Jun 21Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Yes it should happen now. Yes it should have happened some time ago. Yes they should have never rolled out the injections knowing what they knew. But yet here we are in an election year, teetering on the brink of WWIII with the US dollar poised to collapse. What will they pull prior to Nov? For me, I have a daughter who lives in Kansas who wouldn't talk to me for 1 year because I pushed her to not get the jab. She got 3 and now after trying for a year seems she is unable to get pregnant. If she does get pregnant, what will she face if she births a baby? I still do not think she has connected the dots. Maybe this will help her see the light. Kansas AG Kobach's press release he looks visibly distraught as he reads the case details. This man is out on a limb. Courage is contagious.

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Sorry to hear that, Scott. These people that did this are sick.

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Jun 21Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Joe your work is extraordinary. Thank you.

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This is where the rubber SHOULD meet the road: >>> Pfizer Inc. is a publicly traded corporation organized in the *State of Delaware* with a principal place of business in New York, New York. Pfizer has been registered to do business in Kansas since June 8, 1993.

The date of filing its original Certificate of Incorporation with the Secretary of State was June 2, 1942. >>> RESTATED CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF PFIZER INC.


Revocation proceedings often occur under the registrar States Chancery. >>>

2022 Delaware Code - Title 8 - Corporations - Revocation or forfeiture of charter; proceedings.


The rest is theater...

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Jun 21Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

We can’t give up …. ever . 🙏

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Jun 21Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Whilst I applaud the efforts toward Remedy, I am AGAIN compelled to suggest a more positive remedy to violations of Corporate Charter by Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, ALL United States Health and Human Services adjuncts, and indeed, ALL Federal "agencies" such as the Environmental Protection Agency. The willful murder of millions is only part of the problem... Read the Corporate Charters of any or all of these frauds, and the picture becomes glaringly clear...

Readers and persons seeking legal remedy should pursue Lawful remedy via Quo Warranto processes in all United States jurisdictions. Revocation of the above Corporate Charters and seizure of all assets and physical property would resolve the *actual* issues at hand. Interested parties may find this briefing helpful: Killing Goliath: Defending Our Sovereignty and Environmental Sustainability through Corporate Charter Revocation - in Pennsylvania and Delaware

Thomas Linzey >>> 1/1/1997 >>> https://elibrary.law.psu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1088&context=pselr

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

We need criminal indictments because these people can just print whatever money they need to pay fines or cover bankruptcies.

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Good point....

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We must also ultimately strip immunities from rogue international organizations like the BIS, WHO and UN.

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Jun 21Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Well said, Dr. Joe.

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Jun 21Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone


Our Natural Immunity

Against Bullshit


Well, It’s Glorious.

How Many More People Are Going To

Have To Die

For Robert Malone’s Personal Growth?


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Jun 21Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Why isn't Moderna also being sued? They should be put out of business like Pfizer, and all their ill-gotten loot given to the victims of the "vaccine" scam.

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Jun 21Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

This is Wonderful- Thank you Dr. Sansone and the state of Kansas! I live in New York State which is the worst, we have a Governor who is pathetic, so we are in a battle here. I’m hopeful that more and more states come forward now, courage is contagious (normally).

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Jun 21Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

I wonder if my new state of Idaho will take this deeper. Let me know if I can help.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 22Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Just sent an email moments ago requesting Rep. Mark Pless (NC) sponsor legislation taking legal action against Pfizer as they've done there in Kansas. Will let you all know when he responds. (feel free to get my daily blog - see below)

And how about this?... Everyone who believes all government officials must be 'on the record' and held accountable, here's at least one way to do it. Sent them an email requesting they take legal action as Kansas has done. Include this post by Dr. Joe so they'll have no excuse for refusing to act on your request. Essentially, you'll be handing them a rope. Either they will use it to swing to safety by agreeing to do their part and hold Pfizer accountable, or they'll effectively 'hang themselves' by coming up with some lame-ass excuse as to why they won't act to protect you and your family from an officially acknowledged bioweapon.

It's too late for plausible deniability and more people everyday are coming to that realization.

Then a running database will need to be setup to keep track of how your trusted representatives have responded. Don't know exactly how that would work but maybe some of you might have some suggestions?

A time is coming when ALL those who had the power will be either rewarded or condemned for their actions. So, let the chips fall where they may!

William Raymond: pastor & ambassador at Law for the Christ

MartinTaylorRickenbacker@gmail.com - THE GREAT TRIBULATION REPORT ONLINE (daily blog)

WilliamRaymond@thechurchatSalem.info (personal email)

www.thechurchatSalem.info (website)

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Jun 21Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

It is like music to read...I think you are on to something important, the fraud and treason among the top shots in state and federal government who must have cooperated with crimiinal Pfizer. Which leads over to even more possibility of further treason by those, to get easier treatment when the chips are coming down. Treason to be sought among those who might tell something prosecutionable, remember Sejanus and Tiberius, and the guard guy who further let down Sejanus. Having committed one crime, it is easy to comit the next. So any port openings there?

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Jun 22Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Agree 100%. This is a criminal case not a civil one. It involves death, deception, cover-up, deliberate acts of intent to knowingly cause harm. More criminal cases should be filed, indictments must be handed out. People who did this should be in prison now, not later. This is a weak start, hopefully much more will be done as more wake up. Thank you for always shining a light on the truth!

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Jun 21Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

So where is Florida’s grand jury that’s investigating CV 19 and the Big Pharma cabal? BTW, given Dr. Boyle’s affidavit,all injectable anesthesia used in dental procedures give that they include a hydrogel lipid nano particles containing graphene oxide are mRNA bio weapons and have been for a few years. Informed consent?

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Every thinking adult - everywhere - needs to see this brilliant article! Thank you, doc!!!👍😊

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

Yes, Pfizer is not innocent. However, the DOD is running the show. We MUST change the legal but UNLAWFUL laws that over the past decades have been erected to allow this culling of our population to occur. The laws must be CHANGED BACK to what was original at county, STATE and national levels. Look at substacks of Sasha Latypova and Kathryn Watt (Baliwick News).

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I think these laws need to be recognized as unconstitutional and therefore void.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

Yes, they ARE unconstitutional. However, until they are OFF the books, a new ruling at a later date by the Supreme Court could change it BACK, IF all you do is state they are unconstitutional. The PREP act and other pertinent laws must be taken OFF the books, because they ARE unconstitutional, as well. We are looking at a coup d'etat of our government, IF we do not act in cutting out not only the primary cancer but also the metastasis of the cancer.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Author

Seeking to repeal them gives them legitimacy. The Courts need to rule unconstitutional, but States also need to simply nullify these laws.

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Jun 21Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

I understand your point now....

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Federal, State Officials Aiding Criminal Misconduct, Corruption, Injustice and Sexual Abuse "Under Color of Law"

Eighty traffic stops in four years. Five robberies. Home invasion and death threats by armed Sheriff Deputies with AR-15s and shotguns pointed at my head and at my dog "Boomer's" head while two young children were mere feet away on a second floor. False arrest. False imprisonment. Actionable evidence including recordings, documents, hundreds of witnesses contact information with no conflicts of interest esp. regarding crimes against children involving rape and abuse.

Only EXTERNAL demands might drive long-overdue official accountability, investigation, oversight, an end to abuses, brutality, crimes of a community & local, State & Federal corruption that would shock most Americans. It sounds unbelievable, but is very much real in Wilmington N.C.

Though provided irrefutable almost certainly admissible evidence of criminal activities involving:

U.S. Department of Justice & F.B.I. involvement in extensive criminal misconduct by Corrupt North Carolina officials including sexual abuses of children, theft of Federal funds, lynching's, retaliatory murders, torture, violence & retribution against child victims, families & the few who have dared discuss horrific abuses suffered & retaliation by officials, prosecutors & bribed media.

This "Culture of Corruption," once pursued, is now Assisted, Protected by the U.S. DOJ, FBI USAO despite vast evidence & growing #s of victims of violent criminal acts that any remotely moral person would conclude:




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