your shows as they are starting another world wide wave...


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Do that too. But the way to win is full engagement and litigation popping up in courts all over. It us that simple. I have been advocating that for over a year. Instead people come up with BS reasons not to act. A notice of liability is not going to force the removal of mRNA bioweapon injections from the market.

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There is no income tax it's a tax on federal privilege. It's been a scam since the middle of world war II. If the 16th amendment authorized an income tax, why over a decade later only 3.9% of all working Americans pay the income tax. You idiots better wake up. Www.losthorizons.com

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