When the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center occurred, I was both outraged and a little skeptical. Throughout the 1990s there was a strong push to stop illegal immigration and call for a moratorium on legal immigration to the U.S. coming from the Buchanan wing of the Republican Party. There were many driving factors to this position, and these included cultural, ethnic, economic, and national security reasons.
When the attacks occurred, it was a further confirmation in my mind of a lax immigration policy combined with an interventionist foreign policy leading to disaster. My initial skepticism about the attacks swiftly changed into seeing the whole thing as a false flag and a scam. This was largely the result of the fact that the borders of the Untied States were shut down immediately after the attacks, to the point where even the flow of illegal drugs virtually stopped. Then, suddenly, the Bush administration (don’t blame me I voted for Buchanan, not Bush or Gore) opened up the borders. This made zero sense to me. I looked at it in simple terms. The delivery system of mass destruction was an immigrant, legal, or illegal.
At the same time the borders of the United States were no longer being policed, the Uniparty ushered in police state measures, created the dehumanizing Transportation Security Agency (TSA), sexual assault and groping with Porno Scanners became the new normal to fly on an airline. We also got the NAZI modeled Department of Homeland Security (DHS), along with the not so Patriot Act creating a surveillance state. Instead of policing our borders, the decision was made to create a police state.
While this mad exchange occurred, there was a propaganda campaign whipping up a fever support for the Unpatriotic Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Logically this seemed really flawed. No policing of the borders yet Americans got the police state. Then, stirring up a hornet’s nest overseas while still not protecting the borders from a reciprocal attack, just didn’t add up. Clearly, the jihadist threat was over estimated since no attacks occurred in the past 23 years….
The purpose of no borders and these wars, and the U.S. military in general, is to promote world government and drain the U.S. of its resources, in an effort to bring down the United States. It is an asymmetrical warfare campaign. This is an international deep state operation. Pax Romana lasted 500 years after the fall of the Roman Republic, Pax Americana lasted about 35-40 years after the end of the Cold War. If the post WWII United States simply maintained its restrictive immigration policy and a returned to a non interventionist foreign policy, the United States would have been poised for a 1000 year run. Instead, we are losing a war designed not just to topple our government, we are losing a war of extermination.
One of the facts that really glared at me during this time, was that Bush was able to squash the non military interventionist wing, resurrected by Buchanan in the 1990s. Bush also ushered in police state measures that Bill Clinton would never have been able to accomplish. The Republican Party of the 1990s had a strong non interventionist strain developing as well as a libertarian anti big government police state sentiment. The Waco massacre and the Oklahoma City bombing, the U.S. bombings in Serbia, a former Soviet bloc nation, these all received push back to some degree. Yet, Republicans were essentially held hostage when Bush was president. Military interventionism was okay, a police state was okay, all in the name of national security.
How exactly can a war against an amorphous enemy called terrorism ever actually be won?
Anyway, trillions in debt later and stuck with a police state and unfettered illegal immigration, then came 2020. The set up was the same playbook used in 911. Ratcheted up fear against an ‘invisible enemy’ and police state initiatives were implemented that Obama would have received push back from Republicans on.
Would all fifty governors have complied with fifteen days to slow the curve, if Obama was president?
A key difference was that it was left to the states to implement these psychopathic authoritarian measures. This created a bit of a dog and pony show as it allowed governors to be cheered for not being quite as authoritarian as other governors, and so on. This approach also provided plausible deniability. Regardless, we ended up with an unimaginable police state apparatus that was dehumanizing to an extreme. Instead of a foreign war, the war propaganda was geared toward Americans, masks, lockdowns, and especially in the form of a so called ‘vaccine’. Covid 19 and Covid 19 injections are biological and technological weapons. They are nanoparticle weapons. Patents, pharma documents, and evidence in the blood, support this view. Government and pharma poisoned 271 million Americans.
Flash forward to October 7, 2023. Brutal attacks occurred in Israel. However, like 911, it appears an inside job and stand down orders were given for approximately 7 hours. Next we have a genocide occurring in Gaza and efforts to expand the war into a regional and world war continued, backed by many in the United States.
When this occurred, I warned about the set up for domestic terrorism attacks under the guise of Hamas or Hezbollah. Alex Jones, (more people listen to him than me) warned about this in his Tucker Carlson interview. Unfortunately, this is looking more likely to occur at this time. My hope is that if enough people become aware of this possibility to the point that the deep state will not try it.
Recently, I was sent this video by several different friends that don’t even know each other, of a Butler County Ohio Sheriff on Youtube talking about a briefing in DC where the FBI director warned about domestic attacks. The sheriff talks about how we are bombing two countries and are not securing our borders. He warns about bad actors coming into the country and how the White House refused to meet with the Sheriff or Police Chiefs organization.
Whether this sheriff is in on it or if he is just being played, I don’t know. He may be an honest man that is concerned. Regardless, this looks like a psyop designed to prime Americans for the false flag terrorist attacks on soft targets across the country. This is again the same playbook from 911. Covid did this greatly, and this false flag operation would move it forward, it is just like 911, but they want to make the whole country like the airport.
Total control.
When the government creates a problem and offers a solution, don’t buy it. It is a scam. If the government doesn’t want domestic terrorist attacks, it could secure the border and adopt a non interventionist foreign policy. Otherwise, everything else it does will take away your rights one way or another.
The sheriff in the video did put forth one reasonable idea. States could pass legislation making it a felony for illegal aliens to be in their state. This would allow states to effectively deal with the situation without infringing on individual rights.
Outside of that, don’t buy what they are selling. If you do, they will confiscate firearms, we will have check points and metal detectors all over the place, in essence, the whole country will become the airport. The same cowards that were demanding masks and lockdowns will be demanding you go through a metal detector to buy a cup of coffee…
When the overarching goals are population reduction and stricter controls, be ready for anything. I would like to think our state is well up there on the freedom curve, but our governor’s close relationship to the Bush cabal and the early report from our “Grand Jury” focusing on masks and lockdowns does little to assuage my doubts. It would appear to make sense to ban outlaw Geoengineering over our state for the same reasons as we are trying to ban the jab. The materials we KNOW are in the chemtrails are toxic to mst plants and animal, and it would be niece that think that we not being aerosol injected with the toxic MRNa
The government reflects the people: why we need to help others let go of control, and let a little God and nature into their lives, with art, love, and liberating them from tech addiction and cell phones that are leading to a life of slavery.
Love your work Joseph, thank you for being the light in this world.