I believe even in the primaries - votes are being stolen here in IL

BUT - this strategy is worth a try!

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Still believe in the political process? Really?

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Well, he says at the end that he can't promise that the Precinct Strategy will work to save the country. Although he did say he knows it won't work if we don't do it....BTW I poste your video in Notes and on X.

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OSC - I started reading the Books of Acts; just the first 7 chapters define the vote. M

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Old School - I believe in the potential for good change - just like 30% of our Flawed, but brilliant Founding Fathers did in spite of the overwhelming British Tory sympathizers

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Great interview! I have his book. Thanks for helping to get the word out

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If you tolerate what your team Coke is doing to prevent team Pepsi from winning, you have to tolerate what team Pepsi does when they get back on top. This is what the flag waiving idiots in Murka fail to grasp. They've been fucked by the parasite class for countless decades, and still they come back for more.

US politics went beyond insane in November of 2016, and it just keeps on spiraling out of control.

I am SOOOOOooooooo glad I don't live there any more.

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The way I read what Dan Schultz is saying is that the precinct stategy is the way to throw the hijackers out of the airplane known as the US political system. In short, everybody in the US that view themselves as an adult has to grow a pair, step up to the plate and take responsibility for their own and their children's future.

It's either that, or let the parasites who hijacked America on 11.23.1963 continue until the plane crashes and burns. Remember: The hijackers are the only ones with parachutes.

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“Representative democracy only proves that 51% of the public can be 100% wrong 99% of the time” >>> - Paul Vonharnish - >>> (3/24/2022)

Selection of candidates via Sortition, and complete rescission of electoral college privileges, would be steps in the right direction.

A successful public referendum vote toward establishing *Direct Democracy* rather then delusional beliefs in representative democracy, would put an end to the kabuki theatrics we now enjoy...

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Sorry but Trump wants to take on the deep state. I probably wont vote for new beliefs have came up in my Religious beliefs but I like Trump. I also have evidence that one reason I am being targeted is because of Trump. One of my audio files says we bother Trump people meaning in v2k. We need to destroy fully the deep state. so yeah sorry...

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Mr Trump has no chance and no clue. The deep state is foreign owned, foreign financed, and completely incorporated into our economy. See:

Bank for International Settlements, Deutsche Bank AG (Frankfurt, Germany),

M.M.Warburg & CO ( Hamburg, Germany), Kuhn, Loeb & Co (New York), Barclays Bank (UK), UBS Group AG (Switzerland).

There are other players in the game. Many are "private interests" located in Belgium, Switzerland, and the Vatican.

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Not voting ■ for any adulterous person, nor one that will support others to kill their family; that is the start. Now if someone poisoned the world, not them either; never. M

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This is excellent.

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