Jun 7Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

"Turn the cameras around" should be the mantra!

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Yes, the subtitle throws a whole new light on things.

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Also: Turn the guns and military weapons around...

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YES! Turn everything around!

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Lets turn the poison needles around and stick it up their asses .

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Jun 7Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Wow, perfectly stated and not at all too far. This is exactly what big government has done to us. We are no longer a republic with a 'right to privacy' nor do we have 'free speech'. Our children are no longer safe in US schools promoting bizarre behavior and dangerous physical harm, literally based on normalizing mental illness. Your article showcased our situation and came up with brilliant answers! Thank you, yes, "Turn the Cameras Around" 👏👏👏👏.

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Jun 7Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Good idea! Problem is that we have captivated politicians in DC who take their marching orders from special interests!

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Jun 7Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Clearly, they need to go. How is another question.

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Jun 7Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

No, I don’t think you are taking it too far. In reality, only decent people would want to go to work for the government.

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No 'decent' person would want to work for government. All these payable pimps are pimping for social oligarchy and corporate dictatorships. Definition - Committee: Ten arms. Ten legs. Five assholes...

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She's pointing out that if the government is forced to be accountable, THEN the pimps would scatter and only those who have no ulterior motive (i.e. decent people) would apply for government work.

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The government IS being held accountable. Government employees are having their pockets stuffed with corporate sponsorship and racketeering money. Same as it ever was...

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The government is being held accountable??? News to me. Regulatory capture by corporate interests isn't my definition of accountability. So far, all I've seen is political theater, and I suspect the end result will be what it's always been, i.e. a single solitary scapegoat. If we're lucky.

Oh, and even if the government was to be held accountable, in the grand scheme of things they're just bit players. We've had a number of Presidents openly point out that the people pulling the strings are never going to be held accountable. Holding government accountable is a very useful distraction to allow the mentally enfeebled peasant class to feel like justice has been served.

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Jun 7Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone


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Jun 7Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Brilliant Idea !

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Jun 7Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

It’s not Government it’s cabal

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Like Parkay & Butter - No difference (;

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I dig the premise. For me we must go back to the basics! Does the government work for you or do you work for the government?

Are you here to serve the government or is the government here to serve you?

Are we the bait or the fisherperson?

What is the purpose of the government?

Keep on bringing the heat on this subject please!!! In my estimation the upside world is in full effect. We are the servants to our government officials and we appear to like it.

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"Are we the bait or the fisherperson?" I'm from the Midwest. A 'leader' here is a small length of line connected to a fishing bait... We're the fish...

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Thanks for noticing and the clarification. Cheers

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Well it is named public service. Sunshine!

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Explain what you mean please

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Too many policies, executive orders and laws coupled with powers the Federal government has co-opted or that the states gave over have made the state too powerful. The citizenry has allowed these things and the government has moved to use their power to rule over the people, spy and attempt to enslave. The government needs to be monitored and limited. How often have you noticed how our Senators and Reps are more concerned with what is best for them and not the people? These people need to be monitored. Many do the ethical moral only when cornered like a rat.

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Now we are tawkin and squawkin. Your response is clear and concise. Folks have to get out of their uncomfortable comfortability! The concept of public service is now just a prehistoric adage. What has to be thought is how do we govern in the 21st network economy! Ethics and morals are a antiquated concepts. We now have a couple generations that have frown up in degenerative moral environment. So how do we get back to morals and ethics when much of what we do is artificial?

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Jun 7Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

I’ll get the screwdrivers! Say when.

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Jun 7Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Yes yes yes yes yes. Immediate access to public servants’ work; no more paying to request information regarding public servants or waiting for the “request” to be “approved” and responded to. I am of the mind to not take anyone’s sovereignty, thus employees need not be filmed at all times but every bit of work should be immediately accessible with direct accountability to their clients (whoever elected them). To begin making such changes, I would presume we simply begin with one person and office at a time. We get someone to begin somewhere and suggest other locales do the same. Stop this nonsense of having to make a law or regulation for basic practices. The point of the constitution was to limit government powers; they have no right to make deals with corporations which results in poisoning our water, soil, food and skies. They have no right to mandate health protocols, spy on citizens, create narratives for media (or social engineering of any sort) , interfere in other countries’ business, or any of the other gazillion bullshit control tactics.

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Jun 7Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Interesting thought and self evident infact, just not thought before...Of course you are right and of course this upside down world we are in is long gone obnoxious even dangerous to live in. I do believe t hat ordinary self reflecting stories like the just read really do t he trick, to mirror us in t his awful situation we are at!

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Jun 7Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

I agree turn them around!!!!!!!

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Jun 8Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

At the time when computers became available to the general public ,it was celebrated as a giant step to freedom and knowledge for the masses . That would only be true if the government would not now be able to use the computer against us ,as a weapon . That was my thinking at the time ,as it still is now

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Jun 8Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Way to go, Joseph. I've been thinking this for years. I also believe military weapons, judicial investigations, and policing actions are aimed the wrong way... Best regards.

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Jun 8Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone




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Jun 7Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Great minds think alike.


I call her "T-1."


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