What does Dr. Boyle think about citizen initiated grand juries?

Six U.S. States have laws allowing Citizen Grand Juries to be formed by groups of citizens: Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota and Oklahoma.

No doubt there are many Frankenshot victims in those states. Murder charges should be brought by Citizen Grand Juries in those states. Even if the ultimate verdict is innocent, the discovery process will uncover essential truth. Also many such cases should be brought, one for each murder. The only way to stop the tyranny is to start at the local level. The Federal government is hopelessly or nearly hopelessly corrupt.


Citizen Grand Juries

The only way to stop the tyranny is to begin at the local level


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I don't know.

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It's time for friends and relatives of the dead and concerned citizens to collect signatures to form these juries. They should proceed peacefully but with courage and determination and bring cell phones and be ready to record any interference they face.

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What is odd? I did not say that I don't like it. I replied and said I don't know. Never asked him about it. He is very busy. He still teaches. I was fortunate to get the affidavit.

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Why don't you click the "like" button on it, then? You don't like it?

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You mean the one I replied to or the one I commented on? I don't read comments in real time. I do try to comment and like them, but I don't actually click 'like' on every comment I like, although I do try to. I am not up to speed on the county grand jury issue as I should be. I do get people mentioning it to me a lot, but I just don't have time to investigate a lot of things that get thrown my way. But I did not dislike your comment.

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Everybody likes dopamine hits--)

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ORSJA.ORG has formed 8 Grand Juries on Oregon in the last 3 years. Each is signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed and with proof of service published at www.orsja.org. From the True Bills to our Article III one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction in our Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record's jury verdict has no appeal in fact. There has been seven (7) trials with verdicts all published as above. Facts. ARTICLE 1 Section1 social compact Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly aka the provisional government on Oregon.

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Hello again ronvrooman: Sure wish more out of State persons would refer to this civil Action in Oregon. Options to establishing Grand Juries are well described by the 2ND Amendment... This page is germane: https://orsja.org/2023/11/04/this-is-a-2nd-amendment-recruitment-video-for-men-and-women-to-assemble-into-a-well-regulated-militia-on-oregon/

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Chemical weapons, there’s no biology not at all, just bad Chemistry

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i think the rna prints of a bunch of ecoli though so both but good point

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As I recall from earlier posts from Dr. Boyle, he is very much in favor of just such actions--citizen derived grand juries.

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I see

World-Renowned Expert: Covid Shots Are ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’

Dr. Francis Boyle is a Harvard-educated law professor who drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act.


but still would appreciate evidence that he is in favor of Citizen Grand Juries

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Why the big deal about what FB thinks?

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True that if people make them work then even experts have to agree they're a good idea.

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Jun 13
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Grateful Warrior, the FB they are referring to is Francis Boyle, not facebook

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evidence would be much appreciated

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About time this 'Extinction Level Event' is confronting the Judicial Branch. The evidence is damning.

Since they're NOT immediately removing and destroying these BioElectroChemicalNanoWeapon Injections from the Earth, it's very clear they plan to continue to seek to perfect their weapons of Mass Genocide, Sterilization, Disability and Cyber-Digital Slavery.


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Where I live there are new billboards going up encouraging everyone to mask up again and go get the latest and greatest booster. I kid you not. Saw it two days ago. None of this stops until they start going to jail.

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Ironic that the present and past CDC directors have taken it on PERSONALLY to get out there with their pleasant young middle age mom smiles and nice tans to say

Safe and Effective

Ironic because in another time they might be accused of endorsing Mengele Medicine

Times change don't they?

What used to be evil now is Safe & Effective. Depends on the messenger

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Don't know where you live; but do know you're correct about PUNISHMENT BEING NECESSARY TO END THIS.

Don't believe Imprisonment to be nearly enough accountability. Mass Murderers deliberatly attacking people to cause harm deserve 'The Death Penalty'. THAT WILL END THE EVIL AS LUCIFER/SATAN IS ONLY THREATENED WHEN IT'S WITH RETURN TO HELL WITH THE HUMAN SOULS CHOOSING TO HOST IT.

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You think their bloodlines should be allowed to survive? How compassionate of you....they certainly don't think that ours should be: that's why they want to vaxx all the children!!!!

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'The Death Penalty'

sound as though their bloodlines should survive.

If not murder us and our children;

it's CYBER-DIGITAL SLAVERY their poisons mutilate our DNA;

bodies, minds and hearts to provide themselves.

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What state is this happening in?

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Virginia (Norfolk, Ingleside Road and Virginia Beach Blvd)

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I'm thinking the judicial branch is in on it so not holding my breathe for any salvation from them. They've already been bought/threatened off and judiciously selected (pun intended) to go along to get along and make sure the farce and the show trials continue without posing a threat to the agenda

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Agree completely.

Too many unconstitutional decisions around the Territory as well as U.S. Corporation located in the Sewer of D.C.; not to mention unconstitutional activism now granted power of one small location/town to influence all Territory necessitating the Supreme Court's activation into a legislative body.

Many don't understand 'The Prep Act' to have NULLIFIED THE U.S. CONSTITUTION allowing this 'MEDICAL ANARCHY' following the 'MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW' camouflaged as 'LOCKDOWNS' towards complete and permanent Coup resulting from the Unrestricted Warfare enacted since 1954 as per The Bilderberg Papers found in an old copying machine in 1989 and verified as accurate.

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Doesn't any law violating the principles of rights-protective law enshrined in the pre-existing US (and Canadian, and however many others) Constitution/Bill of Rights automatically become void of force or power?

Constitutions and Bills of Rights. etc. are to eternally form the basis and determine the direction of law, not to be 'over-ridden' by the attempts of any criminals gaining public office to circumvent them in order to impose illegal abuses.

That being why restrictions on the powers of government largely figured in the US Constitution, was it not?

There are NO excuses for human rights abuses, as was determined in the 'novel' case of Nuremberg, pathetic as it was, being a mere token, while top Nazi's were rescued to be brought into US government and industry ,as well as smuggled into other countries.

There's been a lot of 'psuedo-law' passed over the years, in setting up to influence public and judicial perceptions, and perhaps a Constitutional Court is required?

Constitutional violations cannot be permitted to stand, bolstered by bad and UNconstitutional psuedo law, merely because of past bad judgements based on judicial ignorance, corruption or bogglement.

When the law has been made 'an ass, an idiot', the law needs weeding-out of the seeds of disaster planted in the gardens of Justice.

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Reasoning is founded in logic and fact.

The current UNJUSTICE is not founded in logic or fact; merely the dreams of psychopaths dreaming of the return of a 'Target-Rich Environment' and Absolute Power to create suffering and misery for other people as they find joy in it; if not orgasmic satisfaction.

You're 'On-Target'; but evil doesn't have laws, boundaries and discipline for itself...Does it? That's the reason 'The People' must gather up the hoes and shovels; put-on some gloves and get busy weeding. It's going to cost blood, limb and life as JUSTICE always does enact that terrible wage; but it's the only way.

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Exactly! But since the perps are evidently going to anyway kill off all natural life - whether intended or not, although Harai and his ilk seem fine with that, and the ongoing and increasing destruction certainly aims at that goal - and to leave us all with literally nothing en route to extinction, we have nothing to lose by pacifically fighting back, in whatever manner is feasible for each.

Even if some of us are limited to comments and petition-signing...

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There is no error in their timing...

In the 90's; even though Rockefeller had already destroyed education compared to the Classical Education of Europe; he claimed, 'People still know how to read too well and that means they still know how to think. We must drive a wedge into Society to remove the drive to think."

Here we are 30 years later after he began to drive that wedge...With the thoughtless, shallow and STUPID they're using to creat another Mao Youth raising hell and destroying U.S. Patriotism and Christian Tradition further before their MURDEROUS SPREE BEGINS with much ofthe Foreign Insurgents used in the WOKE Military willing to murder United States Natural Territory citizens if not through Conventional War; through starvation.

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The former United States of America has been overthrown by a corporate sponsored coup d’état. This should be obvious by now. >>> Definition: Quo warranto >>>

Quo warranto is Latin for "by what warrant” (or authority). A writ of quo warranto is a common law remedy which is used to challenge a person's right to hold a public or corporate office. A state may also use a quo warranto action to revoke a corporation's charter. When bringing a petition for writ of quo warranto, individual members of the public have standing as citizens and taxpayers. >>> Complete text: https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/quo_warranto

Excerpted from: Quo warranto - Wikipedia

"In the United States: Quo warranto could be brought against a corporation when it misuses its franchise. In 1890, the Supreme Court of Ohio wrote: “The corporation has received vitality from the state. It continues during its existence to be the creature of the state, must live subservient to its laws, and has such powers and franchises as those laws have bestowed upon it, and none others. As the state was not bound to create it in the first place, it is not bound to maintain it after having done so, if it violates the laws or public policy of the state, or misuses its franchises to oppress the citizens thereof.” [End quote] >>> Refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quo_warranto

Our freedoms will become effective, when we become effective...

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Congratulations on this, Dr. Sansone! Extremely important affidavit. This appeal should be a slam dunk in a fair system. I do wonder, how many of these judges will be bribed, blackmailed or threatened? We will find out soon.

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Dr. Boyle USED TO BE considered an expert on biological weapons. Now that he has taken a stance against the “safe and effective” crowd MSM will portray him as an incompetent quack and try and discredit him in every way possible. They have to, because if it can be proven that the magic sauce is actually a bioweapon, they are all criminally complicit to manslaughter. Oops. They will also be subject to civil suits for all the harms and deaths. They’ll lie their fannies off to avoid that.

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February 2020 Dr. Boyle confirmed my suspicions that covid was a bioweapon.

He later warned that the shots were also bioweapons.

What the hell is wrong with DeSantis? Did he lose his backbone?

Or does he depend on $$$ from Big pHarma?

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Very good and very convincing? Is dr de Santis expecting a call from Trump before taking the jab stand or what? I cannot se any other reason why he should wait like this to order the injections of the shelves in Florida. Here in Sweden at the ER one is still offered a jab appointment as the most natural thing....

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Anybody jabbing another with those horrid BioElectoChemicalNanoWeapon Injections is a murderer as they most certainly now know what they are...And, anybody refusing to remove and destroy all while dismantling the whole Medical Complex committing Mass Murder/Genocide, Disability, Sterilization and Cyber-Digital Slavery is a Mass Murderer.

All associated with this whole scheme from planning to poisoning the world's population through all mediums; Injections, Geo-Engineering, Tainting the Food and Water...ALL ARE MURDERERS. HIGH TIME WE TELL THESE PEOPLE THIS DIRECTLY AND POINT BLANK when face-to-face and watch the eyes to view the response.

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More people need to wake up and realize who the enemy is.

20% of the people can think.

30% can think when shown.

50% would rather die than think.

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+100 likes. Couldn't agree more.

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Wow. So glad people are finally speaking out. May justice be done.

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He has been speaking out from the beginning. Getting his affidavit helps.

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I understand now that Chronic Lyme Disease is also a biological weapon created

by the government in Lyme, CT.

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Read what the Drs.Bailey have to say about Lyme disease. I won't spoil your fun by discussing it but I guarantee you'll come away a different person when you do.

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Thanks, Michael. I looked, didn’t have time to do a search. Can you send a link,

Or name their website? Thank you.

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She's one of those "no virus can be proven to exist" people.

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Hi JC,

Can you please explain your statement?? Thank you!

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There is a contingent - very active on substack - who believe that there is no proof of viruses. While their point that much illness is caused by EMF & environmental toxins is quite valid, I find it difficult to prove a negative. Personally still in the "looks like a virus" camp, though boosting immunity is an awesome thing to do. Still, interesting listening and reading, and you can still learn a lot about health & conspiracy from these people.

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Thank you, J.C. Now I will tell you my story.

I was bit twice by ticks over 30 years ago. Both times I saw my dr.

and was treated and felt better.

3 to 4 years ago, I developed such a severe fatigue. Nothing worked. My Dr. said she wanted to test me for Lyme Disease.

I had very extensive blood tests and received a 12 page report

that showed that I have Chronic Lyme. Unfortunately, nothing

helped. . . .and then I learned that Lyme was created by the U.S.

Government as a bio-weapon.

Chronic Lyme is unpredictable. One day you might have energy,

But the next day, you cannot get out of bed. Since this started, I have

met a number of people with Chronic Lyme, and they all say the same

thing about it.

I am sure some will come on and attack me, since they do not want

to hear the truth. But I live with this and have medical verification.

Thank you for your comments, JC.

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They need too meet there quota. So they will now use recently Moderna mrna bird flu bioweopens vaccines. And like Tedros stated we have too get aggressive with the unvaccinated.

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Thank you, this is a very important document with great bearing on the future!

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Great news that Francis Boyle is onboard! He is the man who drove the process in Kuala Lumpur back in 2013 to convict Bush & Co of war crimes. Hopefully DeSantis will see the error of his ways. Thanks Dr. Joe for your perseverance!

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Yes he supported the original ban the jab resolution and publicly endorsed it in April of last year when I was in the hospital. endorsed the ban the jab

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2021 ICC Case:

New evidence, including a sworn affidavit from Prof. Luc A. Montagnier, has been submitted to the International Criminal Court alleging World Governments are complicit in genocide and crimes against humanity.


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Respectfully, Luc Montagnier is deceased https://www.pasteur.fr/en/press-area/press-documents/death-professor-luc-montagnier-february-8-2022

There is no rule of law b/c the planet is under military martial rule hence our laws are silent

Maxim of Law: Laws are silent amidst arms.

The ICC has no police force nor enforcement body. It relies on cooperation with countries worldwide for support, particularly for making arrests, transferring arrested persons to the ICC detention center in The Hague, freezing suspect’s assets, and enforcing sentences. https://www.icc-cpi.int/about/how-the-court-works

Went nowhere: https://www.sott.net/article/462311-Whistleblower-activists-file-complaint-with-International-Criminal-Court-alleging-Big-Pharma-Gates-Fauci-UK-officials-committed-crimes-against-humanity

Went nowhere: ICC COMPLAINT FILED AGAINST TEDROS ADHANOM [2020] goes nowhere

David Steinmann, an American economist nominated for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize, filed a complaint against Tedros at the International Criminal Court in The Hague in late 2020. He accused Tedros of genocide in Ethiopia because Tedros was one of three key decision-makers for “ethnic cleansing.” Tedros was thus responsible for countless detentions, torture, and killings of Amharas, Konsos, Oromos, and of Somali tribes. https://moneybloodandconscience.com/press-release/ [censored]

May 2022, Tedros re-elected to the WHO for another 5 years. https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/tedros-re-elected-head-world-health-organization-2022-05-24/

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Below is the organizational chart of the One World Government under the "Rules Based Order".

There is no accountability structure shown and the "masters of the universe" driving this enslavement are hiding behind the scenes and the ICC is their tool - actually, Biden even said that the ICC was for Africans only and Israel is off the hook!


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Yes. I've posted the article and chart by Iain Davis many times. The article is a tour de force. Persons in Substack pages need to acknowledge and share this article. Thanks for posting.

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Thanks for sharing. God bless.

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Feb 2020 Bioweapons Expert Dr. Francis Boyle On Coronavirus https://greatgameindia.com/transcript-bioweapons-expert-dr-francis-boyle-on-coronavirus/

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Yes Dr. Boyle has been out front on this. I find amazing that people are attacking him without any knowledge of who he is or what he has been doing.

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Congrats...The outcome of all research and work for the duration of time since 2019 is damning and it's high time the Judical Branch of Govt. puts a Kabosh on these poisons threatening an 'Extinction Level Event' of all organic life on Earth.

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Joe Sansone....afterburners are on and turned to high!

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I feel like Forest Gump without the sneakers...lol

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Thank you for providing the information I need to convince a few more "vaccine" enthusiasts that they are going the wrong way.

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