If you take a look at historical facts, in EVERY event involving chaos and destruction, the government is in the middle of it, creating "false flag" events. These are either solely false flag events or false flag events that supplement, change and obscure actual events. For instance, there is still a lot of mystery surrounding Bobby's and JFK's assassinations and how alleged killers supposedly killed TWO Kennedy politicians when evidence does NOT support those allegations. https://www.voltairenet.org/article165721.html

More recently, more than 20 FBI agents and informants were identified in the crowd at the J6 protest, and were shown ON VIDEO acting as agents provocateur, committing violence, inciting violence and turning it into a violent mob. TWO protestors were killed on video without cause or provocation--one shot by a white-hating (according to his social media) Capitol Hill cop who once left his firearm in a rest room, while another was beaten to death outside. Biden claim the protestors "killed several police officers," but NOT ONE was killed. One was claimed to have died from a protestor hitting him with a fire extinguisher, but he instead died several hours later at home from natural causes: a stroke. NOT ONE GUN WAS FOUND belonging to the protestors, yet J6 is always described as a "violent insurrection" to "overthrow the government and change the legitimate results of an election." Who goes unarmed to overthrow the government? It was a peaceful protest; people were arrested for just walking inside the Capitol Building AFTER COPS INSIDE OPENED THE DOORS AND INVITED THEM IN! Those who happened to be on video getting invited in were eventually released--after A YEAR in jail; others not on video aren't so lucky and are STILL in jail.

Contrast this strict "law enforcement" against Conservatives with the lenience shown to Leftist Cobert's Leftist staff who DID THE EXACT SAME THING--they illegally invaded the Capitol Building, yet THEIR charges were dropped! Look at all the violent Antifa and BLM "protests" that resulted in hundreds of assaults, destruction of private and public property, arson, looting, even murders--yet relatively few "protestors" were arrested. Here's a side-by-side comparison of J6 compared with the BLM/Antifa riots: https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/09/report-2020-antifa-blm-led-riots-injured-more-police-officers-caused-more-damage-and-resulted-in-more-arrests-than-the-capitol-riot/

Bottom line: Our government is creating false flags to give the impression that it is Conservatives who are out of line, as an excuse to suppress protests and to ban firearms.

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Three Kennedys, they killed 3 of them.

JFK Jr. was likely unstoppable as POTUS. He stood directly in the way of Hillary Clinton's desired ascension to the throne. He was anti-war and pro-humanity. He was rock star handsome, honest, intelligent and unable to be manipulated. So they flew his Piper Saratoga directly into the Atlantic Ocean.

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Take your pick -

Alien invasion



Dirty bomb in a major city

WWIII sparked by China-Taiwan, Russia-NATO, North Korea

U.S. Civil War

I'm gonna go with U.S. Civil War. It's the easiest to accomplish. When the food runs out and utilities are shut off/incapacitated, hordes of gang-bangers, Antifa thugs, and BLM idiots will be exiting the cities in hordes. They'll be looking for food, water, guns, ammo, fuel, and anything else they can steal. That's when the shooting will start. Shortly after, martial law, suspended elections, gun confiscation, "enemy of the state" roundups, and political prisoners.

They'll let people kill each other for a short while before they step in with jackboots from just about every government agency you can think of - armed to the teeth with an unlimited supply of weapons and ammo courtesy of the Kenyan and the Kiddiesniffer.

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There's no rule that says we can't get more than one at once--a combination, or even ALL of them, including a deadly pandemic, widespread starvation, complete loss of government and law enforcement resulting in total anarchy. The Bible predicts a lot of stuff, and some it can befall us simultaneously.

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Put your faith and attention on Jesus. Everything else is just a distraction designed to pull you away.

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You wouldn't know Jesus from a dog turd or whether his sighting was a hologram or for real. You god fearing morons need to wake up and smell the coffee. You have no idea how our reality is constructed, nor do you read your bible, or you would know that your Gods are many and did not have the time or inclination to jump into the human body called Jesus.

I'll even bet you don't know that your bible was actually constructed for a purpose and not by Gods but by Clergy and I believe Roman politicians in Nicaea where they took the writings of the day and compiled it into a book with many mistranslations to give it an appeal humans in that day and age would buy into. Jesus stated that he was not their King nor their God and that God and/or heaven was WITHIN ! DO YOU KNOW WHAT "WITHIN" MEANS ???

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But as we do read our Bibles, we know that the angel visited Mary, and told her that that holy thing which should be conceived within her should be called the Son of God.

We also know by reading our Bibles that there is one Man between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus - so this rather disposes of your stupid comments about "many gods."

And I am very keen to meet the "clergy" who prompted Moses, 1450 years at least before they were thought of, to write as the first word in scripture, the word "Barasheet" or "In the beginning" as we translate it.

Your deep and extensive knowledge of scripture will have led you to understand that ancient Hebrew letters had intrinsic meaning, and thus the six letters composing "Barasheet" are read "The Son of God will die by His own hand upon a cross."

These clergy of yours clearly had foreknowledge denied to ordinary men as to how events would play out some 1450 years later.

Final point, "mistranslations".

This is an old chestnut always brought up by the foolish and ignorant - clearly, it matters little if a word is mistranslated when we can always refer to the original documents if we want to know what a particular word means.

And it is hard to envisage such putative "mistranslations" managing to get a story about God coming down to earth, performing miracles, and being crucified, followed by His resurrection, as being attributable to "mistranslations."

Your final devastating comment about "the kingdom of God being within us" rather backfires on you, especially in light of your claim that many words in scripture are mistranslated - and here is one of them. The word which you make much out of, ie "within" is a mistranslation, when the word is better translated "in the midst of" - surely you do not imagine, even with your degree of spitefulness and foolishness, that the Lord Jesus Christ was telling the Pharisees to whom He was speaking, that they were part of the kingdom he refers to? When these are the very ones who were plotting to kill Him?

So what He was saying is that the Kingdom was indeed standing in the midst of them, but they - like you - were unable to recognise that fact.

So overall, I will give you a D -, but a note also, "Needs to try much harder."

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We all die, and boy will YOU be surprised when it's your turn!

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Nope, I won't be surprised at all and I only have about 15 years left to find out. I am not in the least bit afraid, because I have studied Metaphysics for over forth years, and have a much better idea what we'll run into on the other side than you bible thumping ignorant fools.

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You think you're the first one who "studied metaphysics (NOT capitalized--unless it's your religion) for over 'forth' [sic] years?" What events of the afterlife did you prove we would all experience in the afterlife as a result of your "forth years" of studying metaphysics? The Bible also describes the afterlife, but I guess you would never accept the word of Jesus, who is the only one who ever came back to tell what happened after death.

Why not just read the Bible as you would any other book about metaphysics and see if it agrees with what you've already "studied," or if it disagrees, or if what it says could be interpreted as being the same concept, only worded differently.

Or you can put your faith in secular books written by secular men, "knowing" we "bible thumpers" are wrong but wondering if we could be right; the stakes are pretty high, you know. Or you can sit tight, smugly assured that only YOU have all the answers--then you're in for a bigger surprise than you can possibly imagine.

Good luck with your studies; hope you pass!

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Apparently y our bible hasn't taught you a thing, because your snark is pitiful as you continue to bolster your point by using your bible as the foundation of your thought processes. If you never bother to think outside the box you'll never learn anything that would help you see that there is a BIGGER PICTURE TO WHAT HUMANITY IS AND HOW WE CAME ABOUT.

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How wonderful for you to know all the answers! Care to share them with us? Jesus' teachings have lasted more than 2,000 years! Let's see how long will YOUR teachings last; after all, your potential audience is hundreds of times bigger than His!

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The Alien Invasion psyop is not news to me. Your very well reasoned presentation of facts I know to be true encourages me to share your site with others. Others who unfortunately are way asleep about most things occurring in our society.

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Bravo!, Finally, someone addresses the idea of a Fake Alien Invasion and does so with exactly the same perspective that I have on the subject. My guess is that our own governments have been hiding technology from us that would easily account for those videos shown on Tucker's show. In addition to holograms, I expect real life "space ships" to land somewhere very public and it wouldn't shock me if some sort of genetically engineered beings walk down the ramp and wave to the Earthlings.....and all of this will have been engineered and built right here on Earth over the last 70 years.

No Aliens required.

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Agreed. this is going to be a block buster fake. and precisely because they are going to posit it requires a 'global response'; a QR code; a mask (to confuse the aliens of course); digital currency and ID; vaccines for the alien flu etc . so ridiculous I hate it gets air time at all. like its the finally we have info on those ufos. Even if there were alien life forms someplace, why would they pick the timing of the World Health Organizations pitch for control and require Bill Gates and Tedros and Soros to lead the charge. BARF BARF BARF

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Excellent article. . Over the past 2-3 years I too have been overwhelmed by the stupidity of people I used to consider friends. As a non vaxed, non masked, and non believer I have been assaulted verbally ,mentally and physically.

The Davos gang is running out of time as the financial derivatives that will collapse the economy is a ticking time bomb.

I expect them to pull out all stops.

On a positive note I believe more people have become aware that something , just isn't right.

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I felt the same way. Don't give in. Here are my thoughts on how dangerous these people are. https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/the-psychology-of-the-climate-change

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I had this same thought of a fake alien invasion years ago, but for a completely different reasoning. Mr. Krugman, years ago, suggested using a fake alien invasion to solve economic problems. Sounded silly then. But as soon as I started seeing all this coverage on Fox, I thought, here comes Krugman's fake invasion.

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Dr. Warner von Braun wrote Project Mars A Technical Tale which not only has "Elon" in it, but predicts war with Russia, biological suitcase bombs, weaponization of space and a new Origin Story for humans. He told his assistant, Dr. Carol Rosen "'The last card will be the extraterrestrial threat.'" I plead with those believing the "aliens engineered us" narrative to research at Dark Journalist and Gigi Young, both on YT. TPTB will advance a fake origin story that we were engineered by Martians, and guess who has the DNA bloodline: WHY Klaus Schwab, Davos crowd, royals; the very same nest of vipers all of whom are satanists crashing our societies for their own power.

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The sword cuts both ways. If that's the game then: Those with the alien DNA bloodline aren't true humans, and are planning to depopulate the earth to make way for their own kind. So, they must be purged from the earth. No mercy.

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When I referred to "guess who has . .," it was something of a sarcasm to wit about whatever DNA/bloodline they have, that will be the one who is superior and, therefore, has the "Devine right to rule" which they claim today. This is is SAME crowd doing this for all of our history. They fight amongst themselves and murder each other to terminate lines as well. Their power is maintained with deception and possession of ancient physics knowledge kept from the rest of us; think Tesla. They are NOT SUPERIOR. They are organized and control the money supply on which all of human life has been purposely engineered to comply or die if you aren't compliant to THEIR RULES and their rules have made the laws we live under by coopting the legal systems. The USA is just the last western nation they have to control. These people are NOT ALIENS; they are devolved human beings. THIS is the lie of the New Age purported Light Side. Human Beings WERE NOT CREATED by alien gods. A good many in New Age believe this. Just stay organic and use tech as a tool not as a lifestyle.

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When I referred to a "double edged sword", it was a sarcastic acknowledgement of the fact that it's all baloney. I'm just suggesting that we can easily use their idiotic argument against them. If they want to provide a genetic marker to identify themselves with, I'll gladly use it to hunt them down. If they claim it's non-human DNA, then I say it proves they are invaders and must be stopped. Otherwise, I agree with the rest of your post, except for the ancient physics part.

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The original "The Day the Earth Stood Still" was excellent...the remake, as with most remakes, a bunch of crap. Why would any UFO, assuming they exist, or aliens want to attack a silly place like earth? We have nothing to offer an advanced society, whatever they may be. Humans are a threat to no one but themselves. The flora and fauna will survive us well after we are history. I don't believe so much in UFO's, but aliens seem like a real probability.

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You are correct about humans not having much to offer, but Aliens are not interested in us specifically. They are interested in the resources of earth and we just happen to be in the way !

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The only resources unique to earth are our native life forms. If you wanted anything else, it can be obtained much easier in the asteroid belt without needing to descend and ascend the gravity well.

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I was a cattleman from Kansas and one time we had a steer mutated. We feed 2,000+ cattle ever year for 30+ year and had a 2%---3% death loss, this one could not be explained.

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That is an expensive loss.

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If they use holograms of city-sized spaceships it will be difficult to explain why the ground beneath a giant spaceship is not in shade on a sunny day. The ships would have to be much smaller to avoid that particular tell-tale sign of fakery.

Project Blue Beam is real. It's original idea as conceived was to project an image of Mohammed or Allah in the sky over middle eastern countries to tell Arabs to be subservient to the West.

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I think you massively over estimate the intelligence and logic of the population. They have spent two years believing the most illogical and fantastical nonsense imaginable about an alleged virus - that cannot even be seen, let alone infect anybody - and they have by and large fallen for it hook line and sinker.

Project Blue Beam will be a doddle to pull off.

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I didn't say it couldn't be pulled off. I merely suggested that city sized spaceships would be a tell-tale when they do not produce shade underneath them. Lies about viruses, like you said, involve something that cannot be seen. A lack of shade is obvious and hard to explain away.

I certainly agree that the vast majority are very dumb. But you cannot hide the fact they are not in the shade inside of "expert" opinion and the like. I think hardly anyone is THAT dumb.

I am hard put in my locality to find more than about 1 or 2% who still think covid is legitimate. They are pretty much those in authority, like at the courthouse where they are still observing protocols. I think they are really just lazy and like the convenience of zoom hearings.

Compliance with mandates in my town was always low. But they are still dumb about a lot of things.

I think, if there is going to be a hologram of spacecraft it will be a fleet of smaller ones.

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To explain anything to the masses, you simply roll out an "expert" ( self-declared, usually ) and tell them something ridiculous so many times that they eventually give up challenging it.

So - "masks work", or "self-isolation stops the spread."

Alternatively, you do what is probably something even better, and completely ignore any counter arguments.

So you never discuss with objectors whether what they say about PCR tests is valid or not; you just keep saying that it's "the gold standard", even when the CDC itself admits that both it, and the LFT, are completely useless.

You might say wrt to your huge spaceships, "They are so bright that the eye is dazzled, and so is unable to detect shadows, which are dark."

This is exactly what moon landing believers say when asked why no stars are visible in the photographs taken - allegedly at least, on the surface of the moon.

It really doesn't matter what nonsense you tell them; just make it sound "sciencey" and keep repeating it until they fall silent, or start to argue amongst themselves whether the explanation is valid or not.

People are afflicted generally with an underlying belief that "experts" in their fields are automatically and by default, right in what they say, and we peasants are just stupid morons. This is the legacy of 20 years of "schooling" and schools as you know are large assemblages of fish which all swim in the same direction.

So although many may question the underlying narrative, they always fundamentally accept it, because they have been trained from birth to do so.

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Ok genius--you don't see stars on the moon during it's daytime for the exact same reason you do not see stars on the earth during the daytime. It's just that the sky on the moon is black instead of blue because it has almost no atmosphere--A black sky on the moon does not mean it is "nighttime." But when pictures are from the dark side, you DO see stars. You never explain how one wouldn't notice the sun shining through the giant spaceship and have a really poor understanding of how a hologram works if you think you can make them brighter than the sun.

But rather than go on and on, I'll just concede that you're right. No-one is smart enough to get one over on you. I won't respond further.

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I think the genius label has to be given to you - on the one hand you say you don't see stars from the moon because of "the exact same reason" you don't see them from earth during the day - ie because of earth's atmosphere; and then you tell us that because the moon has no atmosphere, then its skies are always black, both day and night.

To which the only response has to be, "SMH."

"But when pictures are from the dark side, you DO see stars."

Er, no.

You never see stars, because it was too complicated to paint them onto the pics we were given during the Apollo programme.

And you've already told us that the daylight side of the moon has dark skies too, so we don't need to go to the dark side of the moon to view the stars.

Assuming we were there in the first place, which quite clearly, nobody was.

As to your point about the sun shining through a "spaceship", clearly, the day in question could either be cloudy, or more likely, most people wouldn't see them with the sun behind them anyway.

And you seem to assume that they will come during the daytime - what about if these huge objects came at night?

As our own resident genius, you should have thought of that one already.

So they don't need to be "brighter than the sun", they just need to be seen and accepted, whether they are real or not - the only criterion is whether people are sufficiently gullible to accept what "scientists and politicians" tell us they are.

My whole focus has been on how people do not accept a narrative because it's logical, but because it gets repeated, and is dressed up in sciency-sounding language.

Obviously, they will have a superhard time convincing the geniuses amongst us of any of these things, because "reasons", but people like you are in a minority, and all these things are decided not by minorities, but by majority vote - whether right or wrong.

Anyway, thanks for conceding that I am right.

There is hope for you yet.

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You don't see stars from the moon because the sun is BRIGHT, many times brighter than it seems from earth because the atmosphere diffuses the light so much. You would indeed be able to see stars if you were on the dark side of the moon.

I can't believe this fantasy is still around; I guess a sucker really IS born every minute. The first Lunar landing was a world-shaking event; it was televised, telescoped and radio-monitored by everyone on earth with the equipment to do it. That means the radio signals--monitored by the USSR--were tracked to the moon. Telescopes tracked the trajectory all the way to the moon. Ham radio operators monitored radio signals just as the USSR did, and triangulation proved the signal WAS on the moon. Don't you think that the USSR would LOVE to catch the US in such a massive fraud? They couldn't, because THERE WAS NO FRAUD.

Here's some photos of the moon; they DO show artifacts of our lunar space program. The source is a satellite placed in orbit around the moon around 2009. Now STHU about your silly conspiracies!


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Reread Webb's post; he agrees with you.

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I perceive that he partly agrees with me. But he clearly thinks no-one would notice the sun shining through a hologram, and I absolutely disagree that the reason you don't see stars in some phots from the moon is that the photos are fake. Otherwise, you'll need to be more specific about what you think he is agreeing with me about.

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Just memorize this phrase and everything will be okay: klaatu barada nikto.

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Great article. I am in your camp. It doesn't surprise me that there is a portion of the population, significantly on the godless left, that believes the world is running out of resources, and wishes a world-wide depopulation event, specifically ridding the planet of those right wing Bible thumpers. Of this portion of the population, there are a small number of elites with the financial means and power to create a powerful enough false flag to convince useless carbon-generating-eaters to submit to their control. It begins with propaganda, I mean, "education" and "science". It follows with coercion. And these elites are becoming more and more militant, if anyone has noticed. And they use the complicit media and social media resources to great effect to sow chaos, discord, and doubt. Would AI be an effective tool?

The Pfake vaccines, and Pfake pandemics fit the bill. Climate-change-hype, fits the bill. A complicit media fits doing the leg work for leviathan fit the bill. The war against all things Christian also fits the bill.

And it seems possible, a pfake alien invasion (in 2024?) could undermine the moorings of life, destabilize civilization and could target a specific ideology, like Christianity. The propaganda effort would need to be significant.....it seems not unlikely AI could be used with such an effort.

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It's time to get laws on the books putting teeth into double and triple sentencing, plus personal reparations paid by perpetrators out of their own pockets, in cases where crimes are committed under color of law.

For example. Every single false call to police that results in a SWAT team executing a no-nock raid, like done three times against MJT of Georgia, should get the sentencing that reckless endangerment or attempted homicide gets.

Also, every enforcement action should be treated with equanimity, meaning treated as if it were private citizens.

SCOTUS has thrown out actions like against the Christian bakers in Colorado, saying it was motivated by malicious bias. In ANY conclusion where ANY such harm is done "under color of law", it should be prosecuted against such government operatives as if they were private citizens

But since governments would have to execute such laws against themselves, it won't happen until a massive overwhelming push happens from the people.

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Werner von Braun's assistant said decades ago, that he told her the final act of the elites would be to fake an alien invasion.

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I am actually awaiting this event with baited breath! It's gonna be big. It's gonna be thoroughly planned and scripted, which ( and they keep failing to grasp this) will be the dead giveaway that it's fake. So I don't know about you but I'm just dying to hear the message that 'they' (respect their pronouns) traveled light years across the Galaxy to give us. I've narrowed it down to three candidates:

1) Vaccines are safe and effective

2) We must roll back modernity to save ourselves from climate change

3) Build Back Better

It's definitely going to be one of the three. These people don't have a lot of depth and think they're much smarter than they are. Those 'aliens' are definitely going to come out barking familiar slogans. It's their only move. I wouldn't even be surprised if their spaceship looked like a NASCAR covered in Pfizer and Microsoft logos. Should be epic. And Tucker will get to say 'I told you so' LOL.

Why wouldn't every sentient species in the universe want to take a family vacation to Clown World?

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I'm leaning number 2, but it could be all three....

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