Apr 26·edited Apr 26Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

I get called crazy if I mention New World Order, that is even though I have various people like President Bush, a Ukrainian MP and President Biden say the words. The Bush Centre have a YouTube channel with video's with Kissinger talking about women's role, and I think it was the playlist that was called New World Order. So much gaslighting, psychological abuse. People are going to get a shock. I think that is what is expected. At least you have the second amendment in America.

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Apr 26Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

I very much do believe in liberty and for each of us to have our own little safe space in the world (and the ability to have body autonomy and the pursuit of happiness, etc). Just to share knowledge on my understanding of property rights /local history here and current issues.

In the reserve system on Canadian First Nations, there is a lack of personal property rights. For example, people have to be put on a list for band housing, it may be decades before you get one, so there is overcrowding in houses and lots of problems (and even if you get a house you don’t own it, can’t sell it to provide for yourself or grow equity etc). The governments method of managing all of this really sucks and should be a warning for people who think more government control solves problems (or that large scale communism is effective at providing for people).

Now before Canada was Canada and divided into personal property lots maybe small communities could have elements of community with different clans having responsibilities and sharing some food and water resources but people don’t understand the culture of that time, you can’t say that before Europeans they had communism and were great and just add in more communism and it will be great… that is not really true and a clan system isn’t a one state big government system, it’s not China.

And to help people currently oppressed by the reserve system they need more sovereignty, they need to own property and be able to build wealth and not have to suffer the whims of bureaucracy.

What current left wing ideologists miss is that they are making the rest of my country more like a reserve and the people are becoming poorer because of it, there was a time when First Nations people couldn’t leave their reserve without a pass from the Indian agent, and pandemic lockdowns brought that to different areas as well to many Canadians. The solution to poverty isn’t to take away from everyone and have a central power, it is empowering everyone.

Anyway thank you for your article it sparked many thoughts.

(I would also mention that this week I came across a teaching about the healing found in the types of light waves in early morning light and in light from fire. It also has something to do with connection to God/source so physical and spiritual healing. I theorize that this light does something to perhaps our nervous system and that connection to source provided us with a soothing feeling, removes fear and renews faith in that connection).

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Apr 26Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Well said and written, as usual Dr Sansone! I did not know, however Latin student, that the Italians of old worshipped the ever bur ning fire like the Zarathustras in Elam/Persia. Keeping the flames going has been a must also here in the protestant Northern Europe, any religious mandate not needed of course. The Catholics do have some procedure to that end in May if I am not mistaken.

Yes, tough times but we struggle on...

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Apr 26Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Joe - on that same note, did you see this?


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Apr 26Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Dr. Sansone,

You're on fire! Thank you for the inspiring words and searing truth, as you carry the torch and encourage the rest of us to do, as well.

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

The 'pyramid cap' have centuries of expertise in establishing their dominion using a vast array of psychological techniques that are tried and proven. As long as the people can meet their own personal requirements most go along to get along. Especially today with the incremental and sequential elimination of human rights, freedoms and now the very elimination of the very necessities for living along with 'the great poisoning' of their very health and of the planet. When comes the point that everyone sees what is going down for what it is? For some reason, eyes and ears, I never bought into the covid op for a second from the very beginning and never wore the representative mask once. I had to fake a medical exemption in order to buy food and suffer the slings and arrows of the comatose while I wanted to shake them by their livers. Seems once fully awake to the greater zeitgeist an individual just cannot back down and lose their very soul.

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Apr 26Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Thanks for your in-site. The link shared below was a great read. Im going to print it and keep some with me. Believing! Praying! Hoping!

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Apr 26Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Excellent piece! Proud to have you in the Free State of Florida!

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Apr 27Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Thank you Dr Sansone. So true.

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Thank you Dr. Sansone...what you have written should remind people that everyone must speak up and take a stand,,,The truth is the truth. All who fail to recognize it...will go too. I see so many people I know on Facebook, when I go on it, because a friend will contact me; and I check it out a bit..... going on and on blithely saying nothing of value or showing photos of themselves. The world is going and they don't have a clue!


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Jama came out with an offensive and grossly inaccurate article on where we are as a people trusting doctors... who just happen to be the 3rd leading cause of death in this country (I forgot to put that in):

04/26/24 Added. Link to article:



"This article reeks of desperation. Members of the American population possessing the analytical and emotional intelligence to see what is happening around them, understand that we are in what is probably the first third of a global death wave from the C19 injection.

Don't take my word for it. Go to HowBadIsMyBatch.com by statistician Craig Pardekooper and look up your batch number - assuming you did not get the memo and did get this bio-weapon injection.

The first year of these injections caused a 40% increase in All Cause Mortality for ages 18 - 64 in the USA. This is so far off the historical delta probabilities I don't know how to describe it. See the work of top insurance actuarial Josh Stirling. If his metrics are not illustrative enough, the work of Dennis Rancourt, Thomas Skidmore, Toby Reyes Palmer, Dr. David Martin, Ethical Skeptic, and Ricardo Delgado/La Quinta Columna at Almeria University, Spain.

The injections themselves are full of self-assembling hydrogels. There are 26 teams of medical researchers, bio-statisticians, and medical doctors around the world who continue to analyze these injections - that are STILL shipping with blank product inserts. Go to Rumble.com and watch the 11/22 documentary "Died Suddenly." Then see if you can do the math while watching the documentary "Final Day" for an exhaustive patent review by Big Pharma marketing and patent consultant Karen Kingston.

Did you get the injection? This is your future if you do not detox with EDTA, Methylene Blue, High dose Vitamin C, Humic Acid, and more. Worse, morticians were seeing these hydrogel fibrin strings in corpses two years before the introduction of the global 5G network...and the scamdemic to hide the irradiation effects. So testing of hydrogel ingredients in medical injectables was already underway.

And then there's the self-assembling / replicating structures made of graphene oxide/hydroxide, and other substances (TBD). These microscopic structures made of sophisticated nanotechnology, are fascinating to watch assemble under dark field microscopy. The work of Dr. Ana Mihalcea and Karl C. on Substack.com will give you hours of viewing pleasure. The structures they form have been matched to nano-electrical sensors already in use by industry. They are called MEMS, or Micro-Electrical Mechanical Sensors. Some of the smallest create shard-like antennas. I have wondered many times if anyone at JAMA ever steps outside the silo door.

But, I don't spend that much time thinking about Jama and it's participants. I know that the injections are contagious, with spike proteins, nano-parasites, and genetic material. Pfizer's Exposure During Pregancy (EDP) protocol came out on LifesiteNews.com in 04/2021. Pfizer's EDP was released again as part of the 04/2022 court ordered FDA data dump (55,000 pages monthly) in more glorious, nonsensical word salad detail. Go read it. There is a reason why genetic treatments and therapies have never been a solution to any disease. **They are contagious.**

So, Jama writers and readers who continue to spew articles like this one, are either in on the global democide, or have no clue that we are in an extinction level event. At the end of the road, anyone who doesn't take extreme care of their health, stay away from the injected general public, and detox the 24 'toxic to lethal' ingredients in the C19 bio-weapon - is going to die, and will no longer be part of the conversation. "

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I no longer believe in religion since over a decade ago. So I really do have a hard time believing that their gods created FIRE.

I believe more in the fact that Mother Nature has show the world the power of fire when there was a thunderstorm & lightning that could create fire. That's where and when I think humanity learned about fires. Has nothing to do with any gods. Religions highjacked spirituality and twisted everything about it. There's a big difference between religion and spirituality. Religions killed the spirit which spirituality is helping it to grow.

Zeitgeist the MOVIE explain very well the birth of religions. It's on Youtube

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Why did the giant eagle only eat Prometheus’s liver?

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