The global Big Pharma criminal enterprise has captured national governments and mainstream media the world over, is immune from prosecution, is dictating policy to their political goons, is continuing to release unsatisfactorily tested fake mRNA products, democracy is being rapidly dismantled as we speak and as fake ‘vaccinated’ people d…
The global Big Pharma criminal enterprise has captured national governments and mainstream media the world over, is immune from prosecution, is dictating policy to their political goons, is continuing to release unsatisfactorily tested fake mRNA products, democracy is being rapidly dismantled as we speak and as fake ‘vaccinated’ people die in their many millions or are maimed for life in their many, many millions. Even this week in the US Congress, both parties were busily covering up this, the biggest and most deadly conspiracy ever. All the above means the psychopaths are free to continue drawing eye-watering profits and to keep on running with the original and subsequent distortions and lies. Hope this helps. Thanks 🙏
“… After thousands of deaths are recorded with the use of a product and no action is taken by anyone – manufacturer, regulators or law enforcement authorities, the situation should be considered fully intentional… That behavior of flat denial in the face of unequivocal harm signaled the intent. The intent to harm.”
This quote from Sasha Latypova’s Substack states my view perfectly.
The global Big Pharma criminal enterprise has captured national governments and mainstream media the world over, is immune from prosecution, is dictating policy to their political goons, is continuing to release unsatisfactorily tested fake mRNA products, democracy is being rapidly dismantled as we speak and as fake ‘vaccinated’ people die in their many millions or are maimed for life in their many, many millions. Even this week in the US Congress, both parties were busily covering up this, the biggest and most deadly conspiracy ever. All the above means the psychopaths are free to continue drawing eye-watering profits and to keep on running with the original and subsequent distortions and lies. Hope this helps. Thanks 🙏
I'm concerned it was stated there was no intent. No. I do not believe this.
Also, one of the war games talked about vaccine injuries. This was in 2017. You can see:
Look at page 43: "The anti-vaccination movement migrated to ZapQ upon its emergence in 2022" (Oh, where have we seen "Q" before.)
Page 59 is about Vaccine Injury. This was WELL planned.
“… After thousands of deaths are recorded with the use of a product and no action is taken by anyone – manufacturer, regulators or law enforcement authorities, the situation should be considered fully intentional… That behavior of flat denial in the face of unequivocal harm signaled the intent. The intent to harm.”
This quote from Sasha Latypova’s Substack states my view perfectly.