I've always said that DeSantis is a FRAUD!

He ALLOWED the release of EVIL Bill Gates' BIO-WEAPON Mosquitoes in to his state.

ALL Floridians should be suing his ass off, just for THAT!

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Mr DeSantis is not only impersonating a governmental official (18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights --- and 18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law) Mr Desantis is now a criminal Felon.

15 U.S. Code § 2616 - Specific enforcement and seizure >>> https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/15/2616

Read the entire text carefully. Now read this: 18 U.S. Code § 3 - Accessory after the fact >>>


Lawsuits are not the way forward. These are violations of Code and Statute and are Criminal acts. Mr DeSantis needs to be arrested...

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I agree!

ALL of 'them' need to be arrested! Even the one sitting in the WH.

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I am so tired of Florida’s now undeserved recognition as a “free state,” when our legal and political leadership refuse to recognize data from hundreds of peer reviewed studies and unbiased scientists and our own Surgeon General. Given the condition of the State’s Republican Party I fear that next election we could lose our SG and move further in the wrong direction.

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Damn, Doc. You're going to be a lawyer before this is over.

Logical speculation is that The Governor has a vested interest in pharmaceutical poison being promoted. Perhaps he owns stock?

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You have worked so hard on this. Maybe DeSantis is bought. You have a lot of evidence that DeSantis had many chances and much information to make an informed decision regards the people of his state and chose to murder them. This will come in handy. I've just read this article about the massive increase in deaths of children, those who have been shot with the bioweapon. This article crunches the numbers, lots of pictures of graphs, and correlates it with the 2014-2020 2025 depopulation forecast by Deagel, a minor branch of US military intelligence.


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They always find some error even when there is none anyway. So the only ones erring here are those public office criminals who hide behind fat-cat lawyers so they can keep being accessories to genocide.

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Yes but I would not have realized this issue as an error by the Trial Court if they did not fiel this Notice so it could actually work in my favor. We'll see...

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Keep going Joe! Eventually, you — and the truth will prevail!

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Maybe Gov. D is worried about the vax/freedom friendly folks in FL? Money invested with pharma?

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Mistakes aren't mistakes unless one refuses to learn from them......bless you sir.....

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I am using it in my appeal now. The judge was not supposed to dismiss before I served process.

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Do you think people are invested in pharma stock , that they hold on to it for dear life in stead of getting rid of it and taking a loss ….. because it’s the right thing to do . 🧐🤔c’mon Desantis look at the data, for the sake of humanity … do the right thing

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You need a good attorney and never defend yourself or your argument alone. U lose before u start.

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lol Yeah right, show me an attorney that would do this? Where is that attorney willing to take a case saying these are bioweapons? And in a case not suing for monetary damages...Plus, I just uncovered another error by the Trial Court. Have you read my initial complaint and appellate brief? I'm holding my own. Remember they are afraid of the Bar...

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You'd better buy a nice comfy chair. There is no attorney going against the government unless, they know they can win millions. They do not care. I know for a fact as i am a PRO-SE on two cases and preparing a third one...They do not care. I have to study the law just like you to survive motions to dismiss. The second case, it is pending since January. They have yet to file a single paper and asked for an extension. Judges are quiet too...talk about manipulation of the judicial system... Judge should have filed something by now..nothing...zero..nada...the other side..nothing, zero...nada...looking for loopholes and errors to win...

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We have countless attorneys. If you can afford them you can get anything you want. I was trying to help you understand that when you go against attorneys (when you go to court), you need an attorney. It's a club and you're not invited. You need their people to get anywhere.

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An attorney would not get this any further than I have and an attorney would not likely take the case because they are afraid of judges and the bar and there is no money in it for them.. Dr. Boyle even said my complaint was a very fine piece of legal work and he liked my appeal too. Have you read my initial complaint or appellate brief? The attorney for the appellate brought this issue up because he probably thought I made the mistake. The court made the mistake.

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The video has some good points but LOST me when she mentioned "TRUMP has free us...". I mean. Talk about brainwashing...Trump is a ZIONIST. You can't understand how corrupt the system is until you understand that word...They control everything. The education, medicine and healthcare industry....our tax dollars (trillions) to kill innocent in Palestine. Until we do not understand the enemy, we can't fix the USA problem. Eventually, the way of Palestine, will be the way we are going to live here...it is a matter of time because I don't see any Americans fighting for any rights... Do not tell me Trump is playing 3D chess...

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I agree 100% however Trump is just as guilty as the rest. Smith Munt act. Allowed they them he she to LIE to all of us and until their lies stop the GAME continues.

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This is not a case you are going to win. We have a corrupt system and we are not part of it, except to extract taxes to keep the system going. Try local county/city, filing NOLs/notice of liabilities. Sue them for constitutional rights violations or other violations...You can put liens, etc. on them...

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That is due to massive learned helplessness. The easy to win is to flood the courts with these kind of cases. Instead people sit on the sidelines and say you can't win because the courts are currupt. People should be filing cases. There should be at least 100 cases like mine in every state.

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Don't stop, you are absolutely fighting for what's left of the "pureblood" human race.

God bless you 🙏.

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The woman's testimony is right on target. Taxation, regardless of the proposed "excuse" is simple theft.

Income tax (Amendment was never ratified) Inheritance tax (simple Theft) Property tax (Extortion) Sales tax (Racketeering) All taxation's are Fraudulent, and are in fact, Extortion under the guise of 'legality'.

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Are you aware of the legal process? There is a $500 cost involved, which includes filing and summons. Furthermore, you must be prepared for what comes next depending on the other party's actions, such as motions. If you progress through these steps, and opt for a jury trial, note that it may not be scheduled until 2026-2027. Thus, it is unlikely that the matter will be resolved this year.

The other day, I examined a case of an indigent individual who had filed a lawsuit against judges, local politicians, and various officials, including DeSantis. The case is scheduled for trial next year. Despite facing 10 defendants, she persevered without backing from many attorneys, only receiving limited support from legal aid services. How many of your subscribers are willing to take legal action like she did? I can show you the documents so each one of your subscriber can start filing their own....you need to go after the constitution and USC violations.. Federal court. Forget about local courts...

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Yes look at response on the thread.

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The filing cost can be waved if filed correctly and argued in their own words. Especially when the subject matter is of great public interest.

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I agree. Most Americans are apathetic and waiting for their "savior" to save them. It ain't going to happen. We are being led straight to the slaughter "digital AI". You will own nothing and be happy...Their next plandemic is planned. The question is when? Spar pandemic documents list end of 2025 - 2028...and it could be related to the cancer mRNA...though they have over 500K pathogens they can release in a given moment. Ebola, Marburg, Swine flu, bird flu? Take your pick...

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It is very hard to get people to take this type of action. Been trying to get people to act for a while.

Yes and I am learning but it the judge dismissed this case so quickly I had not served notice yet. So when I served notice I did not include the summons since the case was already dismissed. Didn't seem to make sense since the summons is saying you have 20 days to respond. So I only served the complaint.

But the judge was not supposed to dismiss before I served notice and she did. I actually have 120 days to issue the summons. But the case is closed which is why I did a motion to vacate. The judge was not supposed to dismiss before I served notice. Literally a case from the 1DCA stated that and I included it above. I should win my appeal on that one issue alone. But we'll see.

As for the merits of my appeal it should not really matter because all the issues I am appealing on are matters of fact and law regarding the dismissal. The post dismissal service error is after the fact and I should be allowed to cure that defect anyway. But we'll see what the court does.

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I know they all worked together to make this situation and We must all work together to stop the Democide.

Enough plaintiffs standing in the Court and on the media will NOT go unnoticed.

I don't have the ability to generate Alex Jones follower's but with the properly worded case and let's say 10 thousand plaintiffs I bbelieve that the Supreme Court will have to take the case.

Or it will result in violence and that's exactly what they want.

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Interesting. Here in my county, the judges are not even involved in the case. I had to request a hearing otherwise, It'll just be there for months. Nobody is reading anything. but in your case, she acted that fast? That's definitely a violation of due process. She can't dismiss anything if you : 1- has not summons all defendants 2- they have 20 days to respond. Then a hearing is scheduled...There is something else going then...because it doesn't make any sense.

contact me in private. let's put our brains together and bring a suit in Federal court though, the FEDs are all involved in the bioweapon. I am not sure how this can be filed if your enemy is also the judge and the jury...

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DeSantis is heavily invested in the conspiracy and may be the or 1 of the reasons Substack blocks my posts, 115 posted and 33 drafts when Substack censorship kiked in. ??

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