When the overarching goals are population reduction and stricter controls, be ready for anything. I would like to think our state is well up there on the freedom curve, but our governor’s close relationship to the Bush cabal and the early report from our “Grand Jury” focusing on masks and lockdowns does little to assuage my doubts. It would appear to make sense to ban outlaw Geoengineering over our state for the same reasons as we are trying to ban the jab. The materials we KNOW are in the chemtrails are toxic to mst plants and animal, and it would be niece that think that we not being aerosol injected with the toxic MRNa

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Yes, agree that we have to anticipate anything and eliminate the psychopathic nonsense they are already doing like geo-engineering.

Even injection with the toxins barium, strontium, and aluminum that we know for a fact are in geo-engineering chemtrails is enough to cause health problems and weaken people's immune systems -- to the point that even a conventional pandemic X (being transmitted person to person) could wipe out a massive number of people and potentially scare everyone else enough to agree to get a jab.

You have to be suspicious when the elite are building bunkers. What exactly is being planned?

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The other issue of spraying with reactive metals is the likely diminution of atmospheric oxygen both from loss of an oxygen molecule in the reaction in the air column as well as reduction in photosynthesis.

Looking for someone that can figure both of those in the amounts necessary to spray to give us a 1% atmospheric gas reduction globally absent or considering reductions in ocean plankton 02 production impacts. Is there a good uncompromised atmospheric chemist out there?

Related to that is, can evolutionary changes be observed in human bacteria with a 1% reduction? How would one design the experimental model?

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The government reflects the people: why we need to help others let go of control, and let a little God and nature into their lives, with art, love, and liberating them from tech addiction and cell phones that are leading to a life of slavery.

Love your work Joseph, thank you for being the light in this world.

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Joe, you are on Fire. Whole lot of brutal clarity and about damned Time. We need thinking people like you handing out the facts. All True and Well Done.👍🇺🇸

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Exactly, Dr Sansone! Thank you for this article. Very prescient of you to see the government could use attacks on US soil to turn the whole country into a security state. "For our safety". Nope.

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What would be the right country to bomb in response to 9/11?

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Washington DC. Not a state just a district crawling with Commies

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Commies / Zionists

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As much fun as that sounds Claire, let us never forget that any sort of violence plays right into their hands. Fortunately we may have a better play, which I call Starving Leviathan. With De-centralization, Nullification and Secession, we simply stop feeding the monster ...


Over 139,000 Texans signed the petition to allow a vote on Texas regaining her Independence. You can bet they remember the evil Lincoln's genocide and know it won't be pretty this time either, but they have figured out that the price of staying is much higher than the price of leaving.

Best of luck friend,

~~ j ~~

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It’s a horrible thought and I don’t condone it. But it inarguable that most of our problems would go away with a LOT less Washington influence. They are beyond incompetent. They are committing terrorism and genocide against us and a good part of the rest of the world.

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Open up the browser of your choice and do a search for "Israel did 9/11 all the proof in the world" and see what comes up.

You can also listen to what Alan Sabrosky has to say. It confirms what I am saying is true.


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And now we're droning Iraq again - the country we supposedly freed from Sadam Hussein's tyranny. It's insane and the drones will eventually be unleased on U.S. citizens if we don't defend the original Constitution.

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It all begins and ends with the Intelligence Agencies. They are in a world-wide scam to take over, pretending to be for the WHO and WEF, they are actually Marxists (beholding to Russia/China) but graduating from those backward countries. The center of Marxism moved from the Kremlin, to Beijing, and then to Washington, DC.

It's here, now, and wants you dead or a slave to it.

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Thank you Dr. Sansone . A honest article from start to finish . I was a strong supporter of Pat Buchanan too . During his time it was the North American Union what we had to be concerned . Now they go farther . NWO . It is a painful process to see this country to dissipate .

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I saw that Ohio Sheriff interview and thought the same thing. We need these Sheriffs to realize who is the enemy.

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Thank you.

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Thank you for this article! The second I heard the Ohio Sheriff speak I saw a psyop. I circulated the vid of him along with the warning not to heed his call. In the last three days I have been called everything but sane and intelligent. People are ready to be fearful, and thus controlled. Again. We can not help them. They do not want to rise from the slumber that cradles them.

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That's because you're a bright light!

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On target, as usual. Coincidently, Jeff Childers outlines a case for a tit-for-tat war already in progress. https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/implausible-deniability-monday-february

> "How many coincidences does it take? How many to conclude that the U.S. and Russia are involved in tit-for-tat infrastructure attacks? Whenever a Ukrainian drone hits a Russian oil refinery, guess what immediately happens to an American oil refinery? It’s like the Russians aren’t even blaming Ukraine anymore. It’s gotten to the point that, when I see news of a Russian refinery fire, I start counting down until I see the bookend story over here."

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Dr. Sansone, you are right on the money, keep going, we are with you.

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Thank you Dr. Sansone!

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All good points if you want to preserve a nation based on a constitution that enshrines human rights and limits govt. I believe we can all agree America passed those precepts some time ago. Kennedy and Nixon I believe were the last two American presidents to actually try and hold the reins of power, even though that power had long before been passed off to others not in govt.. American elected office holders follow the script on any decision their controllers desire. Govt is still given the prerogative on where to place stop signs I believe. The WEF and its controllers desire a multi polar world by 2030. To do that the USA and the American people with their pesky constitution must be brought low.. China is the model. The EU has already been hamstrung economically, NATO emasculated, both with the 'designer' conflict in Ukraine. The open borders signify that the nation state has been breached and sovereignty lays elsewhere. Americans will have to fight to get it all back. Hopefully this can be accomplished in a non violent manner.

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Another 1,000 able bodied illegal immigrant males came through the border AGAIN. we are being invaded. This too has been going on.

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I am really impressed. Very few people have put all that together. You’re pretty well spot on. Thank you for sharing your truth. We need more to stop this.

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