For the love of all things holy!!....What degree of arm twisting must be employed to get someone who supposedly "gets it" to do something that is so blatantly obvious?? Get rid of this shit! Obliterate it from every crack, crevice and swamp in the entire state. WTH??!! Just how many pharmaceutical companies are these 2 invested in?

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Disappointing when judges signal their disinterest in hearing from appellants and do not wish to ask any questions, seek clarification, or challenge an argument before passing judgment.

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That proves again that all holding power ,are always the enemy of the people .

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What Dr. Sansone is doing should really be the job of DeSantis .

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When mind control is part of the capabilities of the vaccine and the sprays in the sky it makes it hard to get through the courts if not impossible.

This unfortunately is beyond the courts and the federal government. Least we have the 2nd amendment because the first has already been taken.

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Well done! Every one of their bullshit countermoves must be countered. Instant karma won't go away. Thank you for letting your anger rampage creatively!

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You are relentless, Joe. Keep it going and know that we appreciate you!

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Ana, as a retired lawyer and farmer with decades of experience, let me point out things Dr Sansone is aware of, but maybe your readers are not. First, you cannot FORCE a court to hear oral argument. Personally I think they should. Show the millions of injured and the families of the dead from this genocidal "vaccine" that they at least "get it." Second, oral argument can cut both ways, although I think the facts are on your side. That said, I love your work. Charles Heekin, agrislave, Punta Gorda Florida.

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The judge should do what is ethically and morally correct and within legal limits. Not "forced",

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But they are human beings with opinions of their own. Believe me.

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Oh - no doubt ! But promoting their personal bias / opinion is not in the job. Is the jusdge getting threatened or bought off, as is too common? What I really don't get is what could the Globalist possibly take/offer someone to deliver humanity up for slavery and slaughter? There's just not anything to preserve at that point yet they capitulate.

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I am amazed these judges have such a lack of concern regarding the citizens and countless lives at stake. Let's not even mention the fact they are to uphold the law and don't even pretend to try.

What is the next legal step? PLEASE CONTINUE, even though it appears insanity/stupid is alive and well in FL judicial system. People matter more than a rigged system that's desperate to keep you quiet.

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Thank you doesn't quite cover it. You are a force of good in a world of evil.

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Perhaps the term, "Good guys" is relative. Vote the bums out! The stakes are too great to do anything else, in a civilized manner.

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Thank you Dr Sansone.

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Thank you Dr. Joseph Sansone for your continuing efforts to protect all of us from the dangers of the bioweapon jab. May our dear Lord help you with your burden to endure in spite of the barriers Satan has placed before you

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Thank you Dr. Joe.

It's ironic that you are fighting for the survival of the DeSatanis and Mood families too. They are the useful idiots of the political class who enable the bio-digital war against humanity. But eventually, through shedding, it would destroy their families as well.

Do these collaborators believe they have an antidote to the nanotechnology?

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Praying for victory!

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