I wish you to hit their Achilles' Heel. If they should keep being shielded by a now totally corrupt legal system, it certainly won't be because you let up in your dedication to protect the population. Presently however, at the highest echelons of power they are covertly suspending everybody's Constitutional Rights!

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Hey Dr. S.

I am having some trouble understanding how we win this.

I mean, in the long run, is this system meant to tie us up in

meanderings.....I will forever salute the effort but I have to ask

the hard question, when and how does it stop?

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Also, there needs to be many cases in every state pushing this.

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When I win...lol well, if you see my post about the motion to vacate and amended appellate brief I should win the appeal based on that one issue alone. The circuit court was not supposed to dismiss the case prior to my serving a summons.


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Dr. Sansone I expect you will take someone with if you’re given the opportunity to present your oral argument (s). There is strength in numbers.

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Pfizer, Moderna, and the Gene Therapy Scandal

.. a significant aside to the contamination issue .. shared with DOGE


FEB 21


Prominent Australian Human RIghts Lawyer of many years standing, Mr Julian GIllespie.

His site "Jules on the Beach" has details. He is meticulous in his work.


The World needs to be taught about Pscycopathic personality, its such crucial knowledge for The People to have for them to enable them to understand the characteristics of this mental health condition and how it has and is being played out on The People.

THeir hatred for humanity and the fact that they think they are always right and must always WIN and so many more negatives, the Majority of human beings simply do not understand that these characteristics are present in what can be a charming person if it so pleases the Psycopath to use that as a weapon, and conversly their hatred for innocent people so destructive and determined.

This is about their deep need to manipulate and control their envirobment as they are so out of control internally.

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