Thank you for your dedication to stopping this destruction of humankind.

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I would have filed a Writ of Mandamus over a year ago. Oh well... For those who have no idea of the features of Mandamus filings. >>> Excerpted from: Mandamus - Wikipedia >>>

“Mandamus ("We command") is a judicial remedy in the form of an order from a superior court, to any government subordinate court, corporation, or public authority, to do (or forbear from doing) some specific act which that body is obliged under law to do (or refrain from doing), and which is in the nature of public duty, and in certain cases one of a statutory duty. It cannot be issued to compel an authority to do something against statutory provision. For example, it cannot be used to force a lower court to reject or authorize applications that have been made, but if the court refuses to rule one way or the other then a mandamus can be used to order the court to rule on the applications.

Mandamus may be a command to do an administrative action or not to take a particular action, and it is supplemented by legal rights. In the American legal system it must be a judicially enforceable and legally protected right before one suffering a grievance can ask for a mandamus. A person can be said to be aggrieved only when he or she is denied a legal right by someone who has a legal duty to do something and abstains from doing it.”

Governor Ron DeSantis is an Accessory After the Fact and is Aiding and Abetting genocide.

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Did you read it? I did put that one in there....:)

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Hello Joseph: Yes. Very well done.

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I looked it up as well! Judges do Writs to Order something/someone to do something/or not. Didn't know that it was a Writ of Mandamus. Had to look it up! Didn't know what pro se litigant was. It is "oneself" represented as the litigant/party & no lawyer involved. I was excited to see that someone was getting around the Corporate/Administrative Legal System and finally using Common Law (civil), but a part of the Criminal Code in Canada. This is a twist. I sent this petition link to Stand4Thee.com in Ontario. This is beautiful as it bypasses ALL the administrations of government to force/coerce them into doing the right thing & publishes the reasoning(s), thereby can never again state: "I know nothing" Schultz (tv show).

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But there are no longer COMMON LAW COURTS in America and I would like to see how they can be compelled to do anything in a common law action , and they despise , pro se and pro per litigants , dont expect fair play or honorable behavior here . From my experience.

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That’s why some are encouraging people to involve their local Sheriff department. They work with the constitutionality of a situation. So if you show, for instance, that the Covid “ bioweapons”, is involved in biological warfare by our own government, the Sheriff department would have to look at the evidence & possibly remove the vials or weapons, from their county. Katherine Watt put a legal firm together, I believe, to achieve this. ( Sasha Latypova?) I know Sasha & others went to Idaho & removed Covid fake shots from one county, by speaking to council members. It has to be done at a local level.

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Yes , BUT we have tried here in Wash. State that is not really a state, have not seen ANY sheriffs willing to tackle that or even things less serious , it would appear they to have become corrupted politicians , if you know of any in this state who have really shown , or even spoken the truth about this , please show me who they are . They operate on the constitutionality of the 1871 corporate replacement one, not the ORIGINAL , do you know and understand the difference , ask them if they do? Find any elected official of your choice , in public, ask them if they do and have the info at your command to show the difference. SK

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"The Code is complementary to the Common Law, which remains in force, except where displaced by the code." UCC 1-103.6. https://famguardian.org/Publications/WakeUpAmerica/wua13.htm

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But isnt that typical DOUBLE TALK of which the system uses to confound everyone and is misused, and manipulated by the professionals, There are no common law courts in America , have you ever tried using any of that in their courts, I have it never works , I have had judges throw my paper work at me and say" We dont pay any attention to any of this , and we dont have to, and threaten me with contempt of court for even doing so , even when I had them clearly in default. Their B.A.R member attorneys [British accredited registry ] laugh at you and sneer and say , your a fool we dont use any of that or even anything relating to the ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION now they go by the 1871 corporate replacement. Which means ANYTHING STATUTORY corrupted legislators pass is what they will use to destroy us .

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Yes, I have used this in court and have been absolved.

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Completely agree! Try Stand4Thee.com and look for the "Canadian Bill of Rights 1960 versus The Constitution Act 1982," which has to be "invoked" to be used. One cannot use both. To use one is to nullify the other. Jane Scharf, Paralegal at Stand4Thee.com has a nice write-up expressing the pros-cons of both. Paralegals are not allowed to function at the higher courts and lawyers are not taught Common Law, accept to avoid it. A Charter of Privileges is where the money is. It is where the learned skills are used. This is why one needs to take direction, as the judge will & one's opponent will attempt to get you to say the wrong thing or to take a bribe under threat to go to prison, etc. One is also not able to be represented by a lawyer in court. We used to have a right to a jury. Perhaps that is at a higher level. One can obtain legal advice out-of-court. Dr. Joseph Sansone's pro se litigant mandamus sure sounds like a common law action demanding an action to correct a failure to act when it is clearly justified. The key is correct the behaviour and not the person. You need to understand Common Law purpose, is to bring order out of disorder, to bring peace out of disharmony, and to do so out of love for one's community/humanity. Legalism fails because it is pure conflict theory. I once read that China used Legalism in its history and each time it failed. Common Law is a written code of expected behaviours, done appropriately its predecessor is before written laws. My Prof. at MLK Jr. U in Winston-Salem (sociology/concentration social work) gave me a D because I refused to analyze something using Conflict Theory. It always ends with "last man standing". https://www.canlii.org/en/ca/laws/stat/sc-1960-c-44/latest/sc-1960-c-44.html

Perhaps, now that we are the N. American Region + Pan-American Region means to make us one (PAHO) by flooding us into a babble of tongues. I wouldn't mind using your U.S. Constitution and nothing personal, but your Constitutional Fathers were stuck with people as property & tried to get around it. I'll let you replace your US Bill of Rights. There weren't slaves in 1960 so we were able to write of property ownership openly and not replace it with pursuit of happiness. The key is the Statutory Instruments Act.

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Yes there were slaves in 1960 everyone white or black was turned into a federal citizens/subject /slave status by the 14th Amendment in America after second civil war of 1861 by a legal razzle dazzle known as novation research it . There were no US/ federal citizens in America before the war . They were sovereign citizens of sovereign States . When African slaves were "freed" after the war the ownership in a sense was just transferred to the Federal power, which now rose far above the former states. The emergency status of Civil War has never been repealed, and Lincoln suspended the "original'organic Constitution. 1871 replacement constitution was a corporate fraud , still is .

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Thank you those that liked this tell everyone the truth about all this . Virtually no selected officials have a proper oath on record. WE ARE NOT A NATION OF LAWS, we are a nation ruled by men and women who now have decide to ELIMINATE OR ENSLAVE ALL.

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Take a GOOD LOOK AT THIS and what they have done , its either this or get the guns out and mean it


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I think I hear angels singing.. AHHHH!! 🎶🎶😇

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Yes! I need to apologize for being a free-loader, but I too need to eat! I am sharing, though. Have you been to preventgenocide2030.org (Canadian & American) need some help to lop off the head of the snake or to Defund & Exit - the great satan, i.e. United Nations & ALL its subsidiaries. Have you followed the timeline for the subsidiaries? I just followed Codex Alimentarius history timeline, because I was inquiring into it back in the late 90's (1st computer). Started up in 1903 with Milk Standards/Security/Control-Over. Then a big blank in the timeline (WWI, Great Depression, WWII. 1945 UN is back. Then (1948) WHO is back. The timeline gets progressively worse after that. The PM Canada just gave away 20% of land he does NOT have authority-over. One can't make a nation, a post nation, while it is still in pre-nation status. The Premiers are heads of their Province. We have The British North America Act 1867, granted to Upper & Lower Canada. Upper being Ontario and Lower being Quebec plus an assemblage of legal cases since then. 1960 codified Canadian Bill of Rights, Federal Level, Criminal Code, which takes precedence over any Act of Parliament that is in adversity to/in conflict with The Canadian Bill of Rights. (UN-DRIP) United Nations Declaration Rights of Indigenous Peoples). Well! I declare too! Notice none of the important words are ever defined by: Defund & Exit UN & ALL its subsidiaries. => preventgenocide2030.org

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Just be careful and lop off all the heads of this snake. Otherwise, ten will grow back where one was removed.

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Nice reply Sharolyn. Canadian province offices of the World Health Organization are located in Washington DC. >>> Canada

Address: 525 Twenty-Third St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 USA

Tel.: +1 (202) 974-3000

Fax: +1 (202) 974-3663

Country Office Website: www.paho.org/can

United States of America

Address: 525 Twenty-Third St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 USA

Tel.: +1 (202) 974-3000

Fax: +1 (202) 974-3663

Country Office Website: www.paho.org/us

The WHO is backing the entire fiasco in Canada. This should be a well known situation...

Here are two examples of Lawful Civil notice >>> Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly >>> NOTICE OF LIABILITY >>> Filed certified mail: 9/12/2023 >>> https://orsja.org/2023/09/13/notice-of-liability/

Cease & Desist Order and Claim of Conusance by this Civilian Court of Record >>> Notice to:

Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Dept of Human Services (OHS), Children's Protective Services (CPS), et alia Oregon Supreme Court. including Civil & Municipal Courts on Oregon, Law Enforcement Officers on Oregon >>> Filed certified mail 10/12/2023 >>> https://orsjaorg.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/10062023-osja-cease-desist-cofc-ohadhscps-et-al-1.pdf

The texts can be utilized as templates in any jurisdiction. Than you for posting comment.

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Can anyone file this?

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Like many other 'legal' processes in the United States, filing Writ of Mandamus has been confounded by Statute law in different States and jurisdictions. There are numerous links explaining Mandamus process, but here's the simplest page to access: > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandamus Refer to section under "Legal requirements"

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Take a good look at this , its either this or get the guns out and mean it


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Yes glad you informed everyone BUT where is the compelling force in a completely weaponized and corrupted system , see my comment above about what was done in Wash State that is not really a state . Ill bet their attorneys and risk management tell them to ignore this THEN what is the next step?

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Well. This is GREAT NEWS

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Thank You Joe. Mandamus- who knew we would be learning so much about science and law in the last few years, eh?

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Agree and did anyone ever figure that We would learn just how Crooked and Murderous our Politicians would be !!!!

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Only a mater of time.

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Yes I did , and the saddest part is they told everyone exactly what they would do long ago NO ONE DID ANYTHING, they are banking we still wont , or are not empowered to do so . The FORMAL plan for all these global totalitarian agendas was launched in 1773 , BEFORE we were even a pseudo independent country , and they fact that we still are not is why its all still happening.

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Dr David Martin told how the globalist wrote laws that would prevent any prosecution of any crimes that they planned this goes back years

But that does not make them invincible it is up to the people to resist in HUGE numbers

If you take any ONE of these crooks out by themselves they would be shaking a pooping in their boots/ pants

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Of course they did , and since it all has military development and support how will you do that? So start taking the crooks out one at a time , why are the ex military people who know and law enforcement who know , anyone wanting to protect their doing this ? So did Trump by singing E.O. and emergency status putting everything under FEMA and military control so civil courts have no jurisdiction. I think Dr Martin too is controlled opposition just next level down. You will never see him talking about 5G and EMF is the real weaponized system , or the military/DARPA origin.

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God Bless you Doctor Sansone!

It is really sad that others don't understand this urgency.

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Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD, is the State Surgeon General of Florida. He should have banned the jab a long time ago, if he has the power.

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I briefed him on the fact that we warned ahead of any emergency use authorization that these injections would injure & kill.

I showed him how distressingly consistent with those warnings the outturn was.

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Yes, you kind of briefed the world too.....

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Take a good look at this , this is more likely the way to go , if this doesnt work get out the guns and mean it


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The Florida Supreme Court has concurrent jurisdiction with circuit and appellate courts over Writ of Quo Warrento and Writs of Mandamus per Florida Constitution.

Not sure what they expect the military to do? If you think this is a path toward success go for it. I support exploring all paths to achieve victory. Assymetrical warfare requires assymetrical resistance.

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Yes indeed assymetrical warfare does require the same , well if we had sheriffs with any courage , who were not as bought off and corrupted as courts we would not have to be in the this situation, so I assume they think they can show treason and mass murder or genocide , and perhaps get military tribunals , or having shown evidence not rebutted of crimes committed, then these people can be removed from positions of collusion, held financially responsible personally, and maybe a real citizens grand jury can prosecute . But can anyone show we are still operating under any Constitutions. COG regulations passed long ago put FEMA and Military in full control in any emergency and give them full dictatorial/police powers. I would say we have actually been under such emergency non Constitutional situation since civil war of 1861 , and certainly everything done since 911 /Patriot ACT /HOMELAND SECURITY ACT ect ect. DHSH is supre National world Government. Please keep me posted on how your efforts go. Everyone is looking for some compelling force to stop this , when in reality its only mass rebellion and violence that will . Everyone is just afraid to say it, or start it ,but will be forced into it anyway, We are already really in civil war. If all WHO plandemic treaty and health agreements already agreed to by most all nations [under that Marburg pandemic stuff] then there are NO GOVERNMENTS OR STATES anyway , so Constitutions would be meaningless. Show me any Governor of any state that is currently NOT WEF appointed or in WEF controlled Governors association. And since 85 % of all economic activity on the planet is BLACKROCK/VANGUARD/ STATE STREET , owned and controlled including all corporations which all governmental bodies are , then you know who is owning and controlling everything for the Black Nobility Families in the shadows.

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Is there a respond by date or did I miss it? Thank you. Praying!!

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Briefing a captured individual, may not produce the results one would expect. Bribery and blackmail motivate things away from common sense.

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Agreed & understood, which I previously lacked.

Sometimes, I have a sense that, as I provide my explanation of what’s happened, a captured individual is, for the first time, really beginning to understand what they’ve signed up for!

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I have no ideas, beyond what I’ve sought to do for almost four years now: warn as many people as possible that we have been under coordinated, planned attacks, orchestrated by supranational forces & that this is far from the first massed deception that the authorities have used.

I think all important institutions have been captured (as a logical precondition of launching this assault upon humanity).

So the preparing to resist and the work of gentle, persistent persuasion both fall to each of us.

God bless us all & all of our efforts.

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🙏🙏🙏 ☝🏻

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Mass non-compliance is the only way. Their success is dependent upon our cooperation, which appears to be easily gotten through fear-mongering. It’s a big game of chicken; don’t lose.

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Yes! I have been following you since 2020. Bless you for hanging in. Do not despair. You are being heard from the beginning.

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It appears that the people in governments are compromised and threatened

This time in history we all have to be prepared to be martyrs

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Well, I’m not sure of how to describe it. Implacable disobedience is good.

There isn’t an option where it’s expected that deeply unpleasant things will happen to each of us.

Going along with the lies will see your freedom to do exactly what you’re told. Ha ha. And jabbed.

Opposing it will see you essentially excluded.

I plan to exit as an analogue person.

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He doesn’t have the power to ban the sale of it, he does have the power to recommend against it - which he did - to his credit. Now Gov DeSantis needs to act on that…which he could have done any time after Ladapo issues his guidance….but he hasn’t…that should tell you something about where his loyalties lie.

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Well DeSantis could have banned them a long time ago. They do meet the legal criteria for biological weapons. He needs to enforce that law.

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I thought the DOD had made the content of the vials “ illegal” to examine? Will that be a factor in proving it’s a poison? They seemed to legislate immunity shields in every step. The Prep Act & the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.

Under the Injury Act it reads:

Provides that no vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death: (1) resulting from unavoidable side effects; or (2) solely due to the manufacturer's failure to provide direct warnings. Provides that a manufacturer may be held liable where: (1) such manufacturer engaged in the fraudulent or intentional withholding of information; or (2) such manufacturer failed to exercise due care. Permits punitive damages in such civil actions under certain circumstances.

It also goes on to state what the Secretary’s duties are with this “ Act”, and says if they are negligent with these duties:

Part D: General Provisions - Allows any person to commence a civil action against the Secretary where the Secretary allegedly has failed to perform a duty under this Act. Provides for judicial review of the Secretary's regulatory actions in a court of appeals of the United States.

Thank you for stepping into the fire to protect innocent lives. Your courage is admirable & will allow more & more to follow your lead. Prayers & support will shield you from harm & give you strength. GO GET ‘EM! Let’s stop these shots!

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The Florida Constitution and the U.S. Constitution are the supreme law of the land.

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Sorry not really true anymore in real function , the 1871 constitution we are now under is a corporate one , a replacement , we are under emergency declaration powers , FEMA and Military. Constitutions dont apply anymore . If all the WHO plandemic and health regulations pass , there are NO LONGER even any sovereign nations or states, so constitutions are meaningless. World totalitarian government does not honor constitutions or human rights at all. All those who took the deaths shots are not longer even considered human or have any rights .

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There is no 'emergency powers' clause of the constitution that I am aware of. I understand the WHO regulations threat. I think treaties regulate inernational relations, not domestic policies. Certainly any treaty in conflict with the Bill of Rights is null and void. Treaties can't be a cover for treason.

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Easier if you go to SashaLatypova.substack.com to better understand the injections do NOT fall under any form of Regulated Injections. These shots were a DOD-EUA Countermeasures Pathway & "Non-Investigational" EUA Pathway. We keep mixing them up with "Expanded Use" EUA, which are "Investigational Use" Pathway. (PHE)or potential for (PHE) national versus WHO (PHEIC) or its potential for same. rumble.com/drjaneruby (also substack) I copied the following rule-changing to quell the conflicting laws: 42 USC 247d [power in HHS] secretary during National PHE or potential for same AND 2005 WHO-IHR - Amendments 300+ ditto 21 USC 360bbb-3: Authorizes HHS to coerce administration & the nation's public submission to said EUA (Emergency Use Authorized). It will be WHO-IHR-ditto for PHEIC. Sasha Latypova explains all this in x2 interviews with Dr. Jane Ruby The interview and then the after talk. Also in discussion with Catherine Watt (substack is Bailiwick News) at Forbidden KnowledgeTV. Key is that the order is a x2 step DOD notification/HHS falls under DOD directive. Vaccines considered a prototype for demonstration purposes - fake! Didn't an Inspection worker lose her case. ..... Jackson?-Pfizer?

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No go watch everything from Sabrina Wallace most on Odessey Sasha is not telling the truth or whole story

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Thank you once again Sharolyn. Your analyses are quite correct. Best regards.

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Here is how you do it , email me , Im near you will be speaking there again soon


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Think if it was his children has he had any.

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See my reply above on DeSantis research his membership in about every evil secret society.

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Can u send me some stuff on that? Palmervilagi@hotmail.com

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I suspect it is only theatre. So people just sit back and wait, rather than act to make a difference.

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I say he is really just second level controlled opposition De Santis as well , Trump as well good luck

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You clearly have the moral high ground, Joseph. God bless you for all your efforts on behalf of humanity. Here is a message for all rulers:

"Your rulers are rebels and companions of thieves; Everyone loves a bribe and chases after rewards.

They do not defend the orphan, nor does the widow’s plea come before them", (Isaiah 1:23).

"Woe to those who enact evil statutes and to those who constantly record unjust decisions",

(Isaiah 10.1).

“Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them", (Ephesians 5:11).

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Covid is a banking agenda enforced by the DoD.

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Long ago captured: threatened by “compromat” & incentivised with stolen money other rewards.

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The DOD created the bioweapon Vaxx.

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Did china make them I heard they give ingredients

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Where the DOD ends and the CCP begins is more and more difficult to see. The Thousand Talons program is in full effect.

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Now lets hope they follow thru and ban the bioweapon injections.

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In my prayers, Dr Sansone . Thank you for fighting for humanity. God bless & protect you.

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Thank you Dr. Sansone. And thanks to Dr. Ana Mihalcea for reposting this.

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Keep pushing....all of us on all of this.

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Way to go Joe!!! I love the determination to get rid of this once and for all! It is pure evil and has maimed and killed millions but I guess that was their point.

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It’s just the same culprit as we see in Genesis 6. They , fallen angels mating with humans.. creating giants. We are dealing with the same demons.. but instead of giants they are out to create transhumans ! Keep fighting !! God sends us warriors! We are the digital soldiers! SHARE! Share! SHARE!!! God speed ! ✌🏼❤️

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What about all the other states? Hopefully this will become Federal law as well.

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I just realized it passed last month in TX -- no private workplace mandates!! "Effective February 6, 2024, Texas law prohibits private employers from adopting or enforcing COVID-19 vaccination mandates. There is a carve-out exception for healthcare facilities, healthcare providers, and physicians, allowing for policies that require non-vaccinated employees to use protective medical equipment."

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I'd like to do something like this in Montreal, QC, Canada. I think I have a number of options, but the enormity of it is intimidating, and it's not something I want to screw up.

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I back states rights, because in my mind states rights more accurately reflect the will of the indigenous inhabitants of America - those inhabitants who indeed molded this country into the great country that it is!

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