Hi Dr. Sansone

Targeted Justice was informed that their lawsuit was not selected for review, as well. It’s going to take THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of people (just like in the Todd Calendars’ case) to get these cases noticed by the courts. You never gave up. I commend you for your bravery and I pray you keep fighting the good fight.

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God bless you Dr. Sansone. God bless you!

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What is wrong with that Desantis man?

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Zionist, to start.

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Did they put extra fluoride in Desantis’s water?

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Or instead of fluoride a stack of money ?? Brought to him by Pfizer ??

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The Corruption/Evil Runs Deep! All of these people have blood on their hands. Praying for you & your efforts! 🙏

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It looks like that the only way to have justice is when millions of people are coming out to protest on the street. This is the only thing that can scare enough politicians and judges to do the right thing and remember that they have a responsibility to serve the people, and not the other way around. The very same thing happened with the polio vaccines: until millions took to the street demanding the withdrawal of the polio vaccines that were killing and injuring too many people, neither the politicians nor the justice system did anything at all! But millions of Americans protesting day after day scared them enough to act and remove the lethal injection from the market. The same will happen with the mRNA shots: until millions will start protesting against them, they will stay on the market.

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The smallpox vaccine also, was removed after a massive public campaign in the UK.

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Since you apparently have this off the top of your head, would you please bring inform me about the polio jabs which were forced off the market: when?...where? - then, I'll try to find more info via a search. Thank you.

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All this work and tenacity snd sound ressoning and judicalities and he still has not come around! A big why should be put to him..does he want more people to get sick or what is it? I suppose waiting for Trump, like waiting fot Godot, not valid any more...


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How many times needs it be said?. ,Politicanoes ,the man from government is not our friend .

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Can there be more convincing evidence that DeSantis is a traitor who supports the NWO agenda to kill us off?

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Jury Nullification: The People's Secret Weapon Against Tyranny


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Yes. Readers should review the cited link, as the Tenth Amendment Center is an excellent source of Constitutional intent and dictate. Trial by jury has become a near impossible *process* intentionally stonewalled by jurisdictional corruption and International BAR Association dictate. Most readers have no clue regarding BAR Association membership.

That said: Authentic Grand Jury proceedings would put an end to European mafia control of our courts systems... Thank you for posting.

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Disappointing but not unexpected. Judges don't bother to hide their prejudices. Keep preserving your rights on appeal.

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