I am not buying. 😀

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Why not? It's a great investment opportunity. Buy thousands of "Shares" for just pennies! But you need to act Now. Hurry! Supplies limited!!!


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LOL! Humor is a most effective tool against the madness- and to ward off fear. Appropriate caution is fine, but we must not allow ourselves to be manipulated into panic.

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Me neither 😃

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Basic knowledge of edible plants in our area is always a good idea. Which plants, which parts, what time of year & how to prepare them. Some basic herbal healing knowledge is useful too.

And where not to pick or harvest plants from- like along busy roads, near streams or rivers polluted by sewage or industrial activity, and other places where the plants can be contaminated with or absorb toxins, including heavy metals.

But plants cannot supply Vit B12, heme iron, essential fats, nor high quality protein with the balance of amino acids needed for optimal human development & function.

Dr. Barry Groves, PhD - 'What We Are Designed to Eat'


Research on 'vaccinating' people via "engineered" plant crops has been conducted for decades. mRNA vaccines have been used in commercial pork production for as long as 6-10 years. Poultry for longer. Cattle for about 2 yrs.

Gene-altering products are also being used to grow crops.





The "fact checkers" are right: none of these products are FDA approved. Instead, the FDA has given these experimental products 'conditional' license that, like EUA status, circumvents the requirement for adequate safety studies. Once again, we are the experiment.

The solution? Support independent farmers in your area who work with nature , and avoid the use of drugs, antibiotics (except in an emergency), artificial hormones, chemical de-wormers, pesticides, or vaccines.

With a species appropriate diet & habitat, animals generally thrive without these.

Beyond Farmers Markets and websites, check the Farm & Garden section of Craigslist to find family operate farms in your area too small to have website, or a booth at the Farmers Market.

Of you can't fine clean meats, milk products, or eggs in your area, these farms ship:

AmosMillerOrganicFarm.com - PolyfaceFarms.com - WhiteOakPastures.com - NourishedbyNature.com

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Can we buy it with used snot pouches ?

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The beginning of a police state tracking via drones or they know about the rapture in the Bible that's very near. And want to say that it was aliens that took the people. 🤷‍♂️

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The drones as reported and videoed fling over NJ appear to be military drones. They may belong to a more secretive section of our armed forces. Or military leaders may be lying to us when they claim 'they aren't ours'. Or they may belong to another government.

The drones have also been seen over Maryland, near D.C. and elsewhere in the U.S. Often they are flying close enough and low enough that they are obviously not satellites, not Starlink 'constellation', not planes, or helicopters.

The drones may be being tested. Or public response may be the subject of testing.

Whoever owns or flies them, such drones could be used to deliver bombs. Or the new inhalable "COVID-19 vaccine"; the lipid nanoparticle being unaffected by UV if delivered at night. Or a different synthetic modified mRNA genetic engineering tool could be dropped on neighborhood, virtually impossible to detect. Or fentenyl powder. Or...

A massive asteroid could strike the earth tomorrow. Or a massive solar flare. Or...

Instead of panicing, we can take reasonable precautions & preparations to take care of ourselves, our families, and our communities, as best we can. And appreciate ever moment we have to share with our families & friends.

The drones have been reported over area reservoirs, so top quality water purification seems a good idea, for example. It's a good idea for anyone reliant on a government water supply, drones or no.

One thing is clear: It is obvious that we are being lied to. Again.

The military, Dept. of HS, FAA - all these have the means to track an know where the drones originated from, and who owns them. They have the ability to take them down. Over the ocean for safety.

Instead, officials are saying that they don't know were the drones are from or who they belong to - or why so many have flown over NJ for about a month.

Yet they assure us "There is no evidence of any threat to public health."

If the government does not know where the drones are coming from (an offshore ship has been mentioned), how can they know they pose no threat?

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Has to be our government in my opinion.

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Yet another good reason for Nullification, Secession and ultimately Peaceful Anarchy.

Keep firing Doc,

~~ j ~~

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Agreed. Once again, public officials insult us through their evasive answers as to where they originated.

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Correct. The FAA and Navy Air Force both have satellite, sea and land based triangulation radars that can pinpoint launch origination and flight paths in seconds. They not only know launch points and flight paths, they know the technology and which manufactures shipped the product. The "we don't know" story line is bullshit.

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Appreciate the confirmation, Paul. These drones have been allegedly flying 'under the radar', but it is obvious that various gov entities have more capabilities than we're told. Which is understandable, within limits.

Have you heard that some of the drones are crashing? The authorities are telling the public to stay away from downed drones. And warning first responders to wear full PPE suits - and telling them to call bomb squads. Scare tactics? Or...?

BTW, they were reported flying over or around Langley in Sept and/or October. At the time


IMHO, flying anything low over homes & private property by anyone without prior permission, or a really good reason is not acceptable.

The S.C.U.S. often refers to "tradition and practice" when deciding whether laws are Constitutional - or void.

The S.C.U.S. - in it's foundational case - said, "...a law repugnant to the Constitution is void, and the courts a well as other departments are BOUND by that instrument."

Marbury vs. Madison

S.C.U.S. - Hale vs. Henkel "The individual may stand upon his Constitutional rights as a citizen. [Natural rights are UNalienable.] He is entitled to carry on his private business in his own way. His power to contract is unlimited. He owes no duty to the state or to his neighbors to divulge his business, or to open his doors to an investigation... He owes no such duty to the state, since he receives nothing therefrom, beyond the protection of his life and property. HIS RIGHT ARE SUCH AS EXISTED as existed by the law of the land LONG ANTECEDENT TO THE ORGANIZATION OF THE STATE, and CAN ONLY BE TAKEN from him by due process of law, and IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTITUTION. Among his rights are a refusal to incriminate himself, and the IMMUNITY OF himself and HIS PROPERTY FROM arrest or SEIZURE except under a warrant of the law. He owes nothing to the public so long as he does not trespass upon their rights."

(For those cheated out of a basic education by the public school system, the word 'his' as used here is gender neutral.)

Among our "rights are such as existed by the law of the land long antecedent to the organization of the state" and by "tradition and practice" is the ownership of all the earth below the surface of our land, and the space above it 'to the heavens'.

Mattox v. U.S., 156 US 237, 243 “We are bound to interpret the Constitution in the light of the law as it existed at the time it was adopted.”

Some permission to use our airspace may be delegated to the government of the federation of our States, to further enable it in it's primary duty" to secure our rights.

This i the only legitimate purpose of government within these United States.

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Nuclear Weapons are fictitious. Just another hoax.

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For an eschatological perspective on these affairs, which probably have biblical significance, please refer to “Broadening the Target: Deep-State Tactics and the Psychotic Holocaust”, where I discern the context of the coming “signs and wonders”, and discuss the otherworldly technological advantages the Antichrist and his False Prophet will wield, ultimately taking the form of a police state, globally.

“For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:24).


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Thank you for sharing this info for our consideration.

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Thank you for your thoughts. I listen to retired FBI Special Agent John DeSouza who has spoken about this Fake Alien Invasion quite a lot over the years. There is a history and a lot of intelligence networks he draws from. John DeSouza specialised in both counter-terrorism and paranormal and he has authored books, one called The Extra-Dimensionals. His case notes were used for the first seasons of The X-Files.

I have been collecting references over the years and put them in this ss post for anyone who is interested.


I like to maintain that I do not want to tell people what to believe, but encourage people to learn how to think. Devout Christians sometimes get angry with me, saying "they are not extra-terrestrial, they are demons". I don't contradict them. Call them what you want.

The evil banking Cabal summon these dark entities from a different dimension and do their bidding, including kill quota's.

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The Cabal is here, on earth, among us, planing and acting by centuries. Powerful but without moral character.

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At least 6,000 years the Satanic Cabal have been on Earth, by my reckoning. I only calculate this by the Freemasonic Lucis (Lucifer) Calendar. This is the date where they say Lucifer The Angel Of Light came to Earth. You might like to look at the Lucis Trust website, one page is dedicated to Lucifer. They like to say that Lucifer isn't a 'Devil', but a sadly misunderstood angel. They make up all kinds of things, you can't trust a Satanist. The Lucis Trust has Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC).

The oligarchs who own the UN plan to take over the world soon, they also traffic 8 million children each year and they hate us for our freedoms (sound familiar?)

Political prisoner Dr Reiner Fuellmich interviewed former UN executive director and former president of Club of Rome, Călin Georgescu.


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Think about it this way: The antichrist comes in an impressive skyship (but only comes from the Earth itself), supposedly just as Jesus the Messiah said He would return, "in the skies of heaven", and that "all eyes will see Him", and then the antichrist claims he "is" Christ. Don't you think that at least the vast majority of so-called "Christians" would fall for it? Of course they would! They already believe in the Zio-fascist lies that a people, the Ashkenazim and their Israeli counterparts, Eastern European "Jews" NOT descended from the original Israelites and Jews, but only converted to "Judaism", "are" descended from God's original people (though they aren't), and believe in the twisted misinterpretations of God's Word(s) that there will be a "rapture" where all of the "faithful" will disappear from the Earth, which a very large portion, if not the majority, of them believe must take place (as well as the building of the third "Israelite" temple, Armageddon, etc.). They have been "sent strong delusion(s)" to believe many lies, such as the Zio-fascists being their "saviors", and so on, because "Christians" are NOT God's true people ANYMORE, but livers of lies mixed with some truth (as Satan works), and who actually worship Satan and his lies in nothing but the guise of worshiping "God the Father through Jesus the Messiah".

Thus, they will believe almost anything, except the real Truth, because they don't want to truly, fully and completely repent of their evils, and don't really want to be set free by the real truth, and be entirely transformed into nothing but holy people here and now, as required by the One and Only True God and Jesus the Messiah (John 14:6). They only want the lies; so, again, they will believe almost any lie, and are thus being sent all kinds of delusions to fall for, that they will fall for, just as we were warned of.

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"Zio-facists"?? Really?? You just had to bring Jews into the equation, didn't you, and more anti-Semitic libel and slander.

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Look, you willfully-ignorant, completely-brainwashed libeler, for me to be "anti-Semitic", I would have to be against all other Semitic peoples, including all Muslims, AND I would have to be against the Truly Jewish, Semitic Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, and all of His original disciples, the first, True Christians, who were all or mostly Jewish, which I am NOT against; and, in fact, am FOR the latter completely. I am for the human rights of ALL people, including the Muslims, even though I totally disagree with their religion. They are FAR MORE Semitic than the Ashkenazim are, which the latter only obtained through intermarriage and having children with the original Jews for many generations, the ones who are truly Semitic and descended from God's once chosen people. So, it is you who are libeling, not I. I am one of the few people who faces the complete truth. You, on the other hand, wouldn't know truth if it bit you on the nose. And, by the by, the Zio-fascists include mostly non-Jews; i.e., the "'Christian' Zionists, who are really anti-christian(s), deceived(ers), and servants of Lucifer.

So, In Jesus the Messiah's name, be gone, Satan[ist(s)], and take all of your libel with you!

"It is written, thus says the Lord [God the Father through Jesus the Christ, the Word(s) of God and the Maker / Creator of all things except evil]...":

"...Get... behind (Jesus the Christ), Satan[ist(s)]..."! "...You are of your (lord and master) the devil, and the lies of your (lord and master, Satan) you... do (perpetrate and perpetuate)..."! "...Repent, for the kingdom of (God and of) heaven is (very near) at hand..."! [Matthew 16:23, John 8:44 and Matthew 4:17; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]

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You could do a simple search and realize, just in Psalms alone, that Zion is in the Lord’s heart. You’re probably a Replacement theorist. Long-winded Jew-hater.

Psalm 87:5: “Indeed, of Zion it will be said, “This one and that one were born in her, and the Most High himself will establish her.”

Psalm 102:21: “So the name of the Lord will be declared in Zion and his praise in Jerusalem”

Psalm 110:2: “The Lord will extend your mighty scepter from Zion, saying, “Rule in the midst of your enemies!”

Psalm 125:1: “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.”

Psalm 134:3: “May the Lord bless you from Zion, he who is the Maker of heaven and earth”.

Psalm 135:21

Praise be to the Lord from Zion, to him who dwells in Jerusalem. Praise the Lord.

Isaiah 2:3

Many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.” The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

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Well, it's very clear that you are very likely an Ashkenazim (since most of the true Jews were slaughtered by them and others, and there's not many left of them), or a "'Christian'-Zionist. Tell me something (not that I want to read any more of your falsehoods and libel, or go 'round and 'round with you, because there is no reasoning with you completely brainwashed and deceived Satanists in the guise of "Jews" and/or "Christians"), 1.) do you support what "Israehell-on-Earth" is doing to the Palestinians and others [the Iranians (or soon will be), Lebanese, Syrians, etc.] right now? And 2.) do you believe that the Israelis "are doing the right thing" right now, genociding and ethnic cleansing people by the hundreds of thousands (in East Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank of Palestine, mostly little babies, children and women), soon to be millions, in order to create "Greater 'Israehell'" throughout the Middle East, even though Jesus the Messiah DID AWAY with "an eye for an eye", and commanded His people in the New Covenant / Testament to LOVE, NOT HATE their enemies? If so, YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A COUNTERFEIT "CHRISTIAN" AND/OR "JEW", AND EVIL.

All you do is quote from the Old Covenant / Testament, verses that are ONLY about the true Jews before, because of their thousands of years of backsliding, turning their backs on God the Father [and later Jesus the Messiah Himself, helping the Romans assassinate / murder Him, a COMPLETELY-INNOCENT, HOLY person (in fact, it's pretty clear that the Romans may not have executed Him if the evil Jews hadn't Satanically and vehemently screamed for it)], worshiping other gods (which were symbols of Satan / Lucifer, thus worshiping Lucifer / Satan), and driving God away from them (the unpardonable sin), God turned His back on them, allowed Jerusalem to be destroyed in 70 A.D., allowed many Jews to be slaughtered, and drove the rest into the diaspora. The New Covenant / Testament is abundantly-clear that God passed on the mantle of chosen people to the Gentiles after 70 A.D. He had given the Israelites every chance for thousands of years to truly, fully and completely repent, and ONLY serve Him, but they refused, and murdered God in the person of Jesus the Messiah; thus, they gave God little choice but to move on from them, making them no longer His chosen people in any way, shape, form or fashion whatsoever.

I am NOT a "theorist" OF ANYTHING, and am ONLY a FACTUALIST. And, "rhetorically-questioning", how could I be a "Jew hater"? I spent the last three years of my childhood in an Ashkenazim foster care agency in San Francisco called Homewood Terrace (from 1971 through 1974, which since went out of business in the '80s), where I witnessed both physical and psychological abuse by the Ashkenazim staff against "Goy" (non-Jews), witnessing on a camping trip from San Francisco up to Oregon one of the two Ashkenazim staff members grab a "Goy" child by the hair and drag him across the ground for several feet (so who is truly FULL of hate?), and where I met my Ashkenazim best friend, Frank Ostreicher (who died when he was 23 from having his colon removed due to ulcerative colitis), the two of us, along with two "friends" of mine from George Washington High School, getting our first place to live, together, on our own (no, Frank and I were NOT gay, and we were strictly heterosexual). Then, until very recently, I continued to be fooled by the Ashkenazim, and to stand by them [though I would have still loved Frank unconditionally if he was still alive, because he was not a typical Ashkenazim, and had a very sweet heart (the good die young)].

Now I have lived in two Ashkenazim owned and operated HUD Section 8 apartment buildings for the past five and a half years (I will be 69 in April); though, having woken up recently to the truth about them, I would now love to get the heck out of here, and will do so as soon as I can (if they don't finish murdering me first). The Ashkenazim staff here have discriminated against me on the basis of my being "Goy" (in other words, they are racists, which is what I finally realized about them after what I've witnessed of them most of my life), on the basis of my serious PHYSICAL disabilities, and on the basis of my stand for human and civil rights; more specifically, disability and tenant rights, over and over and over again, ad nauseum. They have played me for a "fool" again and again, they started false rumors about me, they are monitoring me both inside and outside of my apartment, and they are gang-stalking me all over town every time I go out, all in violation of my constitutional rights. They only believe in the "rules-based (Ashkenazim) international 'order' (out of the chaos they are intentionally creating)", and have no true respect for the rule of law (in other words, their loyalty is ONLY to "Israehell", globalism, aka global government enslavement, to Lucifer, and to their Ashkenazim and Zionist "leader" minions of Satan who run almost everything now).

I have studied God's Word(s) in-depth, with ONLY the leading of God the Father in Jesus the Messiah's name and the Holy Spirit, since 1978 (over 45 years), so please ENTIRELY STOP preaching to me your brainwashed, false interpretations of same. You are wasting your time, because you will NEVER convince me of your Satanic, brainwashed, false beliefs. If you don't truly, fully and completely REPENT of what you have allowed nothing but false prophets to lead you to believe, you will soon be bowing to global government enslavement, the antichrist, and the Mark of the Beast, falsely believing that the antichrist "is" 'Jesus the Messiah', will lose your soul for all eternity, and will be burned up in the lake of fire after the final judgment, the judgment of the evil people who most people are, including Ashkenazim, Gentiles and true Jews (who have not repented), after spending a thousand years in the grave with no consciousness or separate "spirit" whatsoever (Ecclesiastes 9:5-6). So, I hope and pray that, unless you truly, fully and completely repent, all of this NOTHING BUT TRUTH that I have imparted to you will stop ALL of your preaching your Satanic false beliefs to me. Again, don't waste your energy, for anymore falsehoods from you will ONLY get me to share more of nothing but the truth that you don't want to hear (or read). Clearly, all of my comments in this thread apply very much to you and all of your deceived, Satanic ilk; so, once more, be gone, Satan[ist(s)]!

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Christianity isn’t a birthright, but marked by a personal relationship with Jesus, which you evidently forfeited a long time ago.

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"It is written, thus says the Lord [God the Father through Jesus the Christ, the Word(s) of God and the Maker / Creator of all things except evil]...":

"...Get... behind (Jesus the Christ), Satan[ist(s)]..."! "...You are of your (lord and master) the devil, and the lies of your (lord and master, Satan) you... do (perpetrate and perpetuate)..."! "...Repent, for the kingdom of (God and of) heaven is (very near) at hand..."! [Matthew 16:23, John 8:44 and Matthew 4:17; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]

"...Even so, (return quickly), Lord Jesus (the Christ)..."! [Revelation 22:20; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]

In Jesus the Christ's name, be gone, Satan[ist(s)]!

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Michael Palmer visited Hiroshima following the war. He wrote a book titled Hiroshima Revisited where he lays out a case for napalm and mustard gas being used to fake the atomic bombings. Another author, Akio Nakatani wrote the book Death Object: Exploding The Nuclear Weapons Hoax. I suggest reading these books if you want to dive deeper into the nuclear weapons topic.


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Hell, the REAL Alien Invasion was bad enough!

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There are enough problems to think about going on today, without dwelling on aliens from another planet. The people who have been running the show the past four years feel like aliens to me. They invited people from all over to come to America...and are out to get rid of Americans. Who are these aliens in the White House??

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Apparently you are unaware of the SUV sized drones flying all over New Jersey......

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A large drone was reported over the marina on Sanibel tonight.

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The drones are flying over GA also.

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I knew there were drones flying over NJ, but did not know they were the size of an SUV! I read they were launched off an Iranian ship....

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That was BS propaganda. Has to be U.S. govt.

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Hello Barbara Charis. I agree. I believe people *need* to turn off their cell phone and Hollywood inspired hallucinations, and get a life. The populace has been pre-programmed for "alien" contact scenarios for over 100 years. Considering the Universe is infinite, what's alien?

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The drones are coming from a group of US patriots who were unknowingly enlisted in illegal black ops regarding reverse engineering of recovered ET technology. This group, for ethical reasons, has decided to defect (if one can in fact really be said to defect from an illegal op) and is releasing tech at this time to facilitate a further cracking of the PYSOP that has been underway against humanity for quite a while. The mainstream narrative will most likely be to attribute these drone occurrences to an alien invasion but full discloser of the identity of all operatives in this current event has been promised. To be sure, the tech that the real ET's have is so far beyond the assets of any reverse engineering program that has occurred on earth it is laughable.

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Yeah I have noticed the uptick in these stories all year. Celebrities like Shaquille O'Neal and other influencers were talking about aliens and affirming their existence. Definitely trying to massage public opinion for sure.

My take is a little different though. There is definitely something that world powers/governments have been communicating with. To many it might appear as extraterrestrials or aliens. To the spiritual it would appear to be the fallen angels or Nephilim. In the end times according to the Bible Satan is cast out of heaven for good (he still has access) and he takes 1/3 of the heavenly host with him to Earth. And he knows his time is short. And what do you know humanity is moving at warp speed to achieve it's one world government.

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I reposted this because of the drones all over New Jersey...

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And I replied to your repost because I agreed with you in the sense that this is fake. BUT in another sense this narrative being created is very real and will lead unto the next big lie or delusion.

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That is very possible.

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well explained

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Posiblemente, tengan personas modificadas genéticamente en laboratorios adiestrados y controlados, o con cirugías transformadoras, también puede ser modificaciones transhumanitas

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Look up the credentials of those pushing this "invasion"

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Early in the piece, them who own us used religion to control us.

Look at them now! ..... They own The Vatican City for cash.

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